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s/o the little things you do

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I figured it was only fair we also talk about what your significant other does for you that makes you feel loved. :)



My dh:


Does not ever ever complain about something not being done like dinner or laundry. He will simply do it himself.


Listens quietly when I rant and rage about the kids


Listens to me debate with myself over which curricula to get


Randomly brings me home treats like B&J ice cream

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He works hard at a job he doesn't love to provide for us.

He tells me that once the kids are grown he doesn't want me to go to work, but rather be a full time artist :D.

He is very supportive of our homeschool.

He's a good dad that loves his daughters.

He has a kind heart, especially towards the elderly.

He never lets a day go by without hugs, kisses and "I love you"

He forgave me for something huge, and took me back..unconditionally.

He makes me know that he loves me for better AND for worse, no matter what.

He is awesome in the kitchen when it comes to making sweets.

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maintains the home without me asking. If I do make a request he is happy to fix something.


takes the kids away a few times a year to give me a break.


is always praising and thanking me for homeschooling and taking care of him and his kids.


works very hard to provide a good living for us.


helps out around the house when he can.


tries not to complain much if things don't get done around the house.


is very involved with the kids.


fills my car with gas when he uses it, and changes the oil when it needs it.


listens to me about the kids.


loves me and puts up with me.


takes over cooking during the weekend.


tells me I'm beautiful when I get up in the morning.

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My dh:


-plans and cooks dinner every night for a kiss

-keeps the house in good repair and builds/move things as I ask

-works hard so I can stay home

-supports my staying home to homeschool

-doesn't give me a hard time about buying what I "need" for school

-doesn't give me a hard time if the house is a little disheveled when he gets home

-enjoys spends time with his kids

-gives me time off without acting like he's doing me a favor

-doesn't see spending time alone with his kids as babysitting

-fully supports my oldest dd financially, as well as all other ways

-puts up with my moodiness and obsessions

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My dh:


doesn't complain about the general state of our home, the unwashed laundry


eats the meals that I prepare and almost always compliments them


gets up with the children on Saturday and Sunday, without fail, morning so that I can sleep in


tells me that I'm beautiful and that he adores me every. single. day.

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Loves to spend time with me. And he supports me 100% and helps me to acheive.


eg. He supports me in learning piano (bought me a brand new one :001_wub:) from scratch, listens to me practice, doesn't complain about me buying resources, encourages me in taking exams etc.

Homeschooling is a similar example. :001_smile:

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My dh cooks dinner once or twice a week; picks up our raw milk every week, though it is out of his way; schleps kids around as much as his schedule allows; like a PP, he forgave me a big mistake, and loves me just the same; reads to the kids every night; makes sure I get time off on Saturdays to be alone; helps with housework; calls me from work to say good morning; does car and house repairs or makes sure they get done; works a job that sucks to take care of us; tells me what a good job I do with the kids' schooling; brings me treats from the store; tells me how beautiful he thinks I am every day; and many, many other other small things that really are very large. :D

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My DH:



  • He does the dishes a few times a week.
  • He makes sure I have a spare chocolate bar on hand in my hiding spot.
  • He rubs my foot when it hurts.
  • He watches all my trashy reality shows with me and doesn't complain, he'll even talk to me about the shows. :)
  • He keeps an emergency stick of Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer on hand in case I run out.
  • He supports me 100% homeschooling our kids.
  • He texts me several times a day to say, "I love you".
  • On cold mornings he builds a fire for me before he goes to work.


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he treats me like I'm special, and does manual labor stuff for me, like putting gas in my car, carrying things for me, washing/caring for my car, opening doors, doing anything yukky or outside.


He doesn't complain when I get behind on laundry, but just starts doing loads himself. He is always complimenting me. He will pour me a diet coke, pick up goodies I like at the store, my favorite lavender soup at Trader Joe's.

He gives the best big hugs.


He demands the kids jump to it when I ask them to do something, is the heavy if they have bad attitudes about homeschooling, he enforces an air of "you don't mess with mama- treat her well" that I really appreciate.


he does all the tech stuff for my, fixes computer problems, my iphone problems..things that yeah, I could research and figure out, but he just does them for me.

the biggest thing: he encourages me to take time to be creative and pursue art...but I don't actually do it, but he keeps encouraging me. It's really uplifting to know that he believes I can do great things.

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My wonderful husband never complains when I rearrange the closets for the 400th time that month and he can't find anything. I'm a touch OCD. ;)

He completely understands that I get crazy around lots of people and tries to make sure I don't have too many busy place activities on the weekends.

He can just tell when I have a migraine and automatically gets me a wet washcloth.

Oh, and he knows I can't stand extended jam band jams (45 minute Phish jams, for example) so he only plays them in his car when I'm not there.

Now, THAT'S love!

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Without reading replies because I get distracted....:D


He feeds me ice cream from his bowl because I won't get my own because I don't want to get fatter. (because everyone knows calories from someone else's bowl don't count)


He smiles HUGELY at me when he walks in the door. Doesn't matter if it has been a week since he saw me or 5 minutes.


He holds my hand in public.


He laughs at my jokes


He kisses me. Often.


He worships with me. This is HUGE to me.


I have much more but will start to look ridiculous if I keep on. ;)

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He puts gas in my car. :001_wub:

He brings me flowers for no reason at all.

He brought me a chocolate cake on the day I failed my allergy test. :001_smile:

He made dairy free chocolate chip cookies on the day dd failed her allergy test, the week after I failed the dairy allergy test. :001_smile: :001_smile:


He does a lot of other things too, but those came to mind.

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I complain and argue with him about way too many stupid things...This is what I am thinking as I read what everyone has written.


My Dh supports me in every way. All I have to do is say it, and if he can do it, he does. I should do this more for him.


Occasionally he will write notes to me. He is in a haiku stage right now! :tongue_smilie:

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My dh:


makes coffee every morning

He kisses me good-bye every morning at 5:30, even though I'm still asleep. I do notice if he forgets, really, even though I'm asleep.

He complimented me on homeschooling and parenting this weekend

He didn't open his mouth during dinner tonight even though it was not something he was excited about.

he lets the dog go berserk every day when he comes home. He's not as big a fan as she thinks he is. She's like a toddler who hasn't seen him in ages. She's my dog, so that makes me feel loved.

He texts me when he is on the way home from work everyday

He hasn't killed my annoying cat yet :)

He never complains about my weight

He flirted with me in the grocery the other day. We never go to the grocery together, it was a treat

He's not afraid of household chores

He let me pick the paint color for the kitchen cabinets even though he knew he'd hate it. It's a very light turquoise blue, almost white. It's stunning.

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He knows I would rather have flowers more than anything else...and brings them to me often


He listens to me go on and on about things he really doesn't care about


He prays with dds every single night (and he's an atheist)


He reads a loud to dds every single night (and there are lots of laughs)


He knows when we go to the movies that I like Gummi Bears and always "surprises" me with them


He does the dishes (which I hate) and leaves the laundry alone (which I love)

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He will make a total fool of himself, just to see me smile.


He always let me hug him as long as I NEED to when he gets home.


He lets me talk about these boards with him


He gets up in the night with the kids.


He would do anything for me. We always say that we are both wrapped around each others fingers,

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He loves me unconditionally and forgave me a huge fault.


He tells me he loves me constantly.


When having a fight once, he yelled at me and said, "I'm not your dad! I will NEVER leave you!"


He isn't mad that I'm not a perfect housekeeper.


He stands up for me.


He takes over chores that I typically do myself so I can have a break.


He stopped acting like my "me-time" was a favor from him. ;)


He's proud of my accomplishments both as a mother and wife, and as a woman, and he tells me so. :)

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He leaves before I'm awake, but he always has the coffee pot ready for me to just press on when I wake up.


He keeps my car gassed up. (I thought this was unique to him, but after reading other replies, it seems to be a guy thing - a way of taking care of us?)


He's my biggest fan - okay, 2nd biggest. Dd is still my biggest fan at this point. I expect those positions may switch in a few years.


He keeps me supplied with wine and dark chocolate.


He buys hardbacks of my favorite authors when he sees new releases in the bookstore.


He doesn't grumble too much when we acquire new pets.


He takes me to the mountains as often as he can.




He does plenty to make me grumble, but I'm fortunate that the list of random acts of love could continue for awhile.

Edited by kimmie38017
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Right now he literally does everything (except laundry because he is color blind) as I sit on the couch waiting to get better. I know I am tired of waiting and he has to be tired of carrying the whole load but he rarely complains and just plugs on. Everyone agrees that he is a good man and I am a lucky woman.

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He kisses me good-bye every morning at 5:30, even though I'm still asleep.


Same here. :001_smile: In 13 years of marriage, so far, he has not once neglected to give me a goodbye kiss. Even if we're mad at each other, I still get that morning good bye kiss.




I remembered one from when I was pg. During my first two pgs I had long hair, and I was sick all day every day. There were a few times that he held my hair back out of the way while I vomited. Now that is love. ;)

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