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It's been awhile: What sounds did you wake up to this morning?

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Here, it was:




Then quick little footsteps toward our room, followed by:


Daddy, Leo smashed himself. Will you come chick on him, please?


(He was fine.)



How about you? Birds and such, huh? It's NEVER like that here. :tongue_smilie:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

This morning it was the cat purring. But for the last 3 days I've been awakened by a whiporwill (sp?) announcing the rising sun.

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The baby whimpering, and dh saying "Psst--can he have more medicine? Hey! Can he have more medicine?" until I finally woke up. The baby's been running between 101 & 104.5 since yesterday morning (except for a brief stint yesterday afternoon after his nap when he appeared happy and healthy).


Glad Leo's okay from his smashing :lol:!

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The *$!#! cat licking the pillowcase next to my ear. :glare:



This is why, although we dearly love our cats, we keep our bedroom door closed at night with them on the outside :D. With the air conditioner running we almost never even hear their cries, scratching, and pleading...

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Which time?


The time I didn't want to be up yet? Or the time I *really* didn't want to be up yet?


The first time it was my 2 yr old asking for more water as he waved his cup in my face. I offered him mine then he crawled into my bed. Next time, baby cooing and grunting. Yeah, nice kid, now go back to sleep!

Then I heard hubs taking a shower.

Then I hear children running and 'nooooo' and assorted other screams and wails.


That's when I called it quits and got up...at not yet 7...woohoo, I still managed to sleep in :rollseyes:

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"Daddy..." (Daddy is half-awake, mumbling like a sleepy bear, while 3yo chatters like a monkey and waves a plastic light saber centimeters from his face) "If-I-could-attach-this-light-saver-to-my-bottom, then-I-would-have-a-light-saver-tail--HAHAHAHA!!!"


I've watched this child awaken from a sound sleep, and I can't tell you how much I would pay to be able to go from zero to sixty, immediately, the way he does. :::POP:::...and he's awake.


We often awaken to the sound of those pounding little feet, too.

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let's see at 8 am the boys alarm went off(it is set to radio thank goodness), that woke up baby enough to make her want to eat, so I nursed her, then my oldest ds climbed into my bed and kiced me in the stomach so I figured I had better just get up, and went for a shower.


Compared to yesterday morning this was a peaceful wakeup, usually it involves bickering and fighting between my kids, or the banging and clanging in the kitchen as they try to find someting other than toast or cereal for breakfast.

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I awoke the first time to my dh getting ready for work, making coffee, opening and shutting the front door several times (I slept in the LR on the sofa because he was snoring loudly). After he left I got another 40 winks and awoke to my ds11 feeding his betta fish - tap, tap, tapping the little food granules from the dispenser into the water.


Anything is better than the time I awoke to a phone call from a stranger telling me my ds20 had been in a car accident on his way to work - smashed into an unforgiving tree. Never want to go through that again. Fortunately, he was ok - was only in the hospital for 3 days and now has a metal rod in his right forearm.

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A train whistle and a little .....


(I was just interrupted by a peacock screaming outside my window. APB for owner ("Bob", about half a mile away) is out.)


...boy asking me to read him Nate the Great, after announcing to me there was an alligator in the bed.

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Somebody's lawn mower. I rolled over and looked at the clock. 6 a.m., on a Saturday!:confused: I'm thinking it would have been nice to wait until maybe at least 7, before waking the neighborhood. You have to love suburbia:tongue_smilie:



UGH I hate that. I don't think you should be aloud to mow until at least 9am. I mean not all of us go to bed at 9pm and get up at the crack of dawn. This especially bugged me when I worked 2nd shift and didn't get home until midnight. I'm sorry but I needed to unwind after work so I didn't go to sleep right away.



Now what I did wake up to was the same thing I usually wake up to. My pug snoring followed shortly there after by my almost 3 year old waving a diaper in my face saying "Muh muh, I pooped again"

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followed by moist nose and doggy kiss on my hand.


"Hello sweetie," I say as I roll out of bed. "Time to go potty, huh?" I stumble down the stairs in the dim light of the morning while the dog dances eagerly by the back door. It's as though she saying, "I cannot hold it any longer, Mom!"


Now that dd is old enough to sleep in, the dog seems to be taking up where she left off. It used to be for breakfast for my bright eyed smiling toddler, now it's a potty call for the red haired mut.


After the deed is done, the dog goes back to bed and it's 5:30 a.m. on Saturday. What to do? Stay up or go back to bed? Stay up, or go back to bed? Hhhhhhmmmm.






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The first time, it was the creaking of the bed when dh got up (he's an early riser).


I fell back asleep. And then the guy across the street started up his pickup & it is *loud*. He needs a muffler, methinks. Something about the way our houses are, the sound just reverberates through our room. It drives me absolutely nuts. And, it's what wakes me up almost every.single.morning. Sigh. Then, the phone rang (another sound I dislike).


My hearing is over-sensitive. And though the world is filled with many lovely sounds, I would love to have my own, personal, padded, completely remote quiet room where there is *no* noise & I could retreat there for at least 30 minutes a day.

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Everything was pretty quiet when I woke up this morning.... one of my cats was whacking me with a paw on the face (his usual method of waking me) and walking over my head. I didn't "hear" anything until dd11 woke up a few minutes later - she was sleeping beside me because a family friend stayed overnight and used dd11's bed, dh is away for work - and started laughing at what the cat was doing. ;)

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