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Have you encountered a unique gift? Post it here.

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Have you encountered a unique gift? Post it here.


I just saw this while browsing the Uncommon Goods website --




"The durable, beechwood board is clearly printed with absurdly detailed measurement markings, allowing you to chop perfectly square roots or calculate a slice of "pi" with absolute precision."




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Can't compete with the OCD cutting board. (A friend recently told me the letters NEED TO BE "CDO" for the real obsessive/compulsive people.


But, these caught my fancy and I am buying them for my boys!


Panther (brand) LED lights on ball caps.

Great for outside play, work, chores, walking, etc. I am getting the camo ones.



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Last year I gave Reg a Pig Pen:



We have a running "argument" about whether we should say "ink pen" or just "pen" when we are discussing the writing instrument. Reg insists on saying "ink pen," while I only say "pen." Perhaps it's because he was raised on a farm.


Anyway, I just couldn't resist. This little cutie oinks and everything!



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Last year I gave Reg a Pig Pen:



We have a running "argument" about whether we should say "ink pen" or just "pen" when we are discussing the writing instrument. Reg insists on saying "ink pen," while I only say "pen." Perhaps it's because he was raised on a farm.


Anyway, I just couldn't resist. This little cutie oinks and everything!




Why not call it the "oink pen"?:lol:

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Thanks OP, that was a perfect gift for someone on my list! Anyone else who's looking, try Amazon.com or ThinkGeek-- Uncommon Goods is sold out.


I think the personalized sippy cup is really funny! I like offbeat gifts, though.

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Once I got a sippy cup. From a preschool parent.

I was the teacher.


It was personalized.


Are you kidding?! You have to be.


I covered my mouth and still laughed out loud.

Edited by Jinnah
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Ok, what does it mean if I MUST HAVE that board?


The weirdest gift I've encountered was the wedding gift from my BIL. It was a lamp made out of a piece of wood that the artist found floating in a river. It's even fuglier than it sounds.


That's what I was thinking.

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How about DIY blood typing kit? Nothing says "I hope we aren't related" like one of those!


Okay, I read the description and I need to know what this means:


Then, you will never not know what blood type you are, and you won't have to worry about your blood exploding.

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Is that a hen poncho? That's something.

Do hens actually need winterwear?


Why yes, yes it is a hen poncho. Very cool, huh? Or maybe I should say very warm. Har har.


I'm hoping hens do not need winterwear because mine are sorely lacking in the apparel department.

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Last year I gave Reg a Pig Pen:



We have a running "argument" about whether we should say "ink pen" or just "pen" when we are discussing the writing instrument. Reg insists on saying "ink pen," while I only say "pen." Perhaps it's because he was raised on a farm.



I think you need to buy several more of these and then corral them all in one place. That location would then be the pig pen pen.




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Well, my grandma once gave me something that I hope was unique. We (my sister, mom, and I) called them skeleton gloves. They were pleather gloves, with the longest, skinniest fingers I have ever seen. I was a small 10yo and could not get my hands into them. If I had been able to, the fingers would have been twice as long as mine. :tongue_smilie:


I really hope they didn't make more than one pair like that.

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Last year I gave Reg a Pig Pen:



We have a running "argument" about whether we should say "ink pen" or just "pen" when we are discussing the writing instrument. Reg insists on saying "ink pen," while I only say "pen." Perhaps it's because he was raised on a farm.


Anyway, I just couldn't resist. This little cutie oinks and everything!




LOVE IT, my youngest son is obsessed with pigs, he has over 30 plush ones and has a key chain that would match this pen. I'm going to have to get him one of these.

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The chopping board is at Amazon along with a bunch of other crazy kitchen gadgets, such as a batterfinger spatula and a beaker-shaped measuring cup that shows the volume of a T-Rex brain.


I liked the circular saw pizza wheel that came up along with those http://www.amazon.com/Fred-Friends-PIBOSS-Pizza-Wheel/dp/B001XSFW42/ref=pd_sim_k_10 as well as the knife sharpener that looks like the lady in a box magician's trick http://www.amazon.com/Fred-Friends-Sharp-Knife-Sharpener/dp/B002J8V47Y/ref=pd_sim_k_3

Edited by KarenNC
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A couple of catalogs for this sort of thing:

Archie McFee http://www.mcphee.com/shop/

What on Earth http://www.whatonearthcatalog.com/


Some very odd things in these (be aware, not always all kid-friendly). I did like the target alarm clock in the second one---when the alarm goes off, a target pops up and you have to pick up the laser pistol and hit a bullseye to get it to either stop or snooze.

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Some showed this to me last year, (maybe someone from here) still cool though.







Oh wow, my dh and boys would LOVE those, thanks for posting!


I like those, but I always worry about people wearing them if there is any possibility it could get stuck somewhere. I could definitely see myself jumping a fence and breaking my wrist because one of these caught on the post. I don't even want to think of what could happen with machinery. (I know I'm probably ridiculous about these things, but I've heard of too many people getting hurt in unlikely ways.) I think they make keychain ones too, and I've thought of getting those.

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Have you encountered a unique gift? Post it here.


I just saw this while browsing the Uncommon Goods website --




"The durable, beechwood board is clearly printed with absurdly detailed measurement markings, allowing you to chop perfectly square roots or calculate a slice of "pi" with absolute precision."





Thanks so much for posting this. I'm buying one for a friend who is OCD but can joke about it. :)

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So, where to I get the pattern for the chicken poncho?:D


From the Backyard Chickens forum. Not that I would ever knit one... :001_unsure:




Double knitting yarn (100g makes approximately 3 jumpers)

2 buttons or 10cm Velcro

1 pair of number 8 (4mm) knitting needles

4mm crochet hook


Knitted in stocking stitch with garter stitch borders


Cast on 41 sts,

Work 4 rows K

Increase for tabs;

Cast on 10 sts at beginning of next row, k14, p to last 4 sts, k4.

Cast on 10 sts at beginning of next row, k14, p to last 14sts, k14.

Work buttonholes; (work these 2 rows straight if using Velcro).

(K2, yf k2tog) 3 times, work to end keeping edges in garter st.

Repeat this row for buttonholes on the other tab.

Cast off 10 sts at beginning of next row.

Next row – cast off 10 sts, k4, p2 tog, p to last 6 sts, p2tog, k4.

Dec 1 st at each end on every fol 6th row until 25 sts remain.


Divide for neck;

Work 11 sts, cast off 3, work to end – complete this half first.

1) k4, p to end

2) cast off 2, k to end

3) k4, p to end

4) k2tog, k to end

5) k4, p2tog, p to end

Work 4 rows straight

10) K to last 5 sts, inc in next st, k4.

11) K4, p to last st, inc in next st.

12) Cast on 2 sts, k to end, (11sts)

13) K4, p to end

14) K

Break yarn and rejoin to the other side of neck.

Work to match, reversing shaping’s and ending at winghole edge.

Next row – k, cast on 3, k across sts from other side of neck.

Next row , k4 inc in next st, p to last 5 sts, inc in next st, k4.

Inc 1 st at each end of every fol 6th row until there are 41 sts on the needle.

Work 6 rows straight.

Change to gst and knit 4 rows.

Cast off.


Sew on buttons or Velcro as desired.

Work double crochet around neck.

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Here's another one I just bought for a family member: giant microbe Christmas tree ornaments. http://www.giantmicrobes.com/us/products/merrychristmasmicrobes.html E. coli looks especially cute with those reindeer antlers.




(I just bought two OCD cutting boards as gifts. Last year we gave someone the Enterprise pizza cutter. I don't know what that says about our family, but I love this thread!)

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