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About Wolf's Job Opportunity...

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Hooray!!! Congratulations!!!




Go see Banff for me!!!

We've been to Jasper...Not going to Banff, LOL


Thanks everyone for all your support!


Now...who wants to come help junk, pack, and clean? :lol:

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Now...who wants to come help junk, pack, and clean? :lol:


I can help you next weekend if you want. My boys are gone to scout camp and dd is supposed to be with her dad. I will be down to 1 little girl that can play with Princess and Tazzie and I can help you out in anyway you need. I will be in town tomorrow too but I will have all 4 kids and I am thinking that would cause more trouble than help lol

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We've been to Jasper...Not going to Banff, LOL


Thanks everyone for all your support!


Now...who wants to come help junk, pack, and clean? :lol:


Me! Dds and I need a vacation, but they don't have passports, and mine is 8 yrs old, so I think I need a new one. But I would sooooo be there to help you if we could get passports before you actually move!

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I can help you next weekend if you want. My boys are gone to scout camp and dd is supposed to be with her dad. I will be down to 1 little girl that can play with Princess and Tazzie and I can help you out in anyway you need. I will be in town tomorrow too but I will have all 4 kids and I am thinking that would cause more trouble than help lol


Me! Dds and I need a vacation, but they don't have passports, and mine is 8 yrs old, so I think I need a new one. But I would sooooo be there to help you if we could get passports before you actually move!

Awww, thanks the both of you!


I have no idea if we'll be here next wknd. Wolf wants to go on a rental hunt down there, and we're debating all of us going. We don't even know if we'd leave the Fri or Sat :lol:


It's all such craziness!

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What wonderful news! I'll still keep praying for the rest to work out well...and that you are pain-free.



Thank you!


Unfortunately, I haven't been 'pain free' in almost 4 yrs. RSD means constant pain...never a matter of 'if' I hurt, but of 'how bad is it going to get today?'

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Awww, thanks the both of you!


I have no idea if we'll be here next wknd. Wolf wants to go on a rental hunt down there, and we're debating all of us going. We don't even know if we'd leave the Fri or Sat :lol:


It's all such craziness!


Well let me know. We are in town tomorrow for Hunter's leg in the am, but in the afternoon if you want help let me know, track me down on facebook, my kids could play outside or something. This weekend the boys and I are sleeping over in rexall place but I could come help earlier in the day if you want it, or next weekend if you want. During the week I have too many extra kids to get much of my own cleaning done so I would be little help to you

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Well let me know. We are in town tomorrow for Hunter's leg in the am, but in the afternoon if you want help let me know, track me down on facebook, my kids could play outside or something. This weekend the boys and I are sleeping over in rexall place but I could come help earlier in the day if you want it, or next weekend if you want. During the week I have too many extra kids to get much of my own cleaning done so I would be little help to you

Thanks, it's sincerely appreciated!


We've got so much sorting and carp to do before we do anything else...one of those things that Wolf or I have to do...decide what's important, etc. Honestly, it would be nothing anyone could help w/tomorrow.


My hs area is a disaster :glare:


I know what you mean about kids...Wolf and I are hoping it works out that the kids and I get dropped off a day or 2 before the movers come, b/c being 1 armed, 2 Littles and a baby, there's 0 use I'll be here! At least if we're already there, I can direct movers when they arrive :lol:

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We have moved during a school year. Put the homeschool books away, and Diva gets a moving unit study! Kids a new game, see this box, see how much fits in it..... now here's another one....


Wish dd18 and I could help, we are the great organizers and loose end fixers....


I'm so excited for you!

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Thanks everyone! :D


I *still* think getting the Hive kids to do the work...errr...have a hands on study in math, life skills, etc while the Moms sit back and drink coffee/Mike's would get this accomplished far faster and painlessly...:lol:

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Thank You, Lord!


Full out happy dancin for ya now!!!


Everything will get done. One day at a time. Your kids can help a lot if you let them know what to do.


So exciting!!!

That would mean *I* know what to do...:lol:

Praise the Lord! I am so incredibly happy for you and Wolf!!!




God is so good! He will come through for you with the housing! Keep having faith!

Yes He is, and we are! Praying hard about finding a place!

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I promised I'd update when we heard anything.


No, the job offer letter has not yet come to his email.




He spoke to the guy, and the guy will be calling back in the next 90 mins to verbally go over the job offer, and then it will be typed up, and should be in his email before the end of business today.


So, HE GOT THE JOB!!! I'm nervous about celebrating before we have the actual document in hand, but...




Update in #47


Woot! I just saw this! Congratulations honey. I'm so happy for you!!! :party: :hurray: :cheers2: :grouphug::grouphug:

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What are you still doing up?


*For those that are unaware, SpecialMama and I are irl friends...she introduced me to the Hive...and is the one regret I have about moving*



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What are you still doing up?


*For those that are unaware, SpecialMama and I are irl friends...she introduced me to the Hive...and is the one regret I have about moving*




SAD!!!!! How far a drive will it be?


My friends in NJ, GA and CA visit me AND I visit them. We call regularly. You may not SEE each other but the friendship doesnt need to change!

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SAD!!!!! How far a drive will it be?


My friends in NJ, GA and CA visit me AND I visit them. We call regularly. You may not SEE each other but the friendship doesnt need to change!

It's 5 hrs from where we live now. Right now, SpecialMama is about a 10 min drive...depending on if she speeds :tongue_smilie:

Oh, Karyn --:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I have been thinking of you and this move and how it will affect both of you.

It was kinda weird...talking on the phone about new opportunities, and both of us start almost sniffling...I honestly don't know how I would have made it through the last 5 yrs w/out her. She's been there since before RSD, and has been a total rock all the way through everything.


It's also thanks to her that my faith has grown how it has. She's been so patient w/my questions, my seeking...




My kids call her 'Aunt'. I've been so very blessed to have someone whose more than a friend...I've never had a sister, but I suspect that it would be the kind of relationship I've been blessed enough to have w/Karyn.


Thank heavens she likes road trips! :lol:

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It's 5 hrs from where we live now. Right now, SpecialMama is about a 10 min drive...depending on if she speeds :tongue_smilie:


It was kinda weird...talking on the phone about new opportunities, and both of us start almost sniffling...I honestly don't know how I would have made it through the last 5 yrs w/out her. She's been there since before RSD, and has been a total rock all the way through everything.


It's also thanks to her that my faith has grown how it has. She's been so patient w/my questions, my seeking...




My kids call her 'Aunt'. I've been so very blessed to have someone whose more than a friend...I've never had a sister, but I suspect that it would be the kind of relationship I've been blessed enough to have w/Karyn.


Thank heavens she likes road trips! :lol:




It is not too long to visit and catch up, but it is too long for regular face-to-face conversations. :sad:

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It is not too long to visit and catch up, but it is too long for regular face-to-face conversations. :sad:

Yeah, or spur of the moment, "I'm going insane and need to escape my family for a bit, wanna go for coffee?" Thank heavens for Skype and such though...at least she won't totally miss out on Boo growing.

I am so happy for you and your family after following this story. I hope everything goes very smoothly for you. Enjoy the excitement of it all!


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