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Trying new lunches "bento style" way..does anyone actually DO this stuff??

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I've recently joined Pinterest and now am constantly seeing *adorable* "kid friendly looking" lunches with little faces and characters etc made from healthy foods. They're darling.


My question is, who has TIME for this stuff??? Is there an article somewhere on how to set up for it and a place to get the colored cups and little doodads to use?


Gee whiz...my poor kids! They're lucky sometimes if I make sure to cut their sandwiches in quarters neatly.


I'm wondering if I tried some of this if they'd try some new foods??


They are almost 8 and almost 10..and very picky eaters...a lovely inherited trait from dh. :)

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I agree. I love to cook and play with food, but geesh.


Someone once gave me a special mold for hard boiled eggs. You basically shove a peeled hot hard boiled egg into the cute teddy bear mold and it comes out like a teddy bear face. But it's hot! And as you said, who has time?!


LOL I never knew such a thing existed!

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I'm a bento drop-out. DS was super into the idea for a while, and we got some bento stuff, but we didn't use it for long. Too time-consuming, and mine never came out very well and just made me feel kind of incompetent.


But, my DS does sometimes like to use the food cutters. If he's being a pain about lunch or just bored, I can give him some bread, lunch meat, cheese, sliced fruit, and a bunch of little food-cutters, and let him get to work putting together a lunch for him and his sister.

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I agree. I love to cook and play with food, but geesh.


Someone once gave me a special mold for hard boiled eggs. You basically shove a peeled hot hard boiled egg into the cute teddy bear mold and it comes out like a teddy bear face. But it's hot! And as you said, who has time?!


I really like my rice molds. As long as the rice I make is sticky enough, I can press it into a compact little shape for DD, and she can eat it a lot more neatly than if I just scoop it onto her plate.

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I've recently joined Pinterest and now am constantly seeing *adorable* "kid friendly looking" lunches with little faces and characters etc made from healthy foods. They're darling.


My question is, who has TIME for this stuff??? Is there an article somewhere on how to set up for it and a place to get the colored cups and little doodads to use?


Gee whiz...my poor kids! They're lucky sometimes if I make sure to cut their sandwiches in quarters neatly.


I'm wondering if I tried some of this if they'd try some new foods??


They are almost 8 and almost 10..and very picky eaters...a lovely inherited trait from dh. :)


We have bento about once a week. I don't do the really cutesy stuff, although I do sometimes use rice molds to make small cubes and filled balls, and use small stainless steel veggie cutters. I also use silicone baking cups inside the bento box to keep food separate.

My kids pretty much eat whatever I put in the bento. :001_smile: I haven't tried putting a brussel sprout in though.

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I want egg molds. Those are adorable.


me too!!!


Oh goodness..I hope this isn't another one of my kicks.


But truly? Every day I have no idea what to give the kids for lunches because they don't eat a lot of "lunchy" stuff.


This may be a fun thing to add to our homeschool day and a fun lunch time.

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I bought some of the little doodads to make lunch fun, and forgot about them. Thanks for the reminder!


I bought Wilton silicone cupcake cups (Michael's & JoAnn carry them), but Cost Plus has really nice heavyweight ones that are better for soft stuff like yogurt. I bought a set of mini cookie cutters and some sandwich shape cutters on Amazon. Now that I bake bread, my slices are the right size for the cutter ;). I agree that the egg molds are a bit weird. I tried them on fresh eggs, and the resulting animals looked diseased! Eggs peel much better if they aren't fresh from the henhouse.


You've inspired me to at least make cute sandwiches today. Maybe I'll put some raisins and cheese stars in cute little cups :)

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I think there's a line somewhere between doing it in a way where it's cute but doesn't take more time (or only marginally more) than a sandwich and so forth and where it's completely INSANE. Putting fruit in a cute little cup is on the normal side of the line. Arranging your crackers to look like a butterfly, also normal. Cutting out one simple cheese with a cookie cutter, basically normal. Making an elaborate tableau in cheese and food, nuts.

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Oh, I need to get a bento lunchbox for my dd. I would like one too. On the other hand, I think dh would probably prefer a sandwich with everything on it. Not my thing at all.


For the past two years, my children went to a new Montessori school and they insisted we have those "Laptop Lunchboxes" which apparantly are good for bento stuff. The school insisted on healthy foods only and it was a trash free school. Therefore, we could not put snack packs of ANYTHING in their lunches. Actually, it was a pain to send lunches. I bought two for each kid so I could throw them in the dishwasher.


Now, for HOME..I'm getting ideas!!!


I really think my almost 8 yo dd would love to help me with this stuff. I did make her Hello Kitty toast for a while until the thing broke..does that count?

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I think there's a line somewhere between doing it in a way where it's cute but doesn't take more time (or only marginally more) than a sandwich and so forth and where it's completely INSANE. Putting fruit in a cute little cup is on the normal side of the line. Arranging your crackers to look like a butterfly, also normal. Cutting out one simple cheese with a cookie cutter, basically normal. Making an elaborate tableau in cheese and food, nuts.


Or punching out their name out of cheese with 3/4 inch cutters and lining it on their sandwich..see now, I think it's cute, and I like the idea..but in my world, it would be INSANITY. LOL


I have to admit though, I'm ill today and we've had a mello school day. Hence, I've spent probably way too much time browsing "bento" stuff!!!

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I don't do the really cutesy stuff, although I do sometimes use rice molds to make small cubes and filled balls, and use small stainless steel veggie cutters. I also use silicone baking cups inside the bento box to keep food separate.

My kids pretty much eat whatever I put in the bento. :001_smile: I haven't tried putting a brussel sprout in though.

This is about how we do it too.


I love my egg molds - and it takes no more time than shelling the egg in the first place, I just shove it in the mold before I put it in the fridge, instead of leaving it in a bowl.


I started doing it because the kids are GF and DF and it made it less obvious that they were "missing out" on sandwiches.

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me too!!!


Oh goodness..I hope this isn't another one of my kicks.


But truly? Every day I have no idea what to give the kids for lunches because they don't eat a lot of "lunchy" stuff.


This may be a fun thing to add to our homeschool day and a fun lunch time.


Japanese style bentos often are selections of little smackerals of leftovers. Other than musubi and onigiri, many of the bento selections would feel at home on a dinner plate. But they are in tiny little portions.

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I've recently joined Pinterest and now am constantly seeing *adorable* "kid friendly looking" lunches with little faces and characters etc made from healthy foods. They're darling.


My question is, who has TIME for this stuff??? Is there an article somewhere on how to set up for it and a place to get the colored cups and little doodads to use?


Gee whiz...my poor kids! They're lucky sometimes if I make sure to cut their sandwiches in quarters neatly.


I'm wondering if I tried some of this if they'd try some new foods??


They are almost 8 and almost 10..and very picky eaters...a lovely inherited trait from dh. :)


:lol: This is so me!! It's adorable and all, but jeez, no way!

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I think there's a line somewhere between doing it in a way where it's cute but doesn't take more time (or only marginally more) than a sandwich and so forth and where it's completely INSANE. Putting fruit in a cute little cup is on the normal side of the line. Arranging your crackers to look like a butterfly, also normal. Cutting out one simple cheese with a cookie cutter, basically normal. Making an elaborate tableau in cheese and food, nuts.




We have bento about once a week. I don't do the really cutesy stuff, although I do sometimes use rice molds to make small cubes and filled balls, and use small stainless steel veggie cutters. I also use silicone baking cups inside the bento box to keep food separate.

My kids pretty much eat whatever I put in the bento. :001_smile: I haven't tried putting a brussel sprout in though.


:iagree: My younger dd actually ate VEGETABLES for lunch, along with protein, starch, and fruit. Egads, it was BALANCED. :svengo:


We do bento once a week, on co-op day. I take a bento along, too.


I have the little veggie cutters for cheese slices, bigger ones for sandwiches, and a punch for nori (I stick it on the rice to make flowers or faces). Also, the silicon cups.


My older dd is quite adventurous, and wants to have actual Japanese food. Younger dd prefers things like those little potatoes you bake and stuff and typically serve as hor d'ourves at brunches. I either make big batches of stuff like that and freeze them, or cruise the Trader Joe frozen food aisle -- lots of their stuff translates well into bento, like the Orange Chicken, or the spicy chicken wings.


I take pictures of what I come up with so I can remember how to pack them quickly. Once you've got a few memorized it's about as quick as slapping together sandwiches, throwing fruit in a container, etc.

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It seems to be that there would be an awful lot of wasted for from cutting out all of those shapes. At least with sugar cookies and cookie cutters and you can re-roll the dough, but how do you use up the scraps from cutting lunch meat, cheese, and veggies?

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It seems to be that there would be an awful lot of wasted for from cutting out all of those shapes. At least with sugar cookies and cookie cutters and you can re-roll the dough, but how do you use up the scraps from cutting lunch meat, cheese, and veggies?


Salads. Omelets. Or eat as-is while making the bentos in the morning, and count it as breakfast.

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It seems to be that there would be an awful lot of wasted for from cutting out all of those shapes. At least with sugar cookies and cookie cutters and you can re-roll the dough, but how do you use up the scraps from cutting lunch meat, cheese, and veggies?


I only put one or two cutouts in a bento, so there's not much waste. I'll also put in the leftover cutout part if it looks nice, like a sliced carrot round with a shape cut out of the center


Gail or anyone else-

One problem I have is mixing warm and cold foods. I just end up packing them totally separate and I can't make a lot of the bentos I see..like packing warm meatballs next to cucumber. Any suggestions or ideas???

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It seems to be that there would be an awful lot of wasted for from cutting out all of those shapes. At least with sugar cookies and cookie cutters and you can re-roll the dough, but how do you use up the scraps from cutting lunch meat, cheese, and veggies?


On one of the blogs I was on, I *think* one linked from this thread, some of the pictures looked like some of the scraps were worked into it..it was kind of cool!


I do like the omelet idea!

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Joann, that's why I never do the cutouts. We have little bento lunchboxes that were really cheap (nothing like the 30, 40, even 60 dollar ones I've seen!) but also nice. Two boxes nest on top of each other. For summer camp time, I make a bento probably three days out of the week. I use leftovers and arrange little bits of things and sometimes stick in cute things, but nothing gets wasted. I'm telling you, just the arrangement of tiny portions is enough for most kids.

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We try to do bento style school lunches fairly often. We do not cut things into cute shapes, or add smiles, or make eggs square. And we use Loc & Loc containers rather than a fancy bento box. But the spirit of a healthy mix of small tastes is a goal.


This week I taught my little boy (7) how to roll his own sushi rolls, and he did an awesome job.


Much of this is what we eat at home anyway, and it is a good way to use leftovers.



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I agree. I love to cook and play with food, but geesh.


Someone once gave me a special mold for hard boiled eggs. You basically shove a peeled hot hard boiled egg into the cute teddy bear mold and it comes out like a teddy bear face. But it's hot! And as you said, who has time?!


Ok, those molds are hard to use too. I can never get the eggs out and looking perfect but the kids love them when they are cuted up!!

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I used to do it more when mine were littler. Now I only do it about once a week, for co-op lunches (all the other kiddos are getting pizza, so I want to make up for being the mean mom. :D) I also put cheese or veggie hearts on dh's food when I pack it.


I use Ziploc containers, so mine are pretty low-tech. They have three sections, and I put the main dish in the largest one (usually some type of pita sandwich or roll-up) and fruit and veggies in the others. I also add a smaller matching container of homemade pudding or applesauce.


I have a set of tiny metal cookie cutters that work well for shapes. I make my lunch at the same time, and the scraps go on my salad usually, or I save them for morning and toss them in scrambled eggs.


I remember when a Japanese girl moved to our town when I was in fourth grade. Her dad came to be a manager at the local Honda plant. When we went over to her house after school, her mom put out trays of food in shapes. We all thought it was so cool. :001_smile: (We also had to take our shoes off to go in her house, which was very new to us all.)

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My question is, who has TIME for this stuff???


Gee whiz...my poor kids! They're lucky sometimes if I make sure to cut their sandwiches in quarters neatly.


My kids don't even get cut sandwiches. But I am lucky, they are not picky eaters they eat all their fruits and veggies without any trouble.

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I own the egg mold things. My kids love them. I actually use them quite often. It did get my ds2 to eat eggs so that was great. Hard cooked eggs are a fave snack around here and it's not a big deal to peel a couple while they are still warm and shove them in the molds.


I actually have food trays from Target that I use for almost all meals. heck, I am not sure how I would feed my kids if I didn't have the little compartments to fill. I need guidance!


I love doing that stuff, but it does NOT get my younger child to try different kinds of food. He's not fooled one bit.


My SIL moved to Japan 20 years ago and married a Japanese man, so I had some expert help, lol She taught me how to make rice balls and 'homestyle sushi.' My kids love eating like their Japanese cousins.

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I did them quite a bit last year when my girls attended school. Some things they just wouldn't eat no matter how cute they were.

I do them a little bit this year but not as much as I did last year.

All four of my girls have the Laptop Lunch boxes. And to think I don't even have a dishwasher. Wait! I think that's me. LOL

But I do like them quite a bit. It reminds me what to pack them each day.

They are fun if you have the want to do them and the time.

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I thought about doing bento boxes and then remembered who I am. So, I found the greatest product - Planetbox. Lunches are easy and good for the environment. I do make fruit kabobs and cut sandwiches with cookie cutters, so it's fun, but not over the top! :lol:


*love* our planetboxes. Little lunch containers are the bane of my existence, planetbox has the organization I want, with the simplicity I need.


I totally sound like an infomercial or something. LOL Not getting paid for my opinion, I just really love this lunchbox!

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It seems to be that there would be an awful lot of wasted for from cutting out all of those shapes. At least with sugar cookies and cookie cutters and you can re-roll the dough, but how do you use up the scraps from cutting lunch meat, cheese, and veggies?


I have several friends that are really into the whole bento thing. They tell me the scraps are used for things like omelettes, quesadillas, pizzas -- things like that.


Here is a blog by one of my friend's sister. Hers are not nearly as elaborate as some of the others.




I love to look at the pictures, but I know I wouldn't be able to do this with any kind of consistency. Truthfully, after the first couple of lunched, I don't know if the kids would even notice it anymore. Plus, I just don't want to take the time to do it. My friends who do this have all their children in school and have a lot more time than I do.


:) Beachy

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Gail or anyone else-

One problem I have is mixing warm and cold foods. I just end up packing them totally separate and I can't make a lot of the bentos I see..like packing warm meatballs next to cucumber. Any suggestions or ideas???


Ummm, we just leave everything tepid. Does this ruin my bento credibility? Today I stuck the rice in the middle of the one box, with the apples on one side and the cukes on the other. The chicken wings were in the little stacking box on top. By the time we ate a few hours later everything was room temp anyway.


My younger dd in particular prefers food to be moderate in temperature. Dh wants everything really hot or really cold, so it would drive him nuts -- but I never do bento for him anyway.

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I have several friends that are really into the whole bento thing. They tell me the scraps are used for things like omelettes, quesadillas, pizzas -- things like that.


Here is a blog by one of my friend's sister. Hers are not nearly as elaborate as some of the others.







You know, I've been sticking to a budget lately, but looking at all of these blogs has convinced me of my deep need for little plastic picks in the shape of witches hats. And maybe pumpkin shaped silicon cups. I'm pretty sure my life would be better if I owned those.

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