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Surgery is tomorrow

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to remove my gallbladder and repair a hernia. I have been calm @ this untill tonight and now I am really nervous. I have to be there at 11:30 and appreciate prayers that the surgery goes off without a hitch and that the anesthesia works as it's meant too. I will update as soon as I can. Thanks!

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Thinking about and praying for you! That's 11:30 your time. What is that in PST?



Central time. Thanks for the prayers everyone! It's 2 AM and I can't sleep. All I can think about is the anesthesia failing and being awake during surgery. I know it's stupid, but my mind in my own worse enemy.

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Will be praying for everything to go smoothly, Jean. I'm so proud of you for finally doing this!! The anesthesia will work. They really do know what they're doing. :grouphug: It's going to be just fine. Please take it easy when you get home - and don't lift anything heavy.



I know they do and I know it's silly. I feel like a big baby LOL. Thank you for the prayers.

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Hope you are sleeping now, prayers for you. I've had two major surgeries and was so nervous on the first one. During the second one as I was waking up all I could hear was music. I don't know where it was coming from but it stopped as soon as I had full consiousness. It was beautiful music and I like to think it was angels watching over me. I pray they are with you as well.

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We are leaving in a little bit. I really appreciate the prayers and well wishes and will post a quick update tonight if I can.



Looking forward to hearing from you when it's all over and you're free of that wonky gallbladder you've been carrying around with you. And, hernia free as well...that will be great!



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and woozy, but over all feeling good. They took me back @ 1:15 and I was home at 4:30. My shoulders are hurting now so I am trying to keep walking an dmoving which someone said helps. I need to eat something so I can take my painmeds, but I am not feeling hungry tet.


Thank you all for the prayers!!! I don't remmeber a thing from teh surgery!! God is good. I hope to be up and about tomororw.

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