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Is this your online home?

The WTM forum is...  

  1. 1. The WTM forum is...

    • my online home and I don't feel a need to discuss politics and marital issues elsewhere.
    • my online home, but I DO feel a need to discuss politics and marital issues elsewhere.
    • only one of my online homes, but I don't go elsewhere to discuss politics & marital issues.
    • only one of my online homes, but I DO go elsewhere to discuss politics & marital issues.
    • not my online home and I don't feel a need to discuss politics and marital issues elsewhere.
    • not my online home and DO feel a need to discuss politics and marital issues elsewhere.
    • Other

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I hop on facebook once a day to see what's up in my facebook world. And I usually check in here once or twice.


I don't feel the need to discuss politics with anyone outside my home for the most part. And same with most marital issues though I do have a few close friends I will talk to about those kind of issues.

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This is only one of several homeschool fora that I frequent -- I'm on staff on another one. I generally keep the politics and private life talk to the much smaller, much more intimate venues, to which I belong to a few (not even the one I 'work' for, which is smaller than here, but still bigger than some other online communities).

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Lately, this is the main place I go online. I also go to a dance teacher/studio forum and have for 10 years, bit I go to each forum for very different reasons. I am more "social" here. I am also frequently on Facebook :) to frequently!


I do not discuss politics or marital issues online at all. I try to ignore them. I got involved in one ugly discussion on the dance forum and decided I did not like arguing with people I could not see.

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Other: this is SWB's online home that I am invited to visit any time I want to. I don't feel the need to discuss anything at her house that she prefers not be discussed.


I wish people could discuss politics without somebody getting ugly and someone else getting ugly back and so on, because I like hearing other point of views; however, that appears to be idealistic to expect. I sometimes wish I could ask something related to politics.


I am uncomfortable when people post marital and sometimes other personal questions. I think some will regret posting stuff that is then "cached' and it could be really bad advice we're giving when we only have one side of the story and not even a clue about what the other party is like. So I am good with the "no marital problems" rule.


Here and FB are my only online communities.

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This is my online home. When I want to discuss marriage issues [if there are any] I go to my dh and a marriage group I belong to. Politics, well, I pretty much only talk politics with people irl. Not that I don't enjoy reading things, but I think a lot is lost in the virtual translation. KWIM?

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This is my current favorite site. I forcibly dragged myself away from a couple of sites that are predominantly controversial. Not that I don't like a good "discussion" now and then, but I don't like when it brings out the worst in everyone.


It's interesting how every site has such a unique tone, to which we adjust. I could get on one site and be borderline nasty, then switch to another site five minutes later and be all lovey dovey supportive. I don't like myself when I go to those nasty sites. So I feed my inernet addiction here, and I do try to respect the tone here, which I view as very rarely feisty.


Of course, I have other favorite sites, but this is the only one that is active enough to feed my addiction. (That's probably a problem, I know.)


As for marriage and politics:


Marital issues: one of the perks of being single is I don't have this problem! Yippee! I don't get upset with others who vent here, but I rarely have much to say.


Politics: it would be nice if we could discuss without being unpleasant. But history shows that to be unlikely. I think part of it is that we tend to identify ourselves too closely with leaders and philosophies. And I think politics discussions would tend to focus us more on our differences than on what we have in common - which undermines the purpose of a forum. In my "humble" opinion!


There are a couple of sites where I "occasionally" feel safe discussing politics. But mostly I keep my brilliant opinions to myself nowadays.

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I have a few online homes - each one with very different members and purposes. I don't usually talk about politics or marriage issues, but if I felt the need I would meet that need elsewhere. Politics I would discuss in the pop culture board I belong to - it has four forums for politics and current events. Marriage issues I would only discuss on a very private Christian moms' board, where I know and trust the members. I come here mostly for homeschooling discussion and general chit chat.

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I hop on facebook once a day to see what's up in my facebook world. And I usually check in here once or twice.


I don't feel the need to discuss politics with anyone outside my home for the most part. And same with most marital issues though I do have a few close friends I will talk to about those kind of issues.


This is me too.

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Curious to know if these forums are the main stopping place for folks.


When I say "discuss politics and marital issues elsewhere," I mean elsewhere online.


I voted "online home and no need to discuss..." because I have learned it is not only smart, but also safer, not to discuss politics outside of my immediate family. A lot of my friends have different political views than I do, and I think it makes good sense to simply avoid the subject. How does the saying go? Never discuss politics with anyone you like...or something like that. Dh is a good one for me to discuss politics with because he is educated about them (at least as much as I am) and even when we disagree, there is always something to think about, not necessarily to argue about. With regard to marital issues, I don't think I could discuss them in a public arena, regardless.

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This is one of many forums I visit, but I come here more than the others...


I do love to talk politics, so I do that with DH and some of my girlfriends who are similarly politically opinionated. DH and I don't agree on politics (I thought we did when we married but he seems to have wandered to the other end of the spectrum over the last decade) so we have some pretty interesting debates at our house... ;)

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I'm in the majority here, but only because I lost USENET access, and hate google groups. My old "home" was an unmoderated USENET group that didn't do politics or family troubles because of the thousands of people there who would not respond to them. It was great. Instead, we had feuds, often very, very funny.

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Other: this is my online home, I don't really discuss marriage issues online. I like to discuss politics, but I am pretty good at restraining myself elsewhere online. The other day on Facebook one of my friends posted a quote that I argued with her about. But, this is the main place I end up discussing politics even thought I really do try to resist.

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I love this forum for the home ed advice and support. I limit my participation in political threads, partly because my views are very different from those of the majority and partly because I don't always have anything useful to contribute. Regarding marital issues, I avoid discussing them as far as I can, because my husband is very uncomfortable with me talking about our issues with other people.

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