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Book a week in 2012 - We're doing is all over again!

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Naturally I'm in again for the third year, but this thread already has 4 pages!!!! I apologize profusely, but I haven't read any of them because I have to finish my 2011 list and answer the questions for this year :) If there is a plan, I hope someone sums it up for all of us slow pokes later in this thread.

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I was telling my daughter about this challenge while we were reorganizing a bookshelf this morning, and she REALLY wants to do it too! She's young but an avid reader and pretty good writer, so I think this will be a really fun thing for us to do together. :)


I think perhaps I'll start a blog after all where we can both record what we've read and our thoughts.


:iagree: Well, not the starting a blog part, but my dd 10 also wants to attempt the challenge. She got a Kindle for Christmas, so she's ready to wear it out! We're looking forward to reading some of the same books.

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Naturally I'm in again for the third year, but this thread already has 4 pages!!!! I apologize profusely, but I haven't read any of them because I have to finish my 2011 list and answer the questions for this year :) If there is a plan, I hope someone sums it up for all of us slow pokes later in this thread.


It seems to me that the only plan is to keep doing what you've all been doing :D Some of us have mini challenges planned (like the Ahab's Wife/Moby Dick challenge sometime in January), and others are planning to do some of the sub-challenges MyTwoBlessings has posted on the blog (WEM challenge, Jane Austen challenge). Otherwise, it looks like we'll just start at Week 1 and jump right in!

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Thought I'd jump in here again as I have read so many posts about *fluff* reading, and feeling embarrassed to post it. I agree with what Rosie (and others said) - you're welcome here! No one will snicker behind your back! Reading is reading!!!




Right. I read everything from heavy lit to fluff depending on the time & situation. I didn't read any heavy lit in 2011, though :).


It seems to me that the only plan is to keep doing what you've all been doing :D Some of us have mini challenges planned (like the Ahab's Wife/Moby Dick challenge sometime in January), and others are planning to do some of the sub-challenges MyTwoBlessings has posted on the blog (WEM challenge, Jane Austen challenge). Otherwise, it looks like we'll just start at Week 1 and jump right in!

Thanks. I have my own mini challenge for the first 3 months, which is two do some 3 week cycles of reading one book on love of another topic I could grow in (Christian love, although perhaps one on marriage), one nonfiction for piano pedagogy or other book I need & then one novel, but it cannot be a gripping one that keeps me up late at night (or even a lighter one that does that). I may just read the second two in the trilogy that starts with Papa's Wife if I can find them.

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Naturally I'm in again for the third year, but this thread already has 4 pages!!!! I apologize profusely, but I haven't read any of them because I have to finish my 2011 list and answer the questions for this year :) If there is a plan, I hope someone sums it up for all of us slow pokes later in this thread.


The plan, the plan. Oh I'm sorry, that's the plane. (hint-fantasy island) A summation of the plan - well. um. The plan is simple, so simple but I don't know what it is yet. :lol: But my plan is to post a thread every Sunday, a new post of something hopefully interesting on the 52 books blog and then rest is up to you. We'll be coordinating a Ahab's Wife and Moby Dick read mid january. Other than that, we'll be flying by the seat of our pants.

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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I will be participating on my own this year. Had fun doing it with my daughter last year (we did read alouds together as most of you know) which was enjoyable but VERY time consuming. We will continue to read aloud together for fun but on our own timeline and not as a challenge...it was just too much trying to cram in a book every single week for an entire year as a read aloud lol.


So anyway this year I'll do it on my own reading grown up books. :)

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How many of us got Kindles this Xmas??! :001_smile:


I'm doing a Jodi Picoult book for my first book for 2012. My dryer died yesterday so I have to go to the laundromat until the new one comes on the 4th. I'm taking my book with me tonight and starting a couple of days early. I figured no one would mind. :lol:

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I so enjoyed this thread last year! You guys gave me so many good suggestions.


I am excited to join in this year. I got a couple of books for Christmas, and I am trying to be patient and wait until the first to start them :lol:!!!


I am going to read whatever makes me happy. Reading should be enjoyable, whether you enjoy fluff or enjoy being challenged by a harder book. ;)


I was in a book club for a few years, and now I am unable to be a part of one IRL, so I am happy I can do this instead! I can't wait to see what everyone else is reading, and what gems you all introduce me to!

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I'm doing a Jodi Picoult book for my first book for 2012.


I may start with her latest for my first book too. I also got "The Help" which it seems like everyone in the world already read :lol:!


I had an idea this year that I might read only books that were made into movies. So I would read the book, then watch the movie. For some reason, this sounded like a fun idea to me. But, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in a rut like that.


Oooooh, the possibilities!

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Ok, I am going to try. I may only get a book in every other week, but I am going to try.


I have a list of about 10 books so far that I have been wanting to read or books I haven't read in a long time and want to re-read, so I will be looking for a lot of suggestions!

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I don't want to blog. I don't actually like blogs. I'm sorry. I know a lot of you do. I'm odd.


But I do hope/think we will have an active chat thread here every week. :)


I thought about The Help but then thought, "Everybody's reading it!" I'll read it in 3 years when no one remembers it... :)

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I don't want to blog. I don't actually like blogs. I'm sorry. I know a lot of you do. I'm odd.


But I do hope/think we will have an active chat thread here every week. :)


I thought about The Help but then thought, "Everybody's reading it!" I'll read it in 3 years when no one remembers it... :)



We do have an active chat each week here on the forum. Check out this years threads and you'll see what it's like. I post the thread each sunday. You don't have to blog to be involved.

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Ok, I think I am going to be brave and try this. The idea of fitting in a book a week into my busy schedule for the entire year leaves me feeling a little panicked, but since I desperately love to read (and never seem to have the time) perhaps this will give me the motivation and accountability that I need in order to make time to read regularly.


Perhaps I need to re-read the quote in my signature! :lol:

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I think I will actually give this a try this year! My own personal goal will be to read a lot more fiction this year - seems like I've focused more on non-fiction in recent years for some reason. I'll be on the lookout for great fiction recommendations from you all. :)


This is my goal too. I rarely read fiction.


I will be starting with The Passage by Justin Cronin for my first book. It was a rec from here.

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The plan, the plan. Oh I'm sorry, that's the plane. (hint-fantasy island) A summation of the plan - well. um. The plan is simple, so simple but I don't know what it is yet. :lol: But my plan is to post a thread every Sunday, a new post of something hopefully interesting on the 52 books blog and then rest is up to you. We'll be coordinating a Ahab's Wife and Moby Dick read mid january. Other than that, we'll be flying by the seat of our pants.


Yes, well what's sad in some ways is that I watched Fantasy Island the very first year it came out and I was in high school. It came out when Love Boat did, I think, and although neither was very good, I was in a TV addicted phase and used to watch them regularly for a while that year (fwiw, my tv addictions are always evenings only, and I regularly break them--I refused to own a TV for a long time when I was single.)


It doesn't fit in with my personal challenge, but perhaps I'll take out Moby Dick today & try and reread it by Sunday so I can keep up. I read it once for fun when I was growing up, but it's very rusty. I did see part or all of the movie starring Star Trek's Jean-Luc Picard (can't think of his real name right now, but it's Patrick something or other I think.)

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How about books I've already started? I'm about 1/4 through one, and barely started the other. I'm thinking since I'll be reading most of the books in 2012, that they would count? (One is easy, the other is meaty and will take a while to get through.) Thoughts?

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How about books I've already started? I'm about 1/4 through one, and barely started the other. I'm thinking since I'll be reading most of the books in 2012, that they would count? (One is easy, the other is meaty and will take a while to get through.) Thoughts?



If you finish it in 2012 then it counts.

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