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Talk about a LOADED question! I think I have an ulcer now...

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Today our school had a visit from the Malaysian Ministry of Education. It was very stressful because they inspect EVERYTHING from our bathrooms to our curriculum.


They wanted written proof of all manner of things.


They grilled me for a long time about testing and curriculum and data, etc.


Then they wanted to have lunch with the administrative team.


So picture this....


I am seated at a table with 8 people. To my right is the head of the MOE and directly across from me is my boss. Then the head guy from MOE, who is Muslim, turns to me and says:


Can I ask you a serious question?


I said Yes, of course.


And he says: What do you think of the 9/11 situation and of Muslims?


:001_huh: :svengo: :blink: :leaving:


Seriously. These people are doing our review. They have the power to shut us down. And he asks me THIS? Over LUNCH?


All 8 people were staring at me and I am pretty sure my boss was holding his breath waiting to see what would come out of my mouth.


I know what I think of the situation but I didn't know what he wanted me to say and I felt like time was frozen as everyone stared at me.


So I decided to just go with what I really think and I said that I believed in every culture or religion there is a small faction of people who act in a radical fashion in the "name" of that culture or religion but do not truly represent what that culture or religion actually stands for. And I said it is a shame that innocent people of any culture or religion have to die because human beings are often incapable of resolving their differences any other way.


And then I felt like I was going to throw up.


He nodded and then changed the subject so I have no idea if that answer satisfied him.


I definitely earned my paycheck today. Now I need a drink.




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So I decided to just go with what I really think and I said that I believed in every culture or religion there is a small faction of people who act in a radical fashion in the "name" of that culture or religion but do not truly represent what that culture or religion actually stands for. And I said it is a shame that innocent people of any culture or religion have to die because human beings are often incapable of resolving their differences any other way.






So did you lie to him, or is that what you really believe? I think your answer

is correct, and I really doubt the MOE would believe differently. Maybe I'm not understanding the "loaded" part, but are you saying you harbor negative feelings to the people of the country you're living in? Did your boss think you would start telling him what you "really" think? ....you seem to be implying something that I find very distasteful. Your job sounds quite stressful .


I didn't get the same impression you did from the post. :001_smile: I'd find it a loaded question regardless of who did the asking and what the environment was, but especially in this particular situation. It's a pretty heavy question for me to ask a good friend, let alone someone in a business relationship where both parties could be identified in some way with the event.

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Today our school had a visit from the Malaysian Ministry of Education. It was very stressful because they inspect EVERYTHING from our bathrooms to our curriculum.


They wanted written proof of all manner of things.


They grilled me for a long time about testing and curriculum and data, etc.


Then they wanted to have lunch with the administrative team.


So picture this....


I am seated at a table with 8 people. To my right is the head of the MOE and directly across from me is my boss. Then the head guy from MOE, who is Muslim, turns to me and says:


Can I ask you a serious question?


I said Yes, of course.


And he says: What do you think of the 9/11 situation and of Muslims?


:001_huh: :svengo: :blink: :leaving:


Seriously. These people are doing our review. They have the power to shut us down. And he asks me THIS? Over LUNCH?


All 8 people were staring at me and I am pretty sure my boss was holding his breath waiting to see what would come out of my mouth.


I know what I think of the situation but I didn't know what he wanted me to say and I felt like time was frozen as everyone stared at me.


So I decided to just go with what I really think and I said that I believed in every culture or religion there is a small faction of people who act in a radical fashion in the "name" of that culture or religion but do not truly represent what that culture or religion actually stands for. And I said it is a shame that innocent people of any culture or religion have to die because human beings are often incapable of resolving their differences any other way.


And then I felt like I was going to throw up.


He nodded and then changed the subject so I have no idea if that answer satisfied him.


I definitely earned my paycheck today. Now I need a drink.




WOW! What a situation!


Good answer.

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So did you lie to him, or is that what you really believe? I think your answer

is correct, and I really doubt the MOE would believe differently. Maybe I'm not understanding the "loaded" part, but are you saying you harbor negative feelings to the people of the country you're living in? Did your boss think you would start telling him what you "really" think? ....you seem to be implying something that I find very distasteful. Your job sounds quite stressful .


How do you get that from, "So I decided to just go with what I really think"?

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So did you lie to him, or is that what you really believe? I think your answer

is correct, and I really doubt the MOE would believe differently. Maybe I'm not understanding the "loaded" part, but are you saying you harbor negative feelings to the people of the country you're living in? Did your boss think you would start telling him what you "really" think? ....you seem to be implying something that I find very distasteful. Your job sounds quite stressful .


I have had highly placed, high ranking government officials from other Muslim countries explain that it was really either a Jewish plot or a US government conspiracy. This was at occasions where they were acting in their official capacity (ie, not over coffee in my home).


If I'd gotten that question in Heather's position, I would have wondered if that was in their mind, or if they were hoping to trip up the administrator of a Christian school with comments that could be taken to be against Islam or against the government.


This is the sort of occasion that would have me searching for the stash of good chocolate in the cupboard.

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So did you lie to him, or is that what you really believe? I think your answer

is correct, and I really doubt the MOE would believe differently. Maybe I'm not understanding the "loaded" part, but are you saying you harbor negative feelings to the people of the country you're living in? Did your boss think you would start telling him what you "really" think? ....you seem to be implying something that I find very distasteful. Your job sounds quite stressful .


Wow. Did you even read my post? Could you possibly jump to any MORE incorrect conclusions?


I said in my previous post that I said what I think. My boss was worried because it is a topic we have never spoken about so he had no way of knowing what my opinion was on the topic and I tend to be a little outspoken in general.


My boss was pleased with my answer. The MOE guy had quite the poker face so I have no idea what he thought.


All I know is, it was a really awkward question at a really awkward moment. But then again, I was raised that you don't discuss religion or politics at the dinner table.





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I have had highly placed, high ranking government officials from other Muslim countries explain that it was really either a Jewish plot or a US government conspiracy. This was at occasions where they were acting in their official capacity (ie, not over coffee in my home).


If I'd gotten that question in Heather's position, I would have wondered if that was in their mind, or if they were hoping to trip up the administrator of a Christian school with comments that could be taken to be against Islam or against the government.


This is the sort of occasion that would have me searching for the stash of good chocolate in the cupboard.


You expressed exactly what I was feeling so much better than I did. I felt like I was being tested...like if I said anything that could be misconstrued I would ruin everything. It was very intense.


It made me think of what some Muslims living in America must have faced after 9/11 ... Like your intentions or your loyalty being questioned. Not a good feeling.




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So did you lie to him, or is that what you really believe? I think your answer

is correct, and I really doubt the MOE would believe differently. Maybe I'm not understanding the "loaded" part, but are you saying you harbor negative feelings to the people of the country you're living in? Did your boss think you would start telling him what you "really" think? ....you seem to be implying something that I find very distasteful. Your job sounds quite stressful .


I really think she meant this:

I have had highly placed, high ranking government officials from other Muslim countries explain that it was really either a Jewish plot or a US government conspiracy. This was at occasions where they were acting in their official capacity (ie, not over coffee in my home).


If I'd gotten that question in Heather's position, I would have wondered if that was in their mind, or if they were hoping to trip up the administrator of a Christian school with comments that could be taken to be against Islam or against the government.


If you haven't encountered anything like this, then you must not deal much with people outside of the US. Lots of people outside of the US believe that 9/11 was a hoax committed by Israel or the US.


The other thing that Sebastian didn't say was that certain leaders want other Muslims to believe that Christians hate them and believe them all to be violent terrorists.


It isn't distasteful or racist or anti-Muslim to have a legitimate concern about something like this. This is someone Heather didn't know. She doesn't know what his feelings might be.

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Oh wow Heather! I read this to my husband. We are both proud of you! :)


And dang! There are people INSIDE the states that believe it was a hoax of the US Gov't or Israel! You don't have to leave the country to hear that stuff!


Hope you had your drink and slept well. :grouphug:

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So did you lie to him, or is that what you really believe? I think your answer

is correct, and I really doubt the MOE would believe differently. Maybe I'm not understanding the "loaded" part, but are you saying you harbor negative feelings to the people of the country you're living in? Did your boss think you would start telling him what you "really" think? ....you seem to be implying something that I find very distasteful. Your job sounds quite stressful .


I don't understand how you could say this based on her post?


I think you answered perfectly! I hope I would be as clear-headed in a similar situation!

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This is a shot in the dark, but I know many people in the Muslim world believe there were/ are various conspiracies behind 9/11. I know in the US there is a fringe element that believes this but in the Muslim world it's quite common. Do you think he wanted to chat about the conspiracy theories?

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This is a shot in the dark, but I know many people in the Muslim world believe there were/ are various conspiracies behind 9/11. I know in the US there is a fringe element that believes this but in the Muslim world it's quite common. Do you think he wanted to chat about the conspiracy theories?


Not just Muslim countries that believe various conspiracies over 9/11. Quite a few conspiracies have been mentioned around my area, and none of the people were Muslim.

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I didn't get the same impression you did from the post. :001_smile: I'd find it a loaded question regardless of who did the asking and what the environment was, but especially in this particular situation. It's a pretty heavy question for me to ask a good friend, let alone someone in a business relationship where both parties could be identified in some way with the event.



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