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Dad teaches daughter a lesson on Facebook.

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:lol: Have you read the guy's posts? He's no slouch. He can spell and punctuate. I wonder what Latin sounds like with a Texan drawl?


I've read his posts and I watched his video and I still think he's a redneck. And rednecks make me slightly ill. But when you post a FB video of yourself smoking and shooting a laptop in your backyard, you're going to run the gamut of people's opinions.


For me, I would rather be dead than know a guy like this. First DH was a redneck and I dumped his butt for a reason. :lol:

Edited by Jennifer3141
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Why can't a dad in a kilt do something like this?? For the love of Latin, why can't some classical educating dad go nuts on his kid for us???


Even if he's a really dopey guy, as long as he looks good in the kilt, I'd be willing to forgive a little bit o' stupid. ;)


But he couldn't shoot the laptop. He'd have to use one of those swords like they had in Highlander.

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I wonder if Jeff Foxworthy has heard about this yet.


You might be a redneck if... :D


EDITED TO ADD: I just realized that this post could be offensive to some people, in light of the cruel and nasty "redneck" comments that have been posted to this thread, so please know that I was only kidding around, and truly didn't mean anything bad toward anyone. I was going to delete the whole post, but I always hate it when people do that, because I wonder what I missed, so I thought I'd just add an apology instead, in case my post came across the wrong way to anyone!)

Edited by Catwoman
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:tongue_smilie:Well. My DH self classifies as a redneck and would be offended by all the redneck hating in this post. There is quite the difference in a trashy human being and a "redneck." DH says that being "redneck" = being country. I think this distinction is lost on most of the world though. Trust me, I didn't know that either until I met DH. And we breed just fine, thank you very much. :glare:

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Even if he's a really dopey guy, as long as he looks good in the kilt, I'd be willing to forgive a little bit o' stupid. ;)


But he couldn't shoot the laptop. He'd have to use one of those swords like they had in Highlander.



See now, THAT would just be hot. :lol::lol::lol:


This was redneck.

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:tongue_smilie:Well. My DH self classifies as a redneck and would be offended by all the redneck hating in this post. There is quite the difference in a trashy human being and a "redneck." DH says that being "redneck" = being country. I think this distinction is lost on most of the world though. Trust me, I didn't know that either until I met DH. And we breed just fine, thank you very much. :glare:

:iagree: I think the redneck hating is very offensive.

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:iagree: I think the redneck hating is very offensive.


This. Replace the word 'redneck' with just about any other stereotype, and most of the members here would be offended. Not sure why 'redneck' is an acceptable phrase to label a complete stranger they've watched online. Is it because he has a southern drawl? Is it because he smokes? Is it because he owns a gun? Is that the criteria to be a 'redneck'?

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I've read his posts and I watched his video and I still think he's a redneck. And rednecks make me slightly ill. But when you post a FB video of yourself smoking and shooting a laptop in your backyard, you're going to run the gamut of people's opinions.


For me, I would rather be dead than know a guy like this. First DH was a redneck and I dumped his butt for a reason. :lol:


Same here. I think it's a case of a trashy redneck breeding, most likely, another little ignorant redneck.


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:iagree: I think the redneck hating is very offensive.


This. Replace the word 'redneck' with just about any other stereotype, and most of the members here would be offended. Not sure why 'redneck' is an acceptable phrase to label a complete stranger they've watched online. Is it because he has a southern drawl? Is it because he smokes? Is it because he owns a gun? Is that the criteria to be a 'redneck'?


:iagree: I am offended by the comments. It's not necessary to say hateful things about anyone.

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That's a stretch. I can totally see someone shooting targets but not a person.


Holy Hell. I can't believe I'm saying this.


I didn't say at targets and I'm speaking both based on personal experience working in homes of violent people and based on many domestic violence laws. There is a correlation between the destruction of someone's personal property to control, punish, in a fit of anger, etc. and violence towards people.


If have a friend in a marriage that is breaking up and come home and hubby has torn up her books, or ripped her favorite dress to pieces or shot holes in her laptop, you'd better believe that it is evidence that he could be coming after her next. The charges would not just be property destruction but domestic violence in many state jurisdictions. The reason is because there is a high correlation.

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Same here. I think it's a case of a trashy redneck breeding, most likely, another little ignorant redneck.


I thought this quote off of his Facebook page was interesting in light of all of the ignorant redneck comments.


I'll give you a real example from the NC school system. My daughter just finished Honors Geometry in school. Halfway through the semester she asks me "Dad, can you help me type this math problem into your graphing calculator? I can't get the equation to come out right." I said "sure" and went over to help out. The problem was about calculating the tangent of a line, but I can't remember the specifics of it at the moment. I took a look at it and said "Honey, why don't you just do the problem manually... you know, on a piece of paper? It's pretty easy."


She honestly looked at me like I was a complete idiot! "You can't do it with a pencil and paper, Dad. Sheesh!"


I stared at her dumbfounded. "Honey, you DO know that tangential math has been around since the 1600s, right? Over 500 years. Long BEFORE graphing calculators existed..., right?"

Her response was "Well, we're not taught that. We're just taught how to enter it into a calculator and get the right answer."


Absolutely SURE she must be crazy, I checked.... and she's right. HONORS mathematics at the high school level doesn't teach kids basic math principles. At all!!! If a modern honors geometry student had to calculate the distance of a line from the top of a flag pole to any point in space relative to the ground.. they have no idea how to do it. (How many of you just asked your kids to show you how to do that? Wait... how many more are Googling it right now? Stop. That's cheating.)



I think you are saying redneck, but mean southerner.


ETA: Here's a great quote off of his FB page:

We agreed we learned two collective lessons from this so far:


First: As her father, I’ll definitely do what I say I will, both positive and negative and she can depend on that. She no longer has any doubt about that.


Second: We have always told her what you put online can affect you forever. Years later a single Facebook/MySpace/Twitter comment can affect her eligibility for a good job and can even get her fired from a job she already has. She’s seen first-hand through this video the worst possible scenario that can happen. One post, made by her Dad, will probably follow him the rest of his life; just like those mean things she said on Facebook will stick with the people her words hurt for a long time to come. Once you put it out there, you can’t take it back, so think carefully before you use the internet to broadcast your thoughts and feelings.


Whether you love him or hate him, that's truth right there.

Edited by Shannon831
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Same here. I think it's a case of a trashy redneck breeding, most likely, another little ignorant redneck.


This. Replace the word 'redneck' with just about any other stereotype, and most of the members here would be offended. Not sure why 'redneck' is an acceptable phrase to label a complete stranger they've watched online. Is it because he has a southern drawl? Is it because he smokes? Is it because he owns a gun? Is that the criteria to be a 'redneck'?


How about, "Same here. I think it's a case of a trashy liberal breeding, most likely, another little ignorant liberal."

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Even if he's a really dopey guy, as long as he looks good in the kilt, I'd be willing to forgive a little bit o' stupid. ;)


But he couldn't shoot the laptop. He'd have to use one of those swords like they had in Highlander.





My name is Conner MacLeod from the clan MacLeod. You embarrassed me on Facebook. I kill your computer!

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I've read his posts and I watched his video and I still think he's a redneck. And rednecks make me slightly ill. But when you post a FB video of yourself smoking and shooting a laptop in your backyard, you're going to run the gamut of people's opinions.


For me, I would rather be dead than know a guy like this. First DH was a redneck and I dumped his butt for a reason. :lol:



My mother married a guy whose neck is scarlet. He's a good guy, but he doesn't stand for BS; which is one of the things I like most about him. He's no Homeric Hero (there's my Iliad baggage of the week again), but he's someone you want on your side if the going gets tough.


This redneck name-calling is bugging me. WWPMD? (What Would Pioneer's Marlboro Mad Do?)


LL, posting from her North East ("I can see Harvard from my back yard' ) Eilist tower.

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PS If this thread gets locked, can we get a warning so we can delete our posts. Or maybe just delete the whole thing, which is so much easier than deleting individuals, post by post, don't you think? I'm only trying to be considerate of your time, Mods. :)

Edited by LibraryLover
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I think this is the most hateful, disturbing post I've ever seen on this forum. You should be ashamed of yourself.


:iagree: Nothing like a stranger shooting an inanimate object to reveal the true colors of some of the members here. I have to say that while I have had some differences with some members on this board I have never ever lost pretty all respect for any members before seeing posts like that. The only one that is trashy and showing ignorance is the one posting uncalled for comments like that.

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PS If this thread gets locked, can we get a warning so we can delete our posts. Or maybe just delete the whole thing, which is so much easier than deleting individuals, post by post, don't you think? I'm only trying to be considerate of your time, Mods. :)


Hey don't delete teh whole thread, I actually had good thoughts on one of my posted and got quoted. Do you know how rare that is??




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Stabbed me right in the heart, you did.




I'm sorrrrryyyyyyy!!! I'm on 3 hours of sleep, am horrible with names ON A GOOD DAY and haven't seen the movie in a long time and have been working all day!! I thought Colin felt wrong but I couldn't remember exactly. I got the MacLeod right though and I know the actor's name is Christopher Lambert and that he was also Tarzan! Does that count for anything??? :tongue_smilie:

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I'm sorrrrryyyyyyy!!! I'm on 3 hours of sleep, am horrible with names ON A GOOD DAY and haven't seen the movie in a long time and have been working all day!! I thought Colin felt wrong but I couldn't remember exactly. I got the MacLeod right though and I know the actor's name is Christopher Lambert and that he was also Tarzan! Does that count for anything??? :tongue_smilie:


umm nope





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I'm sorrrrryyyyyyy!!! I'm on 3 hours of sleep, am horrible with names ON A GOOD DAY and haven't seen the movie in a long time and have been working all day!! I thought Colin felt wrong but I couldn't remember exactly. I got the MacLeod right though and I know the actor's name is Christopher Lambert and that he was also Tarzan! Does that count for anything??? :tongue_smilie:

I'll forgive you. This time. Cause I love ya.


And I'm now having scenes from T, LoG running through my head. :D

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It's always so interesting when a new member's first two posts are extremely inflammatory and have absolutely nothing to do with homeschooling.


You know, on a homeschooling forum. Where you don't know anyone and would normally want to create a positive first impression...


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



:iagree:If only I had know earlier that all I had to do was state my opinion and then say, "so, that's the end of that!" and we could all be done with it!


FTR, perhaps I have been using the word 'redneck' incorrectly, but 'country' is one thing, redneck, imo is the arrogant insistence that bigotry, racism, sexism, and homophobia are not only acceptable, but preferable.

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:iagree:If only I had know earlier that all I had to do was state my opinion and then say, "so, that's the end of that!" and we could all be done with it!


FTR, perhaps I have been using the word 'redneck' incorrectly, but 'country' is one thing, redneck, imo is the arrogant insistence that bigotry, racism, sexism, and homophobia are not only acceptable, but preferable.


Exactly. I have zero problem with country. I live in the country. I eat in a "tavern" right out of Hobbiton 2-4 times a week. Love it out here.


Redneck? Nope. Don't do that and avoid it like the plague I think it is.


As an example... my ex-DH and ex-FIL were PURE redneck. Ex did not understand why anyone owned books when everything was now on TV (why read???) and ex-FIL thought calling the immigrants he illegally paid to cut his Xmas tree farm, "beaners" was funny as heck. Ack.

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