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Do you think Jesus is coming back ? Take a look at this .....

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I don't understand this type of "evangelism". The Bible says "do not fear" over and over again. :confused:


This is where the Bible no longer applies. This is about getting people to look to a business (cough*church*cough) for the answers. The way Jesus comes or how he comes doesn't matter. But the things that matter: generosity, love, true kindness without manipulation, hope....those are harder to do and harder to sell.

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[\QUOTE]:iagree:I think it's hard for believers to understand that quoting the bible at unbelievers has no effect on us. If we don't believe in the bible, then what's written in it is meaningless to us.


Perhaps because so many of us used to be unbelievers who considered the Word to be meaningless until we heard Scripture and fully understood it by the grace of God? I was certainly not born believing...spent much of my life utterly opposed to God.

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You may want to hold off on that happy dance stuff. :glare: I think Jennifer was just trying to warn you that a snake got in there. :tongue_smilie: You don't have to believe me' date=' but don't say I didn't warn ya. :lol:[/quote']



That could be true. I need to consult my list to make sure Chucki is properly terrified of me and judgmental enough of everyone she knows. I have strict membership standards. :tongue_smilie:

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That could be true. I need to consult my list to make sure Chucki is properly terrified of me and judgmental enough of everyone she knows. I have strict membership standards. :tongue_smilie:

Wait. Hold the phone. It is possible the I'm not judgmental enough? How can that be? Do you even know me?



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Oh, please God, may I have a blue 911 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet?


I told dh recently I wanted a fuchsia Mustang Mach 1 convertible with black racing stripes. Yesterday I saw a baby blue vintage Mustang convertible with black racing stripes park in the parking lot across the street from my house. Apparently my faith is not strong enough, or I have unrepentant sin in my life for to be tempted so. :tongue_smilie:


I found the video cheesy and I'll admit I let out a little laugh. A teen's video project? Okay, cute. An evangelistic tool? No. I do believe that Jesus will return, it's not up to me to figure out when or how though.

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I told dh recently I wanted a fuchsia Mustang Mach 1 convertible with black racing stripes. Yesterday I saw a baby blue vintage Mustang convertible with black racing stripes park in the parking lot across the street from my house. Apparently my faith is not strong enough, or I have unrepentant sin in my life for to be tempted so. :tongue_smilie:


No, sweetie. It isn't a lack of faith or not being unrepentant enough. It is the fuchsia. ;) It is clearly spelled out in the Carble "Thou shalt not paint a muscle car fuchsia."

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In my humble opinion, a belief, or conversion (or more dedicated faith, I guess), based on or caused by fear is empty.

I really don't understand this sort of proselytizing. I find it sad.


This was the tactic of my church growing up and I agree. I was actually in a discussion last night about this very thing and unfortunatley I believe that some of my girlfriends do ascribe to this belief, knowing how damaging it was to me I am rabidly opposed to it.

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I wouldn't say that personally. (I'm not an atheist, I'm just not a Christian.) There are parts of the Bible that I think are beautiful. There are powerful ideas in the Bible that I find meaningful and try to apply in my own life - such as the constant focus on caring for the poor and helpless, and the constant questioning/inversion of power relationships. (The last shall be first, the peacemakers will be the victors, etc.)



I agree, and I think I should have worded it differently. What I was trying to say was that if you don't believe in what the bible says about God and Jesus, then someone using bible verses to convert you is usually ineffective. It rarely works on atheists or even just non-Christians who aren't atheist.

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I think that if you want only positive responses to a video like that, you should post it on a forum for like-minded believers.


Or are you looking for feedback about whether it's an effective evangelism tool? From my non-Christian perspective, it totally isn't.


No. A title that eliminated anyone who thinks otherwise would look something like this: "If you think Jesus is coming back, check this out!" Or "Hey, Christians, look at this!"


I thought the video seemed to be targeted at people who aren't "saved," as a warning. I assumed that it was being posted to this religiously diverse board as a tool of evangelism. Therefore, my opinion as an "unsaved" person seemed relevant.


Christianity is not the default religion of this board. If y'all don't want to include me in the conversation, you have to tell me up front.




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She titled the thread, "Do you think Jesus is coming back?" I think that pretty much eliminates anyone who thinks otherwise, does it not?


That would be IF you think Jesus is coming back.


My answer is no, and I think "no" is a perfectly acceptable answer to the question in the title. So, I disagree: I don't feel I was eliminated.

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Church Service Ends Abruptly when the unexpected happens.



Well, if you believe Jesus is coming back, this would not be unexpected, right?


BTW, I'm interested in the percentages in who was left behind. Do people think that high a percentage of people listening to a rather fire and brimstone sermon will be saved? I hear some going on about "how few" will be saved. Etc.

Is the final tally (only a handful) YOUR vision of the percent that will be left behind?


BTW, I'd be the woman investigating the chairs.

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In my humble opinion, a belief, or conversion (or more dedicated faith, I guess), based on or caused by fear is empty.

I really don't understand this sort of proselytizing. I find it sad.


It can crumble easily.


Look in your garage, my child. :D


No, sweetie. It isn't a lack of faith or not being unrepentant enough. It is the fuchsia. ;) It is clearly spelled out in the Carble "Thou shalt not paint a muscle car fuchsia."


You guys are hilarious!!! :D


That would be IF you think Jesus is coming back.


My answer is no, and I think "no" is a perfectly acceptable answer to the question in the title. So, I disagree: I don't feel I was eliminated.


:iagree: ... and very arrogant to assume that it does.

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As a Christian, I don't *do* this sort of thing. My parents used the "second coming" to scare the ever-loving snot out of me as a child. I was constantly terrified that Jesus would come back when I was doing something wrong/behaving as a child. Every little thing was a "sign" that Jesus was coming RIGHT THEN AND THERE. The video made me want to vomit as I remembered that childhood terror. I still feel sick. This isn't what Jesus was about. Jesus was/is about love, grace, mercy, and compassion. He didn't scare people into believing in Him. He ministered to the lost, sick, hopeless rejects. He showed love, grace, mercy, and compassion.


You won't win any converts with the Law. Jesus said to share the GOSPEL, not the Law.


I thought it was going to be a news article too.


Yuck. It makes me mad to see fear being created and distributed.

At least it was poorly done so it would be hard to take seriously.

Growing up, this idea terrified me. It paralyzed me. It didn't bring me closer to God.



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BTW, I'm interested in the percentages in who was left behind. Do people think that high a percentage of people listening to a rather fire and brimstone sermon will be saved? I hear some going on about "how few" will be saved. Etc.

Is the final tally (only a handful) YOUR vision of the percent that will be left behind?


Obviously those doused in too much cologne/perfume will be left behind. :leaving:

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Obviously those doused in too much cologne/perfume will be left behind. :leaving:





This thread has been hysterical! The video is laughable, but sad at the same time as that's not the way to spread Good News - or not IMO.


But Jesus will return and the day and the time we do not know. : )

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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Obviously those doused in too much cologne/perfume will be left behind. :leaving:



*snort* I love you guys!


And Jennifer/God, can I please have a brand new bright orange Camaro with black racing stripes? I promise to throw one of my Bibles at someone today.;)

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Even when I was a devout Evangelical, "on-fire" for the Lord, and a zealous evangelizer, I probably wouldn't have shown this to friends, Christian or non-Christian--it looked too darn corny! I had to watch with my hands over my eyes. Painful.

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I'm another one who laughed, sorry. Not because of the message (I agree with others who've said that hellfire and brimstone is a good turn off to religion), but because it was SO cheesy. The sort of thing I might expect from some of my younger high school film students. The way the message was given was funny, the message itself irrelevant to me.

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Am I the only one that thought that the "saved" people were vaporized? It wasn't until the other people started looking distressed that I realized they were the ones being punished.


Huh. I can imagine how the image could go wrong with people unfamiliar with the concept.

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