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I just read The Giving Tree to ds5...

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we finished and he said, "I DO NOT like that boy at all!" I asked him why (I didn't tell him that I don't like him either) and he said, "He took everything away from her and then he came back and SAT on her! How rude!":lol:


I didn't tell him but I really dislike that book. In fact I forgot we even had it until he brought it to me for read-aloud time. Ugh...I think I'll donate it to the library.


Does anyone else not like that book? I always end up feeling sooo bad for that tree and being very irritated with that selfish, ungrateful boy.

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I like it, but I like books and movies without neat, pretty endings.


My kids groan when they see it, though; whenever they're being butts I make them read it to each other and then tell me why I'm making them read it :D My son once begged me to just ground him instead of making him read it to the cousin he had wronged, then explain to me why I had him read it LOL.

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I don't really like it, but it makes me think.:001_smile:

(I think the award for Creepiest Picture Book goes to Love You Forever.)

Two books I greatly dislike! (although we do own a copy of Love You Forever, I bought it before I'd read it, since I'd heard such great things about it. Haven't gotten around to donating it yet. :tongue_smilie:)

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Guest submarines

My problem is not the the boys is selfish, but that the tree is a pleaser with no boundaries. One should be able to say "No" without feeling guilty.


They way the book is usually read to school groups or camp groups, is that the boy is the bad one, and the tree is the Giver--a role model, so to speak. :confused:

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I hate it, too.


My sister gave us a copy years ago. I read it once to the kids and then it sat on the shelf collecting dust because no one wanted a re-read. I finally donated it.


I think it is one of those books that people buy thinking it is a classic without ever really reading it themselves and realizing it is just a bunch of hooey.

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We always think of the tree and how loving she was...always reminds me of being a parent. We give all don't we? Even when we have nothing left to give to our kids? I dunno... We found the book after our move recently and we read it again! :D


:iagree: I love that book and this is the reason. I relate it to motherhood. The "tree" is always eager to give to the boy, though he doesn't consider what it costs the "tree" to give everything to him.

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The Rainbow Fish is another one I cannot stand.


I think that's the only picture book I started reading aloud and shut before I finished. I did finish it myself, to find out if the message really was, "Give up what makes you special lest you be shunned by your peers," but I certainly didn't want to read it to my kid.


I'll take Kevin Henkes any day.

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I SO agree with this! Freaky in so many ways. And the mom dies. Kinda like a Disney movie.:tongue_smilie:


Isn't that the book where the mom breaks into the adult son's house to kiss him goodnight?? Sounds like Impish's MIL!!! :D


And then I remember the picture of the boy holding his either dead or soon to be dead mom. That picture reminds me of an epidosde of "Criminal Minds" where the son is having a full psychotic breakdown with his mama's skeleton. :lol:


That is the WORST BOOK EVER. It's one of those books where if my kid wrote it, I would be polite to his or her face and wonder WTF I did wrong.

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Heh. Except Imp's MIL would break in to tell her son what a failure he is. "I Belittle You Forever."




Although I think her MIL would do the kissing thing if she realized how distressing it would be to Imp... Perhaps the first day Imp comes home from the hospital??? Lock your windows, Imp!!!

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Have you ever read this one?

The Taking Tree: A Selfish Parody.


The kids and I got a kick out of it.


Looks like something we'd like!


Sounds like Impish's MIL!!! :D



:lol::lol::lol::lol: Oh.my.word...that just about made me choke!


Heh. Except Imp's MIL would break in to tell her son what a failure he is. "I Belittle You Forever."

:lol::lol::lol:...again with the choking!

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Isn't that the book where the mom breaks into the adult son's house to kiss him goodnight?? Sounds like Impish's MIL!!! :D



Heh. Except Imp's MIL would break in to tell her son what a failure he is. "I Belittle You Forever."




Although I think her MIL would do the kissing thing if she realized how distressing it would be to Imp... Perhaps the first day Imp comes home from the hospital??? Lock your windows, Imp!!!



I actually *like* that book though. Now, I may never look at it the same!

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I was hoping it wouldn't make you made that I referenced you without your permission. :001_smile:

But it DOES sound like a move your crazy-$#@!$%#@ MIL would try. :glare:

Not in the slightest!


Although, I'll probably have nightmares now about rolling over and finding her face looming over us from Wolf's side of the bed. *shudder*

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That is the only book I have ever thrown in the trash. I HATE IT!


I change the words around while reading it but I can't dump my books because I like the finger puppet too much. It's silvery and DD used to say, "Ooooooooooo!" when I brought it out.


Otherwise, that book would be in the compost pile.

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My problem is not the the boys is selfish, but that the tree is a pleaser with no boundaries. One should be able to say "No" without feeling guilty.


They way the book is usually read to school groups or camp groups, is that the boy is the bad one, and the tree is the Giver--a role model, so to speak. :confused:


That's why I hate the book. The tree is not a positive role model. Imagine that the tree was a wife and the boy was her husband instead of a parent/child relationship....I do not want my daughters to grow up to act like that tree!

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