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It was just a pipe dream that I was going to shower. Fire Dept just left.

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Update in post 36


Well, we weren't out of fuel oil. It just appeared that way. There was still 60 gallons left that we could have used for heat and hot water these last 3 days. I feel better that my calculations were not so far off.


That was until I was standing in the kitchen and could hear water running. I checked the basement as it seemed the logical choice.


The basement was full of smoke and smelled like electrical. Of course being a trained firefighter, I grabbed the dog's leash, got him and the kiddo into the car so they could be safe and warm. I realized there isn't much one can do as a trained firefighter without a fire truck with some water in it and a great big hose. :lol:


I grabbed computers and tried to round up cats. Then I realized I hadn't called dh. So I tried both of his phones with no luck. I called the station and yelled at some young agent that he better find my husband and send him home RIGHT NOW! I need to apologize for that.


Turns out the reason I had no hot water was because the hot water heater shut off. Dh just thought since we were so low on the fuel oil that we were empty. Turns out no, the hot water heater is bad.


Some how or another it caused a pipe to burst over the electrical box thingy. The electric stuff caught enough that there was a lot of smoke but no actual fire.


So I'll have an electrician and a plumber here soon.


No school today. Dd is going over to a friend's house for the remainder of the day. I have to find some way to clean up the mess left by the fire fighters (bless them) and the water.


What a morning.

Edited by Parrothead
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The kiddo is at her girlfriend's for the day. The dog has just left with my friend to day care until tomorrow. The plumber is on the way. The same friend who helped me clean and who has taken my dog is bringing back pizza.


I'm going to sit here with my meditation music and find my center again.


Thanks for caring. :grouphug:

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Wow! So glad you are all safe!


I would be calling my insurance guy immediately. They should pay for the clean up at least if not any damages.

That would be the landlord's insurance guy. :D


The only damage that is mine would be my new washer and dryer. They got soaked since the burst pipe was over them. I'm going to have to let them sit and dry out really well before starting them.

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Yikes...and since you can see Canada from your home, I guess it's pretty cold on top of all that?! Woodstove?

Pellet stove. I have to go get the pot for the ash and clean it out. That is next on my list.


Friends just left. It is me and the cats for a while.


I talked to dh about 11:30 and he said he talked to the repair guy who was supposed to be on the way. I've not seen him yet. I wonder if he is in town or coming from Bangor. :glare:

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Two things cause a bad day.


No coffee in the morning (grinder breaks, run out, pot breaks) and no hot water is the second.


Clearly I would not survive in the wild.


When we had the flooding this summer it destroyed our hot water heater. I feel so bad for you.

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Well, dh has come home and we went down to the basement to see what was actually going on since the landlord's guy never showed. :glare:


We turned the water back on. There is not actually a pipe that has burst. :001_smile:


Behind the washing machine there are two pipes that come together and held together with a coupling. The coupling appears to be bad. Once pressure builds to a certain point the water starts spewing out.


So dh is going to go tomorrow (hardware store is closed now) and get new couplings and fix the problem.


Right now we can turn the water on briefly to flush and to get a bit of water to clean up after dinner.


Dh leaves on Monday for a week. He comes back for the weekend and is gone for two weeks. Let's all hope this is the excitement part happening before he is gone. And all will be fine for those 3 weeks. :D

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Dh leaves on Monday for a week. He comes back for the weekend and is gone for two weeks. Let's all hope this is the excitement part happening before he is gone. And all will be fine for those 3 weeks. :D


as harried and crazy a day, what a blessing that your dh is here now...here is to a peaceful week ahead!

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