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S/O Spongebob poll

Spongebob in your home  

  1. 1. Spongebob in your home

    • I have never watched Spongebob and will not allow it on in my house
    • I have watched it once or twice and refuse to allow it back into my house
    • I tolerate it because dh likes it
    • I tolerate it because the kids like it
    • I enjoy watching as much as the kids
    • Iâ??ve seen every single episode since 1999
    • Tarter Sauce! Oh, I mean "other."

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I hate it. Dh loves it. He has been known to watch it with no kids in the room.:confused: I tolerate it because th ekids like it, and I see no harm in it. Hey, anything that could make ds sit still and quiet for 30 minutes when he was little was wonderful at one point!!! I am embarrassed to say that I have found myself enjoying an episode here and there.:tongue_smilie:

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It was encouraged by uncles, videos were given to our kids, two sons love it. I got rid of the videos because some of it was just trashy.

I must admit that I have laughed over it, but it is so lame, so stupid sometimes. Other than that, I consider it a waste of time.

At one time, I allowed it, but had the "REALLY?" conversation with kids and it was booted.

I voted tartar sauce.:D

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I think we have seen just about every SPONGEBOB episode ever made---LITERALLY....don't particularly like it but kiddo used to be very much into spongebob.....he's 8 1/2 now and thankfully has just about outgrown spongebob LOL --sometimes he'll watch it when flipping channels but rarely watches like he used to LOL.......

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I have always said this about Sponge Bob. My neice and nephew loved the show and wanted to watch it at my house. I challenged them to play card game before and after. While they watched they game I would drink a glass of wine then replay the game. WOW! they were terrible at the game after the show. I was fine after the wine.

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I voted other. I decided long before DS#1 was old enough to watch that we would never.ever.watch.period.end.of.discussion.


The kids have asked a few times, but I just tell them that you kill brain cells while you watch. We all laugh because mom is being crazy, and then we move on. I let them watch plenty of other stupid shows, that one is just too much for me.

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I voted that I never watched it and don't allow it, but not specifically because I believe he's evil incarnate or anything like that.


My kids simply have enough other shows (Martha Speaks, Wild Kratts and Jake and the Neverland Pirates) that I didn't want them to have another show. So, Spongebob just didn't have the chops and got cut before he ever got an audition. :)

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I said Other. I've never watched, and no one has ever asked to bring it into the house.


My son was sent upstairs at a party to "watch a movie" when he was 7. He came down in 20 minutes and told me it was "some guy who thought he was a sponge, and he was BORING." I give Homer direct credit for this statement! After the sack of Troy, SB would be boring, I bet.

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I said Other. I've never watched, and no one has ever asked to bring it into the house.


My son was sent upstairs at a party to "watch a movie" when he was 7. He came down in 20 minutes and told me it was "some guy who thought he was a sponge, and he was BORING." I give Homer direct credit for this statement! After the sack of Troy, SB would be boring, I bet.


I don't know. When my daughter was 7 she thought the dragging of poor Hector's body round the city was terrifically exciting but still liked Spongebob. :D

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The only thing I know about the sponge named Bob is the quote one of my kids wrote on the bathroom mirror. Something about it being illegal to lick doorknobs on other planets. :confused: I have caught a couple of minutes of it here and there and it makes no more sense that the quote on the bathroom mirror. I am glad the pp posted the link about the two shows because I was really wondering what was up with the random posts about cartoons.

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F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me, N is for anything, any time at all down here in the deep blue sea....


Plankton is my favorite. :001_smile:


You realize I will be singing that song for the rest of the evening now? :D


I like Squidward, mostly because my husband, the cartoon-hater, can't help but laugh at him.

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Cartoons have always been silly. Spongebob is no sillier than some of the stuff I watched when I was a kid. I thought Scooby Doo rocked. I don't care what any so-called scientific study says, there is nothing wrong with watching, playing, reading, roleplaying, etc. anything that isn't 100% intellectual. What an absolutely dull world we would live in if we couldn't have silliness sometimes.

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We'd watch it some before we canceled cable. I don't really feel one way or another about it. When we go to my grandparents the kids watch it together. I remember one evening DH and I were going on a date and leaving the kids there. To distract my then 3yo, my grandmother sat my dd on her lap with the remote and said, "Let's find Sponge Bob, Square Britches". :lol:

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I used to think it was stupid, cartoon rubbish before I actually watched it. No, it certainly isn't educational, but I was impressed with the level of the humor (which would go over most kids' heads), which teen ds and I thoroughly enjoy.


We watch occasionally for some good, clean fun and laughter.

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I have hated it since day 1 (which was long before I had a child) so it's never been allowed in the house. But I've seen a few episodes. I was in college when it came out and had a few friends who thought it was the best show ever. :glare:


I have other stupid shows I like ;)

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I have watched it a few times and don't allow it, but mainly because SpongeBob's voice grates on my last nerve. I can't stand it. I think I might find it entertaining if it didn't make my ears bleed. :tongue_smilie:


Dh doesn't like the show either, though I'm not sure if it is for the same reason.

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