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Do you have a Facebook account?

Do you have a Facebook account?  

  1. 1. Do you have a Facebook account?

    • Yes. It is active and I use it often.
    • Yes. It is active, but I seldom or never use it.
    • Yes. It is active, but someone else uses it.
    • No. I used to have one but it is now deactivated.
    • No and I never plan to, either.
    • No but I may get one in the future.
    • Other.

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I use it to keep in contact with my friends that seem to have spread throughout the world. It helps me feel like they are close. And I am amazed how much I use it to communicate with friends that live in the same city as me. It's crazy but I can't imagine life without facebook...frightening.

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Yes, I have one, and I have no drama on it at all. I don't have friends on FB that create drama and would delete them quickly if they did.


FB has been a great way to reconnect with people. It's also a great way to see what going on in the lives on my kids' friends.

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I have one but only have about 20 friends. These are the folks I get in regular contact with anyway. This is the easiest way to share what is happening each week and arrange meet ups for coffee and such.


I don't request or accept random requests from folks I went to high school with 35 years ago etc. :lol:




I have 90 friends, which sounds like a lot, but is really a small amount in FB world.


I adore fb, but I have a very goofy sense of humor, so I only use it to post things that I find funny. That's also why I try to keep my friend list small. Not everyone appreciates a goofy sense of humor, and I like to keep fb a place where the people who appreciate my silliness can join in a chuckle with me.


I like it that I can reach a bunch of people with something all at the same time. And I'm learning photography, and having a place to share my pictures keeps me motivated to learn more.


Since my friend list is small, I have never run into any of the drama that I've heard people talk about. I wouldn't like that at all.


All in all, I adore facebook. It gives me a platform to laugh with my friends and share pictures and keep up with the little things everyone is doing.

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I deactivated mine about a month ago. I may go back, but for now, I am really happy to not have the distraction. It was crazy how long it took for me to stop processing events in mental "status updates." My life feels more peaceful without all those voices/pictures all the time. It's hard to describe; I just know this change is good for my soul. The people I care about, I'll find a way to keep in touch with.

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These days I live for FB. My son in Afghanistan can get on at his base there, as can his friends. It's easy to see if he and his friends are doing ok by looking for FB activity. For example, my bff left me a message that she chatted on FB's chat with my son a few hours ago. That works for me! :D (I was at work)

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I voted "No but I may get one in the future." The reason is that a friend from high school recently died of cancer. I didn't find out about it until the day before her family's reception. That turned into a class reunion of sorts and it seems that many people maintain contact through Facebook and they encouraged me to do so as well. Some from fairly far away found out about the death through Facebook.


Since then MomsintheGarden and I have learned that you can have a "husband and wife" sort of Facebook account. That might make sense for us since I do not expect to use it often (we'll see!). Does anyone know if MomsintheGarden's Facebook account could be converted into one of these?

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Since we and our friends move around so often with the military, FB is a great way to keep up with them. I also have many of my high school friends on there. I went to an all girls school and there were only 48 in graduating class (and we were HUGE), so we were all close. It's nice to be able to keep in touch with them and see what they're up to. I update about every other day or so with what we're doing or just things I'm thinking about.

BTW, I have about 150 friends and I have met each and every one of them in person. I don't friend people I don't know.

I use it often, but don't update it with everything I do. I hate that. Drinking coffee. Getting ready for work. Going to lunch. Picking up dry cleaning. Ugh. I don't need to know every move you're making.


Today's update:


I just realized I have no Pearl Jam or Red Hot Chili Peppers on my iPod. I must correct this.

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I have one but only have about 20 friends. These are the folks I get in regular contact with anyway. This is the easiest way to share what is happening each week and arrange meet ups for coffee and such.


I don't request or accept random requests from folks I went to high school with 35 years ago etc. :lol:


When I first got fb that was my thought too- but someone sent me a friend request and I debated (after all, if we were really good friends we would have stayed in contact without fb right?) but I did friend her and she immediately sent me a beautiful message about how I had been kind to her in high school and she felt that I changed her life. I felt awful that I had considered not friending her! Dh had a similar experience (except someone he knew as an adult)- a guy sent him a message telling him that he had changed his life after seeing that there really were guys that spent time with their families instead of going out drinking and gambling. Also, people that I used to not have much in common with now have kids the same age as mine and homeschool! I LOVE facebook!

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Since we and our friends move around so often with the military, FB is a great way to keep up with them. I also have many of my high school friends on there. I went to an all girls school and there were only 48 in graduating class (and we were HUGE), so we were all close. It's nice to be able to keep in touch with them and see what they're up to. I update about every other day or so with what we're doing or just things I'm thinking about.

BTW, I have about 150 friends and I have met each and every one of them in person. I don't friend people I don't know.

I use it often, but don't update it with everything I do. I hate that. Drinking coffee. Getting ready for work. Going to lunch. Picking up dry cleaning. Ugh. I don't need to know every move you're making.


BUT, just now I posted that I'm heading out for errands and asked if anyone wanted to meet up for coffee. Two people jumped on it right away. So, it's useful for that, imo.


Today's update:


I just realized I have no Pearl Jam or Red Hot Chili Peppers on my iPod. I must correct this.



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When I first got fb that was my thought too- but someone sent me a friend request and I debated (after all' date=' if we were really good friends we would have stayed in contact without fb right?) but I did friend her and she immediately sent me a beautiful message about how I had been kind to her in high school and she felt that I changed her life. I felt awful that I had considered not friending her! Dh had a similar experience (except someone he knew as an adult)- a guy sent him a message telling him that he had changed his life after seeing that there really were guys that spent time with their families instead of going out drinking and gambling. Also, people that I used to not have much in common with now have kids the same age as mine and homeschool! I LOVE facebook![/quote']


What a great story, I'm glad you were able to connect with a friend. I do have a few out of town stragglers in my list but it is mostly folks I would have an 'over-the-back-fence' relationship if those still existed. :tongue_smilie:

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I do, but I wish I hadn't made fb friends with all the people from school just because of that link. I have no more in common with them now than I did back then which wasn't a lot. Plus my best friends from back then all apparently hate me and don't mind discussing it openly on fb. I think I have some un friending to do.

One if the best bits of face book is the RAS support group that I belong to.

Edited by lailasmum
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Love my FB! :D


I have a GREAT FB story. When I was in my early 20's, I went on a trip to Thailand, Nepal, and China with a college continuing education program. I went trekking in Nepal. I was hiking with a guide a bit behind the rest of our group and we missed our bus back into town from a small mountain village. A young girl (she was 6) who was visiting her cousin and grandmother came out and practiced all her English on me. She invited me in, had me for tea, gave me their best chair (they lived in poverty). Her grandmother sat and smiled with me with a toothless grin. There was much nodding and smiling. It was my best memory of that trip to have someone be so gracious with a complete stranger from the other side of the world. I boxed up some school supplies and a stuffed animal and had our trekking guide deliver it to this girl. She wrote me a thank you note and I never heard from her again.


This girl is now a college student and she found me on facebook! I get to follow all her adventures in Nepal (and around Asia - she is studying abroad now!). This story brings tears to my eyes every time I think of it! That interaction with this girl, and her cousin, and her grandmother was life altering for me.

Edited by kck
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I have one and I use it all the time. We moved from FL to SC about 4 1/2 yrs ago, so I use it to keep up with my friends and family in FL. I post pics of my kids so everyone can see them grow. I also belong to a few groups and it helps get the information out to others that think like I do, and I like reading the links they share!

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Oh poo!! I went too fast again. :D
Sorry, but I just couldn't help myself! :D
And now I can't fix it because you called me out on it. :glare: :D
Yes, I always try to hurry up and fix mine before anyone sees, or worse, QUOTES, them and before the little timer shows that I made any edits! (How long do we get for free edits, anyway? Two minutes?)
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Sorry, but I just couldn't help myself! :DYes, I always try to hurry up and fix mine before anyone sees, or worse, QUOTES, them and before the little timer shows that I made any edits! (How long do we get for free edits, anyway? Two minutes?)



Wait. We can edit on FB???


I always copy and paste and delete.

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BUT, just now I posted that I'm heading out for errands and asked if anyone wanted to meet up for coffee. Two people jumped on it right away. So, it's useful for that, imo.



No, see that's fine. If someone posts that they're headed out and asks if anyone wants to meet up, that's totally different. What I hate is when someone posts 30 times before lunch detailing every move they make.

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BUT, just now I posted that I'm heading out for errands and asked if anyone wanted to meet up for coffee. Two people jumped on it right away. So, it's useful for that, imo.






I do that too! I'll post that we're going to walk to the ice cream store or the park and I'll have friends show up-it's GREAT!

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BUT, just now I posted that I'm heading out for errands and asked if anyone wanted to meet up for coffee. Two people jumped on it right away. So, it's useful for that, imo.



I love it for that reason! I'll suddenly decide I'd like to go out for lunch or coffee or to some event. I'll post something and usually have someone (or more) to go with rather quickly.

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To delete: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=16929680703 Click "see more" and it'll give you a link to click to delete the page. Then you MUST NOT try to sign on for 14 days. I waited three weeks to be sure because you will have to start all over if you sign back in.


I've done it twice. My friend says I'm "facebook bipolar" :)

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No, I don't have one and I never plan to. I have resisted all of the pressure to join. I'm a Facebook hold-out. ;)


Me too. But now I feel like my family is penalized for NOT being on facebook. Even the church only updates everyone via facebook (um, there are great grandparents at our church and I somehow doubt they are on facebook too). Everyone plans activities via facebook so we never hear about them. But frankly, then I hear about the drama and I remember why we don't have an account.


Plus, I was stalked the first few years of our marriage. The dork found my MOM on facebook and tried to get in touch with me via her just this past March.


I just don't want to go "there".


I am more peaceful with less to do.


I need to focus my time on my marriage, my kids, family, friends and time with God... not all the drama, brag fests, etc. I could go on but I won't.

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I do have one AND it is deactivated. Every month or so I go on long enough to glance around, then I immediately deactivate it again. I vastly prefer e-mail or phone calls. (in-person is, of course, the BEST!) Those prove that the other person truly is interested in me, and I truly interested in her or him.

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I love FB! I am a very social person anyway. I love keeping up with friends from HS and even just recently reconnected with a friend from elem. school.

It's also a great way to arrange meetups and other stuff.

People say it takes up their whole day but I have never had that problem. I pop in check the front page and pop off. Easy peasy. :)

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I have it and love it. We tend to embrace new technology at this house with the understanding that ANYTHING you post will end up on the Internet for public consumption.


I LOVE communicating with my brother and sister who keep getting deployed to various hotspots around the world. Facebook gives me more 'time' with them than calls or letters ever did.


I love seeing the baby pictures and video clips from far-away nieces and nephews and seeing the updates about their antics. I love that my teen's friends have friended me and I can keep tabs on their activities and gauge their varying levels of maturity/judgement. I love the way I can update and keep up with people without inconveniencing myself or anyone else. I also like that I can be spontaneous and there's always someone who is up for a spur-of-the-moment coffee shop excursion.


I also think of hold-outs as the same type of people who held out on getting a phone because they prefer visits or an email account because they prefer phone calls. It's absolutely their right and they should do what gives them peace and happiness, but they shouldn't feel miffed if they miss something. They have not been excluded by others, they have chosen to exclude themselves.

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I love facebook. I don't play any of the games, so I don't have that distraction. I love keeping up with family and friends. Even with local friends, I don't get to see them as often as I'd like to, so keeping up with them on facebook is nice. And I like looking at the pictures they post.


The only high school friends I have on facebook are ones I've kept in touch with anyway. I'm not interested in connecting with people I haven't seen for nearly 40 years and who weren't good friends to begin with. I do have friends I've never met IRL, but they're people I've known online for some time and I know we are alike in many ways.


I don't have drama on my facebook page. Most of the people I know who do are either fb friends with people they don't really know, became friends with old classmates and then found out they're not the same as they were in high school, or are drama queens or kings themselves.



My MIL is a great-grandmother and is on Facebook. So are many of her great-grandmother friends. :)


Yes. Being old doesn't automatically make one a techno-phobe. I know a lot of grandparents and great-grandparents who embrace new technology, including smart phones and social media. I think much of it is personality related rather than age related.

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Well, I picked deactivated, but I actually had mine deleted altogether.

Yup, me too.


Anyone I'm close enough to be concerned with if they die has my phone number and my email address.


As I said in the other thread it seem to me to be a lot of "Hey look at me."


Have you seen those commercials about the kids being worried about their parents because they don't have any friends on their FB account? Meanwhile the parents are out actually living life instead of sitting around in front of the computer all day.


I'd rather be the parents actually living instead of the adult kids sitting in front of the computer. Of course what I am is sitting her in front of the computer waiting for dd to finish her vocabulary. :glare:

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Never had one, never will. I'm far too much of an introvert to want to stay "attached at the hip" to every person I have ever met every minute of every day. I even (gasp!) turn my cell phone off when I'm at home!


I have no problem with folks who enjoy it, but get rather irritated when people act like I'm living in the dark ages for not being a fan of invasive social media.

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if your facebook page mentions where you were born, then this technology can fairly accurately guess your social security number.



Are your "social security" numbers anything like our "social insurance" numbers, I wonder? Nine digit numbers that you use for employment, government stuff, etc?


I can't imagine how that could be guessed solely by knowing where someone was born… ours, I think, do have the first 3 digits matched to a province, but that's only 3 digits out of 9… guessing the other 6.. ??


Somebody mathy could prolly figure out how many potential combinations there are there…





Yes, I have a FB account and use it frequently, as do dd14 and ds12. (dh has one but rarely checks it) .. all of our extended family live in different parts of the country, so this is how we keep up with each other - emails take a lot longer and phone calls cost money and can be frustrating to time right with the different zones. Facebook works wonderfully. :D

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