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So how do I break my addiction to Coke...

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I eat healthy (mostly veg/vegan), buy mostly local, don't ever use refined sugars (at home), and rarely drink alcohol.


However, I cannot seem to break my addiction to Coke. I don't buy it, but when we leave the house, I HAVE to stop at the local store and get a cold Coke with a cup of crushed ice; it's like an obsession.


I know all the bad stuff. I read a LOT. I know how horrid it is and what it is doing to my insides. I know I'm probably undoing all the other good I do every time I drink one. I dislike ALL other soft drinks so this is my only weakness, but it has GOT to stop!


PLEASE give me the skinny on how to break this habit! Bombard me with all the bad for you info to remind me how terrible this is!

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Cold turkey. That's what I had to do about 25 years ago. And you have to do it without the idea that you'll ease back into using it moderately in the back of your head. No pop. No more. Ever. I think I've had 3-4 sips since then (literally, sips from a straw not big drinks) and I just don't even like the stuff anymore.




You're the turkey. Be the turkey. The turkey laughs at the soft drink. "Ha HA Coke!"

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Guest submarines
Cold turkey. That's what I had to do about 25 years ago. And you have to do it without the idea that you'll ease back into using it moderately in the back of your head. No pop. No more. Ever. I think I've had 3-4 sips since then (literally, sips from a straw not big drinks) and I just don't even like the stuff anymore.




You're the turkey. Be the turkey. The turkey laughs at the soft drink. "Ha HA Coke!"


:iagree: The good news is, you'll find it utterly disgusting when you try it after you break free.


I haven't had it in 9 years, except 2-3 sips, at various occassions. :ack2:

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I quit soft drinks cold turkey, but recently, I also gave up sweet tea. Now, I'm from the South, and sweet tea is practically coursing through my veins. It is incredibly common to see peopke putting it in baby bottles, even for teeny babies.


Dh and I were drinking about a gallon a day between the two of us. I started off by buying some smaller glasses (12oz vs our old 24oz). Then, I limited myself to only one glass a day. For the first three nights, I rewarded myself with a 100calorie snack treat that I would normally never buy. Then, I started cutting my tea in half with water. I did that for about 2-3weeks, and eventually just got to where I only drink water.


All that to say that I think the secret is baby steps. Set a small goal and reward yourself for meeting it. Then, adjust to a slitly more challenging goal. Maybe get a big cup of ice but a small cup of soda. Add the ice to the soda so you still get that cold crunch. Eventually, up the ratio of ice to soda, or let the ice melt so it is watery. Sugar addictions are very real, and you should probably look at it as a weaning process.


Good luck!

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:bigear:I am also looking to do this. I drink Diet Coke (I know, probably worse chemicals.:tongue_smilie:)


If going cold turkey, how do you deal with the caffeine withdrawal? I always get a killer headache if I try to go too long without any.


Best of luck to you! I hope you can break the habit and enjoy being happy and healthy. :001_smile:

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Cold turkey.



The good news is, you'll find it utterly disgusting when you try it after you break free.



If going cold turkey, how do you deal with the caffeine withdrawal? I always get a killer headache if I try to go too long without any.


You just gotta work through it. It's only a day or two. You'll be so glad you did.

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I don't think there is a huge amount in Coke so it probably wouldn't be like giving up coffee. I have already given up caffeinated coffee and tea (I usually only drink herbal teas, or decaf sweetened with honey).


I don't drink it every day because, as I said, I don't buy it or keep it in the house. I also don't eat or drink a lot of other sugary stuff. I just don't know why this is so stinking difficult. I do NOT have an addictive personality as a rule.

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I'm right there with you! I don't understand it - sometimes I feel agitated for a time, then I realize that it's because I need a Coke. I don't have one everyday, but when I need it, I really need it! Why does this happen?


Sorry to say, I did stop drinking Coke for a while, and it was definitely NOT disgusting when I had another sip weeks later. It was like nectar of the gods!:drool5: I wish it hadn't tasted so good, but alas, I am back where I started. I wish you success and hope you'll post when you figure out the cure.

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:bigear:I am also looking to do this. I drink Diet Coke (I know, probably worse chemicals.:tongue_smilie:)


If going cold turkey, how do you deal with the caffeine withdrawal? I always get a killer headache if I try to go too long without any.


Best of luck to you! I hope you can break the habit and enjoy being happy and healthy. :001_smile:


Replace it with juice for a few days. You still have some headache, but not the sugar cravings. DH had a book on caffeine that gave instructions on quiting without withdraw symptoms. I don't remember what it was.

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I switched to tea. Hot or cold. Black, red, green, chamomile... With milk, honey, turbinado sugar, spiced, unsweetened, etc..... I keep a variety on hand. Since it doesn't have the carbonation and there are benefits to it, I felt like tea was a MUCH preferable alternative to my diet coke addiction. And restaurants/gas stations always have it. I can even get one at Sonic, with the good ice.


Now that I've been drinking tea for a few months, I'm trying to drink water more often. I'll get a tea and refill with water. But, I needed an intermediate drink. And it helps me with meals that just cry out for a soda...like pizza. Drinking water with pizza is just wrong. Pepsi would be best. Iced tea will suffice.


ETA: I just saw that you've given up regular tea. So, my method probably won't help you.

Edited by snickelfritz
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Yeah, you have to just quit cold and prepare yourself that it's for good. Not occasionally out to dinner, parties etc... You can't look back.:) Once you have gone a long time without a soft drink you won't really want them. A sip would taste like pure syrup.:tongue_smilie: Could you switch to a really good flavored iced tea over crushed ice to help you get through the withdrawl?

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Well - I used to work for Coca Cola. It was the best job in the world!!!!! (Shhh, I was a flight attendant on their private Gulf Stream jets.) This was back in the late 80's into early 90's. Did I say, "IT WAS THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD!"


Ok, back to reality...:glare:


I still absolutely love Coke (only the real thing, Baby. None of that fake sugar stuff.). I love the cold sweetness and the refreshing lift. I also know it is not good for me to drink a lot of them. I do not buy them for the house, but I will have one occasionally when I am out and about. I just decided at one point that I would still have one, but not more than one every week or so. It is a bit like letting myself have a cookie or a slice of pie every once in a while.


It doesn't matter to me if it is a week, or several weeks, it still tastes like home to me (former GA gal). Hot summer afternoons, football games in the fall, the newest movie at the theater... sorry, I'm probably not much help. I know exactly what I am getting tomorrow while I am shopping.:D

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I was a HEAVY Diet Coke drinker for years. HEAVY. (Im too ashamed to put here how heavy! It was bad.) I'd quit, restart, quit, restart. One day I had a weird migraine-like headache. I've never had a migraine but I'm guessing that's what it was. It scared the life out of me. I prayed and stopped Diet Coke right then. Cold. I am certain God enabled me to quit. It was almost 2 years ago and I have not had any artificial sweeteners since. Not one diet drink. I drink water and unsweetened tea. A lot of unsweetened tea. You can do it! If you are a Christian - pray about it. God was very faithful to deliver me from it!

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Hmmm, consider what you like about it. If you like having a fun drink, try some of the new fun drinks like Life Water or Vitamin Water (or Costco's generic which costs less..., maybe Sam's has one too?). If you like the fizz, mix healthy 100% juice with seltzer water (is that what it's called? Carbonated water from the store). Then, you can settle for that or wean yourself off that. If it is sugar you want, try juice or the Life Water.


If you keep slipping, ask your doctor if he can prescribe you some Diamox. It's not for quitting drinking sodas but it will work. When you take it, sodas taste horrible (as does anything carbonated, such as beer).


Put a jar on the table and every time you don't buy a Coke, put the money you would've spent in the jar. Everytime you go to the grocery store and don't buy more pop, put money in the jar... Then, do something nice for yourself like buying a terrific scarf or a great pedicure.

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I'm just like you!! I eat healthy, but I loooooove Coke! :) I don't keep it in the house, but every-so-often I just get a craving for it and if I'm driving around I go through a drive thru or if I'm at a store I'll pick some up. And it's only Coke, no other soda. :glare:


I wouldn't say I'm addicted, but I definitely crave it! I keep telling myself I'm going to cut it out for good someday, but then I try not to be so hard on myself because I eat so well each and every day that I figure the 2 or 3 Cokes I have a month isn't going to kill me.


I think what will make me have it even less someday is when my kids are older and want some. Then I'll have to tell them how bad it is for them and not have it in front of them. Then I'll be hiding in closets just to have some. :lol: Just kidding..... maybe. :D

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I went cold turkey. I had been drinking 5-6 Cokes a day since I was a teen (I even used to have Coke for breakfast as a kid!) I started having heart palpitations from the caffeine. I was also so addicted: if I ran out, I would have to go to the store just for it. I realized it was an addiction like smoking or drinking. I couldn't live without it.


So I picked a day and just quit. I was really, really sick for a week, then pretty shaky for a month, then it got better. I had absolutely none for a few years, but now I can have a Coke once a month or so, and it doesn't hurt me (I do feel wired.)

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I'm right there with you! I don't understand it - sometimes I feel agitated for a time, then I realize that it's because I need a Coke. I don't have one everyday, but when I need it, I really need it! Why does this happen?


Sorry to say, I did stop drinking Coke for a while, and it was definitely NOT disgusting when I had another sip weeks later. It was like nectar of the gods!:drool5: I wish it hadn't tasted so good, but alas, I am back where I started. I wish you success and hope you'll post when you figure out the cure.


This is me with Dr Pepper. I can go months without a drop, then I indulge in a cherry Dp from Sonic. Ahhhhhh....the sweet joy of sugary soda.


Okay, not what you wanted to hear...


Cold turkey is best, but gives me a headache. I'll stop DP, but add in a cup or two of cold green tea which I don't like with sugar. Water with ice and tons of lemon are good substitutes for me.


I do pretty well when I give myself permission to have one soft drink a week...usually the cherry DP from Sonic.


I hear ya on the cold drink to go in the car....get a pretty to go cup, fill with ice and lemony water before you drive. Having something--anything--to sip will fill that need.


Still...cold turkey is the best.

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:iagree: The good news is, you'll find it utterly disgusting when you try it after you break free.


I haven't had it in 9 years, except 2-3 sips, at various occassions. :ack2:



See, this isn't true for everyone.


I quit it cold turkey a few years ago. I've been slowly sucked back in. I still LOVE it. Ugh. I need to quit again.


And, for comparison, I quit somking cigarettes cold turkey the day I found out I was expecting my first. Between my first being weaned and becoming pregnant with my second, my dh and I took an anniversary trip to a casino. I bought a pack of cigarettes, and LOVED them. Which is when I realized I couldn't do that anymore, 'cause I'd be hooked again, and REALLY didn't want to do that.


So, I'm pretty sure I've got an addictive personality. Just something to consider; we're all different.


(And, um, the whole casino/cigarette thing occured in my 'former life', IYKWIM. Not judging; just wanted to clarify. :))


ETA: HA! Not very helpful to you, OP, now am I!


I'd go cold turkey if I were you. But be prepared to very possibly get caffiene withdrawl headaches. I find Excedrin, if you can tolerate it, works well, since it contains some caffiene.

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When my cousin was dying of cancer the doctor told him the first thing he needed to do was to get off of dark colored soft drinks. The chemicals that create the color are the same ones used to tar the roads and has heavy carcinogens..


I haven't verified this info, but that is what he was told. If anyone has more info I would like to read it.


To the OP: Does Hansen's or one of those carbonated drink makers have something you might like?


I did taper off and now don't care for it all that much but do occasionally have one if I am out......I might have one once a week at most.

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I replaced my pop with iced green tea (I make it myself, easy) and go cold turkey...the caffeine in the tea makes it SO much easier. I do NOT love tea, let me tell you. But the health benefits are ones that I care about so I made myself drink it and now I actually like it. I don't love it, though. ;)


And I'm sorry, but depending on how much you love pop--as I do--the whole "it won't even taste good to you after a while is just a fancy. LOL It's pathetic but it is like a drug to me and if I get a taste of it or order it "just once" at a restaurant, it's very easy for me to fall back into the habit!

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Sorry to say, I did stop drinking Coke for a while, and it was definitely NOT disgusting when I had another sip weeks later. It was like nectar of the gods!:drool5:


*sigh* This has been my experience too.


It doesn't matter to me if it is a week, or several weeks, it still tastes like home to me (former GA gal). Hot summer afternoons, football games in the fall, the newest movie at the theater... sorry, I'm probably not much help. I know exactly what I am getting tomorrow while I am shopping.:D




When my cousin was dying of cancer the doctor told him the first thing he needed to do was to get off of dark colored soft drinks. The chemicals that create the color are the same ones used to tar the roads and has heavy carcinogens..


I haven't verified this info, but that is what he was told. If anyone has more info I would like to read it.


Whaaaat?!!! I have never heard this! I would love to hear more too. Guess what I'll be doing for the next 15 minutes?!


Stacey, I was going to say cold turkey as well. That's what I had to do. I was to the point where I was drinking at least one a day (a lot for me, I don't tolerate caffeine well), and I couldn't have anything savory or salty to eat without wishing I had a Coke with it too. I went cold turkey, and now I'm to a place where I can have one occasionally with things like pizza and still be OK. I often don't even finish one because I only like the them ice cold. If you only get one when you go out, can you change your route so you don't pass the store or have someone with you who can help you be accountable?


Alternatively, if they don't actually contain road tar after all (pleasepleaseplease don't let that be true!), maybe you could just let this be one small indulgence, one thing you let yourself do once a week, or once a month? We all have something we allow ourselves that's not the healthiest (and some of us have many things *sigh*). If, overall, you eat really well and take good care of yourself, I can't see the occasional Coke as extremely detrimental.


Now I'm off to Google... :auto:

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Well, THAT didn't take long :(




What kills me is that we were avoiding caramel coloring because DD6 is highly sensitive to food colorants, and just the other day I read something on Wikipedia that said caramel coloring is actually just caramelized sugar--yeah, caramelized with POISON! So frustrating...


OK, so cold turkey it is then! Which is going to be hard here because we have soda-loving family descending on us 3 days.


Stacey, one other idea--can you try to switch yourself over to natural canned colas from TJ's or Whole Foods? If you get them really cold, they may do the trick. Or they may satisfy the craving juuuust enough to get you to where you don't need them anymore.

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I'm right there with you! I don't understand it - sometimes I feel agitated for a time, then I realize that it's because I need a Coke. I don't have one everyday, but when I need it, I really need it! Why does this happen?


Sorry to say, I did stop drinking Coke for a while, and it was definitely NOT disgusting when I had another sip weeks later. It was like nectar of the gods!:drool5: I wish it hadn't tasted so good, but alas, I am back where I started. I wish you success and hope you'll post when you figure out the cure.




I quit totally about a month ago (I drink regular Coke) and yesterday I was stressed and bought a 1 ltr to bring home. :( I had a little bit last night and it tasted fine to me.


Like PPs, I used tea (which I used to hate) to replace Coke. I've quit cold turkey before, and the headaches and tiredness were hard to deal with. I don't think I drank a ton...a 2 ltr every 3 days.


If you want that "fizz," try seltzer. DH and I trained ourselves to drink it (it's horrible at first if you're used to drinking pop). Now, it's really refreshing. And SO much cheaper than pop.

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Well, THAT didn't take long :(




What kills me is that we were avoiding caramel coloring because DD6 is highly sensitive to food colorants, and just the other day I read something on Wikipedia that said caramel coloring is actually just caramelized sugar--yeah, caramelized with POISON! So frustrating...


OK, so cold turkey it is then! Which is going to be hard here because we have soda-loving family descending on us 3 days.


Stacey, one other idea--can you try to switch yourself over to natural canned colas from TJ's or Whole Foods? If you get them really cold, they may do the trick. Or they may satisfy the craving juuuust enough to get you to where you don't need them anymore.


Yikes! Thanks for looking that up. Okay, the rest of my Coke is going in the trash today. :(

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Yikes! Thanks for looking that up. Okay, the rest of my Coke is going in the trash today. :(


Sorry :( We're headed to Whole Foods today though, so I'm going to see what their cola options are. At the very least, I can buy some for myself through the holidays, while everyone else drinks the regular stuff (they don't care at all about that kind of thing).

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Guest submarines
See, this isn't true for everyone.


I quit it cold turkey a few years ago. I've been slowly sucked back in. I still LOVE it. Ugh. I need to quit again.



I'm curious, do you still consume high sugar foods? Do you sweeten your drinks etc? I'm practically sugar free, and sweeten a little with honey or stevia (rarely), and much less than before. Cola is so overwhelmingly sweet to me, I gag.


However if one still eats a lot of sugar, I can imagine the cloying factor might not work then.


If those who are low sugar still feel they love coke after a long break, hm, I'm not sure what's going on.

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Sorry :( We're headed to Whole Foods today though, so I'm going to see what their cola options are. At the very least, I can buy some for myself through the holidays, while everyone else drinks the regular stuff (they don't care at all about that kind of thing).


No, I'm definitely glad to know! And I had always thought root beer was sort of ok, because there was no caffeine. But I guess it's best to stay away from all soda and just use clear sodas on special occasions, etc.

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I just dumped a can down the sink (I had picked some up because SIL was in town for a few days before heading overseas).


I guess that's just the jolt I needed though!



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I eat healthy (mostly veg/vegan), buy mostly local, don't ever use refined sugars (at home), and rarely drink alcohol.


However, I cannot seem to break my addiction to Coke. I don't buy it, but when we leave the house, I HAVE to stop at the local store and get a cold Coke with a cup of crushed ice; it's like an obsession.


I know all the bad stuff. I read a LOT. I know how horrid it is and what it is doing to my insides. I know I'm probably undoing all the other good I do every time I drink one. I dislike ALL other soft drinks so this is my only weakness, but it has GOT to stop!


PLEASE give me the skinny on how to break this habit! Bombard me with all the bad for you info to remind me how terrible this is!

Glad it is Coca-cola! Not coke! Ack!


Just stop. You will keep your teeth that way. NOthing is more damaging than soda. I had no cavities at all until over the age of 30, when I got a small one or two. Fast forward to 40 and a Pepsi a day while watching tv. Harmless little habit? NO! I went to the dentist and he said I had SEVEN cavities! I was horrified. NEver touched it again.


Diet coke is full of carcinogens. Start drinking Perrier water or something if you must have the fizz. But stop! Your body will love you for it.

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