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Can I Still home school if I accept a position as my neighbors maid?

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I dearly love teaching my children, but with my husbands sudden lay-off from work, we are in need of my return to work for income purposes. My husbands unemployment is just not going to cut it. We live in a fairly affluent area and our mortgage payment is just under $2000 a month. Hubby will max out unemployment at around $500 a week... So obviously we need to generate additional income until my husband is able to get back to work. I do have a bachelors degree and feel I could work in the corporate world again after several years off teaching my children and being "heavily involved" in church. The problem is if I look to a corporate job, I would have to work 8-5 and would miss out on teaching my children. As I said, I live in a fairly affluent neighborhood and my neighbor (4 doors down) just lost their maid. As it turns out, their maid was "undocumented" and immigration conducted a bust at their home last week and deported their maid. This traumatized the children especially (Their 4 year old will say where is niĂƒÂ±era, where is niĂƒÂ±era? over and over).


My neighbors obviously are in need and the kids already are comfortable with me from get together's and block parties. I broached the subject with my husband and my neighbor to see if there was flexibility to allow me to continue to home school while also putting in 45 hours per week as my neighbors maid. As it turns out, due to my neighbors schedule, I could start school in the morning and get the kids going on school and wouldn't have to start at my neighbors until 9:30. The neighbors need core hours from about 9:30-3:30 (until the wife returns from volunteer activities) and then again from 7-10 PM to clear the dinner table, clean and offer a turn down service I guess.


I really think this could be a solution... My neighbor is concerned that once my husband returns to work that I would just quit, but I told her that I would commit to working for her for at least a year. I know it will take a while to recover from my husbands unemployment financially even after he finds a new job. This really seems like a perfect fit... I even tried on the old maids uniform and it fits as well. So it seems logical.


My concern is, am I thinking this through rationally? Can I manage to teach while being employed 4 houses down? Am I accepting too much of a down grade by taking on a maids position although I have a college degree?

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I don't know how old your kids are. But if you *need* to bring in income - and it sounds like you do - this sounds like a great opportunity.


If your husband is looking for work, he'll obviously be busy pounding the pavement, making phone calls, etc. But he might be able to pick up a little of the slack in the homeschool/childcare area also.

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My first thought was about the legality of this arrangement. They employed an undocumented worker and were busted. 45 hours is more than full time. Will they offer you health benefits? What about taxes?

I hate to be a downer, but I'd be concerned about working more than full time for a year without a very specific legal contract.



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I think it depends on how old your kids are right now. If your husband goes back to work, who will be home with your kids between 9:30 and 3:30? You are committing to a year, but if he goes back to work, your kids will be alone at home for 6 hours during the day - probably NOT good for doing school.


Also - interesting to make the transition from friend/neighbor to hired help.....I imagine it won't be very good for the relationships.

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How old are your boys and how independent are they? I have 3 boys and I feel fairly confident that I could leave one of them and he would get his work done. One is too young at 6 to do much on his own but then again I don't have to do much school with him. The oldest is my most difficult..... I don't know if it would work for him or not. Is your husband going to be around the house to help out while he is looking for work? I think that what you are proposing is doable especially if your husband is prepared to help out during the next year even if he finds a full-time job.

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Is this a maid job or a nanny job? Because it's hard to imagine a house that needs maid service for nine hours a day.


As a previous poster said, I'd talk seriously with your neighbor about exactly what is required in the job. I'd have a contract drawn up by a lawyer. Even assuming that your neighbor is being fair and honest with you, this arrangement (like any relationship) could go sour, and then you'd be uncomfortable with a neighbor. Not to mention any ugly neighborhood gossip that could come out of this.


That said, I think she would be VERY fortunate to have you work for her in any capacity.

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It sounds exhausting. You will have to be "on" from early morning until 10:00 at night. Your kids are not going to sit quietly and do school work all day. Is your husband up for this? Does it look like your husband will be able to get a job soon? If not I would consider your maid salary versus going to work at another job. I'm sorry you are going through this.

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Is this a maid job or a nanny job? Because it's hard to imagine a house that needs maid service for nine hours a day.


As a previous poster said, I'd talk seriously with your neighbor about exactly what is required in the job. I'd have a contract drawn up by a lawyer. Even assuming that your neighbor is being fair and honest with you, this arrangement (like any relationship) could go sour, and then you'd be uncomfortable with a neighbor. Not to mention any ugly neighborhood gossip that could come out of this.


That said, I think she would be VERY fortunate to have you work for her in any capacity.




I realize I'm in the minority here, but I would be very wary of working 45 hours per week for a neighbor, especially a neighbor who was just busted (and is therefore in the computer, so to speak) for employing an undocumented worker in the same position. Since she has a 4 year old, I'm assuming there are a lot of child-care duties rolled in here? Especially 7 pm to 10 pm? Are you to put them all to bed, too?



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However, not everyone should homeschool and work.


A lot depends on the disposition and training of your children. I have been pushing mine towards independence from the beginning because we've always juggled chronic illness, eldercare issues, and part-time or more work for me. They are peaceful, self-motivated kids who will pitch in around the house without complaining. Both can cook a decent dinner and manage the household chores on their own. DH is disabled and does some, but basically the house and school run well enough without me to the point that I was able to recently be out of town for ten days without much preparation.


I'm also one who thrives on activity and doesn't need a lot of social time. I really don't have hobbies, and that's OK with me. So being constantly busy is fine for me. Not everyone is that way though.


Doing that suddenly though will be a big adjustment. How will you hold up with little down time yourself? Will you have to drop activities that you enjoy? Will you kids have to drop activities they enjoy? If you do this, I would tell your neighbor that you will commit to a trial period before you sign on for a year.

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It sounds exhausting. You will have to be "on" from early morning until 10:00 at night. Your kids are not going to sit quietly and do school work all day. Is your husband up for this? Does it look like your husband will be able to get a job soon? If not I would consider your maid salary versus going to work at another job. I'm sorry you are going through this.


:iagree: I wouldn't take it unless your husband was willing and able to take over almost ALL the schooling and you knew he was going to be home a year. I think I'd search for a corporate job with benefits and a more regular schedule over that honestly.

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It is really hard to work fulltime and homeschool. I did it for quite a few years, and it only worked because I only have one child, she could read already, and there were some outside classes that I could stand to put her in for one or two days per week during which she would still progress.


I have to say, you have to do what you have to do. If you really need a job, so be it. Take it. Your family needs to be financially solvent. But make sure that you're being paid very fairly--you're making a huge commitment.


The fact that these people originally had an undocumented immigrant in that position makes me wonder whether they would treat you well. I don't completely buy the stereotypes, but UI jobs can sometimes entrench really exploitative employer behavior. It's really important to consider whether they will treat you well. If you give up your peace of mind and happy homeschooling life for this job, only to find that you hate the way they treat you, AND even if your DH gets another job you can't quit, you will be really, really miserable. I imagine that they won't pay you that well, either.


I wonder whether you might be better off applying for a seasonal retail job. It's almost time for the Christmas rush, and that way you'd get a job right when you need it, and hopefully your DH will be able to find something by the first of the new year. Those seasonal jobs tend to start at 10 when the stores open, or later if they involve evening shift and weekend work. That could make it much easier to homeschool and also to be around while your DH is out interviewing.

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Sounds sketchy to me. What about insurance and other benefits? Sick days? How in the world will your neighbor manage if you have to take off a day? :tongue_smilie:


IF I were in your position, and I pray I never am, I would be inclined to put my boys in school for a year and get that "corporate" job. Or can your husband homeschool them while you work?

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Turn down service. cute. ;)


How is your new blog coming along? Good luck with the maid job!


In the meantime, here is a recipe:




That recipe looks awesome. I'm usually not a Poptart fan, but Nutella... mmmm.


You should check these out. They look adorable and are just in time for Thanksgiving next month! http://www.womansday.com/Recipes/Pilgrim-Hat-Cookies.html


ETA: I agree with the others. I think a conversation with your pastor is definitely in order.

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I would be inclined to put my boys in school for a year and get that "corporate" job. Or can your husband homeschool them while you work?




To me it looks like so many red flags - conflict of being a neighbor & The Help (the book comes to mind here - no racial comments, just the idea of being The Help and a neighbor could be very awkward), having energy to take care of your own family (not to mention the energy to homeschool.


When I read your OP, Nakia's idea is what came to my mind. If you do think you have to go to work, put your kids in school for a year and get a job. You just can not do it all - homeschool, take care of your home and family, support your husband in his job search AND take care of your neighbor's home and children, etc.

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That recipe looks awesome. I'm usually not a Poptart fan, but Nutella... mmmm.


You should check these out. They look adorable and are just in time for Thanksgiving next month! http://www.womansday.com/Recipes/Pilgrim-Hat-Cookies.html


ETA: I agree with the others. I think a conversation with your pastor is definitely in order.



Those are so cute! I've never been able to find those chocolate wafers. I'll be honest, I have never made those Nutella pop-tart things. I'm afraid of how good they could be!

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Or, to piggyback on Nakia's ideas.....could you revisit your idea of renting out your car to taxi companies for the day? Maybe you could monetize your blog with ads? Have you discussed this with your pastor?


I had forgotten all about that taxi idea. Good on you, Cyndi, for reminding Carol!

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Fwiw, full time employers aren't required to provide benefits. Many jobs work over 40 hours and are never compensated. I realize all these things would be nice, but employers of all types are really cutting back.


With that said - if you have a bachelors degree you could substitute teach. You don't have to do it every day, can make around $100 a day and it usually runs 8-3. Lots of people do it and pick their days and schools so they have a pretty nice schedule.

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My kitten just died and I think it must be your fault. RIP


I have a different heritage than some on this board and it is offensive to me that you tell me that I am wrong. Our use of punctuation is deeply personal and I am bound by family honour to continue. I am sorry if I offend you and your feline's. :grouphug:

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I have a different heritage than some on this board and it is offensive to me that you tell me that I am wrong. Our use of punctuation is deeply personal and I am bound by family honour to continue. I am sorry if I offend you and your feline's. :grouphug:


Oh, the kittanity!

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I have a different heritage than some on this board and it is offensive to me that you tell me that I am wrong. Our use of punctuation is deeply personal and I am bound by family honour to continue. I am sorry if I offend you and your feline's. :grouphug:


Okay fine! :glare: Pooooooooorrrrrr puppy's! (For those of us who do not bat an eye at killing cat's" ;)

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Being a slave is not fun; seriously you will be demoted relationship wise, and I think that if you take a bit... you could find a job that is somewhere else.... is less "demeaning" and that you can quit when you wish. (BTW, I know that working for someone else is ok, but I nannied, I know how domestic help is looked upon...) And.... nannies aren't treated as poorly as "Maids".... Taxes probably aren't paid, and that could get you in a world of hurt, even though they are responsible for it. Do yourself a favor and look for another job. (Unless you aren't planning on living in the neighborhood for long... maybe that would be different??)

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I would be VERY careful about doing this.


I know you need the $$, but something about this just seems really unsettling...starting with them getting busted for employing an undocumented (aka illegal) worker and ending with a family that needs you to come BACK for 3 hours in the evening for "turn down service"?


I would definitely get some more advice and really think this through.


Also, if you do take the job, make sure everything is on the up and up with taxes because they'll be watching her..AND you.


Would they end up treating you differently? What about when you stop working for them?


Just please be careful. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Thank You all so much for the hives wisdom and support :grouphug: You have given me some things to think about. In answer to a few questions, my boys are teens and can be self-sufficient, but unless my DH is at an interview or at an outplacement firm, he most likely would be home while I am working.


P.S- Thanks for some of the recipe posts, those will be helpful while I am scrambling to cook. Keep 'em coming!

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:grouphug:I would put the kids in school and get a job with benefits IMHO. I would be very hesitant to take the job as a maid unless I was sure I could not get another better paying job with benefits with your degree. Your family may need those benefits and a better paying job.I would also consider putting your house on the market in order to downsize unless it looks good for your dh to get a job.

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Maybe you could arrange to work for them temporarily until they find someone. Then you could see how it works, and even if it does not work out you would have earned a little money.


ETA: Oh... got it.

Edited by Little Nyssa
Looked up OP's previous threads.
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I'd pass on this one, and find a job that suits your degree and your family life - this one seems ... off.


Any chance you live near Jean in Newcastle? Seems there may be some seasonal work her way. :)




Too many poor kittens are suffering as a result of this thread, but I too am enjoying the recipe's. :D

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So I'm guessing from some of the more..interestingĂ¢â‚¬Â¦comments in this thread - there are folks who think the OP is a troll?


I wouldn't go that far, but I wouldn't get too emotionally involved in the story.;) I see it more as entertainment.


I'm here for the recipes and apostrophe mismanagement. Don't start on puppy's now! I'm a dog person.

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I wouldn't go that far, but I wouldn't get too emotionally involved in the story.;) I see it more as entertainment.


I'm here for the recipes and apostrophe mismanagement. Don't start on puppy's now! I'm a dog person.



Yup! and I do not think it was started to entertain us, but why pass on a good time ;)


I am also a dog person. It hurts me to kill puppy's! Ack! That was painful :D.

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If you intend to work off the books, your won't be paying FICA and, therefore, you won't be paying into Social Security or be eligible for unemployment insurance. Even though the job is close to your home, the hours seem excessive. Also, if you later want to pursue another job/career, listing "off-the-books maid" won't be a positive on your resume.


If possible, I'd look for a part-time job on the books that may offer some benefits and scheduling flexibility. You may earn less up front, but you will have more security. Starbucks usually only pays minimum wage, but they do offer benefits. Barnes and Noble will work with you to fit your schedule. With the holidays approaching, I'd look for work with retailers or restaurants that maybe looking to hire for the season. Many times there jobs become more permanent if you prove your value.


Best of luck.

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Well, since I was the first one to reply, and have voiced these same concerns, I"m just going to come right out and say it.


Something is rotten in Denmark.




Yeah, but she is learning from the last go round. I think she is trying not to get banned this time.

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Well, since I was the first one to reply, and have voiced these same concerns, I"m just going to come right out and say it.


Something is rotten in Denmark.




So, if I'm offered a job in Denmark to clean up rotten stuff for 45 hours a week, should I NOT take it?:confused:

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If you intend to work off the books, your won't be paying FICA and, therefore, you won't be paying into Social Security or be eligible for unemployment insurance. Even though the job is close to your home, the hours seem excessive. Also, if you later want to pursue another job/career, listing "off-the-books maid" won't be a positive on your resume.


If possible, I'd look for a part-time job on the books that may offer some benefits and scheduling flexibility. You may earn less up front, but you will have more security. Starbucks usually only pays minimum wage, but they do offer benefits. Barnes and Noble will work with you to fit your schedule. With the holidays approaching, I'd look for work with retailers or restaurants that maybe looking to hire for the season. Many times there jobs become more permanent if you prove your value.


Best of luck.



We have not discussed anything beyond salary at this point. My neighbor has not stated I would "be off the books".... I don't think I would accept that. As I understand it, my neighbor was surprised and horrified that the previous maid was undocumented. I do not believe she was aware that the maid was undocumented----I will have to get more details but is it possible the previous maid presented false credentials?

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