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Where and when did you go? We went today in Seattle.


What was the highlight of the trip? Seeing the 17 foot statue of King Tut himself was spectacular! My family especially liked the mummy itself. Ds got a picture of himself with it.


What was the lowpoint of the trip? Parking! The pay machine at the entrance was terrible. It took us and the people in front of us, a long time to figure out how to get the stupid thing to work. Then, even though I had left plenty of time to park and get there on time, we had to sprint up hill to the Science Center. I got there out of breath and dripping with sweat.


Did you get any souvenirs? I got dd a blank notebook with a King Tut hologram on the front. Ds got a deck of King Tut playing cards. He was disappointed that other than a picture of King Tut on the back, the cards were ordinary playing cards.


How did you prepare for the trip? We listened and danced to Steve Martin's "King Tut" and the Bangle's "Walk like an Egyptian". Oh - and I guess we did study Ancients this years so we read "The Golden Goblet" and did lots of Egyptian activities like the infamous chicken mummy. I have to confess that I am a bad homeschool mummy and ended up throwing the thing out before it was properly mummified.

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Well, not sure I can answer the same way. I saw it in Egypt many years ago. :D


I know that we aren't the only homeschool family who has seen the King Tut exhibit on tour.


Where and when did you go?


What was the highlight of the trip?


What was the lowpoint of the trip?


Did you get any souvenirs?


How did you prepare for the trip?

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Where and when did you go? Today in Seattle


What was the highlight of the trip? The mummy itself and all the jewelry


What was the lowpoint of the trip? My 5yo bugging me through the whole thing. He kept rushing and wanting to look at everything at once. I wish I had more time to really look at everything.


Did you get any souvenirs? 2 postcards. I didn't want to drop a lot of cash


How did you prepare for the trip?We didn't do anything to prepare. We studied Ancients a few years ago and that was it.

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We went in December in Houston.


Highlight - listening to dd 7 Tell grandma and grandpa all about King Tut and Egyptian mythology as we went through the exhibit. She is somewhat of a miniature expert on the subject?


Can't think of a low point for me but dd was disappointed that the mummy was a reproduction. We went on a day school was in so it wasn't very crowded other than a few school field trips. Dd and my parents commented that the field trip kids didn't seem to be paying much attention to the exhibit.


Souvenirs - a archeology dig toy thing where dd had to scrape away the dirt to find a mummy. She worked on it daily for months until she found it! She also got a ruler/stencil with hieroglyphs on it and a few mini books.


The only thing we really did to prepare was our regular history studies. We were already done with sotw year 1 when we went. I love the music ideas. We didn't think about doing those songs but dd will love them so we'll have to YouTube them! I am a bad homeschool mom too because we skipped the chicken mummy. We just read lots of books about mummies:lol:

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Well, in my mind, it wasn't just about Tut, in fact, he wasn't the highlight of the trip at all. He was ok, but seeing the Sphinx and climbing the pyramids were what I remember most about the trip. I don't remember souvenirs but I am sure I got something. I have pictures!


You can't climb the inside of the pyramids anymore. I remember it was so tight fitting and dark, but an incredible experience.




I don't see why you can't answer most, if not all, of the questions! I'm jealous though. That must have been a great experience.
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Ok - for souvenirs, when it was in our city they had a machine that would print out your name in hieroglyphics for a dollar. Both kids thought that was really cool and it was cheap. I ended up buying a bunch of my daughter's birthday presents at the exhibit store last year because she loved it so much.

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Well, in my mind, it wasn't just about Tut, in fact, he wasn't the highlight of the trip at all. He was ok, but seeing the Sphinx and climbing the pyramids were what I remember most about the trip. I don't remember souvenirs but I am sure I got something. I have pictures!


You can't climb the inside of the pyramids anymore. I remember it was so tight fitting and dark, but an incredible experience.




How long ago did you do this, Dawn? Did your kids get to go? Or do they have to settle for your pictures? ;)

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Oh no, this was before they were BORN! :D I wish I had the financial resources to just take them all over the world. I really do.


How long ago did you do this, Dawn? Did your kids get to go? Or do they have to settle for your pictures? ;)
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We saw the King Tut exhibit a couple of years ago when it was in town.


What I remember most -- the gold sandals & toe covers taken off of Tut's mummy & put on display. The intimate-ness of that really creeped/freaked me out -- like it was something so personal that we were never supposed to see (just the priests preparing the body, kwim?). I still have an unsettled feeling about it, even now.


In prep for seeing the exhibit, we read many books, including The Curse of the Pharaohs by Zahi Hawass. It was really cool because one of the photos in the book showed some pieces he found & we then saw those exact pieces in the exhibit. (It was a set of statues of a man shown at various ages/stages of his life. The fact that the guy had various statues made was highly unusual.)

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Where and when did you go? I believe it was two years ago that we saw the exhibit at the Indianapolis Children's Museum. We also saw one at the Field Museum in Chicago in 2005 or 2006. My boys were pretty young then!


What was the highlight of the trip? The very tall statue at the end of the exhibit. It gave me a perspective of how big and overwhelming the temples, tombs, pyramids, statues, etc. were. We also saw a planetarium show about the Ancient Egyptians on the same visit, so interesting!


What was the lowpoint of the trip? It got long for my boys. They're not huge history lovers, so I think it all looked the same to them after the first room!


Did you get any souvenirs? No


How did you prepare for the trip? I believe we studied Ancient Egypt right before our visit - just good timing for us!

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Well, in my mind, it wasn't just about Tut, in fact, he wasn't the highlight of the trip at all. He was ok, but seeing the Sphinx and climbing the pyramids were what I remember most about the trip. I don't remember souvenirs but I am sure I got something. I have pictures!


You can't climb the inside of the pyramids anymore. I remember it was so tight fitting and dark, but an incredible experience.




Dawn, this sounds like an awesome experience!

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Well, in my mind, it wasn't just about Tut, in fact, he wasn't the highlight of the trip at all. He was ok, but seeing the Sphinx and climbing the pyramids were what I remember most about the trip. I don't remember souvenirs but I am sure I got something. I have pictures!


You can't climb the inside of the pyramids anymore. I remember it was so tight fitting and dark, but an incredible experience.




That kind of trip is on my bucket list.... :001_smile:

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I remember going as a kid in the 70s. Made a huge impression on me. A couple of things that struck me as a child were the head rests for sleeping, and a beautiful child sized chair. I went to an exhibit a few years or so ago. Is that the one that's still touring now? DS5 and I were just looking at the book from the 70s exhibit the other day.

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Where and when did you go? Atlanta, maybe 3-4 years ago?


What was the highlight of the trip? I was very impressed with the huge Akhenaten statue. And I loved getting right up to the artifacts and seeing the amazing work.


What was the lowpoint of the trip? Sylvia was pretty young, so she wasn't as into it. We had to alternate looking through the exhibits and sitting with Sylvia. We had 3 adults though, so it wasn't too bad.


Did you get any souvenirs? I got a metal bookmark; Rebecca got a mini Tut figure. Then we went home and bought a cheaper copy of the book.


How did you prepare for the trip? We'd studied ancients using SOTW.


I absolutely LOVED the trip and would do it again!

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Visit #1

Where and when did you go?

Chicago Field Museum 1977


What was the highlight of the trip?

I was a school girl, so of course getting out of school was the highlight of the trip!


What was the lowpoint of the trip?

Long school bus ride from Wisconsin. Aso I remember thinking we made a long trip and spent a lot of money to see very little. I think it was a much smaller exhibit that first time.


Did you get any souvenirs?



How did you prepare for the trip?

Got dressed, packed a sack lunch, went to school. I don't even think we we were studying Egypt at the time.


Visit #2

Where and when did you go?

Chicago Field Museum, circa 2006


What was the highlight of the trip?

Two of my kids were absolutely enthralled by the exhibit and kept thanking me over and over again for bringing them. For me it wasn't any one item, but seeing the variety of artifacts and intricacy of the craftsmanship on some items.


What was the lowpoint of the trip?

I was handling all three kids on my own and one with sensory issues was having a really hard time with the crowds and noise. (Two adults would have been good.) The tour was long and they were all hungry and tired afterwards. We'd come by taxi so I didn't have a stash of drinks and snacks in the car like I normally would, so it was a pricey stop at the snack place there.


Did you get any souvenirs?

We got the tshirt, of course! One for each kid, and those got handed down as they outgrew them. Usually I'm pretty stingy about souvenirs but I was glad we got them, and that it was something usable.


How did you prepare for the trip?

I wasn't homeschooling that year but my then 6th grader had just completed an extensive unit on Egypt with a superb ps teacher. He got a lot more out of the experience than the rest of us because of it.

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I remember going as a kid in the 70s. Made a huge impression on me. A couple of things that struck me as a child were the head rests for sleeping, and a beautiful child sized chair. I went to an exhibit a few years or so ago. Is that the one that's still touring now? DS5 and I were just looking at the book from the 70s exhibit the other day.


It's different. Here's some history behind the exhibit:


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Where and when did you go? In 2000 we went to Egypt. We stayed in Hurghada and visited Luxor and Cairo.


What was the highlight of the trip? Going inside tombs in the valley of the Kings and a pyramid. The coolest thing about the Tutankhamen artifacts? The scale of many of the artifacts. It was amazing how large some of them were.


What was the lowpoint of the trip? My sister getting really sick and getting a shot in the museum in Cairo. She missed pretty much everything in Cairo. :(


Did you get any souvenirs? A gold ring with my name in hieroglyphics.


How did you prepare for the trip? I have always loved mythology and archeology, so I was well prepared! My girls were little (and ds wasn't born!), so there wasn't much preparing there.

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I don't think they let Tut's mummy leave Egypt any more....


I saw the exhibit in Indianapolis two years ago. I was privileged to attend an educator's Open House and spend time really looking at things (without the distraction of kids!). I also attended an educator's workshop and again got to tour the exhibit. Bonus!!!! Neither of those events cost me anything!


The cool thing was that Lilly sponsored 150,000 school kids for the exhibit. I was able to score enough tickets for my hs group and many other hs'ers in the community. So, we were able to go at no cost for the exhibit.


I was enthralled at the jewelry that was on display. The intricacy of the pieces was astonishing to me, given the kind of tooling they had to work with. Amazing!!!


I don't remember making any big souvenir purchases, and I didn't do much to prepare my ds other than read a book or two.


It is WELL worth the time and $$ (even though I didn't pay for it!). I would most certainly go again if I had the opportunity.

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Well, in my mind, it wasn't just about Tut, in fact, he wasn't the highlight of the trip at all. He was ok, but seeing the Sphinx and climbing the pyramids were what I remember most about the trip. I don't remember souvenirs but I am sure I got something. I have pictures!


You can't climb the inside of the pyramids anymore. I remember it was so tight fitting and dark, but an incredible experience.



Very cool! Ok, this might be weird but I just have to ask - what did it smell like inside the pyramid? Dirt? Sweat? Stale air?

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know that we aren't the only homeschool family who has seen the King Tut exhibit on tour.


Where and when did you go?

Melbourne last year

What was the highlight of the trip?

the whole thing


What was the lowpoint of the trip?


Did you get any souvenirs?

Yes, I got a mummy necklace made out of clay beads, made in Egypt, value $4. I wear it pretty often.

I got it specifically because they are called mummy beads, and I am a mummy ( in Australia we spell in mum, not mom)


How did you prepare for the trip?

booked 2 months ahead of time, and took the train ( 4 hour trip ) to Melbourne

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I love reading these. I don't care if it is the exact same Tut exhibit as I saw. I think it is all fascinating!


Stacia - we were fascinated by the toe and finger covers. They were so realistic on the side that we could see. I wondered if there were whorls for fingerprints on the other side!


Annlaura - I don't know if it is the same exhibit or not. But there was a head rest and a child sized chair. So maybe it was!

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Where and when did you go?

We went yesterday- The Pacific Science Center in Seattle...a few hours before Jean!

What was the highlight of the trip?

I was in awe of the giant statue of Tut, but I was really impressed by the craftsmanship and the detail to the various pieces.


What was the lowpoint of the trip?

There was no real low point. My children were distracted because we were told not to take pictures, but a lot of people ignored the rule. My 13yo wanted to approach people and let them know they were not supposed to take pictures:tongue_smilie:. That part got annoying, but I enjoyed the entire exhibit.

Did you get any souvenirs?

We did not get any souveniers. The things we wanted were too much $$ :lol:.

How did you prepare for the trip?

We have studied Ancient Egypt before, and we reviewed by checking out the online study guide, and looking doing a little research ourselves.

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Where and when did you go?

Chicago Field Museum a few years ago.


What was the highlight of the trip?

I really enjoyed the audio presentation which gave such interesting facts about his whole FAMILY and how he became king. I thought the "pectoral" jewelry was very neat! (Btw, my dd, who was with me (age 14?) said that the audio was HER favorite part, too!)


What was the lowpoint of the trip?

Maybe just that the main gold mask was smaller than photos and ads seemed to show. But dd and I both really loved the whole exhibit. It was crowded and sort of felt like we were being prodded along at times, but that was minor.


Did you get any souvenirs?

We got t-shirts and also a book of postcards which had some of the nicer artifacts on them. Oh, we got "papyrus" bookmarks and dd got a bracelet with a scarab beetle on it. (Ahhh, back when we had some money. LOL)


How did you prepare for the trip?

We had studied the ancients in history the year before, but didn't do much else to prepare. The trip spurred some more reading *afterwards*, though.

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Where and when did you go?

Dallas, in 2008


What was the highlight of the trip?

DS has always been fascinated by Ancient Egypt (see below) and it was neat to see his eyes light up, as this was his first time to see related artifacts.


What was the lowpoint of the trip?

So many public school field trips... We were admitted between two high school groups from Dallas. (We have lived here 25 years and the kids had on T-shirts with the school names, so I know the kids are from poor, inner city schools.) The kids, for the most part, were uninterested and hung back, goofing off and didn't even look at the artifacts. It was sad to see how little the students cared.

Of the ones that did look at the displays - you could tell they had little knowledge of the exhibit.

Ex1: A group of girls were laughing at the cosmetic boxes, as "everyone knows they didn't have makeup back then!" But I would think it hard to study ancient Egypt without some mention of their use of eyeliner.

Ex2: Another group of kids asked, "What is up with all the boats?" :001_huh:


Did you get any souvenirs?

We bought a deck of fact cards and some postcards.


How did you prepare for the trip?

We started using SOTW in 1st grade and didn't make it past ancient Egypt, as DS was so fascinated by it. We ended up spending a full year parked in this time period. For our field trip a few years later, I didn't feel the need to do any additional prep. :lol:




Somewhat related:

To those in the Omaha area, the Josyln Art Museum has an incredible Egyptian art exhibit right now, on loan from the Brooklyn Museum. It only runs through June 3rd, though.

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Where and when did you go? I don't remember the year but it was in Munich. (1980??)


What was the highlight of the trip? Seeing actual ancient artifacts. I was actually like 7!


What was the lowpoint of the trip? It was so crowded you got moved along, ready or not.


Did you get any souvenirs? No. My parents didn't believe in such things. ;)


How did you prepare for the trip? I don't remember. <pout>


I remember loving it, loving seeing and reading all the history. I am super-uber-excited to take my own dc. Dh and I are planning on taking them in September, after the schools are back in session... :tongue_smilie:

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Where and when did you go? 1977, The Metropolitan Museum of Art


What was the highlight of the trip? My mother let me skip school to take me to the exhibit. I remember the gold mask of Tut.


What was the lowpoint of the trip? It was crowded.


Did you get any souvenirs? No.


How did you prepare for the trip? Don't remember. It was a long time ago. If I was going today I would probably do a small unit on King Tut.

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We are going to Seattle to see it on June 13th. We have been waiting two years!!!


Did anyone buy the audio tour? I'm wondering if it's worth it. And I'd have to buy one for the 4yo too otherwise she'd feel left out but that all adds up. $$$


We got the audio tour. Dd10 only listened to the first two audio comments and stopped listening for the rest of the tour. I got tired of listening and have to admit to only listening to the first sentence or two about each artifact. (In my case, I think I wouldn't have minded listening if my back wasn't hurting so much at the time.) Ds14 loved the audio tour. I think that dh did as well.


MotherMayI - you were not allowed to take flash photography but you were allowed to take pictures (like with a cellphone) with no flash. Dh specifically went up to a security guard and asked about it.

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I know that we aren't the only homeschool family who has seen the King Tut exhibit on tour.


Where and when did you go?


I went the last time it was in Seattle, back in the 70s. I was 4, I think. :lol:


What was the highlight of the trip?


I remember seeing a golden mask.


What was the lowpoint of the trip?


The lines. It seemed like there was a lot of waiting in line.


Did you get any souvenirs?


My dad got some sort of picture book. I think he still has it somewhere.


How did you prepare for the trip?


I don't think we did. :tongue_smilie:




I'd like to take the kids up to see it this fall. We did SOTW ancients this year, so it would be perfect.

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I went twice here in Houston. Once in January at a FREE teacher event. I went with my husband - they had champagne, beer, light snacks, teachers could do some art projects to get ideas, they gave us a free CD with educational info on it too. It was really nice to be able to go through it at our own pace, however it was a longer exhibit.


I went in March or April with the homeschool group and my kids. The Art Museum is not very kid friendly, so we don't do many field trips there. From what I understand, the King Tut exhibit is going back to Egypt soon and won't be back out of it for a long time. So if you can go see it, go see it.


It was very neat. Get an audio guided tour for your kids if you take your kids (you know they listen to a remote control looking thing at certain points).


I didn't buy anything and didn't feel the need to. I enjoyed the exhibit a lot.

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Keep your eyes out for us. We'll be there, sans group!


We are going in Seattle on June 19th with our homeschool group. Can't wait. :)


We're going with the same group as Michelle and apparently the same day as kalanamak. We're also seeing the Mysteries of Egypt movie. Only my two oldest and I are going.


We aren't doing anything to prepare for the trip. We did SOTW1 three years ago. We did part of the chicken mummy. But DH brought home a full size chicken when I asked for a cornish game hen (he said they didn't have them), and it never fully dried out. We got bored and tired of waiting and dumped it.

Edited by joannqn
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It was very neat. Get an audio guided tour for your kids if you take your kids (you know they listen to a remote control looking thing at certain points).



I was telling my oldest about this thread and he said to make sure and fork out for the audio tour--it was worth it.

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MotherMayI - you were not allowed to take flash photography but you were allowed to take pictures (like with a cellphone) with no flash. Dh specifically went up to a security guard and asked about it.


Ah man! I was so happy to hear that I could take pictures. Then I went to the science center website. No photography of any kind is allowed with school groups, and we are going with a school group.

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Ah man! I was so happy to hear that I could take pictures. Then I went to the science center website. No photography of any kind is allowed with school groups, and we are going with a school group.


Hmmm. You might need to spring for some postcards then. The prices were pretty reasonable for small things, I thought.

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As far as I remember it was a dirt like smell. It was very, very dark and the stairway was not for those with claustrophobic tendencies. I don't remember musty but it was a long time ago!




Very cool! Ok, this might be weird but I just have to ask - what did it smell like inside the pyramid? Dirt? Sweat? Stale air?
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Where and when did you go? St. Paul, MN- 2011 (I believe Sept?)


What was the highlight of the trip? All of the intricate stone and beadwork was amazing. We loved the whole theme, esp. as we were doing SOTW-1 and were in the midst of ancient Egypt at the time. So cool!


What was the lowpoint of the trip? It's been a little while, so I can't recall at the moment.


Did you get any souvenirs? Yes- we got dd a little papyrus painting and something else I can't quite remember.


How did you prepare for the trip? SOTW and lots of reading on the side. I printed off the teacher's guide so I could point out some things that we'd be able to see. We also had watched a Howard Carter BBC documentary that we all still quote. :D Seeing the mummy omnifilm was fun afterward as well.

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