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Do you mind if your spouse posts on "your" board?

Do you mind if your spouse posts here?  

  1. 1. Do you mind if your spouse posts here?

    • yes
    • no

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Do you mind if your spouse posts on your board? I am referring to, for example, this board. If you frequent this board, and your spouse comes here and posts, would that bother you? This is assuming a normal relationship and normal pertinent type post. As in, he(or she) is posting in the same fashion as everyone else and there is nothing dysfunctional going on, like in the middle of a divorce and coming to fight with you or otherwise. Just normal everyday-another poster-who just happens to be your spouse?


Make sure you vote no for if you do not mind and yes for if it would upset you.

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Do you mind if your spouse posts on your board?


I have this "thing" ~ and I admit up front that it's illogical ~ about the concept of a guy hanging out on a discussion board ~ particularly one frequented almost exclusively by women. Is it fair of me to allow myself the time to sit here and chat, but desire that my husband not do so? Of course not! And perhaps this is Good Reason #194 as far as why I'm married to the guy I'm married to. He wouldn't sit in front of the computer at all (okay, he did a few hours ago, in order to watch a Euro Cup game;)), much less spend his time on a forum. And I'm glad of that. And I'm glad he doesn't care if I do spend time here.:tongue_smilie:


ETA: I don't mind that guys are on the board. I totally appreciate Plaid Dad, et al! That may sound like a mixed message, given my comments above. What I'm sayin' is, I don't mind hanging with guys here, but I'm glad my guy isn't into chatting online with babes. LOL

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If my spouse posted on this board, it would mean the stars were out of alignment. He just isn't a chatty kind of guy. I wouldn't care and I do try to post with the fact he "could" read it.


I've often wondered if something happened to me how would all of my online friends know. I've been contemplating making a list of the place I visit with my passwords so he could at least people know or close some of the accounts I have in case of my demise.

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I have this "thing" ~ and I admit up front that it's illogical ~ about the concept of a guy hanging out on a discussion board ~ particularly one frequented almost exclusively by women. Is it fair of me to allow myself the time to sit here and chat, but desire that my husband not do so? Of course not! And perhaps this is Good Reason #194 as far as why I'm married to the guy I'm married to. He wouldn't sit in front of the computer at all (okay, he did a few hours ago, in order to watch a Euro Cup game;)), much less spend his time on a forum. And I'm glad of that. And I'm glad he doesn't care if I do spend time here.:tongue_smilie:



Exactly, I couldn't agree more! :lurk5:

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I voted no, but Bud would never, ever post here or anywhere else. I think he is vaguely confuzzled by the time I spend here and on my blog (which he also never reads).


Occasionally, he appreciates the information I glean from here, and one time he developed a good business contact and friend because I mentioned that one of the posters her had a husband in the same business and they lived in our same general area. So he's okay with it all, just doesn't understand it, LOL.


So, while I voted no, it's easy to say it wouldn't bother me because it would NEVER happen.

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I voted no. I wouldn't mind if he came here. He wouldn't though. Like some of the others said, my dh isn't a talker.


HOWEVER, he totally supports me being here. I apologized to him one day when I'd spent an especially long amount of time on here and didn't get much done in the house. He said, "You don't need to apologize! I think it's great that you have that outlet. I have things I enjoy doing that you support, so the same goes here!":001_wub::001_tt1:

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Dh posted on the old WTM boards on occasion when I would direct him to a thread where I thought he could offer some expertise or other... I can't imagine him getting caught up in all the hen-clucking that goes on here (that I rather enjoy, at least sometimes, lol), but I certainly didn't mind when posted in the past.


He does have a board of his own. It's for enthusiasts for a particular make of camera. (Yawn.) But he doesn't spend the (ridiculous amount of) time there that I do here.

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I have this "thing" ~ and I admit up front that it's illogical ~ about the concept of a guy hanging out on a discussion board ~ particularly one frequented almost exclusively by women. Is it fair of me to allow myself the time to sit here and chat, but desire that my husband not do so? Of course not! And perhaps this is Good Reason #194 as far as why I'm married to the guy I'm married to. He wouldn't sit in front of the computer at all (okay, he did a few hours ago, in order to watch a Euro Cup game;)), much less spend his time on a forum. And I'm glad of that. And I'm glad he doesn't care if I do spend time here.:tongue_smilie:


Ditto. Mine would be in big trouble if he wanted to chat with ladies all day. He feels it's inappropriate. And VERY boring.

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Ditto. Mine would be in big trouble if he wanted to chat with ladies all day. He feels it's inappropriate. And VERY boring.
I can understand that to a degree. If mine DID get on here, he'd mostly relate to Plaid Dad and any other man that's here! His eyes would glaze over if he had to read most of the stuff we chat about! :D And, as you stated, he's not into spending time with any other woman than me! :D
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I can't imagine my husband having any interest in an internet message board.


he probably appreciates the occasional recipe or the homeschool support that I get here. But he's not a big internet guy and he sure wouldn't want to hang on a message board, just not his style.


If he were, I guess I'd like for him to have his own boards to go to rather than hang around mine.

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It is a VW TDI forum, and he says there is sometimes just as much drama there as here.


I don't think dh would be interested in hanging out here in the least, but if he did, I wouldn't care. At least here, if anyone got the least bit inappropriate, I would know in a heart beat!


Dh isn't an Internet 'chatty' kind of guy. He is on the computer and phone all day at work so the last thing he would want to do is sit at a computer and chat some more! He is more of an 'information' surfer. Right now he is spending a lot of time researching solar energy. Other than that, he avoids the computer. I even have to tell him he has a email most of the time, usually after it has sat unopened for a week or two. :)

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My husband probably would not post here or read here for that matter, but I would not mind of he did. A couple of times there have been questions asked here where I asked for his input on what to say. In those instances he didn't say, "Ooohh can I post it?" or "Can I read it?" He'll give his input and that's it.


He will listen to the funny stories that I share from here. He just has a hard time keeping y'all straight, though.:001_smile:

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It would bug me.


Know why?


Because as far as I'm concerned he dragged me here to this town where I can NOT be myself, so I need to have some places (here, my other board) where I can be myself to the MAX.


This is my territory. I will report back to him interesting tidbits, but if he started hanging out here it would change how I post and I would have to find somewhere new to go.


Do we need help, LOL? Yes we do. But this is how we handle our vastly different temperaments - I get some virtual places to blow off steam and be silly in ways I can't do in real life.


He has his own boards, anyway.

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I would actually really like it if my husband took more of an interest in general in the things I spend my mental energies on. Not necessarily the fun, silly, general board threads. But I would like it if he were more into education, curriculum, philosophy, homeschooling ideologies, etc., to the point that he had opinions he wanted to express here.


But that's not who he is, and he lets me be who I am, so I can't complain. :)

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Well, if he had the slightest interest in making curriculum choices or the 'how to's' of homeschooling, I could see it. Otherwise, it would just be hangin' with the ladies, and I don't think he needs to do that. He has his own friends, and he never uses the internet, anyway.


I do share with him the memorable threads here, and he'll often tell me to post this or that - something completely inappropriate and tacky! No, he'd better not ever post here - I'd be kicked off the board. :lol:

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No, I don't want my husband here. Nope, nope, nope.


Besides, before the internet was invented he used to have to listen to me drone on about curriculum and wave catalogs in his face. He is glad there is somewhere else for this to go on and he doesn't have to know anything about our homeschooling except for the important questions (How much is this going to cost me? How high do you think that ACT score will be?)

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I wouldn't mind if he participated. In fact, it'd be kind of neat to see him developing opinions about education and parenting, areas he's left up to me. I often bring up General Board topics with him (moreso than I discuss them on the General Board), and his opinions are very interesting. I think you would like arguing with him.


He is leery of forums in general, though. Someone once wrote an entire poem on the Def Poetry boards accusing him of making up fake identities to post under, in praise of himself. I happened upon it and was so very tempted to get all mama bear and explain to them what idiots they are. He asked me to leave it alone, and told me that sort of drama is why he doesn't ever post in message boards. Our rep system makes him giggle. So, I don't think he'd want to be here even if he were obsessed by the ins and outs of classical education.

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I voted no. My DH doesn't read or post here but I would love if he did. I'm often sharing many of the posts with him anyway. :)


My DH has other interests on the computer and spends as much time online as I do. We sit in our living room with our laptops so we're together.

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Lol, I often tell my dh about things that come up here, and he often tells me what to respond to them! lets just say, I would not respond like he does....he actually enjoys stirring big time.

So, if he did come onto these boards, I wouldn't mind, because I am not so attached to this board as an exclusive outlet for myself, but it probably would change my responses to things. I might word things differently, not respond to posts I now respond to (hey, like the 'conversation post') , or then again, maybe it wouldn't change me. I am not sure.

But overall, no, it wouldn't bother me, but it's not really an issue thats likely to come up.

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I wouldn't mind if he were able to participate in a productive way, if he were just coming on to 'chat' then I'd be concerned but since he would be participating on the same board I am I don't think there would be a problem. I can't tell you how thrilled I'd be if I could just get him to read a homeschool book, so I see him participating on the board as a positive thing! :)

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I voted no, but Bud would never, ever post here or anywhere else. I think he is vaguely confuzzled by the time I spend here and on my blog (which he also never reads).


So, while I voted no, it's easy to say it wouldn't bother me because it would NEVER happen.

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I can't imagine my husband having any interest in an internet message board.


I can't either. (Imagine my husband having an interest in one, that is.)


I think (don't get mad at him, ladies and gents) that my husband sees this board as a great way for me to chat with other talkative ladies (not disregarding you gentlemen, just commenting about the majority of the population here being female) about...things he has absolutely no interest in. :)


So it provides both he and me with a valuable service.

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I can't either. (Imagine my husband having an interest in one, that is.)


I think (don't get mad at him, ladies and gents) that my husband sees this board as a great way for me to chat with other talkative ladies (not disregarding you gentlemen, just commenting about the majority of the population here being female) about...things he has absolutely no interest in. :)


So it provides both he and me with a valuable service.


The first time I met gardenschooler my husband said to her husband "Remember how it was before the internet? Thank God for the internet!"

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My husband posts here and since I've mainly been a lurker anyway, it doesn't bother me. Besides, he can debate things here that I don't have the time/interest/mental energy to discuss with him!


It is kind of funny now that he'll mention someone from the boards but he doesn't have to clarify that she's from the boards because we both know automatically.


Yeah. We need lives.



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I do share with him the memorable threads here, and he'll often tell me to post this or that - something completely inappropriate and tacky! No, he'd better not ever post here - I'd be kicked off the board. :lol:

Mine too -- his posting style would be a bit too abrasive for here I think ;)

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