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Do any of you have this same challenge?

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I find that either I can focus on getting school lessons done OR I can focus on getting the house straightened/cleaned up but I cannot focus on both in the same day! I have tried EVERYthing. Even FlyLady, who's wonderful. But again, if I focus on doing those things, even babysteps, I have a difficult time then going back to helping the kids get lessons done. If I help the kids get lessons done, I can't seem to "switch gears" afterwards to get household stuff done.


PLEASE tell me there are others of you with this same 'disconnect'!:confused:

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I'm all too familiar with this issue. It's just really difficult to do everything! Even if I get super organized with both housework and school stuff, it will invariably mean that something else suffers in the process: we have no social life, or I don't get any exercise or other self care activities done, for instance. I suspect one has to be extremely strict and well organized to keep everything under control.


Also, it is probably necessary for many homeschooling parents to lower expectations somewhat. Not long ago, I actually wrote down everything I wanted to do on a regular basis, added up the time needed to do it, and discovered that I would need 9 days per week to get it all done :lol:

This was discouraging in one sense, but it was also reassuring in that I now know my failure is a logistical problem as opposed to a fundamental character flaw.

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yup, raising my hand.


If dh walks in and the house is a wreck, and books all over the dining table, he knows it was a good learning day.


:iagree: My expectations were never that high. :tongue_smilie: I'm used to devoting full attention to a job when you do. Other adults in my household needed reminding of that. :D I told said person that I could either educate ds or keep the house clean during the day, but not both.


I also need time to unwind between "jobs". We're not messy really, but there is evidence we live here.


It's one thing when ds was younger and school took 2-3 hours max, now we have longer days and I have more admin work.

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Yep. I told dh in one of our first years of homeschooling that he had a choice: I could either homeschool his kiddos well, or he could come home to a clean home. He chose the education. :D It is easier now with two teen girls to help me, but if it comes down to cleaning or needing to do something homeschooling related, homeschooling wins.

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I do. I posted about it here too, not too long ago. I also work part-time (freelance), and my work comes in waves. During a work wave, EVERYTHING ELSE suffers! It's hard. I'm trying to be more organized, and to teach the kids to do more too. Our old vacuum was huge and heavy and miserable to use--I'd end up soaked in sweat after vacuuming the LR/DR. Recently, I bought a much lighter vacuum so DD9 can use it too :D

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I do not clean during school except for basic picking things up. When school ends I make the kids do a basic clean up, and my ds does the dishes. I do what I would call a quick clean every evening before bed in order for it to be decent in the morning. All my deep cleaning is done on the weekend. If I'm on top of it my house stays fairly clean this way.

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Yes. :o I struggle terribly with multi-tasking. In fact, I find it difficult to clean with people in the house, period. It's our 24th year homeschooling and it hasn't changed. I do the basics during the week, but reserve deep cleaning and organize on the weekends. I am ADD. My husband is a saint.

Edited by Geo
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Glad to know I'm not alone. I think I just have the inability to clean PERIOD. One of these days I AM going to hire a housekeeper. It will make me feel a little better about my house. My poor husband. He has a mother who's very good at keeping house. I'm sure he was greatly disappointed when he finally realized I am NOT like here and won't ever be. Thankfully, he loves me, anyway!

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I don't have a problem doing both in the same day, just not at the same time. I cannot be up and down all day long, bouncing back and forth between school work and household chores.


I sit with my children until lessons are done and put away. Only then can I tackle the household stuff (usually after a break of an hour or so to help me switch gears).

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I find that either I can focus on getting school lessons done OR I can focus on getting the house straightened/cleaned up but I cannot focus on both in the same day! I have tried EVERYthing. Even FlyLady, who's wonderful. But again, if I focus on doing those things, even babysteps, I have a difficult time then going back to helping the kids get lessons done. If I help the kids get lessons done, I can't seem to "switch gears" afterwards to get household stuff done.


PLEASE tell me there are others of you with this same 'disconnect'!:confused:



Oh baby...disconnect is an understatement for me! I am really really really REALLY struggling with this right now. In fact, I just cried about it a few minutes ago. LOL I don't know where to begin.


I wish I had some words of wisdom but I don't. Know that you are not alone.

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Mine are younger, so we school in chunks with breaks in between plus snacks and stuff. I clean (or snack too, lol) during the breaks. I have one room assigned per day, plus the normal dishes/laundry, so when I check off the things from that one room, I'm done. Doooooooone. I can handle that. Probably not more than that, but that.

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I have a high schooler, an 8th grader, and a 6th grader. We are neo-classical homeschoolers which means Latin, lots of history, writing, and literature, and we push math and science VERY hard. I homeschool from about 8:30/9 pm (depends on the day and if I am farm sitting) until 3-4 p.m. (today we are off because the three sickies are still sick), and I'm pretty well tied to it, plus lunch preparation, and then getting something on for dinner. Additionally, we host a 4-H science club and projects are always out and in progress.


So, housework...well, it suffers.


I try to keep up with the laundry and cleaning the bathroom. The boys do the dishes and outside chores. Someone mops the kitchen floor once per week and I can tell you that the cherry hardwood floors only get swept once per week and dust, dirt, and crumbs REALLY show. Most days, though disinfected properly, I would not want to have guests. It's grueling during rocketry team season when I have the team here nearly every week for four months. I have to ride dh and the boys to try to keep it picked up.


Don't feel bad. For a variety of reasons, little ones, living on a farm so a lot tracks in, lack of storage, etc...we all go through periods of life when getting to the housework is really, really hard and homeschooling absolutely complicates that.



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I find that either I can focus on getting school lessons done OR I can focus on getting the house straightened/cleaned up but I cannot focus on both in the same day! I have tried EVERYthing. Even FlyLady, who's wonderful. But again, if I focus on doing those things, even babysteps, I have a difficult time then going back to helping the kids get lessons done. If I help the kids get lessons done, I can't seem to "switch gears" afterwards to get household stuff done.


PLEASE tell me there are others of you with this same 'disconnect'!:confused:

DAILY struggle for me. :( Plus I work out of the home as an owner/instructor at a dance academy and a coach for a high school dance team.

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Definitely. I saw this on Pinterest, and it explained our house:




When my kids were younger I made a handpainted sign that would greet anyone who came into the house, "Young minds at work. Expect mess." :)


As they've gotten older and we've gotten more structured and since I gave up on the idea of a homeschooling room and just do school in the dining room/living room I have been able to get them started and then fold laundry, sweep, clean counters and that sort of thing. I can't really leave to main living area, at least if it's my son working but I have found a bit of a rhythm so I can clean and help them.


ETA: This is something that's really only happened in the last 6 months or so and, I think, has mostly to do with my son's maturity.

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