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s/o Ironing


  1. 1. Ironing?

    • Love it
    • Hate it
    • Don't mind it
    • Could live without it

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I'm definitely in the love camp. I find it meditative myself.


Do you starch?


Sometimes. I tend to old-school starch: liquid on damp shirts, rolled up in the fridge til I'm ready to press them.


More often, I use lavender ironing spray, but Mrs Myers stopped making it and now I have to find a new kind that has a scent I like.


I find it meditative, too. And I have mangle envy. Apparently, my Meme had a portable one in the kitchen that I never noticed when I was a kid. And nobody claimed when Pepe died. :(

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Sometimes. I tend to old-school starch: liquid on damp shirts, rolled up in the fridge til I'm ready to press them.


More often, I use lavender ironing spray, but Mrs Myers stopped making it and now I have to find a new kind that has a scent I like.


I find it meditative, too. And I have mangle envy. Apparently, my Meme had a portable one in the kitchen that I never noticed when I was a kid. And nobody claimed when Pepe died. :(



I just spray starch. I actually prefer a product called Magic Sizing but I haven't ever seen that up here and the last time I was in the States I couldn't find it there either. It was less stiff than starch, but still added crispness.

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One of my favourite ways of spending a Saturday afternoon is doing a big pile of ironing while watching a documentary, and of course with all the kids out of the house for a good two or three hours too so that I'm completely uninterrupted :001_smile:. I agree with the meditative effect.

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I haven't ironed in years, but I didn't mind it when I had to do it. Even when I worked in an office, I didn't wear the types of fabrics that needed ironing. And for my entire marriage, my DH has worked with a company that has no dress code. He could have worn bermuda shorts and a tank top to the office and no one would have batted an eye, but he works from home now anyway.

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I chose could live without it. Actually, I do live without it. DH takes his shirts to the drycleaner and he has never let anyone else iron them.


If the need arises, I will have to buy a new iron. I put my dusty iron on the floor of the pantry so I could put something in its spot to keep it away from Aidan (puppy). He chewed on the cord, so I had to toss it.

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I need the "Other" option. I just don't do it. We have very very few clothes that would need ironing and those would go to the cleaners. DH has maybe 2 shirts that he wears on the rare occasion he needs to wear a suit. The rest of the time he wears wrinkle-free shirts with khaki-type pants. The rest of us are in jeans/sweats and t-shirts.

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I don't really iron, unless we are dressing up or need something pressed for church. I think it's just something I never really learned to do well. Mom tried to teach me, tho we only got as far as me ironing my dad's handkerchiefs. :001_smile:


As an aside--My mom used to hire her ironing out. That's how I grew up, with my mom having an Ironing Lady. We'd go to her home and pick it up. My husband, however--well, his mom WAS an Ironing Lady. It was weird for me to think of that. I was due for changed attitudes towards "Help" when I met him.

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Hate, which is funny because I taught dh how to iron his shirts (back in college) and now he's much better at it than I am. Dh irons his own work uniform shirts. I will iron them occasionally if he's really busy, but I don't do as good a job as he does, and he finally asked me not to iron his shirts for him. :tongue_smilie:

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I only iron my husband's work shirts. It shouldn't be hard to find time to iron five shirts a week, but I can only do it when the younger two are asleep. I'd rather spend that time doing other things. We also seem to run out of spray starch every time I get ready to do a marathon ironing session. It must mean I'm not supposed to iron. ;) Unfortunately, my refusal to pay for dry cleaning overrides my laziness.

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I enjoy ironing while I'm doing it, but I put it off as long as possible.


:iagree: That is me exactly. The thought of setting up the board and everything makes me want to head for the hills, but once I am actually doing it the process is not so bad.


That said, the best thing I ever bought was a steamer. Now I only iron if something really needs a crease.

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:iagree: That is me exactly. The thought of setting up the board and everything makes me want to head for the hills, but once I am actually doing it the process is not so bad.


That said, the best thing I ever bought was a steamer. Now I only iron if something really needs a crease.



I like the steamer, too, but find it best for jackets, blazers, dresses and skirts. I much prefer the iron for crisp shirts and perfectly pressed pant creases. I have a stand up steamer which does an "ok" job on pants, but the iron is faster and produces a more crisp pleat.

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I used to starch and iron my dh's shirts every morning before he went to work. After he started his business at home 4 years ago, I stopped ironing and didn't realize how much I didn't like it. Now, I get things out of the dryer or off the line and that's how they're worn... no matter what they look like. :)

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