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Sharing email address with dh...

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Would you feel comfortable using the same email address as your dh?


My longtime email address was blocked recently due to suspected hacking and it has left me floundering. I can't access my old emails or folders and it has been a huge frustration trying to get everything switched over to another account.


I didnt go through the hassle of setting up a new account and just used my dh's rarely used email address, (his email is his name@aol.com if that matters). I do not get many email messages, unless they are dr's notices for our dc, notices from different companies regarding payment, and occasionally from family friends, as most people contact me through Facebook. It is all useful infromation to both of us. I have access to his account and check email there quite often, so I didn't see an issue with using dh's account.


Unfortunately, he is upset. He doesn't like it that I am using his account as my own and wants me to set up my own account and change everything over to that. I will do it tomorrow, but it has left me wondering if you all think it is a big deal. I was completely surprised that he wouldn't be fine with it and to be honest, my feelings are hurt that he has made a big deal out of it. He thinks I have no reason whatsoever to be hurt.


What say the hive?

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Dh wouldn't care if we shared an email address...I just asked. But he pointed out that many a husband won't dare go into his wife's purse...that lots of women are territorial about that kind of thing. Maybe your dh's email address is like a woman's purse.

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My honest first gut reaction to that would be "what does he not want me to see?" BUT I also grew up in a house where men were ALWAYS hiding something, so that might not be a normal reaction. :tongue_smilie:


My DH wouldn't care one way or the other. In fact, I have his facebook password and check it for him because he hates messing with it. lol

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I would hate sharing an email address with my husband. I think he would hate it too.


There's nothing secret in our email accounts, just the intrusion of the other person's things would annoy. It would be like if he started marking things in my planner or inserting his own pages into my notebook.

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My husband and I share an email. He actually has his own but always gives people mine (I think because I am better at checking them). I don't think he has ever used his own :001_smile: It's just not a big deal for us.

But I'm sorry your feeling are hurt :grouphug:

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I would hate sharing an email address with my husband. I think he would hate it too.


There's nothing secret in our email accounts, just the intrusion of the other person's things would annoy. It would be like if he started marking things in my planner or inserting his own pages into my notebook.




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I would hate sharing an email address with my husband. I think he would hate it too.


There's nothing secret in our email accounts, just the intrusion of the other person's things would annoy. It would be like if he started marking things in my planner or inserting his own pages into my notebook.


I have DH's email password. He has mine. But we don't share. It would drive me nuts to have to match organizational systems with him. (I'm a color-coded file folders person, he's a piles everywhere person!)

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Would you feel comfortable using the same email address as your dh?


My longtime email address was blocked recently due to suspected hacking and it has left me floundering. I can't access my old emails or folders and it has been a huge frustration trying to get everything switched over to another account.


I didnt go through the hassle of setting up a new account and just used my dh's rarely used email address, (his email is his name@aol.com if that matters). I do not get many email messages, unless they are dr's notices for our dc, notices from different companies regarding payment, and occasionally from family friends, as most people contact me through Facebook. It is all useful infromation to both of us. I have access to his account and check email there quite often, so I didn't see an issue with using dh's account.


Unfortunately, he is upset. He doesn't like it that I am using his account as my own and wants me to set up my own account and change everything over to that. I will do it tomorrow, but it has left me wondering if you all think it is a big deal. I was completely surprised that he wouldn't be fine with it and to be honest, my feelings are hurt that he has made a big deal out of it. He thinks I have no reason whatsoever to be hurt.


What say the hive?


At first I thought that I would get upset, and want to know what he is hiding...then I thought about it for a min, and I really do not think my DH would want to share email addresses. We each have full access to both accounts, and both of us regularly check each other's inbox, but he gets very little mail...and I get a ton! I get emails from our homeschool group's yahoo list, emails about our co-op, emails about sports teams, notifications for different message boards I am on...etc. I also tend to keep emails to refer back to later...so at times I have hundreds of emails. He deletes everything. If it is something he needs, he has folders set up for that purpose. I think we would drive each other crazy if we shared one email address.

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My Dh probably wouldn't understand why I wouldn't just sign up for one of my own. It's free and takes two minutes. Why use his - under his name - when you can just as easily make one of your own?


:iagree: I don't get why it would ever be necessary to share one, including the situation in the OP.

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We share a main email, but over the past few years, he is using a private one more and I still have the joint one.


Together, seperate.....I really don't care. I rarely get private emails except the occasional carpool change notice, a question from MIL, or a friend sending me a picture. I ask people to not forward me emails, and I keep spam to a minimum by being pretty ruthless on where I use my email address on the web.

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:iagree: I don't get why it would ever be necessary to share one, including the situation in the OP.


I guess it really wasn't "necessary", but it was convenient for me. Neither of us receive many emails, so that wasn't an issue. And we both usually need the information that is received, it just seemed like a good idea to use his. He has made it clear that he wants me to change it and I will tomorrow. I just wanted to see how others felt. Thanks to you all for your input.

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:iagree: I don't get why it would ever be necessary to share one, including the situation in the OP.


It isn't necessary, it is just how it is. Just like having one mail box and a home phone, where everyones calls come in on the same phone.


He had an email set up. I didn't really use email, but when I needed one, I just started using the one we had. Mostly on-line purchase receipts or confirmations. Over the years (we have had this one for almost 11 years), I started using it more. I didn't set up an email on my own, because I would have never checked it. I honestly only receive a personal email once or twice a month or so.....and I usually know when those are coming. If my friends send me an email, they usually text me to tell me to watch for it, because they know I don't otherwise.


We get emails pertaining to the family daily. School notices and such, but nothing that I need to see daily.

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There is no way I could share an email account with DH. I get way too many emails, and I don't delete them. He would FREAK OUT!!!


Same here.... he would die if all of my email started cluttering his box! That said, we have each others passwords & occasionally check for each other, or going looking for needed info. More me than him. Neither of us have anything to hide but neither wants to have to sort through what email belongs to whom....

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Dh wouldn't care if we shared an email address...I just asked. But he pointed out that many a husband won't dare go into his wife's purse...that lots of women are territorial about that kind of thing. Maybe your dh's email address is like a woman's purse.


That is funny to me. I don't think of email as a personal thing. I guess we just don't have people emailing us private information. It is just like my house mail box. If dh gets an email, I don't open it, no more than I would open his house mail. It isn't like either of us are secretive about mail, it gets opened and left out, so anyone could see it if they wanted to.


Honestly, my email has a few ads for 2-3 stores I frequent. Notices from dd's school and ds17s college. A receipt for an on line purchase. A bank notice. A warranty notice. A health insurance notice. An email from a friend of dd13's mom about a birthday party. etc. Nothing too invasive and nothing private.

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There is no way I could share an email account with DH. I get way too many emails, and I don't delete them. He would FREAK OUT!!!

This is me too. I have a gmail account, he has a work account and we share a home e-mail. Anything I sign up for, I use my gmail account to avoid cluttering up our home one.

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Oh goodness no. My hubby has his job, his college, his songwriting and his political work. He gets up to a 100 emails a day. I never get more than 5 or 10 relevant ones. He deletes emails as soon as they are managed whereas I have about 30 files and file most of mine. Sharing an address would be a logistical nightmare.

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We have a family email ....


We have a family email, too. Sort of like having a land line that serves everyone in the house rather than simply having discreet phone numbers for individuals. So many things we get emails about pertain to all of us -- library notices, ads/coupons (Valvoline oil springs to mind), notices from church, chatty messages from relatives (for years my mom wrote letters to us on a regular basis which were addressed to the entire family -- these days she just emails us), notices from various other organizations.


Sometimes I think dh is under the impression that I'm keeping track of all of his emails for him and notifying him of anything important. And to a certain extent that happens. But for the most part I just sort of ignore most of his stuff. If he ever wants to do anything secret via email he should just have the sender mark them all as "Merriman Market Analysis" or "Big Ten Network" since there's a very low chance I would ever open one of those.;)


He gets hundreds of emails each day at his work account. I imagine the thought of setting up another account here at home that would have to be checked regularly is fairly unappealing. He has a Yahoo account of his own, but I don't think he even knows how to set up the mail part of it.


It's pretty easy to tell if an email is addressed specifically to one of us -- just like sorting the regular mail, or handing the phone off to each other.

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DH hates using a computer unless necessary, but he has needed an e-mail address more and more lately. He just gives out mine and asks me to handle his e-mail for him.


It works fine for us, I guess. He's happy that I do it for him and I am happy that he's happy.

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We have a family email, too. Sort of like having a land line that serves everyone in the house rather than simply having discreet phone numbers for individuals. So many things we get emails about pertain to all of us -- library notices, ads/coupons (Valvoline oil springs to mind), notices from church, chatty messages from relatives (for years my mom wrote letters to us on a regular basis which were addressed to the entire family -- these days she just emails us), notices from various other organizations.


Sometimes I think dh is under the impression that I'm keeping track of all of his emails for him and notifying him of anything important. And to a certain extent that happens. But for the most part I just sort of ignore most of his stuff. If he ever wants to do anything secret via email he should just have the sender mark them all as "Merriman Market Analysis" or "Big Ten Network" since there's a very low chance I would ever open one of those.;)


He gets hundreds of emails each day at his work account. I imagine the thought of setting up another account here at home that would have to be checked regularly is fairly unappealing. He has a Yahoo account of his own, but I don't think he even knows how to set up the mail part of it.


It's pretty easy to tell if an email is addressed specifically to one of us -- just like sorting the regular mail, or handing the phone off to each other.


That is kinda what I thought we could do, too. My dh has his work account that he deals with daily. This other account is just basic stuff that is notices and general things that pertain to the whole family. Occasionally, I get emails from friends that dont do Facebook, but he knows them too and would read the email if it were on my own account. I just didn't understand why he didn't want me to use his. I am trying to get over my hurt feelings. :(.


Thanks to you all.

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It would drive both of us crazy. He gets way too many work emails, and like a pp, we have totally different organizational systems. He would not like it if I started using his email address, I'm sure. There are no secrets - we have each other's passwords.

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That is kinda what I thought we could do, too. My dh has his work account that he deals with daily. This other account is just basic stuff that is notices and general things that pertain to the whole family. Occasionally, I get emails from friends that dont do Facebook, but he knows them too and would read the email if it were on my own account. I just didn't understand why he didn't want me to use his. I am trying to get over my hurt feelings. :(.


Thanks to you all.


Have you asked him why?

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There is no way I could share an email account with DH. I get way too many emails, and I don't delete them. He would FREAK OUT!!!




I send and receive way too many. My DH wouldn't want to share with me and I wouldn't want to share with him. We aren't hiding anything or sending secret emails, but some of my friends do send personal ones meant only for me.

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Have you asked him why?


I have and all he says is that he doesn't like me giving out his email address (which, again, is his name) as my own. It bothers him that I would be giving it out to my friends, I guess, but I don't really give my email address to people anymore. I mostly go through FB to anyone who needs to contact me. I don't know...I wish it didn't bother me, but it does.

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Dh wouldn't care if we shared an email address...I just asked. But he pointed out that many a husband won't dare go into his wife's purse...that lots of women are territorial about that kind of thing. Maybe your dh's email address is like a woman's purse.



:iagree: Dh and I do share an email account. But he always asks before going into my purse. :confused: I don't know how many times I've had to tell him that I DO NOT CARE if he goes in there. But I know many women don't feel the same way about their purses.

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My husband and I share an email. He actually has his own but always gives people mine (I think because I am better at checking them). I don't think he has ever used his own :001_smile: It's just not a big deal for us.

But I'm sorry your feeling are hurt :grouphug:


Thank you!

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We use dh account for amazon, bills and school notices. I don't want to bombard him with my monthly e-mails for bunco games, play dates, organizations I am involved in and next year I am going to switch the school stuff to my e-mail account. He forgets to check the school notices and many teachers send out weekly agenda's that I keep up with. I do check his e-mail if I am expecting something.

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My husband and I share an email. He actually has his own but always gives people mine (I think because I am better at checking them). I don't think he has ever used his own :001_smile: It's just not a big deal for us.

But I'm sorry your feeling are hurt :grouphug:


:iagree: DH prefers that I handle all paperwork, etc., so he gets very few e-mails andlikes me to keep him updated on things. If he were more hands on, it would bother him just because I receive many more e-mails than he does.


I tend to check several times a day. He checks e-mail a couple times a week.

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Sharing an email address would be bad for both of us. He has his own groups and friends from church who want to communicate with him, not with me, and vice versa. I have two e-mail addresses just for me; have you looked into getting a free address from yahoo or google?

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I would hate sharing an email address with my husband. I think he would hate it too.


There's nothing secret in our email accounts, just the intrusion of the other person's things would annoy. It would be like if he started marking things in my planner or inserting his own pages into my notebook.


I have DH's email password. He has mine. But we don't share. It would drive me nuts to have to match organizational systems with him. (I'm a color-coded file folders person, he's a piles everywhere person!)



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DH and I each have our own. Mine's a combo work/personal e-mail and his is sometimes like that as well. But I think we would be annoyed with seeing messages that pertain to the other one like daily mailings and so forth. I could also see one of us marking something as read and then the other one would miss something important.

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We always have shared an email. It's under our last name, not first. I actually have another account through yahoo that I used for groups, etc. He used that one when he wanted his own fb. We have always shared everything. I would think it weird if we didn't. That's just us though.

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Forgive me for being dense, but can't you just reset your password to undo the hacking of your email account?


I have tried! The password is being sent to another email address that we don't have access to any longer (dh's old work account). I have tried to have it sent to a newer account, but it will not send it to that account. Very frustrating. I have tried contacting customer support, but it just sends me through hoops and to the FAQ site. Aaarrrhhh! Do you have another idea that may work? Please?:bigear:

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We share an email address but we also have our own personal addresses.


Family/joint church type things are sent to the shared address. He gets business and deacon type emails at his address. I get my business and women's groups emails at my address. We even set up email for the kids that we monitor for dr appts and church emails.

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We have full access to each other's accounts, but we organize things differently. I wouldn't want to share. I love him, I just don't want to share. Nothing personal. He doesn't want to share, either, so it's okay :)


When my yahoo mail got hacked, I had to set up another email first, and then I was able to get things straightened out.

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My goodness, I have 16,000 e-mails in my inbox. I don't know how many my husband has and I don't WANT to know. I don't need any more e-mail to sort! I wouldn't want to share unless it was a separate, dedicated account for just extended family correspondence.


-K, who would abandon her e-mail addy and start over again if it wasn't tied to every account she has on Earth.

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Would I be comfortable sharing? Yes. I'm not doing anything that I feel the need to hide from him.


Would it be practical? No.


Also, keep in mind that there are people who will feel very uncomfortable about sending anything at all personal to a shared account.

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