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What brings your kids joy?

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You know the look, probably, where a smile simply spreads across your child's face without effort.


My son is pretty even - tempered, but there are few things that just make him light up.


1. - the ocean. Put that boy in a body of water with waves and he just lights up.

2. - my mother (his mama) They share a birthday and when my parents visit he just smiles. He adores my dad, but my mom and him have something special.


This is them on their birthday doing their version of American Gothic, and trying not to crack up.


So what gives your children joy?

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He looks like a lovely young man.


My daughter (10) loves nothing more than to play outside. Give her a sunny day and free reign of the neighborhood with her best friend (also a neighborhood child) and she will stay outdoors until I yell at dark. I was mortified the other day when we went to see a new doctor and I realized she had muddy feet under her Crocs. Her new doctor noticed that and her dirty fingernails and commented how much he enjoyed seeing children dirty from playing outside; that his own daughter also suffered from "Croc feet". Lol.


My 2 1/2 year old son... me. Lol. Some days I can't stand it, but I know I would miss it. I give him the most joy. He loves nothing more than my undivided attention and I'm afraid I've lost the joy in giving him that because he's so clingy. I need to find it again. I'll need him to have these memories when he's a rebellious teenager.


Thanks for the reminder. I need to work on a few things :001_smile:.

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Yeah, we've had a few hard days of academics around here. Tonight I was watching a movie and one of the actors smiled with that unabashed joy, a very similar smile to ds. I realized I hadn't seen it for a few days.


Childhood should hold lots of joyous moments, shouldn't it.

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Oldest dd - a new book

She's at this weird age/mood and I mostly only see that smile right now with a good book or music.


Youngest dd - new clay, or paint, or wiggly eyes, or pipe cleaners, or.....(anything that she can turn into something else - even an empty box)

It's like I can see the ideas flowing as she's grinning brightly.

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DD - Cupcakes, the beach


DS1 - the beach


DS2 - pure joy with jumping up and down action and a look of complete adoration - me handing him his nigh-nigh (paci) :glare: Nothing else gets the look of joy that the stupid piece of rubber does. In fact - I think I've been reluctant to make him give it up because I will miss the expression and reaction on his face when I give it to him.

Edited by sewingmama
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chocolate :lol: like her mama ;)


Seriously though, DD's been into horses lately, which totally surprised me. I'm so not a horse person, and we have little to do with them in our life. But on a trip lately she spent nearly all day every day gazing and petting the horses...

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My oldest isn't a happy-go-lucky kid. He's introspective and reserved.

For him, I'd say:


The dogs/His dog/Any dog :)


Sitting in the movie theatre last Friday and realizing during the previews that Star Wars Episode 1 was coming out in 3D next month. He's never seen it in a theatre. ;)


Seeing his own films last weekend on a large screen was so awesome. We rented the little theatre downtown and filled it with friends. Hearing them applaud in appreciation of the work that he and his sister have done definitely made him smile!

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It's so cool to read all of these.



My oldest isn't a happy-go-lucky kid. He's introspective and reserved.

For him, I'd say:


The dogs/His dog/Any dog :)


Sitting in the movie theatre last Friday and realizing during the previews that Star Wars Episode 1 was coming out in 3D next month. He's never seen it in a theatre. ;)


Seeing his own films last weekend on a large screen was so awesome. We rented the little theatre downtown and filled it with friends. Hearing them applaud in appreciation of the work that he and his sister have done definitely made him smile!


Ds's first theater movie was episode 1, I have it marked in a planner somewhere. He doesn't remember it.


Congrats on the films!!! That is so awesome!!

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For my daughter, it's theatre. We saw the touring production of Les Miserables last night, and she just glowed during intermission and as we left the theatre. And the first time she saw Hair and got to go up onstage and sing along with the cast at the end . . . I think she floated back to the hotel.


For my son, a new book he's been wanting and waiting for is probably the most obvious thing. He got four new books for Christmas, and I was pretty sure he was going to hurt himself smiling so emphatically.

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This morning, when they woke up and saw it had snowed 7 inches overnight, they both had that look. :001_smile:


And then I had that look when I realized that since we homeschool, I don't have to worry about bus delays or mandatory make-up-days or any of that stuff anymore. Yay!

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Most recently, shaking hands with a monkey and lemonade. Weird, huh? We went to the outdoor swap meet. It's like going to another planet or another country at least. I wish I had taken a picture of how happy their little faces were! And they are still smiling and talking about it 3 days later! Ah, I wish life was so easy!

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ds12 - snow, his favorite computer game, time with a good friend, a new book he's been wanting to read

dd9 - sheet music for a new piece of music she's been wanting to play, dessert, and time with good friends

ds6 - a Calvin and Hobbes book, his favorite computer game, dessert, and time with other kids (a cello group class or a basketball practice)

dd2 - playing on her little violin while her siblings play their instruments (she comes RUNNING), being allowed to play with her sister's dolls, and food of all kinds

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It's so cool to read all of these.





Ds's first theater movie was episode 1, I have it marked in a planner somewhere. He doesn't remember it.


:D You guys will have to see it in 3D next month! This time he'll remember it. ;)


Congrats on the films!!! That is so awesome!!

Thank you! It was a lot of fun!
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Oldest- wrestling and winning a difficult match, playing X-box.

Middle- playing his guitar especially with his "idol" at camp in the summer, a cuddle from Mom, playing with friends, having everyone enjoy a dessert of meal he's prepared.

Youngest- playing fiddle with her favorite fiddlers, being on stage, getting new books to read, snuggling with me, making little dollhouses out of boxes.

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