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Things you love this year!


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This is my twins first year of homeschooling. They are 5 and we are doing K work very slowly. :)


We are loving:


Singapore Essentials K- My DS is FLYING through this. I can barely keep up. My DD is a little slower but she is getting it.


Pal Reading and Writing: I adore this program! It is so much fun for the kids and they are learning so much! The writing is going slower than the reading but they are getting it all so well.


FIAR- We are having so much fun with FIAR and the activites.


Our Morning board- It has days of the week, months, character traits we are working on, address and phone #. They love it. :)


What are you using this year that you love?

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What are you using this year that you love?


For the first time, I am loving everything! It is such a relief to feel like I'm in a groove and not searching for new or better programs!


If I had to pick my favorite things for this year...


Singapore (My love grows stronger every year!)

MCTLA (a new love)

The World in Ancient Times

tons of meaty, living books to go with history and science (I'm getting a second--better!--education!)

A Child's History of Art

inquiry science (of course :tongue_smilie:)


I think my best decision this year was putting the kids in instrument lessons. They are loving it and blossoming in a whole new way!


Oh, and flip-flopping my schedule to do group content work in the morning and individual, one-on-one work with each kid in the afternoon is saving my sanity (although I'm pretty sure I'm going to drive the board insane mentioning it ad nauseam!). :lol:


Our Morning board- It has days of the week, months, character traits we are working on, address and phone #. They love it. :)


We love our together/calendar/morning board time too!


Mom-created 'American History for Progressive Rabble Rousers' (Zinn as a spine, tons of living books, field trips) has been our biggest love so far this year, though. :)


Any chance you have plans you would like to share? :D

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IEW PAL- I'm loving this with my twins and they both really look forward to it each day. The farm folder really helps motivate them. The file folder games are great too even if it took many hours to laminate and cut everything out.


HOD Creation to Christ- My 11 yo is really enjoying this. It is laid out perfectly for her. She is very motivated to get all her boxes checked each day. She did MFW last year and never liked it. I think it is the layout of the manual that is better for her.

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Love, LOVE WWE!! I was dreading writing this year as we had eked through handwriting in K. WWE is so gentle, yet it progresses, DS's writing is SO much better.


We are also enjoying SOTW and VP Bible. I, like many moms here, have been looking forward to teaching through SOTW ever since I heard of it; I'm so excited that DS is enjoying it as much as I do! Our chicken mummy flopped, but we still had fun!

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Math Mammoth (for dd7) and Saxon Algebra 1/2 for dd11. DS is doing Chalkdust, and I'm not sure yet on that one.


WWS-writing is getting done every day.

AG-grammar is getting done every day, and I see it sinking in.


I Speak Latin and GSWL.


Latin tutor for older two.


Piano lessons (finally).


I'm finally more organized (still a work in progress), so the year is going so much better.



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Things we are loving this year:


Our morning board as well. It has our calendar stuff, how many days we've been in school (for place value), we "make the date" with money stickers - today's the 19th, so we figure out how to do 19 cents, we have our picture study print on there and a picture of the flag so we can say The Pledge (because my kids love it, that's why :D ) and hmmm...I'm drawing a blank. This is the one thing that all three kids can participate in at least a little bit, and it gives us a good start to our day.


MFW ECC - we started this in January actually, but it's still a big hit.

Writing Strands - we were not sure about this at first, but really enjoying it now.

MFW 1st Grade - especially the math - tons of hands-on activities and games and living math books - loving it. Ds is not as in love with the phonics, but it's working and he does really enjoy being able to read his Bible reader.

Picture Study Portfolios from Simply Charlotte Mason - LOVE!

Spelling Wisdom, also from SCM - saves me a TON of time and effort, so I love it. Dd doesn't love dictation as much as I do, lol.


Lots of good stuff this year - just need to do a better job finding good stuff for the 2yo. He's hard to keep outta trouble.

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In my house we have curriculum/manipulatives/learning stuff and the kids have to do them. I wouldn't say they LOVE them.


When you say we love ...are you meaning

1)You love teaching with it?

2)Your kids love using it to the point that they ask to do it on their own instead of say playing with their toys?

3)Your kids love using it to the point that they ask to do that work before their other work?

4)You love teaching with it but your kids hate it but you see improvements in them?

5)You hate teaching with it and your kids hate but you see great improvements?


In my house I can say that only one child LOVES vocabulary.com

She chooses to play it without me asking even when it is not school time.


And I think that is about it. The kids would just rather play all day.

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DD10 *loves* VP self-paced history! She says it's not even like "doing school".


I wouldn't say she LOVES CLE math b/c she doesn't like math but it's her favorite of all we've tried and it's the only one she's retained.


For DD6, we are liking Phonics Pathways (as a spine) and CLE math.


We also like Bible Study Guide for All Ages but we haven't worked it in quite yet this year.

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When you say we love ...are you meaning


The kids would just rather play all day.


When I say love, for the most part I mean that I truly enjoy teaching it and the kids truly enjoy learning with it as demonstrated by doing their work eagerly and/or without complaint. There are actually quite a few things we do/use that the children frequently prefer over play. Maybe that is why I am so happy this year, come to think of it! :D

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I wouldn't say I LOVE it all, but I am very pleased with:


Phonics road




Apologia's astronomy

mcguffey readers


This year is going very well considering a new baby and another move. I did have to drop our am history studies and half of our read alouds in order to keep my sanity.

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We're only on week 4 due to an extended family trip, so we've only been doing LA and Math. After a few hiccups we've found our groove and are really enjoying....




WWS (for my oldest, I think I'll pull WWE out for my dd soon)

AAR (can't wait for level 1 to be released)

TT math. For the older two

McRuffy math for my youngest


I can't wait until we start in on SOTW and RSO chemistry in a few weeks. I also hope meet the masters gets their new site working again because it was so much nicer. I'm looking forward to the composer study, but not sure if the kids will like it.

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This is our first year. So far the only parts that DD *loves* are the Sonlight read-alouds, and Sonlight science, especially the science experiments.


She *tolerates* the MCP Phonics and the Horizons math K. I only make her do a few pages per week of these, but it's sometimes a struggle to get through even one page. :glare:


I am definitely building a list of ideas for what to do different next year, now that we are a couple months into this.

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I love:


Math Mammoth (we're working on 2B)

Writing With Ease 2

Singapore MPH Science 3/4

Primary Language Lessons

Rosetta Stone Spanish

Voyages in English 3

Wheeler's Elementary Speller

Poetry and Picture Study


I'm going to ask ds tomorrow and see what he says :)


Update: Ds says he loves


Science (see above)


Rosetta Stone Spanish

Headventure Land Spanish for Children

Literature (Treasure Island)


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We are enjoying spelling (How to Spell, but I think he would enjoy any program) once we decided to drop ETC and OPGTR, which was NOT enjoyable. He will put away all the dishes in the dishwasher in exchange for another spelling test. :001_huh:


Also popular are the Story of the World activities - especially painting his own hieroglyphic messages and reading the Ludmila Zeman books about Gilgamesh.


Starfall and XtraMath are big hits, too.

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Ellen McHenry Science, Lukeion Latin 1 (love, love love!), Lukeion Witty Wordsmith (Love, love, love again! :) ), Mapping the World With Art, reading time with my dyslexic son (we share a love of sci fi, unusual or deliciously creepy novels - I read those to him, and he reads to me from simpler books :)), WinterPromise Ancient history (4/8), switching from Girl Scouts to American Heritage Girls! (we just love that they do a lot of things in the local AHG troop that is not crafts and is outdoorsy like the Boy Scouts, etc) (I know not all Girl Scout troops are the same, but ours was very crafty and not very outdoor-skill"sy"), violin and piano lessons with someone who has turned out to be a wonderful music teacher, and sewing class for my oldest with another homeschool mom who has turned into a good friend.

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