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What are you using for first grade?


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We are focusing on reading, handwriting and math this year. I haven't even thought of science and history yet though she does sit in on her big sister when she's doing stuff.


We're using Christian Light 100 level Learning to Read and 100 level math

After 8yrs of homeschooling I have found my perfect balance. It has just enough of everything to get a quality education , yet itsn't overwhelming to mom and the child.


I also used K12 with my third daughter for 1st and enjoyed it

And Calvert for 1st with my two olders and liked everything but the science and history. We just skipped them and read books from the library though.

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My oldest last year did this in first grade:



Interest-led science (mostly library books)

Math Mammoth


Dabbled in R&S2, FLL1, and FLL2 for grammar :lol:

HWT 1st grade book (remediating poor letter formation)


And for reading, I just picked good library books. He was already reading well, so I used AAS as our phonics program.


I couldn't really find a good fit for grammar that year. We found it this year in 2nd grade. I'd be totally ok with not doing grammar in first.

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You are going to get a lot of varied responses based on what people believe and how much each individual kiddo can handle. That's why home schooling is wonderful because of the flexability! But be cautioned about "comparing" what your kiddo is doing with other kiddos. It's never going to line up because all kids are different!


Most of what we are working on is listed in my signature. My big girl works a lot of math and science because she enjoys those subjects the most.

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What I'm using with my daughter is in my signature, but I'll list it here as well:


Reading/Phonics: Explode the Code and a combination of OPGTR, Phonics Pathways, and The Reading Lesson (she hates this part, so I switch it up and use different parts of each book)

Grammar: CLE LA 100

Spelling: SWO A

Writing: Zaner Bloser Grade 1, Writing With Ease, and Writeshop Primary A

Math: CLE 100

History: Adventures in America

Geography: Expedition Earth (without the religious parts)

Science: Real Science Odyssey Earth and Space


It seems like a lot, but it doesn't really take us that long.

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My first grader will do the following, with an emphasis on the asterisked items (meaning the other things could fall away if needed):


*OPG and other reading

*MUS Alpha

Other math: RightStart B -- 65 of the first 79 lessons (42 finished so far); Kimber: How and Why; Math Mammoth 1; LoF Elementary



SOTW 4 (along with older brothers: listen, narrate, map)

Elemental Science Physics for the Grammar Stage (along with older brothers, probably very little required besides what is fun for him, such as projects and experiments)

*continue with cursive

Artistic Pursuits K-3 Bk 2 (along with brothers)

Maybe piano lessons (my oldest wants to try to teach him)

Spanish introduction, fun and easy stuff as his older brothers learn more

*Religion (daily devotionals, including weekly church history)

*Memory (poems and scriptures)

*Literature -- Readalouds

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What I have is listed in my Sig


What we are actually using most of the time on a weekly basis


Singapore 2B


Copywork from a book we are reading


Science/History/Art are done when we have time and he wants to. The problem is with 3 other little ones around the house there is hardly time to do them. The good thing is that we school year round so I know we will eventually get to them.


Right now he has a ball playing pretend with his 4 y.o sister so I let them play and run around outside as much as possible and get the rest of it in when we can.

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Thank you so much for all of the input. :) I was leaning towards focusing on the 3 R's but wasn't sure if that would be enough. I can always have him jump in on the history and science with the older kids too. I feel so much better now. Sometimes it gets hard not to expect the same level of work of all the kiddos. I have to remind myself how little he is. :)

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my first grader is on the 'old' side. He turns 7 in January. There is a big difference between what he is able to do and his friend who turned 6 in October. They are both considered 'first graders' in this state. Honestly, he seems more like a second grader to me.


He is doing:

Reading: ETC and RR, plus reading MTH books outloud

Writing: FLL1, WWE 1

Math: MEP year 1 (almost done) and when we finish that we will move on to Singapore 1b

History SOTW 2 plus activity guide

Science: RSO Earth and Space


Activites: piano, ballet and Tae Kwon Do

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Right Start B


reading literature from various lists - currently Little House books

HWT yellow book, soon on to the aqua one

poetry memorization

a bit of FLL 1, not much


RSO Life


Evan-Moor Beginning Geography, then mapping the world as in The Core

composer study with Classical Kids and library resources

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Science: RSO Life

History: Elemental American History, Maps Globes and Graphs

Math: MM 1

L.A.: FLL 1, a variety of things for reading/phonics depending on the day,

may try WWE 1 and/or WWW (have both)

Other: piano lessons, art projects, dance


I'm also considering adding in AAS 1. I have it but just haven't had the energy to add it in yet.

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Math: Rod and Staff

Reading: Various books (McGuffey, CLP Nature Reader, Bible Reader, etc)

Bible: Vos's Children's Story Bible (we're about to start a tabernacle replica)

FIAR- all subjects

Handwriting: Pentime


We do Old Fashioned Education too if our FIAR day is not too long, and if we have time.


We read from a history reader before bed.


No grammar or spelling here.

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Well, I need to make some changes, but here is what we are doing currently:


Bible: Faith and Life 1

Reading/writing: ETC, MCP phonics A, HWOT, Spelling workout A (he likes workbooks - this fits him). Sonlight readers

Literature: WWE1, FLL1 (WWE1 is what is not working for him, but maybe that means he needs it the most or something else for reading comprehension?)

Science: BFSU 1 and some Children's Encyclopedia of interest, library books of interest

History: He tags along with big brother, California State history currently, cobbled resources I put together, chronological. Mixing in with SOTW4 as we hit the time periods in the CA state study - sometimes he listens, sometimes not

Art: Drawing books

Math: Singapore 1A


No foreign language this year for him.

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My dd just started 1st grade 2 weeks ago. She is using Beyond Little Hearts For His Glory, Singapore math 1a/1b, Phonics Pathways/Reading Pathways, ETC(book 2 right now), A Reason For Handwriting A, Apologia Zoo2, and she is reading book 2 of CLP's phonics readers. Soon she will start HOD's Emerging Readers set.

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We are using:


Five in a Row

Math Mammoth

Winning With Writing

Explode the Code

First Language Lessons


Various other supplements, like an Intellego unit study and Lollipop Logic and Scholastic Word Ladders and Enchanted Learning handouts and an Evan-Moor geography book.

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Last year for first grade my boys did:


Math: RightStart B


Phonics: I See Sam, Recipe for Reading type program, and Progressive Phonics


Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears and then copywork


Other Subjects (science, history, literature, art, and music): Core Knowledge Sequence


Bible: Karyn Henley and later Telling God's Story

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Just turned 7 (3 weeks ago):


Daily, takes about 75 min, divided into several sessions:

Singapore Math 2A, CWP 1

BJU Reading 2

SWR for spelling

Cursive copywork

Long Story Short Bible Devotional


Other :lol:

Heart of Dakota's Beyond Little Hearts 3-4 days/week for Bible, American history & geography, read-alouds

Apologia Astronomy 1-2x/week

Language Smarts B for grammar 2-3x/week

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Technically, our first grade year will start in January. But as my 6yo ds has completed all his k'er stuff and needs something to do while his sister finishes up her 2nd gr work, we've started him on a couple of things already. We're going to be moving into some downtime soon where I plan to just do quick spurts of light stuff to keep the memory fresh, so the plan for January is:


Math: Finish MM1a so we can move into 1b (1 chapter to go and we've already started the place value stuff in 1b) and LoF Apples on Fridays (already started)

Phonics/ Reading: Plaid Phonics A (already started), lots of practice readers

Writing: Zane Blosser gr 1

Grammar (by his request): Voyages in English, gr 1

Spelling: haven't decided for certain, but we may go with Spelling Workout A

History: Tag along with dd on SOTW 1

Latin: Continue working on SSL 1. Then I'm hoping SSL 2 will be ready by Spring so we can try that once we complete 1

Science: Intellego k-2 unit studies. We've slowly worked on astronomy and weather. I'm planning to continue weather during the winter and move back into astronomy in the spring.

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According to your siggy, you have 7 kids, 4 of which you are teaching school to. I would say if you haven't already locked yourself in the closet, you're doing good!;)


But seriously, I would guess you don't need a lot more work. KISS.


Here's what my first grader is doing:

Bible time: we memorize a verse/week and a song/week out of a hymnal. We sometimes pray for others and do other reading.

The Reading Lesson for phonics and handwriting, no grammar or spelling drills.

A workbook and starting Right Start B for math.

A mishmash I put together, mostly library read-alouds, for history-together with 3rd grader

Sonlight Science 2. No experiments yet, just a little light reading-together with 3rd grader.

Geography-Highlights geography puzzle books (Top Secret Agent?) plus library books. Every weekend we have a night devoted to the country we are studying. I cook a meal from their cuisine, we watch a movie at least loosely based on it. Also done with 3rd grader.


I would not do geo if I were you, with all that's on your plate. And I would not recommend grammar or spelling at that age. A light science or history by tagging along with an older sibling would be fine, I think, for extra subjects. Arts and crafts every now and again, maybe.


Good luck!

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Math: CSMP

Writing: WWE1

Spelling: SWR

Science: BFSU1

History/Geography: TOG (If dd were not accellerated in Math and Spelling, I would just do SOTW. But she loves history, and we have time for it, so we use TOG.)

Art: Teaching Art Through Children's Literature

Memorization: Scriptures from her Children's Sunday School class; poems she chose herself

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I am an eclectic homeschooler so I pull from a lot of different resources - the list looks much more intimidating than it is. I don't use any one history or science resource, I have a sequence that I laid out and I find resources and create lesson plans based on our overall yearly plan of unit topics.


Math: Singapore 1a, McRuffy Color Math 1, occasional MM if she needs more practice problems, occasional play with Miquon and C-Rods


L/A: PR 1, Core Knowledge First grade Lit selections


Science: Core Knowledge First Grade Science Sequence, BFSU, GEMS Guides


History: One year world history overview using lots of resources including SOTW, A Living History of Our World, TruthQuest, Builders of the Old World, Usbourne Ency. of World History


K12 Music 1


Atelier Art Level 1

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It Is listed in my signature. Our main focus this year is math and grammar. We do those without fail everyday. Next is history. We have the CC timeline to memorize and SOTW. DS loves history. The time line amd SOTW are the things he asks to do daily. We do science twice a week, but I don't worry if we miss a day. We are only doing one of the RS4K prelevel 1 books over the whole year. They are designed to do 2 a year. We will also cover the general science in What Your First Grader Needs To Know after we finish Biology.


We work about 1.5 hours a day.

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According to your siggy, you have 7 kids, 4 of which you are teaching school to. I would say if you haven't already locked yourself in the closet, you're doing good!;)


But seriously, I would guess you don't need a lot more work. KISS.


Here's what my first grader is doing:

Bible time: we memorize a verse/week and a song/week out of a hymnal. We sometimes pray for others and do other reading.

The Reading Lesson for phonics and handwriting, no grammar or spelling drills.

A workbook and starting Right Start B for math.

A mishmash I put together, mostly library read-alouds, for history-together with 3rd grader

Sonlight Science 2. No experiments yet, just a little light reading-together with 3rd grader.

Geography-Highlights geography puzzle books (Top Secret Agent?) plus library books. Every weekend we have a night devoted to the country we are studying. I cook a meal from their cuisine, we watch a movie at least loosely based on it. Also done with 3rd grader.


I would not do geo if I were you, with all that's on your plate. And I would not recommend grammar or spelling at that age. A light science or history by tagging along with an older sibling would be fine, I think, for extra subjects. Arts and crafts every now and again, maybe.


Good luck!

I do love my closet. lol

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My DD is considered a young K this year but is doing mostly 1st grade work (see siggy). This would probably be considered a hefty load, but this is a child who is working on things at these levels and can handle what she is doing. With that being said, the following is what I plan to use next year when she is "1st grade" and I may start her on some of the following still this year. So far what we have been doing this year is working well. Keep in mind that all kids are going to need things at their own pace and may not have the attention span to work on as much.


LA: PR 2

MATH: Rightstart B/ Singapore

MEMORIZATION: CC Cycle 1 and read through SOTW w/ AG at home

HISTORY/BIBLE: HOD Beyond (debating starting this year)

(I really want to start the 4 year cycle with Ancients while also touching on some American history).

DEVOTIONAL: Leading Little Ones to God (on days dev. isn't scheduled in HOD)

SCIENCE: whatever is scheduled in HOD and WTM science for 1st grade.

ART: whatever is scheduled in HOD or SOTW and Meet the Masters

READ ALOUDS: Follow Beyond schedule.


OTHER: 4H, Awanas, Suzuki Violin, Evan Moor Geography (already doing)

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We're about 2-3 weeks away from finishing 1st!


We did:




Scott Foresman Grammar gr 2


Singapore Maths & supp with Miquon


BFSU for science - not everyweek and we'd take 2 or 3 science lessons to get through a lesson.


We started SOTW1 but dropped it. We haven't done any other history this year. I'm planning to jump into AO history Y2 next year.


Lots of reading! Many books from the Ambleside Online Y1 list.


Art is interest led atm. Lots of drawing, cutting, creating (mess)! and playdough. We've been doing Mark Kistler online too which my kids love.


Music - DD does weekly violin lessons. And they enjoyed listening to the Bach Classical Kids CD, amongst listening to other classical music.

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Spending most of the time on the basics here too, but centering curriculum around SOTW because my ds LOVES it.


-SOTW Volume 1 (+activity guide) - Usually do 1 chapter/week including 3-5 supplementary readings (we read those for a lot of our read aloud time) and one project (most weeks)

-WWE 1 (4x/week)

-FLL (2x/week)

-OPGTTR (4x/week)

-All About Spelling (working on Level 1 now, will move on to Level 2 around Thanksgiving) (4x/week)

-Shiller Math (4x/week) (going to switch to Singapore when Ds finishes the first set of Shiller. I like it, but I think Singapore is going to be a better fit for ds's learning style)

-Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy (2x/week convering 1 chapter every 2 weeks and doing at least 1 project/experiment per chapter and usually supplementing with books from the library) - not really thrilled with this book, it's information overload for ds. I will probably go through it 1 chapter/week and simplify it after Thanksgiving (when I have time to revamp) and move on to a better curriculum for ds either end of this year or beginning of next depending on how it works in our schedule.

-Telling God's Story Volume 1


Non "curriculum" stuff:


-Ds reads a book at his level aloud to me 3-4x/week (and usually a couple times a week with dh)

-Ds usually has a read aloud going with dh (a chapter book). Sometimes related to what we're studying (i.e. black ships before troy) and sometimes just for fun (i.e. robin hood)

-Ds is in a homeschool gymnastics class that is more like a PE class than anything

-Piano Lessons

-Various team sports depending on season (this year at least flag football and little league)

-Various read aloud books based on ds's interest


All in all, on "school" time we tend to spend 1 1/2-2 hours a day. The only time we take longer than that is if ds is working on a project, and at that point it's just "fun" and he wants to keep going. This does not count all our read aloud time. We spend a lot of time reading as I can. My mom is a librarian, so I'm just really big on literature and reading!

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I'm following a relaxed homeschooling philosophy with our 1st grader.


She is working thru OPGTR, WWE1 and FLL1.


She's reading thru the MFW Bible Reader.


We're using Miquon for math.


We just started the Prairie Primer, which is just a gigantic unit study that goes thru all the Little House books. We're going to just spend most of our school day reading thru Little House in the Big Woods and researching bears :tongue_smilie: or how to make moccassins. :D

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my first grader is on the 'old' side. He turns 7 in January. There is a big difference between what he is able to do and his friend who turned 6 in October. They are both considered 'first graders' in this state. Honestly, he seems more like a second grader to me.


Oh, I couldn't agree with you more on this. I have 2 kids with spring birthdays and they're really a step behind every year - especially the boy. I also have 2 kids with fall birthdays and they're on top of the mountain. ;) It makes a HUGE difference at the grammar stage level, IMO.


I'm glad someone else has noticed this pattern. :tongue_smilie:

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We do official school 6x a week, year round. Of course, we take time off as needed, but the workload is spread out so much, that it's really no big deal to do school daily. It takes us about 1-1.5 hours daily for seat work, plus extra time for read alouds.


Math-Miquon and MEP, alternating. I am about to add in CSMP as well, as soon as I get a new printer lol. I also have lots of idea books for C rods that we incorporate.


Reading/phonics-The Reading Lesson (1/2 way done now) and various decodable readers. We will be moving to OPG when we finish TRL. She reads something to me everyday.


Grammar-FLL1. I alternate this with-



Penmanship-daily copy work.


Bible-I read from a bible story book and we will be starting Our 24 Family Ways by the Clarksons.


Science-nature study ala CM, and also working through BFSU. Lots of interest lead study here. This alternates with-

History-American history following the Beautiful Feet recommendations for books, and also Elemental History.


Literature/Poetry- these alternate, and I simply read to them, sometimes we will do narrations back to me.


A ginormous workbook called Comprehensive Curriculum that she does whenever she is waiting for me, bored, or otherwise being ornery lol. She usually does about 5-6 pages a day, on her own.


We have a chapter book going at bedtime, lots of picture books through out the day, and usually a history chapter book that is read during school time 3x a week.


All that happens daily. Obviously the ones that alternate only happen 3x a week, everything else is 6x.


Twice a week we have a tea party and have composer study or artist study. After the artist study they do art based on what we learned.


Once a week we do gymnastics, and daily we bike ride about four miles.




Ok, writing that out makes it sound like a lot, but it's really not. My dd fatigues really quickly, and I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old, so we really can not spend hours daily on work. We do not do very many projects, simply because of the baby getting into everything.

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My first grader is doing.....


HWOT - Printing Power



MM 1B-2A

Reading Eggs

AAS1 (She's 2 weeks from beginning AAS2)

Elemental Science: Biology - We do this with her sister who is in 3rd

SOTW1 - We do this with her sister who is in 3rd

Road Trip USA - We do this with her sister who is in 3rd

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My 7 yo twins are first graders. They could technically be 2nd graders with their summer birthday but they were born 2 months premature. Had they not been premature they would have been right around the cut off. Both of my cousins with boys with summer birthdays have also held them back. It seems to be more common now that K is all day. Neither of them homeschool.


We're using MFW 1 but I'm not using it exactly as written. I really like IEW Primary Arts of Language and we're using that as well. A slower pace with reading is needed for my son due to his speech issues. He has a very difficult time saying many blends which really impact his reading. We also use AAS 1 and are about halfway through it. I tried it last year and my son wasn't ready for it. I'm trying to keep the twins together for reading right now so my dd is a little bored.


We love math and science here. My dh and I are both engineers so we do a lot of it.

Singapore Math is our main curriculum (dd's still in 1A and ds is in 2A- he was going really fast until we hit carrying and has slowed down a lot since then)

Rightstart B- used as a supplement- it requires more time from me than Singapore so it's hard to get in everyday but we try to do a couple times a week

Life of Fred- currently using Butterflies- my son is ecstatic over the next 4 books coming out- doing LOF is his favorite part of the school day

Complete Book of Math (from MFW 1)- used as a supplement when the kids want- my son has done quite a bit of it but it is mostly too easy for him- it's right at dd's level though and she seems to be needing more review to cement math concepts than ds is

Elemental Science when we have extra time

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When Ariel did first grade work this was what we used:


Math: MEP Y1, the first 2/3 of RS B and MM1B

English: Jolly Grammar, Dancing Bears phonics, WWE1

Science: Sonlight 1 (now B)

History: SOTW1 w/AG

Other: Atelier Art 1, La Clase Divertida 2, piano lessons


As a disclaimer, I only have one child and we school year-round, so we have more time to spend on different subjects, otherwise I would have not ordered a 5 day per week science curriculum. As it was, science got done 3-4 days a week, because she really liked science. (She still does, but I've kind of dropped the ball there. Bad mom.) I think history was twice a week, grammar was done once weekly, and I juggled math programs, but didn't start MM until we dropped RS. Art was/is nearly always done on the weekends.

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I have a young 1st grader who *just* turned 6 a couple days ago.


We are using:


~McRuffy Phonics 1st Grade (loosely . . . focusing on the graduated readers, not many of the worksheets and none of their spelling); will start to add in miscellaneous easy readers such as Little Bear, Frog and Toad, etc. as the year goes on

~Right Start Math B

~Zaner Bloser handwriting Grade 1 (twice a week)

~Writing With Ease 1 (4x/week)

~First Language Lessons (3x/week)

~All About Spelling Level 1 (we started this slowly in K and are about 75% done with Level 1) (4x/week)

~DK Illustrated Story Bible

~Read alouds taken from the Memoria Press 1st grade list, as well as the Sonlight P4/5 Core


For both science and history, I cobbled together my own collection of living books. The science topics are just miscellaneous books on basic science concepts and animals. Maybe half of them are from the "Let's Read and Find Out" series. I do either 1 or 2 science books a week.


For history, I'm doing my own gentle introduction to American history. I'm using a 2nd grade history spine (Abeka, actually, even though I normally am not a fan of Abeka) and then added in probably 20-25 living history books . . . biographies written for the early grades, that kind of thing. We do history about twice a week.


HTH. :)

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My current 1st grader is using:


Math: Singapore Math 1B

Reading: Sonlight Level 3 Readers

Writing: He's doing independent writing using the writing process & he keeps a journal

Literature/History: Sonlight Core C/Core 2

Science: We're studying anatomy using living books

French: L'Art de Dire

Art: Drawing with Children


If he didn't read so well already, we would still be focusing just on the 3 R's.

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We live in Eastern Europe, and ordering things online is a hassle to say the least. I try to use local materials wherever possible. Local curricula are not adequate, but there are still many good books available from book shops. For first grade, we are using:


Phonics: Blend phonics, free download off the internet (recommended to us on here), ETC.

Math: Singapore. Math games books obtained locally.

Local language: General grammar books I turn into lessons and children's readers.

Bible: Children's Bible and Bible story DVDs from our Church.

History: Kids' books about national and city history.

Geography: A local program that goes through basic culture, climate, and history of countries around the world.

Science: Don't get round to it, and have bought nothing except buying an science experiments for kids book that we rarely use. Still looking for something better. We do garden :D.


We don't use a handwriting curriculum, though we did last year for K. Now, handwriting comes up in the context of other subjects. DD also writes letters to people.

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ARFH A (daily)

AAS Level 1 (2-3 x wk)

WWE 1 (4 x wk)

FLL 1 (3 x wk)

ETC 3 (2-3 x wk)

OPGTR (daily, 5 lessons left)

CLE Math 1 w/ My Calendar Book (daily), alternating RS B and MM1

SL Core K (A) w/ cultural supplements

Evan Moor's Beginning Geography (1 x wk)

SL Science

SL LA 1 (we are cutting out more and more of this, just wanted to give it a try)

SL Readers 1 and Merrill Readers

MindBenders (1 x wk)

Memoria Press read-alouds, recitation, art and music appreciation, and poems



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RS level B

PAL - writing

AAS (part of PAL)

HWT (instead of the handwriting in PAL)

Creek Edge task cards - Geography and World Culture

Creek Edge task cards - Earth and Space Science

Lots of reading aloud to him, him to me, silently


He takes Violin and Music Theater classes, as well as PE co-op

I'm planning to add LDtPM soon

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