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Wow!! How do boys eat so much?

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I don't know, but last week my ds9 was SICK (not vomiting, but fever, cold, etc.) and he ate more food in half a day than I do in 2 days. He's not overweight either. :001_huh:


Sometimes he eats a moderate amount and then he has temporary phases where it seems he's eating everything he can find. I assume it's a growth spurt and let him have at it.

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Oh boy, do I every know what you mean!!!! My two teens are trying to gain weight by lifting and exercising a lot and, of course, eating a lot!


Two cans of tuna in a salad on four pieces of toast is a SNACK!!! I think it'll be cheaper to send them to college than to pay for all this food!


Oh yea - the oldest is 6"2' and eats at least 5000/day.

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my son is only 6 and he can out eat me!!!! Our rule is fruit/veggies for snacks or cheese and he will normally eat a big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, an apple and usually a banana. This goes on alllll day long. Some days he eats 3-4 bananas and 3-4 apples just for snacks. Its crazy!!!!!!! I can't imagine how much he will eat as a teen. And my doctor commented at his checkup how thin he had gotten! I promise i feed him!!!!!!!!!!!

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My son has eaten as much as me since he was 5. Now he eats roughly the same amount as his father who is 6'8" and weighs nearly 300 lbs., but DS is skinny as a rail. His pediatrician constantly comments on the fact that he's at the 99+ %ile for height and maybe the 70-75th %ile for weight. She'd like him to gain weight, but I'm pretty sure I can't afford that much food. I use protein shakes, but those (along with something else) are a snack to him. He can happily eat a medium pizza on his own and be hungry an hour later.


And he's only 9.


I tell him he'll have to get a job as a teenager solely to supplement our grocery bill. :glare:

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I'm scared about the teen years! DS is just over 2 and eats a ton already! Yesterday he ate:


Lunch: 1.5 peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, milk, carrots, cheese, orange

Dinner: 4!!!! bowls of gumbo, mixed veggies


He is constantly moving up until the moment he falls asleep (which is a whole other issue right now :glare:) so he burns it right off.


Good thing DS likes beans so I can have him make lots of cheap bean burritos when he's older!

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It is scary, isn't it?


My son is going on 14. He's 5'9" and weighs under 120 pounds.


He's been eating more than my husband for several years.


My oldest is 14, 5'8" (ish) and between 100 and 115 I think.


And yes, out-eats my husband these days.


Even my picky 6 yr old is starting to eat a lot. Well, a normal amount, which for him, is a lot.


Suddenly I'm doubling recipes to keep up with the boy appetites in our house; it's mind boggling.

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My son ate a 1700 calorie smoothie yesterday as a snack . My entire day calorie allotment is a snack for him. And he looks like I don't feed him at all,




I know they eat a lot and it still surprises me what they put away. This morning mine had hash browns, bacon, toast and omelets. Orange juice.


Then they got out some crab dip and crackers for "dessert".


And of course they are not overweight.

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My nearly 15 year old (5'10", 135 lbs.) ate 11 6-in. whole wheat pumpkin pancakes with 4 sausage links and a large glass of milk for dinner last night. These are hearty - like no white flour at all. He asked if there were more....or dessert...or....


Trouble is, I feel it will get worse before it gets better. He is only 14!! He's always eaten well. He's eaten more than me for quite a while now. But this amount of food is mind-boggling. It's a little scary. I am thankful my boys are spread out in age :lol:


(For lunch today he will have an entire 12-in. pizza on whole wheat crust, an entire green pepper, sliced, and a giant handful of raw almonds and I guarantee he will ask for more.)

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Suddenly I'm doubling recipes to keep up with the boy appetites in our house; it's mind boggling.


When I tell my friends - who have kids close to my kids' ages - that a 9x13" casserole, a container of salad, possibly a second side dish, and dessert leaves no leftovers, they don't really believe me. But they wonder why I firmly believe in all-you-can-eat restaurants and can't understand why I have to go grocery shopping every week (my kitchen can only hold so much food at a time).

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My 4yo DS eats the most out of my kids - he is always hungry and the only one who always finishes his entire plate of dinner and yet he is in the 25th percentile for weight :confused:


He'll have to put up a good fight before he outeats my DH though :glare:

Edited by sewingmama
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I have two words for you ladies....mashed potatoes. :D YOu can feed a small army or a teenage boy for a few pennies--and fill them up. This was the advice given to me when my 10 year old hit 5 ft. tall....MIL raised six men over six feet tall so she knows of what she speaks.


My oldest could eat a huge hamburger at 5, a large pizza somewhere around 12.

He eventually topped out at 6'8"...There's hope! In his twenties his appetite moderated. He eats like a 'normal' person now...


Good luck!

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When I tell my friends - who have kids close to my kids' ages - that a 9x13" casserole, a container of salad, possibly a second side dish, and dessert leaves no leftovers, they don't really believe me. But they wonder why I firmly believe in all-you-can-eat restaurants and can't understand why I have to go grocery shopping every week (my kitchen can only hold so much food at a time).


Yeah I understand.


My guys can sure put it away. They are not skinny but they are not fat either. They are just big boys, always have been. All my brothers and nephews are the same way.


Remember Jethro from the Beverly Hillbillies. "Eat fast while he is gone if you want anything" :lol: That is how it is around here sometimes, if you don't get your food before dss you may not eat :lol:

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My son ate a 1700 calorie smoothie yesterday as a snack . My entire day calorie allotment is a snack for him. And he looks like I don't feed him at all,


My son has a smoothie like this! And, it's his post-workout "snack." :glare:


When I tell my friends - who have kids close to my kids' ages - that a 9x13" casserole, a container of salad, possibly a second side dish, and dessert leaves no leftovers, they don't really believe me. But they wonder why I firmly believe in all-you-can-eat restaurants and can't understand why I have to go grocery shopping every week (my kitchen can only hold so much food at a time).


YES!!!! But, I do also tell my boys before we go to a friend's house that they are to take SMALL servings first. Just to make sure. They can always eat more later.


I long for the days when I used to be able to have a chicken last three meals. Now, it's GONE after the first night.

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I hear you! Wow am I amazed at the amount of calories my ds can burn compared to my dd, who is 5 years older than him.


My ds 7 out-eats my dh who is 6 ft 200 pounds. And he is of very average build. Lately he has been eating more, which means that growing pains and a growth spurt are on the horizon...


There was a 14 month period where he grew 11 (eleven!!) inches. But that was due to malnutrition...we adopted him when he was nearly 3 and he had intestinal parasites. We had to put heat packs on his legs during the night while waiting for the motrin to help with the growing pains.

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When I tell my friends - who have kids close to my kids' ages - that a 9x13" casserole, a container of salad, possibly a second side dish, and dessert leaves no leftovers, they don't really believe me. But they wonder why I firmly believe in all-you-can-eat restaurants and can't understand why I have to go grocery shopping every week (my kitchen can only hold so much food at a time).




Long gone are the days when I could buy a 1 pound thing of spaghetti noodles and make half of that and still have leftovers. Now it's the whole pack, plus a veggie, plus bread with olive oil & cheese, and they STILL will get up from the table and go grab an orange or an apple or three to snack on. And that's with a pound of meat in the sauce, too.


And no leftovers, or maybe just enough for one person to eat for a mid-morning snack.....


It really is frightening. My dad & his family (2 boys the ages of my 2 oldest) are coming to visit soon. I am hoping I have pots and pans big enough to cook for the additional 2 teenage boys.....


I have two words for you ladies....mashed potatoes. :D YOu can feed a small army or a teenage boy for a few pennies--and fill them up. This was the advice given to me when my 10 year old hit 5 ft. tall....MIL raised six men over six feet tall so she knows of what she speaks.


My oldest could eat a huge hamburger at 5, a large pizza somewhere around 12.

He eventually topped out at 6'8"...There's hope! In his twenties his appetite moderated. He eats like a 'normal' person now...


Good luck!


This is encouraging! My just turned 11 is over 5 feet. Mashed potatoes -- brilliant! I need to remember that one. We try to have one grain/starch, meat, veggie, and then also bread at dinner. Just to get them fed.


Glad to hear that someday it slows down, though.

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It's crazy, isn't it? Mine are only 6 & 4 and they're already out-eating me. My 4 yr old JUST started really eating in the last month... the 6 yr old has always eaten a lot. Between the two of them they could eat a whole large thin crust pizza... or 2 boxes of strawberries, blueberries (any berry, lol). My 4 yr old will go through a whole bag of apples in 2 days. Craziness, I tell you! :)

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This terrifies me. My kids are so thin but already eat a ton. I dread the teen years. Actually, it is DD2 who eats the most - one night she ate her portion (which was bigger than I think a 2yo needs, but I understand she is big), then she came and asked for more, so I gave her half of mine (which DH didn't notice because he was getting water for someone) and then when she finished my portion she asked him for some, so he gave her the rest off his plate. She was still hungry!!! She is in the 99th percentile for height but only the 75th for weight.


I cannot even imagine what my grocery bill will be like.

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My son ate a 1700 calorie smoothie yesterday as a snack . My entire day calorie allotment is a snack for him. And he looks like I don't feed him at all,


I noticed something similar the other day.


We went to Olive Garden for lunch with some friends from church. I'm currently trying to re-lose some of the pounds that crept back on in the last year. So, I had salad (with oil a vinegar instead of the house dressing) and a bowl of minestrone. Olive Garden prints calorie counts on their menus, and I added up my meal at under 300 calories. My son, meanwhile, also ate salad before ordering and eating the 850-calorie entree. He then asked for a second serving because he was still hungry.


He routinely eats two large orders of fries (over 1000 calories) as a snack.


But I'm the one struggling to lose and keep off extra weight. Ugh.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Ya'll are scaring me! I already cook for an army it seems like. Leftovers are definitely a rarity around here, unless I've cooked a full 7qt crockpot. But a 9x13 casserole is gone, gone, gone in one meal. I call my boys Hobbits, because an hour or two after breakfast, they're ready for second breakfast, and then elevenses, and after lunch a snack, and then linner... :D


Someday, I will have three teen boys and a preteen boy in the house all at the same time (plus a tween!). We intend to encourage our boys to live at home and go to college, but maybe that won't be as cost effective as we think!!

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When oldest ds was a teen I had a comic strip taped to the fridge. In the first frame a bored looking teenage boy sits at the kitchen counter eating an apple. In the next a sandwich, and in each progressive frame the snack item grows larger until he is dumping a large bag of veggies directly into his mouth. In the last frame Mom has just returned from the store with grocery bags in tow and inquires, "Have you had lunch?" Boy's response, "Define lunch."

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Yes!!!! Wow.


I have a teen, a pre-teen and a pre-pre-teen...and then a girl who consumes just as much. Ok and a 6 yr old...


They all eat a lot!


But oh man, what am I going to do about these boys? Second mortgage?


Oh and all of mine are slim too. The 12, 10 and 8 yr old are actually within 2" and 2# of one another...and I think the 8 yr old girl is in the lead presently LMHO But they all eat like they're starved..all the time.

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