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What does your child drink after weaning?

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I'm going to have to be weaning baby girl soon. She is almost a year old :eek:. With Pigby, I moved him to cow's milk, but he had so many tummy issues from that, it was a long time before we could let him drink it. So with Digby, I put him on formula made for toddlers. Yes, I know it's still made from cow's milk, but I was thinking it at least have more vitamins/minerals than cow's milk. Now I'm wondering if I should try something else for baby girl. She has eczema and is often itchy; I'm contemplating keeping her off dairy to see if that will clear it up at all. But what should I do to make sure she has enough calcium and fluids? And thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Fwiw you don't have to wean at a year just because. That being said we almost always drink water around here. If I had a babe that young weaned I would move them to raw milk if they tolerated it or hemp/coconut milk and clo.


I know you mean no offense, but I'm not weaning just because she's turning 1. She is my last and I had hoped to nurse her as long as she wanted. It's breaking my heart, but I think I need to for other reasons.

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I know you mean no offense, but I'm not weaning just because she's turning 1. She is my last and I had hoped to nurse her as long as she wanted. It's breaking my heart, but I think I need to for other reasons.


Sorry I didn't mean offense but I also know a lot of people irl that wean solely due to age so I wanted to throw that out there. Sometimes people just need to hear an idea and support. I hope it goes well and hopefully you find a suitable substitute

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*I* would just give her water, green smoothies, and more water. Veggies are a better source of calcium. You could use some alternative milks here and there, but we skipped them altogether for years. My kids were teens before they were using soy, almond, and coconut milks. We just didn't use milk. And if you are concerned about not getting the veggies in, green smoothies is something almost every child will drink easily and you can put tons of veggies in there.

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With my first I weaned him by 13 months and he developed serious GI issues from the cow's milk I put him on ... he needed something that was more easily digestible.


With my next two I didn't wean until they were nearly 2 and when I did they drank mostly water and maybe 1 cup of cow milk/day.


With my 4th, because I got pg so soon I slowly weaned him onto formula at 10 months old and he has been on formula since ... even now at 14 months ... the cow milk was too harsh for him, as well. (We tried a little).


I think 12 months is too young for some kids to digest the cow milk. We also have a lot of food allergies in our family so I'm careful about watching for GI issues/ezcema and other problems.

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I am preparing to wean my dd as she turns one here soon also and that was my goal for nursing :D I'm surprised by the answers and maybe need to be enlightened...I've always weened my babies straight from breast milk to cows milk...is this not the norm? I've never known or heard different. Help me out ;)

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I am preparing to wean my dd as she turns one here soon also and that was my goal for nursing :D I'm surprised by the answers and maybe need to be enlightened...I've always weened my babies straight from breast milk to cows milk...is this not the norm? I've never known or heard different. Help me out ;)


I think that is common ... that is what we tried to do with our first. I do think cow milk is harsher on human G-I system than other things (almond milk, goat milk...) which is more easily digested. Going right from breastmilk which is usually the easiest thing to digest and absorb to cow milk can cause problems in some toddlers...

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I'm going to have to be weaning baby girl soon. She is almost a year old :eek:. With Pigby, I moved him to cow's milk, but he had so many tummy issues from that, it was a long time before we could let him drink it. So with Digby, I put him on formula made for toddlers. Yes, I know it's still made from cow's milk, but I was thinking it at least have more vitamins/minerals than cow's milk. Now I'm wondering if I should try something else for baby girl. She has eczema and is often itchy; I'm contemplating keeping her off dairy to see if that will clear it up at all. But what should I do to make sure she has enough calcium and fluids? And thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.


why do you have to wean?


Both my boys nursed till 3 (and past for one of them) and neither of them drank anything but momma milk at all till past 18 months (and that is also me nursing though a pregnancy).


Unless there is an overwelming medical need to wean -- ie a medication issue or something -- I'd just need nursing her.


giving her water is not going to meet her dietary needs; giving her milk sould like a recipie for a mess, and giving her non dairy formula sounds costly and a lot of work ....


momma milk wins out.

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My oldest dd was allergic to cow's milk. She weaned at 11 months. I wish I could have gone longer but she actually seemed to do better once she was weaned! The current recommendation is to use whole milk from ages 1-2. I gave my dd rice milk, which is glorified sugar water, but does have some vitamins. I alternated that with soy milk. I did give her lots of avocado and olive oil in food to up her fat intake. I avoided nuts at her pediatrician's advice due to potential allergies so almond milk was out. She mostly drank water and watered-down juices though.

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I am preparing to wean my dd as she turns one here soon also and that was my goal for nursing :D I'm surprised by the answers and maybe need to be enlightened...I've always weened my babies straight from breast milk to cows milk...is this not the norm? I've never known or heard different. Help me out ;)

With Pigby, he got extremely constipated. Because of that, he would occasionally have blood in his stool. He also complained of tummy aches all the time. I was never positive it was the cow's milk, but when we cut it out of his diet, he did a lot better.

my eczema kids got soymilk. Can you buy goats milk from a farmer anyplace?
They have goat's milk in the stores here, but it is pasteurized. To get raw milk, is way out of our price range.


why do you have to wean?


Both my boys nursed till 3 (and past for one of them) and neither of them drank anything but momma milk at all till past 18 months (and that is also me nursing though a pregnancy).


Unless there is an overwelming medical need to wean -- ie a medication issue or something -- I'd just need nursing her.


giving her water is not going to meet her dietary needs; giving her milk sould like a recipie for a mess, and giving her non dairy formula sounds costly and a lot of work ....


momma milk wins out.


I need to wean because all the sleepless nights are triggering my depression. I've tried as hard as I could to keep sane with self-talk and going to bed early. But it's not enough anymore.


When I was pregnant with baby girl, my midwife recommended a supplement called rhodiola. I took it for a few weeks after she was born to stay sane, but stopped when I felt like I could handle it on my own. Since it's not FDA approved, I don't want it going through my milk to her. I'm willing to risk side effects for myself, but not her. I need to wean her so I can take it again and keep the depression at bay.

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2 of my 3 kids have a dairy allergy. As newly weaned toddlers they drank rice milk, calcium fortified juice, and a lot of water. Be careful with nut milks (like almond milk) if your kids have possible allergies. I also give them calcium supplements. If the toddler isn't getting much fat from other sources, you can add some oil (like olive oil or maybe coconut oil) to rice milk. It's basically tasteless, but ensures that the child is getting the fat they need for brain development.

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With the babies that I nursed they weaned directly to cow's milk with no problems. The baby who was on formula went to cow's milk at age 1 also with no problems. They also had been drinking out of a sippy cup before turning one, practicing with water or juice. Hth!

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2 of my 3 kids have a dairy allergy. As newly weaned toddlers they drank rice milk, calcium fortified juice, and a lot of water. Be careful with nut milks (like almond milk) if your kids have possible allergies. I also give them calcium supplements. If the toddler isn't getting much fat from other sources, you can add some oil (like olive oil or maybe coconut oil) to rice milk. It's basically tasteless, but ensures that the child is getting the fat they need for brain development.

:iagree: on the nut milks. Good ideas here!

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So, if i had to have her drink something, it would be Rice or Coconut (organic) milk. If I wasn't scared of goat's milk, that'd be what I did if I was going to feed dairy. And, I'd be tempted to do goat's milk. (raw would be healthiest :))


Can I ask why you're scared of goat's milk?


I ask because it's what I wound up going to with DS7 when he weaned (on own) at 11-months and didn't tolerate cow milk well - goat's milk was well tolerated. We tried cow milk again (VAT pasturized, non-homogenized) again when he was two and he was fine with it ... but he still prefers goat milk, so mostly has that when he has milk.


With the baby, he's weaned (again, self - with both I wanted to continue BF, but it is what is it) and I just gave him goat milk rather than see if he tolerated cow milk or not. Again, it's well tolerated, no problems at all.

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My youngest never drank milk. She hated it and just drank water from the time she weaned until she was about 4. Now she sometimes likes chocolate milk but almost never drinks it still. She is teeny tiny for her age but her pediatrician was not worried about the lack of milk. She said to make sure that DD has other calcium sources and it would be fine. DD gets a vitamin, at that age she ate fortified multi grain cheerios (for the iron) but it has calcium too, cheese, and yogurt, peas, beans, and many grains have calcium, so DD got it through those too. DD has bad eczema too and the lack of milk did not make it any better. One of my girls was lactose intolerant so she drank soy, almond, or coconut milk, but littlest DD wouldn't touch any of those either.

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water. We didn't do juice, really.

Oldest ds had a dairy intolerance of some kind--they said it gave him ear infections. We tried goat's milk, but it came in a can and was super-expensive.


Every other kiddo had water and cow's milk. We didn't allow tea or soda until they were teens, and then only on occasion.

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When my daughter was close to a year, I discovered her excema was caused from the milk and dairy products I consumed. When I cut them out, her eczema went away. So cow's milk wasn't really an option for us. We tried rice milk but she got so constipated that we had to stop that. Because nuts are high on the allergenic list and people with one food allergy are likely to develop others I avoided the nut milks. Goat's milk and hemp milk were outrageously expensive, coconut milk wasn't readily available (although it is now). We ended up using a multigrain milk from Trader Joe's and then diluted it 50% milk 50% water (I had to dilute because of her constipation issues). But I was still nursing so I just needed something for about 16 hours a week when I was away working.


If I had to relay solely on other milks, I would probably do a combination of, rice, multigrain, coconut and goat (if I could afford it) as well as much water as I could get them to drink.

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Decaf Iced Tea (Hey, I'm a southern girl)




I was wondering where all the southerners were in this conversation! Most of my cousins were weaned from breast to sweet tea (regular caffeinated).


When our oldest DD was 2, she was very sick with a virus and her pediatrician told us to let her drink anything that she was willing to drink. That turned out to be sweet tea.



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