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Gross or no big deal?

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I wash my dog's bowls in the dishwasher.


OTOH, my mother attempted to put a pair of tongs she had used to pick up a dead vole one of the cats had left on the floor. THAT was gross. Microscopic vole funk forever swirling around in the dishwasher?!?! :ack2: (yes, I realize this is completely irrational)



My "gross-o-meter" must be at the same setting as yours:

Ok with dog bowls in the dishwasher...


but vole funk is over the line.;)

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Oh, good. I was think maybe I'd pulled out a very special freak flag there. :D

Oh no, there's definitely something about the dead animal (wild) that makes me :w00t::svengo:


My dog brought a dead rat in the house a couple years ago. Somehow I got him to take it back outside and he left it right by the back door. I couldn't even look at! I had to wait for DH to come home and throw it away.

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Nasty. If the dog bowl needs to be washed a kid does it with paper towels, a lot of soap, and in the laundry room sink. Other than the disgusting pet food residue being thrown around in the dishwasher is the issue of gluten (which is ubiquitous in pet food)--if any gluten-containing food is used in our house the dishes/pans MUST be hand-washed until as close to sterile as possible. There are only one pan, one colander, and two utensils allowed for this, so it's obvious if those are in the dishwasher.


To the person who asked if anyone reuses dishes that had spoiled food or raw meat juices....NO. If I pull something out from the back of the fridge that has molded and it is growing on the dish, I throw it out. Meat isn't cooked in my house, so that's not something I can answer. I can't imagine using bleach in the dishwasher, though, it seems like it would damage any rubber fittings or seals.

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I wash my dog's bowls in the dishwasher.


OTOH, my mother attempted to put a pair of tongs she had used to pick up a dead vole one of the cats had left on the floor. THAT was gross. Microscopic vole funk forever swirling around in the dishwasher?!?! :ack2: (yes, I realize this is completely irrational)


I wash my dog's bowls in the dishwasher. There is no residue on them.


Those tongs? I would have boiled them for 10 minutes if they were all metal, and they would have become my emergency tongs. Even though they had been sterilized, I doubt they would ever touch food again because I would think of the dead vole every time I looked at them. Otherwise, into the trash they would go.


Now, the tongs would go straight into the trash, no matter that I might need them someday and it is a waste of money to replace them. I've gotten more decisive in my old age.

Edited by RoughCollie
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I wash my dog's bowls in the dishwasher. There is no residue on them.


Those tongs? I would have boiled them for 10 minutes if they were all metal, and they would have become my emergency tongs. Even though they had been sterilized, I doubt they would ever touch food again because I would think of the dead vole every time I looked at them. Otherwise, into the trash they would go.


Now, the tongs would go straight into the trash, no matter that I might need them someday and it is a waste of money to replace them. I've gotten more decisive in my old age.


The vole tongs hung in the trash closet after that. You know, so she wouldn't foul another pair on the next disgusting thing.

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Huh. I have a low tolerance for gross but this doesn't even blip on my radar.


How about the pie plate or casserole dish and serving spoon you took to a potluck? It had tons of hands on it and sat who knows where during transportation. Picnic stuff? The plate used to defrost raw chicken?


I've got to assume the dishwasher is effective at cleaning gross or I'd be nuts.

I voted gross. Anything with a high ick factor gets washed by hand on its own so that I can see that it is clean & it doesn't get to contaminate any other dishes. Other people germs don't have a high ick factor so that's not an issue.

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That sounds like the title of a country song.


"And here is Alabama singing their top 10 hit, Vole Funk is Over the Line..."

:lol::lol::lol: I'm picturing the music video for this one. There'd be a shot of a man holding a poor, little vole by the tail with the tongs, with a sheepish look on his face. His wife would enter the room, put her hands on her hips, and give him a look of intense displeasure. The next thing you'd see would be her handing him his suitcase and shoving him out the door!

Edited by flutistmom
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:lol::lol::lol: I'm picturing the music video for this one. There'd be a shot of a man holding a poor, little vole by the tail with the tongs, with a sheepish look on his face. His wife would enter the room, put her hands on her hips, and give him a look of intense displeasure. The next thing you'd see would be her handing him his suitcase and shoving him out the door!


:lol: That's awesome!

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I'm a firm believer that people and animals should not eat off of the same dishes. I don't care how hot and sanitary the dishwasher might get them. I also don't think that animals should live in the house with people either.


To me it is gross,

But I cannot stand dogs and cats in a house. I also cannot stand being licked by animals.




My dogs hear the dishwasher door open and they come running to "pre-wash" the dirty dishes lol.. My DH is totally grossed out by this, but the dishwasher sanitizes everything. They have their own bowls on the kitchen floor, but they get put in the dishwasher too.


Not gross. My dog runs to the kitchen when he hears me load the dishwasher. He "cleans" the plates as I put them in.


I also let him lick me all over my face too.:D


:blink::eek: I'm really not sure how to reply to this.....but just the thought of it makes me want to gag. :ack2:

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kind of icky for me, but I would be more concerned about using bleach on dishes that I eat from actually.

That's my feeling too.

I'm kind of icky about dogs in general. I realize this is irrational, as I'm sure that my kids would be more dirty than a dog on any objective measurement, but I just shudder at the whole idea of a dogs being anywhere near my food preparation area, or on furniture I'm going to sit on.

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