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Help me think of a woman who

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Help me think of a woman who started with nothing and became something--great--for lack of a better word. I need someone who is inspirational to girls. I would like for her to be American, but that isn't necessarily required. The something *great* doesn't have to mean rich, just someone who really contributed to society. This is for a biographical speech.


Any ideas?

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Not US, but.... J.K. Rowling. As a single mom I look up to that woman.


She grew up in a middle class household, went to university, got her degree, got married and ended up with a child and a broken marriage. She did live on benefits (welfare) for a while, but had a supportive family and, contrary to the myth, never lived in an unheated apartment. She wrote in a cafe because her daughter would fall asleep on the walk there and give her the peace to write, not because she was freezing at home. She did suffer from depression, but she was about to start on a teaching course when her first book was published.


She's clearly a tough and talented woman but she didn't start with nothing.



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Mamie McCullough grew up dirt poor in a large family, but managed to get through college (mainly because the college president's wife took pity on her) and become successful. She became a single parent when her husband died from a heart attack. It's been 20 years since I heard her speak, but I still remember her saying that she knows she's rich because her house has paint on the siding and glass in the windows. That puts things in perspective when I think things are rough!

Edited by LizzyBee
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My first thought for some reason was Victoria Woodhull... But perhaps that's not exactly the sort of character you want.



She's on my top 10 list of women I admire. Suffragette, anarchist (leaning), free love advocat, presidential candidate. What's not to love about her?

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Coco Chanel? Not American, but grew up as an orphan after her mother died and dad abandoned her. She made some questionable choices in men so I'm not sure if she's exactly what you're looking for, but she did have a huge impact on fashion and was from a difficult background.

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