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Would you be comfortable or uncomfortable with a guy taking your measurements?

How comfortable would you be with a male volunteer taking your measurements?  

  1. 1. How comfortable would you be with a male volunteer taking your measurements?

    • I would be totally comfortable with a MALE volunteer taking my measurements
    • I'd be somewhat uncomfortable with a MALE volunteer taking my measurements, but could tolerate it.
    • I'd be so uncomfortable w/ a MALE taking my meas. that I wouldn't do it, but would w/ female.
    • I'd be so uncomfortable w/ ANYONE taking my measurements, male or female, that I wouldn't do it.

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I have the opportunity to participate in a research study which includes a personal trainer 3 days per week. The program is for women. I would really love to do it as a way to get in shape.


The personal trainers are volunteers and are mostly male undergrads and graduate students. ( I am guessing it may be like Psych experiment volunteers ie that a certain class requires a certain amount of personal training, etc. and this is a way to meet the requirement. I don't know for sure though.)


Here's what I am wondering about: the volunteer takes the measurements of the female participants every week: bust, waist, hips, maybe more.


I wonder how common my reaction is.

Edited by Laurie4b1
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Well, I have a trainer at the gym. He took my measurements during my initial assessment, and he'll recheck them every month. He didn't touch my torso; he had me hold the tape around my bust, for example, and read the measurement. So no big deal. For me, at least.



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For those of you who would be very uncomfortable, does it change your viewpoint if the measuring is done like I described? In other words, to measure my bust, he has me put my arms straight out, he puts the measuring tape around my upper back and has me take the two ends and place them together on my bust. Then he reads the number. Same for hips and waist. He does the measuring himself on arms and legs. I am fully clothed. Doesn't bother me. His hands never come near my torso, only my arms and legs. I assume if I asked, we could do all the measurements as described above (he tells me where the tape should be, and I hold it so he can read the measurement). Would something like that still bother y'all?



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For those of you who would be very uncomfortable, does it change your viewpoint if the measuring is done like I described? In other words, to measure my bust, he has me put my arms straight out, he puts the measuring tape around my upper back and has me take the two ends and place them together on my bust. Then he reads the number. Same for hips and waist. He does the measuring himself on arms and legs. I am fully clothed. Doesn't bother me. His hands never come near my torso, only my arms and legs. I assume if I asked, we could do all the measurements as described above (he tells me where the tape should be, and I hold it so he can read the measurement). Would something like that still bother y'all?



I would be fine with this.

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I don't let men other than my dh touch me (except for shaking hands) unless it's an unavoidable medical situation.


This doesn't quialify as unavaoidable, so I answered that I wouldn't let a man do my measurements, but I would let a woman.


My views are similar, except that I am single so no male touches me, and I will not shake hands with a male if I can avoid it. If it's an unavoidable medical situation then I will, but otherwise no.


I also would not be comfortable working out in front of men.

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My views are similar, except that I am single so no male touches me, and I will not shake hands with a male if I can avoid it. If it's an unavoidable medical situation then I will, but otherwise no.


I also would not be comfortable working out in front of men.


Please don't think I'm being snarky about this, but I'm wondering why you feel so strongly about not being touched by any man (even casually, like a handshake) or why you wouldn't be comfortable working out in front of men.


Is it a religious issue?


Please don't feel that you need to answer me if my questions are too intrusive or make you uncomfortable -- I am genuinely curious, but I don't want you put you on the spot. :001_smile:

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I worked with a trainer for a while. He measure bust from behind (had me place the tape in the right spot). he also measured hips from behind... which was probably the most uncomfortable measurement for me. Honestly though, it's not that bad... and it was motivation for me to work my a$$ off so the measurements would be smaller every time, lol!

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It wouldn't make my list of the top ten most favorite things to do, but I wouldn't feel better if it were a woman doing it either. I just don't like being scrutinized.


That said, I might get over it for some free personal training sessions. ;)



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My trainer is a guy and while I wasn't jumping for joy over him doing my fitness assessment, I didn't really care. It was just like "meh" and "now he knows how fat and unfit I really am." LOL


For free training...um yeah...they could see me naked for all I care.


I've always been annoyed, btw, how women on TBL have to wear sports bras with no shirt for weigh-ins and the men can wear t's. What's up with that? LOL

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I'd let a doctor or other professional take my measurements, but a male grad student, I don't think so. I wouldn't have a problem with a woman, though.



Also, the OP said undergrad and grad students. I would be uncomfortable with a grad student, but it would be a no for me with an undergrad (individual exceptions, of course).

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I was just thinking for those who don't do any kind of contact with males, that working out in a program like this may not be a possibility anyway. I don't know what kind of movements or lifts may be involved, but there is a lot of close proximity in spotting for certain lifts. Sometimes you also need to gently touch a person to reposition them when they are learning a movement.


Like I said, I'm not sure exactly what this program includes. It might be something to keep in mind if you plan on finding a trainer for yourself later on though.

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My trainer is a guy and while I wasn't jumping for joy over him doing my fitness assessment, I didn't really care. It was just like "meh" and "now he knows how fat and unfit I really am." LOL


For free training...um yeah...they could see me naked for all I care.


I've always been annoyed, btw, how women on TBL have to wear sports bras with no shirt for weigh-ins and the men can wear t's. What's up with that? LOL


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Unfortunately, if this is for a research study, they cannot let you do any of the measurements yourself. They have to be done by the researcher, otherwise the measurements are invalid, as you have not been trained in the proper protocol for the study - it is not like being measured at the gym where operator error wouldn't be such a big deal. When we did research (biological anthropology so we did loads of body measurements as well as blood draws and written recalls) we always had at least one female researcher present. You can always request to be measured by a female, and if they cannot accomodate you they can let you know in advance so you don't take up a research spot.

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It wouldn't bother me if I felt they were being professional about it (and I'd assume they would be)! But then I've had male gynecologists/obstetricians, male tattoo artists, male doctors and nurses and so on, so why not? I wouldn't expect them to be groping me or anything.


Like someone else said, I'd hate for anyone to have to know how awful my measurements are at the moment. But that's not gender specific.


But hey I'm down 33.8 lbs so far as of this morning! :D I'd be kinda proud to have my efforts show up on those regular checks I suppose. And free training? Nice! That would help even more. I would do it in a heartbeat. They're there to help you, not to judge you. And if they do judge you, who cares, they'll keep it to themselves and you'll never know lol. And meanwhile they'll be helping you get into good shape so that you won't have to worry about people judging you, if you worry about that kind of thing. And healthy. :)

Edited by NanceXToo
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It wouldn't bother me if I felt they were being professional about it (and I'd assume they would be)!


And for heaven's sake, if he's not going to be professional, he should at least be incredibly good looking and have a really deep, sexy voice. And no cold hands. (I have my standards.) :tongue_smilie:



But hey I'm down 33.8 lbs so far as of this morning! :D :)


:party: :party: :party:


Way to go, Nance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And for heaven's sake, if he's not going to be professional, he should at least be incredibly good looking and have a really deep, sexy voice. And no cold hands. (I have my standards.) :tongue_smilie:





:party: :party: :party:


Way to go, Nance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







Thank you!

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