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Downton Abbey Season - post AFTER viewing

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DH actually watched this with me (and watched the last two episodes of season one over the last two weeks). Ladies, the earth is about to shift on its axis.


The Lord Grantham... this is the man my father would have been. He was just like this. Love him.


My grandfathers died when I was young. I would love to have (one or both of them) be just like Carlson. I have been ambivalent about Mary, but BECAUSE SHE LOVES HIM, I like her. And I have to admit, two years gone and she still has feelings for Matthew, that tells me something.


Vera. Awful! Never in a million years did I see that coming! I love Bates and Anna, and I really missed seeing Mr. Bates in the last half tonight. I would love to have Anna as my sister, such loyalty! I am glad she is an influence in Mary's life. Do you think the writers intended to give such time to Anna and Mr Bates, or did that come about as a result of the viewers loving those characters so much? I do love them....


I started to like Edith, but then I decided she's still rather detestable....


Sybil, love her, perfect little sister material.


The horrid ladies' maid to Cora Grantham.... can't remember her name for anything at the moment... is it possible she is truly repentant? Kinda starting to feel like she's not so bad... Also, I am starting to wonder - do you think - is she actually Thomas' mother? There's got to be some reason for the extended relationship between those two. And Thomas... at the end of season one, I predicted he would rise to power in the English army, turning the tables on the gentry (ie Matthew, Lord Grantham), but that so did not happen! He's still a snot, but I have to admit I still finally became a bit sympathetic towards him before all was said and done.


Lady Rosamund (Rosalind?), I swear that actress could be Dame Maggie Smith's daughter in real life. She is a dreadful piece of work (as a character) but perfectly cast.


Matthew Crawley. What can I say? Gotta love him, how could anyone not? And his sweet little fiance... what in the world is going to turn up between her and Sir National Enquirer? Mary, just say no..... BTW, do you find it amusing that her good luck charm is a donkey? Stubborner than me, and that's saying a lot.


The Scottish doctor, he needs a wife. Anyone besides me think that?


DH just asked if we have to wait a whole week before seeing the next episode. Is there still just one moon circling our planet?

Edited by AuntieM
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Dh and I believe O'Brian - the evil maid - is Thomas' mother. Why else could she be so interested in everything he does? We know he is not interested in women, young or older.

I really like Lady Grantham's poise and who is the actress who plays Granny? She is superb.

Sybil is just beautiful but I wonder what the young chauffeur is thinking?

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O'Brien. I'm not a fan of hers.


O'Brien, that's it! I was drawing a complete blank. Yes, there was never anything actually in the show to indicate it, but why would she and Thomas remain in contact with one another if there were no good reason? And the new ladies' maid, Ethel, commented on O'Brien's age, so that got me thinking, she's old enough to be Thomas' mother....

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Dh and I believe O'Brian - the evil maid - is Thomas' mother. Why else could she be so interested in everything he does? We know he is not interested in women, young or older.

I really like Lady Grantham's poise and who is the actress who plays Granny? She is superb.

Sybil is just beautiful but I wonder what the young chauffeur is thinking?


The chauffeur wants a young woman way out of his league (class) is what he is thinking. And I think she wants him too. I think he is wanting to see how she can handle not being a lady of the manor. Last thing any sensible man wants to do is hear for the rest of his life about how he is her great mistake.


Iirc, Thomas is Obriens nephew?? For some reason I have always thought that...

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I agree--this was an excellent episode!


I thought it was a little contrived about

Mr. Bates' wife coming back, but then "stranger

things happen at sea."


Matthew is too perfecty-perfect for me.

All dreamy and perfect. How boring. I am

glad Mary loves him and all but I think she

would be really bored. All he does is walk

around and be dreamy. At the beginning and end of the

last season he showed some guts when he arrived and

when he left. And now he's back to being

Mr. Perfect with his big eyes.


I love Carson! I think he is my favorite.

I love Mrs. Hughes. I love Anna.


Thomas still creeps me out. It's kind of scary--I

forget he's just an actor! In the trenches it was



Lady Edith is horrid. Flirting with the married guy--

hideous girl. Remember this was the farmer that

Mrs. Crawley saved with the adrenaline last season?

And his poor wife was there and now the farmer kisses the

lady. I hated that.


Lady Cybil (sp?) is great--I

am so glad she found something meaningful.


Mary--in spite of all I like her. She grew on me last

season. She sees her situation clearly a lot of the time.


I didn't like the stuffed toy bit. It seemed silly. I

would have liked some heirloom-thing, like a...I don't

know...some metal object, a watch or a jewel or something

that saves Matthew's life later...


What is wrong with Daisy? I thought she liked William

after William punched Thomas last season when he stood

up for the insult to his mother!

What's Daisy kissing William like that for if she didn't like him?

Poor William; I hope he doesn't find out. Or, I hope he

does; or I hope she falls in love with him at some point. How

old is she? Two and a half? William should find that cool

Gwen-girl from last season. But then we wouldn't have anything

to obsess about if they were all reasonable.


I love the dresses! I love the hair! I love everyone's clothes!

I love the photography and how every frame looks like a

painting. I love the earrings and the necklaces. I want all

those copper pots!


I have to learn more about World War I. I don't know much about

it since World War II is more my thing.


Anyway, this episode was *not* a disappointment--I was so

afraid they were going to ruin it when I heard that there are now

big sets and big changes due to its popularity.

Still a wonderful show! I'm so happy I got to see it today!

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Remember this was the farmer that

Mrs. Crawley saved with the adrenaline last season?

And his poor wife was there and now the farmer kisses the

lady. I hated that.


:sad: I did NOT put this together. So glad I read this thread. I must tell DH. We were both kind of like, "is that woman who lives with him, his sister or his wife?" because we couldn't believe the farmer would kiss Edith if he was married.


The above makes it even more despicable!


I can't wait until next week.


I love this mini series!

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Here are my early morning, pre-caffiene ramblings...


I hated that moment too...the wife watching her husband kiss a moonstruck aristocrat... I was so glad when the letter arrived the next morning at breakfast.


Thomas. I detest him. I really hated the preview of what is going to happen with his character and the house. I really do hope, as the preview hinted, that Lord Crawley will kick everyone out of the house, but I don't think he will.


I like that they gave a tiny moment of redemption to O'Brien....I'm glad she was kind to Lang. It gives her character more complexity...


Something awful is going to happen to Matthew. The plot seems to be building up to it. I'm not looking forward to watching where that is going.


I really want Mrs. Bates to get hit by a car or something, so that Mr. Bates is available again to marry.


I.can't.wait until the next episode.

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This is the farmer that was saved in season one???? I never put that together!!! Oh yes, Lady Edith is now decidedly a skunk in my book and I don't think much of that farmer, either.....


I don't think it is the same famer. The farmer saved in epi one was poor with a young wife.


This man is of modest means and his wife is at least middle aged.

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I don't think it is the same famer. The farmer saved in epi one was poor with a young wife.


This man is of modest means and his wife is at least middle aged.


Yes, this has been on my mind ever since I read it this morning and when the baby naps I am going to go back and watch the episode to see if I can get to the bottom of this.


Either way, Edith is despicable. To flirt with him and kiss him when he is married....

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I was confused about the farmer, too...I was hoping that was his sister not his wife.


I love Anna...and I hope Mrs. Bates meets a dismal end fairly quickly!


Dh sat down to see what it was about--it was the scenes at the front that drew him in....y'know, war & fighting & explosions--and he ended up watching the whole thing. I was surprised but it was fun to have someone to talk to about it all!!!


As soon as it ended, we both found ourselves wanting to speak formally and with an English accent. :D I'm so glad I read about it here!

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We had a number of interruptions while watching:glare:. I did miss the farmer being married; Edith, what were you thinking!


I'm glad they managed to keep the good and bad within the cast. It just wouldn't be any fun if everyone was a nice as Anna. I'm wondering what Rosalind, will do with any information she unearths. Sir, what's his name is pretty slimy, an I hope Mary doesn't say yes.


I'm looking forward to the next showing, and may need to record it.

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I am not reading this--not a word of it--because I haven't seen season 2 ep. 1.


I don't have a television or cable and for the first time ever I am seething with envy about this.


I watched season 1 on netflix. Does anyone have any idea how I can watch the latest episode. I am willing to pay vast sums.


Thank you.

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I don't have a television or cable and for the first time ever I am seething with envy about this.


I watched season 1 on netflix. Does anyone have any idea how I can watch the latest episode. I am willing to pay vast sums.


Thank you.


You can purchase it and then watch it on your computer through Amazon instant video.


Edited by Pippen
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You can watch on the PBS website.




I am not reading this--not a word of it--because I haven't seen season 2 ep. 1.


I don't have a television or cable and for the first time ever I am seething with envy about this.


I watched season 1 on netflix. Does anyone have any idea how I can watch the latest episode. I am willing to pay vast sums.


Thank you.

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Loved it!

Disclamier, though: I did the audiobook of "Fall of Giants" over the summer, which is set in a similar house during the same time period. I will admit that I was confused at the beginning, but then realized I had my characters and their escapades slightly mixed up. It all came back quickly though. Should have watched season one over Christmas break like I had intended.


Bates: We were SO upset to see Bates driving away with that horrid "wife" of his. I am predicting (hoping for?) an untimely end for the detestable Mrs. Bates.


Edith-- was JUST starting to warm to her when she started putting the moves (and not very subtly, either!) on the farmer. Dallying with him-- as if she'd EVER consider him an equal! She's just toying with him to cause an uproar, and I cann't stand that.


Matthew-- I very much wish Mary had told him the real reason for her visit at the end; not was not to verify their dinner plans. But at the same time, I feel so sorry for his sweet fiance.


I like the new ladies maid-- Ethel?-- and clearly O'Brien has it in for her. That should be an interesting tension to follow this season.



Scottish doc falls for Sybil, their age difference creating a mild uproar?

O'Brien is Thomas' mother, and this is revealed by Ethel.

Matthew does not survive the war, so who will inherit? (wait! maybe O'Brien tries to make the case that her Thomas is Lord Grantham's love child!) :lol:


I LOVE this series so much-- the costumes! The Hair! The props! Each and every frame!


Looking forward to next week!



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I was thinking the farmer wasn't married and that was his older sister--especially since it seems odd that a married farm woman would correspond with Lord Grantham unless she was in charge of the farm. But you probably right that they are married.


I agree that something is going to happen to Matthew, but they can't kill him or way too many plot lines go out the window. Either he is going to do something stupid or be severely wounded.




My Masterpiece Theater loving friend made an event out of the premiere--we watched while drinking some wonderful tea, eating scones with cream and lemon curd. It was a delightful evening and I can't wait for next week. I'm hosting the season finale--maybe I'll serve trifle?

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Thank you Pippin. I checked iTunes but not Amazon. Here's to Monday night!!!


You can also watch it on PBS.org the day after it airs.


Ok, Mary is striking me as rather narcissistic this go 'round. I dunno, but the games she plays are way too young for her. OTOH, I do so love Carson and it was his advice that she should say something. And I think Matthew totally got her meaning. No idea why she would even entertain the idea of marrying Captain Smarmy. Blech.


Edith and Thomas: so deeply, completely evil that I hope we get to see them each meet a nasty demise worthy of the way they've conducted themselves.


Sybil. Just lovely. And, I think, would be well paired with Branson, despite class differences.


Anna and Bates... I sincerely hope Lord Grantham hunts Bates down and gets rid of the wife, now that he knows what Bates did to protect him and his family. Am I the only one who got teary when Anna was explaining to Mosely and Mary the completeness of her love?

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I was thinking the farmer wasn't married and that was his older sister--especially since it seems odd that a married farm woman would correspond with Lord Grantham unless she was in charge of the farm. But you probably right that they are married.

Nope. Edith says she ran into the wife, that their last farmhand had been drafted, that she volunteered to drive the tractor.

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:sad: I did NOT put this together. So glad I read this thread. I must tell DH. We were both kind of like, "is that woman who lives with him, his sister or his wife?" because we couldn't believe the farmer would kiss Edith if he was married.


The above makes it even more despicable!


I can't wait until next week.


I love this mini series!



I did not catch this either. Here is confirmation that Mr. Drake had dropsy of the heart in season one.


I loved last night's episode. It was so beautifully done. I cried when Anna described her love for Mr. Bates to Mosely. I'm looking forward to next week!

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I am not reading this--not a word of it--because I haven't seen season 2 ep. 1.


I don't have a television or cable and for the first time ever I am seething with envy about this.


I watched season 1 on netflix. Does anyone have any idea how I can watch the latest episode. I am willing to pay vast sums.


Thank you.


I watch it on the PBS app on my iPad, or you can watch online at the Masterpiece website. They'll post new episodes the day after they air.

Edited by WordGirl
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Wonder if there will be any connection with Bate's wife threatening to 'go to the newspapers' and Mary's newspaper guy? WIll that relationship somehow diffuse the hold Bate's wife has on him since they would not let the scandal surface?


And, what's up with Matthew's fiance and the newspaper guy?


Absolutely LOVE this show. Wonderful!

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Just watched it--for free--on the PBS website.


Glorious! However, the farm part was unpleasant to watch, and not just because both Edith and the farmer were creepy. It also was weird, and unrealistic. You'd think a farmer could learn to drive a tractor. Also, in the dropsy episode, it sounded like the farmer's family was on the brink of starvation and would fall into poverty if he died. This season, the farm looks quite prosperous.


The idea of a romance between the driver and Sybil isn't that appealing to me. He's not interesting enough for her and I don't quite get why he isn't serving. I don't think Sybil would really fall for someone who shirked.


Why do I like Mary? I'm not sure, but I do.


My fave is Williams mother. I love her. I loved the difference between how she and the grandmother handled the Mosely flower issue and then the Mosley getting a medical exemption from serving in the war. Just such rich characters, for tv anyway.


Can't wait for next week. Thanks to all who directed me to the website. It couldn't have been easier.

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I am not reading this--not a word of it--because I haven't seen season 2 ep. 1.


I don't have a television or cable and for the first time ever I am seething with envy about this.


I watched season 1 on netflix. Does anyone have any idea how I can watch the latest episode. I am willing to pay vast sums.


Thank you.


Don't pay vast sums. PBS online.

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My Masterpiece Theater loving friend made an event out of the premiere--we watched while drinking some wonderful tea, eating scones with cream and lemon curd. It was a delightful evening and I can't wait for next week. I'm hosting the season finale--maybe I'll serve trifle?


I am completely and utterly jealous. I really should get my daughters into watching this. We could do tea.

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Just watched it--for free--on the PBS website.


Glorious! However, the farm part was unpleasant to watch, and not just because both Edith and the farmer were creepy. It also was weird, and unrealistic. You'd think a farmer could learn to drive a tractor. Also, in the dropsy episode, it sounded like the farmer's family was on the brink of starvation and would fall into poverty if he died. This season, the farm looks quite prosperous.


At the beginning of the season it says that two years has past. Also if I remember correctly even another year has past when Edith goes to the farm


The idea of a romance between the driver and Sybil isn't that appealing to me. He's not interesting enough for her and I don't quite get why he isn't serving. I don't think Sybil would really fall for someone who shirked.


Yes, I wondered why he isn't serving and I rewatched the episode last night and still missed it, if they addressed that.


Why do I like Mary? I'm not sure, but I do.


Me too.


My fave is Williams mother. I love her. I loved the difference between how she and the grandmother handled the Mosely flower issue and then the Mosley getting a medical exemption from serving in the war. Just such rich characters, for tv anyway.


Matthew's mother, Isobel. I love her. She is such a strong woman, and what I love best is that she gets her hands dirty with her work as a nurse but still doesn't kowtow to the Grantham's. I love any exchange between her and Old Lady Grantham. The scene where Isobel is asking to use Downton Abbey as a convalescent home and Old Lady Grantham says "I forbid it". I loved the look on Mary's face.


Can't wait for next week. Thanks to all who directed me to the website. It couldn't have been easier.



Edited by 5forMe
correct spelling
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The idea of a romance between the driver and Sybil isn't that appealing to me. He's not interesting enough for her and I don't quite get why he isn't serving. I don't think Sybil would really fall for someone who shirked.



The driver is Irish, isn't he? The Irish did not have conscription for WWI. While there were Irish regiments that served, many of the volunteers were there for philosophical or economic reasons which I suspect the driver does not share.


About the romance: plausible or not, I believe that the writers are emphasizing how social barriers fell during WWI. Britain is so changed by the war that the barriers are never completely erected afterward.


WWI is followed by the Irish War of Independence which may add an interesting point to our storyline should the romance blossom.

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I've been thinking about the episode all day.


I really want to replay the scene in which Matthew's fiancee is out talking with Mary's. At first watch, it sounded like he was blackmailing her.


I thought so too. I think that's also the real reason she was crying when Mary found her.

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ETA: I need to learn how to multi-quote. Gah!





That would be kowtow.






Although the picture of cow toweling is :lol:.





Feel free to correct my grammar or usage any time. I'm horrible with typos, usually in the Title field where I can't change them...:glare:

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I am not reading this--not a word of it--because I haven't seen season 2 ep. 1.


I don't have a television or cable and for the first time ever I am seething with envy about this.


I watched season 1 on netflix. Does anyone have any idea how I can watch the latest episode. I am willing to pay vast sums.


Thank you.


Do you have an ipod touch, ipad or iphone? PBS has a free app and you can watch the current episodes that way. Maybe they have an app for other devices you might have?

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ETA: I need to learn how to multi-quote. Gah!





That would be kowtow.






Although the picture of cow toweling is :lol:.






Feel free to correct my grammar or usage any time. I'm horrible with typos, usually in the Title field where I can't change them...:glare:


Thanks! :) Normally I would check my grammar/spelling before posting but I was in a mad dash and didn't take the time. It is kind of funny....

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I was wondering whether or not Lord Grantham is going to find out the truth about Lady Mary and the Turkish ambassador and what that's going to do to him... AND to her. I'm sure that the newspaper guy is completely sleazy and blackmailing at least more than one person. I can only imagine what Bates' horrid wife is going to do. She's just dreadful, and poor Bates puts up with her. I'm glad he didn't hit her, though... I would have had to change my mind about him a bit. At least Mrs. Hughes had the foresight to eavesdrop and Carson had the decency to go to Lord Crawley with the information. I just love Mrs. Hughes. I think she's one of those characters who will be a constant until the end.


I don't think anyone has mentioned Mrs. Patmore's nephew. I want to know how that plays into the whole plot scenario... whether it has anything to do with Thomas, or if it was just to provide the viewers with information about how cowardice was viewed?


I don't think they'll hurt Matthew. I think he'll come back a changed man, but I don't think they'll mortally wound him. I worry more about William. I think that Daisy's going to be bound to him somehow, because she'll feel incredible guilt if something happens to him. She'd never be able to tell him that she didn't really love him. She's a sweet girl, and they'd be a good match if only she'd let him in.


I think Edith is useless. I felt sorry for her last season, but this season her undoing will be of her own making.


P.S. DO NOT look at Wikipedia's page on Downton Abbey if you don't like spoilers. I learned things just from reading the character list!

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Love this thread! We are big Downton Abbey fans here as well! :) It was all I could do to restrain myself from forking over almost $100 at Costco to buy Season 1 on DVD at Christmas time. "Must buy for the KIDS" :lol:


I did not make the connection with the farmer from season 1. We also thought he was the brother and not the husband!


Bates and Anna! Yes, we mourned! And now we have a woman we love to hate (his wife).


The white feather incident reminded us of the movie "The Four Feathers" and we took it to mean they were being called "cowards".


I cannot WAIT for next week!!

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