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Has anybody see Kanon Tipton? 4 year old preacher??

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I can not find the video that was shown in church this morning but this kid is awesome! He is (in my opinion) filled with the Holy Spirit for sure!! This kid is 4!!



(part 1)



(part 2)


Here --on the Today show



The section where he is preaching on the Today show is the video we watched in church, its about a 5 minute video- I can't find that one alone though

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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I only saw the last link so maybe my view is limited. I am sure my opinion isn't a popular one but it just seems wrong to me to have a child preaching. I really feel that he is just mimicking what he has seen. There was no content to his preaching. Just random words spewn at a crowd. I think it is wrong to teach him that he will get special attention for preaching (ie The Today Show) and feeding into the commercial media frenzy. It seems to me that it is just about getting attention by the father and attention for his son. In the first part of the clip, the father asks him 'who was on the platform behind you?' the boy answers something I can understand and then the father asks him "....and there was someone else..." then the boy says daddy. Then the go on to talk about the father telling him to 'preach Kannon!" I really feel the family is just the family trying to get attention. The father keeps bringing himself into the conversation by making comments like '3rd generation preacher' several times and other comments that are similar.


I don't doubt that the boy is charismatic and he will probably go far in that world due to that. But I see it much like a child who can sing with an adult voice. They may say the word of the song, but they don't understand the meaning of what they say.

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I only saw the last link so maybe my view is limited. I am sure my opinion isn't a popular one but it just seems wrong to me to have a child preaching. I really feel that he is just mimicking what he has seen. There was no content to his preaching. Just random words spewn at a crowd. I think it is wrong to teach him that he will get special attention for preaching (ie The Today Show) and feeding into the commercial media frenzy. It seems to me that it is just about getting attention by the father and attention for his son. In the first part of the clip, the father asks him 'who was on the platform behind you?' the boy answers something I can understand and then the father asks him "....and there was someone else..." then the boy says daddy. Then the go on to talk about the father telling him to 'preach Kannon!" I really feel the family is just the family trying to get attention. The father keeps bringing himself into the conversation by making comments like '3rd generation preacher' several times and other comments that are similar.


I don't doubt that the boy is charismatic and he will probably go far in that world due to that. But I see it much like a child who can sing with an adult voice. They may say the word of the song, but they don't understand the meaning of what they say.



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Hmmm, I gotta say that it seems to me like he's just play preaching. I can't imagine that he even knows what he's saying, but he DOES know how to get an audience to hoot and holler. Seems like a darling little boy, but he's being exploited, IMO, kind of like a circus act. I would be sad to see this in my church since Jesus used the example of "child like faith" when He taught His disciples. Not a child pretending to have grown-up faith.

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Hmmm, I gotta say that it seems to me like he's just play preaching. I can't imagine that he even knows what he's saying, but he DOES know how to get an audience to hoot and holler. Seems like a darling little boy, but he's being exploited, IMO, kind of like a circus act. I would be sad to see this in my church since Jesus used the example of "child like faith" when He taught His disciples. Not a child pretending to have grown-up faith.




I think it gives a bit of insight on the spiritual maturity of the congregation and the church at large, as well.


Jonathan Edwards, on the other hand, read his sermons in a complete monotone, but they were full of solid teaching of scripture and Biblical Doctrine. That's the kind of "preaching" that helps us grow into spiritual maturity.

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I think it gives a bit of insight on the spiritual maturity of the congregation and the church at large, as well.


Jonathan Edwards, on the other hand, read his sermons in a complete monotone, but they were full of solid teaching of scripture and Biblical Doctrine. That's the kind of "preaching" that helps us grow into spiritual maturity.


Amen to that.

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Wow really?? I thought it was adorable!! Ofcourse he isn't going to preach anything to help feed the spiritual needs of a congregation, he is only 4! I certainly think he is on a path for when he is an adult though!!


I hope he studies the Bible as he grows instead of continuing to repeat the things he's heard. Sadly, that is why so many children leave the church when they turn 18. They have been following instead of reading The Word, studying The Word and discerning what they are hearing in church.

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Wow really?? I thought it was adorable!! Ofcourse he isn't going to preach anything to help feed the spiritual needs of a congregation, he is only 4! I certainly think he is on a path for when he is an adult though!!


Gently, now. This is one reason I find it so distasteful. If he were up giving a comedy routine or a dramatic reading, THAT would be adorable and entertaining. But what IS "preaching"? I think it's sad that people have such a low view of the church/preaching/teaching that this is what they find appealing. It's entertainment, and while church does not need to be droll, it's purpose is NOT the tickling of ears.

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I only saw the last link so maybe my view is limited. I am sure my opinion isn't a popular one but it just seems wrong to me to have a child preaching. I really feel that he is just mimicking what he has seen. There was no content to his preaching. Just random words spewn at a crowd. I think it is wrong to teach him that he will get special attention for preaching (ie The Today Show) and feeding into the commercial media frenzy. It seems to me that it is just about getting attention by the father and attention for his son. In the first part of the clip, the father asks him 'who was on the platform behind you?' the boy answers something I can understand and then the father asks him "....and there was someone else..." then the boy says daddy. Then the go on to talk about the father telling him to 'preach Kannon!" I really feel the family is just the family trying to get attention. The father keeps bringing himself into the conversation by making comments like '3rd generation preacher' several times and other comments that are similar.


I don't doubt that the boy is charismatic and he will probably go far in that world due to that. But I see it much like a child who can sing with an adult voice. They may say the word of the song, but they don't understand the meaning of what they say.


This kid and his family are part of the small denomination I was born and raised in and still attend (so clearly I'm not dogging on them) and I agree with you completely. It's cute. Adorable even. But anointed? C'mon now. :001_huh: Obviously we want our kids to mimic things like preaching over, say, cussing and smashing beer cans on their foreheads but let's not insult our own intellect and pretend like it's anything but mimicking.

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I think it gives a bit of insight on the spiritual maturity of the congregation and the church at large, as well.


Jonathan Edwards, on the other hand, read his sermons in a complete monotone, but they were full of solid teaching of scripture and Biblical Doctrine. That's the kind of "preaching" that helps us grow into spiritual maturity.


Um, ouch. Not that you don't have a point ("cheerleading" happens a lot in pentecost and it bugs me to death) but it makes me cringe that this is the impression this family is giving of our church. Kind of embarrassing. :blush:

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Gently, now. This is one reason I find it so distasteful. If he were up giving a comedy routine or a dramatic reading, THAT would be adorable and entertaining. But what IS "preaching"? I think it's sad that people have such a low view of the church/preaching/teaching that this is what they find appealing. It's entertainment, and while church does not need to be droll, it's purpose is NOT the tickling of ears.


:iagree: Preaching is the exercise of a spiritual gift of communication of the Word of God to edify and teach believers in the church. You can mimic a charismatic preacher but you cannot technically preach without the gift. This boy may or may not have the gift. Spiritual gifts are not passed down genetically.

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I also believe that he is mimicking. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. This is really what we want our children to do is copy our good actions. Where I see the problem is the parent/congregation/etc. putting him out there as something exceptional. He may have an anointing to preach and grow up into that. He may grow up to be a construction worker that loves the Lord. Either way he needs to be able to grow up, exploring who he really is and what God has for him without preconceived ideas that the adults around him have.


I am very old fashioned in many of these areas though. I feel the same about 4/5 yr olds in 'beauty' contests. It is more about the adults and what they want than what is best for the child.

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Just one more insecure parent living vicariously through their child. Some parents push their tykes to fly planes, to swim endurance-style, and hosts of other endeavors the parent either failed at or fell short.


I agree with whomever called it for what it was: exploitation. It may have been cute if the child was doing an imitation all in fun.


As a ten year old, one of my cousins performed a terrific impression of his hellfire brimstone fundamentalist storefront preacher uncle. He had his uncle's facial contortions, voice inflections, drawing in of breath, and pulpit pounding down to a tee. His pious old grandma, who had dozed off while watching soap operas, woke up to his "preaching." She yelled that he was blaspheming and hurled a shoe in his direction. He ducked quickly as the shoe smacked into her mobile home window.

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I had never heard of him. Wow. I googled a bit to find out the gist of the story b/c I don't have the time to watch right now.


That film of him that you linked has got a bit of the COTC (Children of the Corn) vibe to me.


The film is a really interesting documentary. If memory serves it won an Academy Award. I saw it when it came out in the early 70s.


His "act" was a con-job that his parents put him up to and he (and they) used his preaching as a way to line their own pockets. Marjoe eventually felt guilty and let a film crew document how he and others exploited peoples' beliefs for personal gain.


Fascinating film.



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I had never heard of him. Wow. I googled a bit to find out the gist of the story b/c I don't have the time to watch right now.


That film of him that you linked has got a bit of the COTC (Children of the Corn) vibe to me.



Ooh, yes, I'm going to go watch this now.


It rather reminds me of Jesus camp. Children can learn to do this easily. For one thing, they don't have some of the reservations that adults often develop to these sorts of goings-on. When people are elevated, preachers, teachers, whatever, for doing these things, children will take them on as well.

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