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Awkward Christmas Photo Card

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That's awesome that you took a fabulous trip, but why should it go on your Christmas card? Now - who knows, maybe it was perfectly nicely done and doesn't look like a display of your fabulous life, but I ask why that should go in a holiday card? This is a sincere question.



Quill, I think this is where you are confusing everyone. Why NOT put some good pictures of your trip on your Christmas card?

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Sending a Christmas card is not supposed to be about representing to others what your special moments were this year IMO. It's supposed to be about reaching out to somebody else.


I send out cards to let people who don't see us often know how we are doing and see how the kids have grown.


I'm really really curious about what would be a card reaching out to somebody else.

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How old were the girls? Would you find it more acceptable if they were younger? If they were in one-piece bathing suits? If their pose was more appropriate in your view? I'm just curious where someone draws a line


Well, let me just say it is NOT better to get pic's of your 48 year old cousin in a *skimpy* bikini and santa hat decorating the Christmas tree in a suggestive pose! :lol: That is what I got in my christmas card from my cousin who lives in Hawaii last year. The idea was cute enough, I guess (well, minus the sexy pose of course and with a HECK of alot more bathing suit :blink:), and yes, she has a great body and can get away with it....but still... UMMMM........yeah. Not hanging the near nekked photo up. That's where 'I' draw the line, lol! :D

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Well, let me just say it is NOT better to get pic's of your 48 year old cousin in a *skimpy* bikini and santa hat decorating the Christmas tree in a suggestive pose! :lol: That is what I got in my christmas card from my cousin who lives in Hawaii last year. The idea was cute enough, I guess (well, minus the sexy pose of course and with a HECK of alot more bathing suit :blink:), and yes, she has a great body and can get away with it....but still... UMMMM........yeah. Not hanging the near nekked photo up. That's where 'I' draw the line, lol! :D


That sounds, um, interesting!!!


I initially posted my questions about age and such because it wasn't in the OP's message. I was honestly curious. I've seen some complain (not here) about seeing a one year old without a shirt on, so I was just trying to get a clear picture.

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Same with someone who includes a picture of their family from an African Safari. I guess I don't understand what's wrong with that? Maybe they don't have many family photos? Maybe that's the best one of the year?


I can't vouch for the safari card the OP received, but the one we received really was of a carcass - and the bullet hole in the head and the oozing blood. Oh, yeah, and the pre-teen daughter leaning on it with her gun in hand. But, really, who sees the kid when there's a fresh kill front and center?


Personally, I love receiving photo cards, but after that card, I do have to agree that some pics are better off left in the family photo albums.

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You just made me snort in a most unladylike manner. :)


We received a card last year featuring the sender's kids (a boy of about 4 and a girl of 6) posing with Hooters waitresses in Santa hats. It wasn't indecent or anything, but I'd just never associated Hooters with Christmas.


Happy to oblige! And yours would have made me go "hmmmm . . .", too. : ) Of course, those are the cards that live in our memories throughout the years, right?!

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You have no one who sent you a Christmas card? There's not a person who would send you a Christmas card? If that is so then, I agree - that is sad. Christmas cards are mostly an "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" affair IME. I send out about 60 cards; I receive about 20. Do you send out cards, but nobody ever sends you one?


In past years, I sent as many as 50 cards. We were lucky to receive 10.


Last year, I sent out over 30, and I think we got about five?


This year, I sent 22 and haven't received one.

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I initially posted my questions about age and such because it wasn't in the OP's message. I was honestly curious. I've seen some complain (not here) about seeing a one year old without a shirt on, so I was just trying to get a clear picture


LOL! I knew exactly what you meant....(my post wasn't directed to you, just meant to be light hearted.) :001_smile:

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LOL! I knew exactly what you meant....(my post wasn't directed to you, just meant to be light hearted.) :001_smile:


:001_smile: I knew you weren't directing anything negative towards me. I just felt I needed to clarify my original question. I always post too quickly, hehe.

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In past years, I sent as many as 50 cards. We were lucky to receive 10.


Last year, I sent out over 30, and I think we got about five?


This year, I sent 22 and haven't received one.


My tally is very lopsided, too. When I moved here, I sent 50 cards. Got... 8 maybe? Now I've whittled down the list to about twenty; several of them receive long handwritten letters. I know they enjoy hearing from us, because they tell me... when I see them in June. But cards? Four so far. Last year, one was answered in March.

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I quoted you in my reply and directly addressed what you wrote. I am unclear as to why you suddenly feel that you are being misunderstood.


Because I was not saying nobody should ever have a vacation photo on the card. I was speaking about a particular type that looks very clearly like showing off. I did not mean that EVERY vacation photo is always a bragging display. BUT there are SOME that are or look like it to me.


Quill, I think this is where you are confusing everyone. Why NOT put some good pictures of your trip on your Christmas card?


I was asking this particular person (whose name I now forget) because it is a genuine question to me why the photo ought to be from a big trip if the reason is not to display that one went on a great trip. I'm not saying there can't ever be a good reason that someone chose a picture from the trip. It's that I have received a card or two in my lifetime that seemed like the point in the pictures was just to showcase their expensive vacation.


I'm getting aggravated because it sounds like some of you all think I only find red-sweaters-in-front-of-the-tree photos acceptable and that wasn't what I meant at all.

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I was asking this particular person (whose name I now forget) because it is a genuine question to me why the photo ought to be from a big trip if the reason is not to display that one went on a great trip. I'm not saying there can't ever be a good reason that someone chose a picture from the trip. It's that I have received a card or two in my lifetime that seemed like the point in the pictures was just to showcase their expensive vacation.
You directed the question at me, back on page 2. I have been out at the grocery store and just got home to see this topic has exploded. I am not sure if I should still answer or not, as many people already have expressed my thoughts.

I see Christmas cards as a way of keeping in touch and as a record of our years. (I am sure I am not the only one that saves a copy of their Christmas card/photo in a journal.)

If someone asked me, "What is was the highlight of 2011 for you?" I would answer, "We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary." I would not answer, "Oh, that was the year we had multiple water pipes break in our foundation and we spent a year's worth of mortgage payments having our foundation jacked up so we could get the pipes fixed..."

Yes, we celebrated our anniversary in a lovely location that *some* might view as bragging, but I can't control that. Would it have been better if I had used the family photo taken at a funeral here in the lowly midwest?

In 25 years of marriage, I think our only family photos have been taken on a vacation or at a funeral. :tongue_smilie: I'm the one with the camera, so seldom am included in pictures.

Anyway. It was a beautiful photo. Why not use it?


Congrats on getting through tough times and having something to be happy about. Just wanted to say that any friend or relative who goes on a cool trip, I EXPECT to see or hear about it. I would like to see that photo. And if you didn't provide one I'd be disappointed. So please rest easy knowing a lot of people are enjoying that photo of you. I know I would if I were in their shoes! Some of the coolest photo cards we have received are from exotic locations. I love them!


Thank you.

I was so shy to talk about our vacation with friends as I know many are struggling right now and I didn't want it to come across as bragging or insensitive. Amazingly, all of our friends said they wanted to live vicariously through us.

Many of these friends homeschool and asked us if we would put on an educational slide show for their children after our trip. It truly was a blessing to be able to share our vacation with others, from an educational standpoint.

That was still in the back of my mind when I printed our Christmas cards. I know my child latches onto Christmas cards and photos and saves them. He often pulls them out to look at or because he makes some connection with a photo.

Ex: A friend from high school sent her daughter's high school graduation photo five years ago. Her daughter was hugging her horse's neck in the photo. Just recently my DS read an article about horse breeds and pulled out that photo, so he could see if he could tell what breed it was from the photo. Guess in the back of my mind - when I sent out the Christmas photo - I was thinking that many of our friends have children that would likely want to save it - also for geeky educational reasons. The thought that someone might consider it bragging did not cross my mind.

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Oh, for Pete's sakes!


I for one can't fathom why someone would send out photos of their scantily-clad teenagers or Cousin Bob decorating the Christmas tree in a speedo out to all kinds of friends and family knowing they're probably going to be displayed on a mantle or shelf or piano for the whole family (and their friends, and their neighbors, coworkers, and whomever else comes to their house over the holidays) to see for the next month.


To me it's the same as being seen out in public. I find it as disgusting as the cheerleaders panhandling in front of WalMart who look like they're wearing their little sisters' clothes, or ladies who show so much bosom pushed up under their chins you literally can't tell if they're coming or going.


I agree--send pictures of your children to show how much they've grown, not how much they've developed. It's the people who really don't put a whole lot of thought in the photos they mail or post on Facebook that end up on Awkward Family Photos or People of WalMart.:001_huh:

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I think of cards like this too.


All of the threads with recipients horrified by or making fun of cards make me want to add a disclaimer to our cards. Maybe I could suggest that anyone who doesn't enjoy our card in a genuine (as in not gathering the family around to point and laugh) manner, feel free to let me know and I won't bother you next year.



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Oye I know how you feel!!! My family and I just recieved a card that was all about bragging from our family, I mean I cannot believe they had the nerve to send something like that to us. After all they had done to us and still do to us they had the nerve to send us a card. It just goes to show how fallen the world is.:glare:

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Well I'm just wondering HOW in the world we can determine if the photo card is meant to be braggy or not? I just got one today from this family we know. The husband is a dentist and makes a good living. This past year they went on a trip to Scandinavia. Their card was a collage of shots of them and their 2 children posed in front of Glaciers! Castles! Signs with Weird Writing! Beautiful Landscapes!


I really enjoyed looking at the pictures. You dont' see glaciers every day. I don't think they are bragging hey, we can afford a Scandinvavian vacation. (although I'm sure that is very expensive) I think they had some really cool photos that I enjoyed looking at.


But it would seem this type of photo would have to fit in the braggy category? Or does this exist in the Eye of the Beholder?


I suppose if this same family posed in front of a Lamborghini that might be a brag...


Doesn't intent have to be part of it?

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Well I'm just wondering HOW in the world we can determine if the photo card is meant to be braggy or not? I just got one today from this family we know. The husband is a dentist and makes a good living. This past year they went on a trip to Scandinavia. Their card was a collage of shots of them and their 2 children posed in front of Glaciers! Castles! Signs with Weird Writing! Beautiful Landscapes!


I really enjoyed looking at the pictures. You dont' see glaciers every day. I don't think they are bragging hey, we can afford a Scandinvavian vacation. (although I'm sure that is very expensive) I think they had some really cool photos that I enjoyed looking at.


But it would seem this type of photo would have to fit in the braggy category? Or does this exist in the Eye of the Beholder?


I suppose if this same family posed in front of a Lamborghini that might be a brag...


Doesn't intent have to be part of it?


Everything is in the Eye of the Beholder.

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Well I'm just wondering HOW in the world we can determine if the photo card is meant to be braggy or not? I just got one today from this family we know. The husband is a dentist and makes a good living. This past year they went on a trip to Scandinavia. Their card was a collage of shots of them and their 2 children posed in front of Glaciers! Castles! Signs with Weird Writing! Beautiful Landscapes!


I really enjoyed looking at the pictures. You dont' see glaciers every day. I don't think they are bragging hey, we can afford a Scandinvavian vacation. (although I'm sure that is very expensive) I think they had some really cool photos that I enjoyed looking at.


But it would seem this type of photo would have to fit in the braggy category? Or does this exist in the Eye of the Beholder?


I suppose if this same family posed in front of a Lamborghini that might be a brag...


Doesn't intent have to be part of it?


Personally, I don't think that's braggy. I would be happy to get a card with beautiful pictures like that. If the card included a letter like "I don't know how people can survive not travelling to Scandanavia at least once a year. The Hotel du Snobbery in Oslo runs $500 a night, but the masseuse and turn down service is to DIE for." To me, it's all about tone!


Not a holiday card, but recently on facebook someone in my friend list posted a scathing and nasty review about a local private high school she went to visit for 1 day with child as a potential school. The tone was completely uppity. This is the same school MANY people in her circle are thrilled with for their kids. In this case, there's a difference between saying "We are having a hard time finding a school that is a good fit for Johnny". and saying "Wow - the school all your kids go to is an absolutely disaster area. I wouldn't send my kid there for anything and I can't believe people pay money for it." I was thinking she's a person who would send an grating holiday letter. :D Anyway, watching that FB exchange is a little like watching a train wreck.


I would not be a big fan of the carcass holiday picture. Blech.


Back to snickerdoodles ... up to 5 kinds of cookies here, including snickerdoodles!

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I really hope that anyone who sends me a Christmas letter has had a nice vacation, kids who have some accomplishment they can be proud of, and in general, a nice year. Why would I want my friends to have had kids who were flunking out, doing drugs, a husband who is unemployed, etc? Do those things happen? Yes, and you can tell me about them and I will pray for your family in their circumstances. But eve when I was having a very tough year of serious illnesses in my children, serious illness for me, other major problems, moves, etc., I was happy to read about others more pleasant year.


I agree about not having a bragging tone of look how much we can spend but I generally think that talk of money is rude. What I don't like is all the talk on these threads that reek of resentment. Either those people who bought the Lexus or went on that vacation earned the money or they will soon get theirs if their life is based on borrowing for everything and not paying back.

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the one we received really was of a carcass - and the bullet hole in the head and the oozing blood. Oh, yeah, and the pre-teen daughter leaning on it with her gun in hand. But, really, who sees the kid when there's a fresh kill front and center?


That is FB from my family - the redneck FB fans. haha. My urban kids don't know what to think having not grown up around these relatives, and certainly don't hunt here in the city. I shrug and be glad they are kind people for the most part. :D

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I don't think people neglect to send cards because they don't care, I just think that so many people keep up with the bulk of their card list on Facebook. They no longer feel compelled to catch up only at Christmas because they've already shared the highlights and the good photos. Now you can just snap a photo or video of the kids under the tree on Christmas morning and your relatives all over the world can see it on Christmas morning.

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In past years, I sent as many as 50 cards. We were lucky to receive 10.


Last year, I sent out over 30, and I think we got about five?


This year, I sent 22 and haven't received one.


I keep an extensive excel spreadsheet, tracking the cards I send and receive each year. If you don't send me a card back two years in a row, you're off my list. If you want a card, send a card!! i add a few new friends each year.


And for anyone who wants a card, I would be thrilled to add you to my list. PM me your address!!


i think my profile pic is the photo I put in the card this year. The only one who hates it is my mother because you can't see their faces. I just thought it was different.


robin in nj

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I keep an extensive excel spreadsheet, tracking the cards I send and receive each year. If you don't send me a card back two years in a row, you're off my list. If you want a card, send a card!! i add a few new friends each year.


And for anyone who wants a card, I would be thrilled to add you to my list. PM me your address!!


i think my profile pic is the photo I put in the card this year. The only one who hates it is my mother because you can't see their faces. I just thought it was different.


robin in nj


A friend who had "dropped" me 3 years ago and just stopped calling or sending cards, just e-mailed me tonight to thank me for continuing to send her Christmas cards. It was funny because I had a long debate with myself tonight as to whether I would continue to send her one!

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We received a card last year featuring the sender's kids (a boy of about 4 and a girl of 6) posing with Hooters waitresses in Santa hats. It wasn't indecent or anything, but I'd just never associated Hooters with Christmas.


Or Santa hats!





Because I was not saying nobody should ever have a vacation photo on the card. I was speaking about a particular type that looks very clearly like showing off.


You seem to be more sensitive about certain photos than most of the other people here. I wouldn't automatically assume my friends are showing off, but maybe I just have a different circle of friends.


Your original post said that you didn't have a seasonal photo done of your kids, so you opted for a regular card instead. I bet people would love to see just a shot of your kids together, or a collage, from sometime in the year (perhaps not in bikinis!). Even when I was a kid, I enjoyed getting photo cards from other families to see how people had changed, cousins had grown, etc. The photo cards are much more interesting to me, although I also appreciate a few lines of what people have been up to, if I don't keep in touch regularly.


I don't send cards anymore though. I have a lot of pics on my blog and FB, and I also send them via email. I'd like to send cards, but my time has become tighter, and so has my money.


That one "Ugly" blog post that someone linked was HILARIOUS!!!! What a sweet husband and kids to go along with that one!

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...I'll admit that it makes me sad to think of you scorning your friend's gesture while I'm bereft of friends that would even bother.


...There's not a person who would send you a Christmas card? If that is so then, I agree - that is sad.


...Now people just know I'm unable to pull it together enough to send cards.


...We haven't received one card this year. I would take an awkward photo over nothing to display. It would at least feel like someone remembered us.


...feel free to let me know and I won't bother you next year.


:crying: Whoa...


can't we just go back to the usual fighting about whether we are lying to our kids about Santa or how much money we spend on Christmas presents? :tongue_smilie:


EDIT: Obviously I haven't haven't checked the main board much lately because I see there are quite a few of these threads already! oops.

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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Or Santa hats!







You seem to be more sensitive about certain photos than most of the other people here. I wouldn't automatically assume my friends are showing off, but maybe I just have a different circle of friends.


Your original post said that you didn't have a seasonal photo done of your kids, so you opted for a regular card instead. I bet people would love to see just a shot of your kids together, or a collage, from sometime in the year (perhaps not in bikinis!). Even when I was a kid, I enjoyed getting photo cards from other families to see how people had changed, cousins had grown, etc. The photo cards are much more interesting to me, although I also appreciate a few lines of what people have been up to, if I don't keep in touch regularly.


I don't send cards anymore though. I have a lot of pics on my blog and FB, and I also send them via email. I'd like to send cards, but my time has become tighter, and so has my money.


That one "Ugly" blog post that someone linked was HILARIOUS!!!! What a sweet husband and kids to go along with that one!


I was running out of time to go through all my photos to try and get 3 good pics of my kids. I don't have photos done professionally; I do them myself. But I am super-picky about what I want to send out. December was half over; searching through the year was too daunting; uploading, arranging and then waiting to have them shipped, then still needing to address and stamp them - it was all too much for me to think about. These are the reasons I didn't send a photo card this year. I love photo cards; they are my favorites, despite getting two oddities this year.


I'm not in a good place right now and I regret putting up the post to begin with, but I detest it when people recant and erase their original post, so there it is. I was on a board break and should have remained there. I don't feel heard in the vein I intended through this entire post and it's probably because I'm "off" IRL, too. DH keeps asking me what the heck is the matter with me. So - sorry for all the hoopla. By all means, send out whatever you want for Christmas. Just know that if your picture is tacky, there's someone out there saying so. :lurk5:

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By all means, send out whatever you want for Christmas. Just know that if your picture is tacky, there's someone out there saying so. :lurk5:


LOL Quill - I'm on board with you. If I got a card with some teens in their skimpy bathing suits, I'm sure it would not get displayed and I'd do a quiet eye roll. People are sensitive this time of year. I'm sorry for everyone struggling this season. :grouphug: My family is struggling this year a bit too after a death in the family last Christmas. It's changed the dynamic of our holiday and not for the better.


That "awkward" picture is so, so funny. It makes me want to hit goodwill for cheesy holiday sweaters for next year! I love it!


If anyone is wanting a card, PM me! I'd love to send out a few more. My kids are fully dressed in them! :D

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Bikini photos I would personally find pretty offensive and they'd go straight in the garbage, tbh. I usually send out a photo card each year to a lot of people but last year we had all the professional pics ready to go into cards, and our dog was hitby a car and killed just 3 weeks before Christmas, right in front of our children and the cards just never got done. We were all really upset, and dh and I were scrambling to find the perfect replacement puppy. This year? I was going to send out last years' pics this year as we look pretty much the same and I can not find them anywhere! They are gone. My camera has been broken for 6 months so I have no photos either. Hopefully my cards will get out eventually, but they will definitely be late.


We value every card we get, but I must admit we do often laugh at the Christmas letters that brag on and on of every wonderful thing they did and were blessed with. I do enjoy them and find them interesting, but some are just over the top, kwim?

Edited by MrsJewelsRae
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We value every card we get, but I must admit we do often laugh at the Christmas letters that brag on and on of every wonderful thing they did and were blessed with. I do enjoy them and find them interesting, but some are just over the top, kwim?


:iagree: I'm grateful for every card too. We just get a few every year that I wonder what the sender could have possibly been thinking. Doesn't make me drop them as friends or from my card list by any stretch. Got a 3 page newsletter yesterday that gave DH and I a giggle. :001_smile:

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That "awkward" picture is so, so funny. It makes me want to hit goodwill for cheesy holiday sweaters for next year! I love it!


Just wanted to point out that according to DD17 (who is very up on whats in) cheesy holiday sweaters are in right now among high school and college students. They have parties where the idea is to wear the craziest, cheesiest holiday outfit you can find - cheesy sweater, holiday socks - the whole works.


I was feeling totally overwhelmed back in November and had no plans to send cards this year. Then DH made noises about feeling bad about his aunts and older relatives not getting cards since they really like the pics of the kids. I finally was feeling pretty good, so I finally put together cards and sent them out just this week. I do our cards in photoshop and just print them out myself so there's no time lag with ordering. We sent out 57 cards. So far we received about 20 cards not counting ones sent to the kids (by my dad and MIL).


I think a lot of people may not be sending cards this year because it can really add up if money is tight. Just the postage for a bunch of cards can be a lot. I have a few friends/relatives that posted a card on facebook or sent an email in order to show concern for the environment.

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