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If you have Netflix AND an older teen dd...

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Please recommend a good, clean television series (multiple seasons preferred) available on instant play. We are looking for something that she and I would enjoy watching together on the evenings when dh has to work late. We want something that would be decidedly more of interest to women than men--but not soap opera-ish--and we want something that has a continuous/serial plot. We both like sci-fi as well as sappy romances. Any help?

Edited by ereks mom
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Since you'll be starting on Doctor Who soon I'm sure I'll let you know that you want to start with the reboot in 2005. The first episode is called Rose and give it a few episodes to really get into it. You'll be hooked in no time!

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Thanks, everyone! Our whole family LOVES Psych--in fact, ER loves it so much that we wait until he's home so we can all watch it together. We did the same thing with LOST. The whole family also loves Monk and Star Trek TNG, but we've seen all of them. Dh & I watch Eureka; the dc watched it with us once or twice, but they didn't really like it as much as dh & I did. We'll check into some of the other ones mentioned. We're hoping to find something that's decidedly "female"--not a soap opera, but something clean with an ongoing story line and a little drama & romance. Thanks again!

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My daughter and I love "H2O Just Add Water" It is a really clean series about 3 teenage girls. It is on Netflix Streaming.


We've already watched that one. EK loved it! She loved it until the final season, that is. She doesn't like Bella, or the new theme song, or the way Zane is the only character who still seems to be "himself"...

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My 12 year old loves the Young Indiana Jones series. It covers the adventures of "Indy" from a child to young man. It may appear more boyish...but my 6 yr old dd loves it too, and my teenage niece has sat and watched quite a few episodes as well. I've even found myself sitting down to watch instead of finishing the laundry on occasion. As a child the character meets many "real life" figures, like Edison & Lawrence of Arabia while he travels the globe with his parents.


Its available for both instant streaming & DVD.


In fact I remember being a teenage girl and waiting to watch this every week as a kid (but I was a big history buff, and loved Indiana Jones movies....YMMV)

Edited by Xanadu
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I love Heartland and Wildfire....both about horse farms with teens. They sound like something you could enjoy together and are clean but have teen issues. Heartland has only 1 1/2 seasons on Netflix but you can watch others on YouTube since it's a canadian show. I also enjoyed a Make It or Break It about teen gymnasts. Switched at Birth was good about teens that were switched and find out but it's a new show so only one season. Enjoy!

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Robin Hood -The BBC series- 3 seasons, I think


YES!!! My 13 year old has a huge crush on the actor in this, but be warned it only lasts 3 seasons and you'll be wanting more! :)


Dr. Who (start with the 2006 series)


Merlin--agree, we like this one (BBC one)


And if you want really girlie, H20..about mermaids in Australia...I have caught myself singing that intro song way too many times!!!!



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My girly rec is Lark Rise to Candleford. It follows Laura's growing up years and moving from a small country village to a town.


The characters are wonderful. There are lovely moral lessons and character issues portrayed. But the best best best is the scenery. Beautiful!

We're on the last season and soo sooo sad to see it end. It's really been a momentous time for us to spend together watching this gal grow and face challenges of being on her own.

And there are cute guys and the occasional kiss. Lots of breathtaking moments of what will happen and even some scary parts (one episode had a scary girl so we skipped that one - I'm sure it all worked out and wasn't scary in the end but we couldn't do it :) We are chickens!


I love love love this series. It's my fave ever. Well, maybe next to Bleak House it's my fave. Bleak House however is too mature for my crew (13 and 10).

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My girly rec is Lark Rise to Candleford. It follows Laura's growing up years and moving from a small country village to a town.


The characters are wonderful. There are lovely moral lessons and character issues portrayed. But the best best best is the scenery. Beautiful!

We're on the last season and soo sooo sad to see it end. It's really been a momentous time for us to spend together watching this gal grow and face challenges of being on her own.

And there are cute guys and the occasional kiss. Lots of breathtaking moments of what will happen and even some scary parts (one episode had a scary girl so we skipped that one - I'm sure it all worked out and wasn't scary in the end but we couldn't do it :) We are chickens!


I love love love this series. It's my fave ever. Well, maybe next to Bleak House it's my fave. Bleak House however is too mature for my crew (13 and 10).


I was going to suggest Lark Rise to Candleford too--it's really, really good! I don't know if it's on netflix, but it's on youtube.

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I am always very afraid to respond to these kinds of posts because what I find as 'clean enough for an upper teen' is often very different than what others on this board do.


Some already mentioned that my daughters enjoys are Psych, Warehouse 13, Merlin, Stargate...


We also liked Battlestar Galactica (the new one - not the one from the 70s). My oldest and I also really liked Dollhouse - but that would be less clean.


Other options - Numb3rs, Bones, The Dead Zone, Wings (kind of dorky but funny), Sanctuary (again maybe not as clean),



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My girly rec is Lark Rise to Candleford. .


There are 40 episodes of Lark Rise, to keep you busy!


There are at least a hundred wonderful, family-friendly costumed dramas to enjoy. Austen, Gaskell, Dickens adaptions are easy ones to start with.


Here's a link to the top 150, to get you started. :001_smile:



Downton Abbey season TWO comes to PBS in January, so you may want to watch season ONE to get ready!


We're also enjoying "Once Upon A Time" on ABC (and hulu.com).


IMO, there are many life lessons easily caught from the fictional lives of the characters. It's much more fun to watch the consequences on the TV. :001_smile:

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My dd 17yo watches Monk on Netflix. She hasn't looked recently to see if they've added anything new.


Friends of ours watch X-files. I remember some of those as creepy.


Monk! Dd and I have been watching Monk too, absolutely loving it! I signed up for Netflix streaming specifically to have "free" access to a variety of shows.


We'd spent the last 2-3 years watching E.R. We watched several seasons of X-Files. Dc also love the original Twilight Zone series, which we found is on Netflix streaming too.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Since you'll be starting on Doctor Who soon I'm sure I'll let you know that you want to start with the reboot in 2005. The first episode is called Rose and give it a few episodes to really get into it. You'll be hooked in no time!



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We really enjoy many of those mentioned...


Dr. Who, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek (all flavors)


Most of the stuff on Masterpiece Classic and Masterpiece Mystery. The new BBC Sherlock is a big hit and now on Netflix streaming. As are lots of Poirots, Miss Marples, Inspector Lewis and Inspector Lynley mysteries.


And Lark Rise to Candleford, both Cranford series. All the Austen stuff. Jane Eyre. Yes, my kids can all do a very good British accent. :tongue_smilie:


They've recently really gotten into Castle, and are enjoying the new Once Upon a Time.


My girls are a bit younger (only 13), so there are still some things I haven't let them watch (most TV-14 stuff) that I'd be perfectly fine with in a couple more years - I'm looking forward to sharing Bones and Numb3rs, for example.


I have never seen this Merlin series - will have to check it out!

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The Road to Avonlea (7 seasons)

Wind at my back (Netflix has about 3 or 4 seasons but there are more)

Lark Rise to Candleford


Monarch of the Glen

Doc Martin


The last three may have material more suitable to an older teen. The others are squeaky clean. :001_smile:

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