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What is it about me that make *EVERYONE* respond to me

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I mean I know I am awesome, but I just don't get it. I mean I post something and then suddenly there is a whole bunch of replies. So what exactly about me is so awesome? :tongue_smilie:




(Okay my cheekiness is totally going to backfire if no responds :lol:)

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I mean I know I am awesome, but I just don't get it. I mean I post something and then suddenly there is a whole bunch of replies. So what exactly about me is so awesome? :tongue_smilie:




(Okay my cheekiness is totally going to backfire if no responds :lol:)


I think it is your beautiful eyes.


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I mean I know I am awesome, but I just don't get it. I mean I post something and then suddenly there is a whole bunch of replies. So what exactly about me is so awesome? :tongue_smilie:




(Okay my cheekiness is totally going to backfire if no responds :lol:)


I never respond to your threads. There must be something about you that makes me :auto:...


If I figure out what it is and you post a thread asking why I won't respond to your threads...I might tell you! :tongue_smilie:

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LOL - it took me a while to associate you with machine gun kitty while kitty was out on a mission. :D


ETA will you please set up a webinar so the rest of us can learn how to be popular online? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Gosh, that was almost too easy :tongue_smilie: now we want you to do an Irish jig.


Ready, set, go :lol:


:lol: Not until I have down a few pints of ale ;)



Makes me think of that move Ella Enchanted and how she had to do everything she was told

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We all go through this sometimes :001_smile:


This too shall pass, try not to take it personally.




:iagree: I'm really lucky, no-one ever responds to my threads.


You obviously just catch the boards at the wrong time. :grouphug: Don't take it personally.



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I mean I know I am awesome, but I just don't get it. I mean I post something and then suddenly there is a whole bunch of replies. So what exactly about me is so awesome? :tongue_smilie:


Everyone responds to your posts because you are a known troll and we have to monitor your trollish ways.









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I respond because I like feeding trolls:tongue_smilie:.


I also respond because I want to be as cool and super awesome as you are. I keep hoping your supreme awesomeness will somehow rub off on me, a lowly internet loser.

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You said you were swell and I suppose I believed you.





Sign me up for machine kitty fan club. I have had three hours sleep and machine kitty's return has just improved my mood so much I'm determined not to burn the breakfast.


What an affect you have on the world. No wonder people follow you about!

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I feel for you having everyone respond to your threads. It prevents you from being able to start many new threads to be ignored when you have to follow all the responses you get. It is so much better to just keep throwing out new thoughts and ideas rather than getting bogged down with all the responses. :D

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I feel for you having everyone respond to your threads. It prevents you from being able to start many new threads to be ignored when you have to follow all the responses you get. It is so much better to just keep throwing out new thoughts and ideas rather than getting bogged down with all the responses. :D


That's just it! IT is a real hardship having to stay in 1 thread and keep reopening it to see what someone new has said. I suppose I could just start threads and walk away from them. Ohh the most fun is starting a really controversal thread and then walking away and jsut watching the fall out.



I shouldn't have said that (said in my best hagrid voice of course) ;)


That might be giving away a troll trade secret.

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I mean I know I am awesome, but I just don't get it. I mean I post something and then suddenly there is a whole bunch of replies. So what exactly about me is so awesome? :tongue_smilie:




(Okay my cheekiness is totally going to backfire if no responds :lol:)


Is it your modesty and your reticence to toot your own horn? ;)

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You said you were swell and I suppose I believed you.





Sign me up for machine kitty fan club. I have had three hours sleep and machine kitty's return has just improved my mood so much I'm determined not to burn the breakfast.


What an affect you have on the world. No wonder people follow you about!



It was destiny. Just think how different the world might have been if she'd registered here as "crankymomma".

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