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Who has the Gross Boy (or child) award?

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What is the most disgusting thing your boy, or girl, has done in the last month? I truly hope someone can top my son, but I doubt it.


Yesterday dd cleaned up water in the bathroom and left the paper towels on the floor (no judging!).


I was in the bathroom replacing the TP and the bathroom was really stinky, like nasty stinky! I started complaning to ds who was the last to use the toilet. He starts laughing.


Instead of yelling for TP, he grabs the paper towels off the floor, wipes, and throws them back on the floor! :toetap05: :ack2:


Does he win? :glare:

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In the middle of the night (a few days ago) my 4yos threw up on my 6yos' head and pillow. 6yo slept through it. I had to wake him up to get him in the shower.


When asked "why did you throw up on your brother?", he responded... "I was by him and didn't know I needed to".

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This isn't my kid, but...


I was babysitting my friends boy. He was in my sons bedroom napping. He could make trouble, but I thought I was safe since said bedroom was bare. it had a bed on the floor, sheets on the bed, one blanket, and a empty book shelve.


After he had been napping for awhile I heard him yelling, "It's POO, It's POO!"


Turned out he pooed in his diaper, and then decided to use that as paint. He had scooped it out and was painting the walls.


He then must have noticed it was POO! and got freaked out and started yelling.

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My son flushed his necktie in the toilet the other day. He likes to lean over the toilet to watch the poop go down.


This is also the same boy who was blowing bubbles with a straw in the toilet bowl after he'd peed in it.


(I refuse to consider that he did anything with the straw but blow bubbles.)

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My two youngest brothers used to pee down the heat registers in the night instead of walking down the hall to the bathroom. Or they would try to pee out the (2nd story) window, but let's just say a 4-5 yr old boy can't exactly reach out the window to pee.


My oldest licked the toilet plunger as a baby. My youngest has licked the toilet.

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Pooped and peed down the air vent count? Her brother used it for her baby dolls as their pretend toilet I come to find out later so she thought she could too. Try cleaning that out!




Yeah, mine used to do that. He also used to pee on the carpet under his bed, and one particularly memorable night, I discovered pee in the (wooden) nightstand drawer.

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Shortly after I got my son potty trained (and he was a late potty trainer, so he was probably around 4), I was cleaning our living room and digging toys out from under the couch. In addition to the toys, I pulled out a fairly fresh turd. He also had a pretty big stash of poptart crusts that he had hidden under there. Needless to say, mama wasn't happy. :ack2:

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Please pass to me.


What is the most disgusting thing your boy, or girl, has done in the last month? I truly hope someone can top my son, but I doubt it.


Yesterday dd cleaned up water in the bathroom and left the paper towels on the floor (no judging!).


I was in the bathroom replacing the TP and the bathroom was really stinky, like nasty stinky! I started complaning to ds who was the last to use the toilet. He starts laughing.


Instead of yelling for TP, he grabs the paper towels off the floor, wipes, and throws them back on the floor! :toetap05: :ack2:


Does he win? :glare:



Nah. At least he used the paper -if we don't have toilet paper in the bathroom my kids use the wall :glare:


Otherwise they run down the hall to the bedroom and grab the 2yo's wet wipes - wipe their butt and throw the wet wipes on the carpet :glare:

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What I could tell you is so utterly embarrassing I'm not telling you.


Boys are gross...hands down they are just gross!



Let me guess.......did it involve a boy "discovering" himself, a bathtub, and not rinsing it out after? If so, been there, done that, and barely lived through it. Boys ARE Gross!

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OK, I'm not sure I'm in y'all's league, but I'll try.


My kids are 3 months apart in age, so they were potty training at the same time. They were 1yo and sitting ever so cutely on their little potties. One of them pooped in the potty so I got her put back together and then turned back to dispose of the poop. BUT the poop was MIA. Turns out it was in little sis's mouth.:ack2:


When I was a kid, I was the oldest girl in the family, and I had two older brothers who were slobs. (They did a lot of the things described above.) They were so slobby that my mom used to make me clean their bedroom from time to time. I was about 11 and I found so many gross things - rotten food under the bed, dirty underwear behind the dresser, etc. I was getting more and more disgusted and angry. The last straw was when I found the remains of a half-eaten can of peaches - completely covered in mold. I didn't realize it was still liquid, though. I went over to my brother and shoved the can in his face, intending to make him look at and smell the gross mold. But instead the moldy liqued was flung right into his face. I couldn't decide whether I was glad or sorry about that.

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Instead of yelling for TP, he grabs the paper towels off the floor, wipes, and throws them back on the floor! :toetap05: :ack2:


Does he win? :glare:



I don't know. I recently discovered that my son has been wiping his fingers off on the shower curtain after he wiped his bum. For quite a while. It's a floral pattern, so it wasn't obvious. GROSS!!!!!!

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Mine can't top some of yours, but still gross!


When DS was about 18 mo. he found a drinking straw on the ground and tried to use it to drink out of the birdbath. Fortunately we caught him in time. Unfortunately, a few days later he managed to just put his lips on the edge and drink out of it.

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Oh my word. This thread has me laughing so hard I am crying. Reminded me of the time I was at McDonald's Playland. DS2 was about 3 and not very well potty trained, but in underwear. All of the sudden someone says there is poop in the playstructure. I got rather indignant about "some parents" and we leave McDonald's. It's not until I am buckling DS into his carseat that I notice his pants are a bit wet and upon further investigation discover that it was his poop that somehow slid out of his underwear, down his pants leg and fell out into the McDonald's playstructure. I was the "some parent". We didn't go to McDonald's again for a while.

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This is absolutely my favorite kind of thread. :lol:



Well, I think I can beat that. My DS licked the toilet seat ......................at Disneyland.:svengo:


This reminds me of the time my dd burst into brokenhearted tears after being informed that we do not lick the walls of public bathrooms.

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Does drinking the water out of an extremely shallow duck-pond count?


Although for the grossest one I've ever heard, I'm ashamed to admit that it's a story my mother tells about me. Unfortunately, it seems that as a small child I used to pick my nose and wipe it on the wall, and this went unnoticed over a period of a couple of years (because it was behind the bed) until the bed was moved.


(P.S. I promise I don't do this anymore.)

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Thanks for the laughs. A few years ago, DS and DD were playing in DS bedroom and they were being VERY quiet. *cue ominous music* DH and I went in and found that DS had pooped in his nappy and the said poop was all over the wall and bed. Oh and DS too thanks to his big sister. :lol:

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When my son was 6, he stuck his fingers in a planter that was filled with "water" outside the train station in Hoboken.


The planter was filled with empty Vodka bottles, cigarettes, needles and it reeked of Urine. :ack2::ack2::ack2::ack2:


What about any of that says "I would love to stick my fingers in that!"? :confused::confused:


I ran him to the nearest bathroom and made him scrub with soap for about 15 minutes.

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Friday night my two year old decided to try and use her potty chair for the first time by herself. ( we were going to start potty training after christmas)


the lid was closed but she sat down and decided to poop. She then decided she should clean it up using her hands. When I walked in she was in the middle of flipping out because poop was all over the floor and her hands so she was wiping the poop all over herself and her hair to get it off of her hands.


It was the nastiest thing I have ever seen but how can you be mad at her for at least trying to go to the potty ?:)


needless to say a long bubble bath for her and a good mopping of the bathroom floor was how I spent my friday night.

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Friday night my two year old decided to try and use her potty chair for the first time by herself. ( we were going to start potty training after christmas)


the lid was closed but she sat down and decided to poop. She then decided she should clean it up using her hands. When I walked in she was in the middle of flipping out because poop was all over the floor and her hands so she was wiping the poop all over herself and her hair to get it off of her hands.


It was the nastiest thing I have ever seen but how can you be mad at her for at least trying to go to the potty ?:)


needless to say a long bubble bath for her and a good mopping of the bathroom floor was how I spent my friday night.


LOL, I'd be worrying that she was never gonna dare poop in the potty again!

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When one of my boys was two or three (Mommy brain here, can't rember for SURE which one, but I'm thinkin' it was Moose), we were at the thrift store. I was buying silverware, because we somtimes have fellowship at our house, and I thought it'd be nice to have extra *real* silverware to use, instead of plastic. I wasn't THRILLED about the idea of buying silverware at the thrift store, but the thrifty side of me said 'Well, it's just the same as using silverware from a restaurant, except you'll clean these yourself and know they're REALLY clean."


I'm rummaging through the bin, picking out spoons, when DS decides to grab one from my hand and PUT IT IN HIS MOUTH. :001_huh:


I almost dry heaved right there. I don't know why, but that is so totally disgusting to me. And I used to be a waitress; I know that restaurant silverware isn't always the cleanest. But a spoon from a thrift store that hasn't been washed yet?! Ugh.


And, for the record, I LOVE thrift stores. :D

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I'm rummaging through the bin, picking out spoons, when DS decides to grab one from my hand and PUT IT IN HIS MOUTH. :001_huh:


One of mine will sometimes put stuff in her mouth when we're in a store or whatever. She's almost 5 and has absolutely no excuse. WHAT are they thinking??

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Does drinking the water out of an extremely shallow duck-pond count?


Although for the grossest one I've ever heard, I'm ashamed to admit that it's a story my mother tells about me. Unfortunately, it seems that as a small child I used to pick my nose and wipe it on the wall, and this went unnoticed over a period of a couple of years (because it was behind the bed) until the bed was moved.


(P.S. I promise I don't do this anymore.)



I was just coming here to post that at our house we have routine "scrub your boogers off the wall beside your bed" days, no matter how many times I tell them not to, or how many boxes of tissues I place right beside the bed. I wish I could say it was only one child who had to do this. At least it is visible--thanks for pointing out the silver lining.:D



ETA: hilariously, the child in my avatar is the only one who doesn't wipe them on the wall...

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