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s/o Please Read - What do people think of you?

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I was reading AngelBee's thread and somebody mentioned that there were several regular posters that she questioned the legitimacy of.


**okay, I'm going to say it - the dreaded phrase......just roll with me here - I KNOW I'm not the only one**


Am I the only one who finds myself questioning if one of those people might be.......ahem....me????


Maybe I'm just ultra self-conscious. Wait....yeah, I am. I know that. But still.


Eh, if they question my legitimacy, there are quite a few people I could send them to to verify my existence :)

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Eh, if they question my legitimacy, there are quite a few people I could send them to to verify my existence :)

Whew! You came back.



Okay everyone, Here is the other person who can verify that I exist. Yeah, just ask mommaduck if I'm real or a figment of your imagination.





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Whew! You came back.



Okay everyone, Here is the other person who can verify that I exist. Yeah, just ask mommaduck if I'm real or a figment of your imagination.






She exists :D


Mmm-hmm. I notice you both don't post at the same time. Suuuure you "met" each other. Common troll tactic.



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Mmm-hmm. I notice you both don't post at the same time. Suuuure you "met" each other. Common troll tactic.




LOL! No, really, we spent years on another board together and some of us boardies have met IRL and can verify each other's existence ;) Sue in PA has met me. Molly72 has met me (used to teach one of mine in AWANAS). Jessica in NY has met me (not sure if she is still here or not). A few more from that other board are on here and can verify for both of us :) The duck does exist ;)

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You know, this made me realize something. I don't really have any close friends IRL. I wonder if those that are more prone to posting personal things or drama are those of us who lack close friends IRL.


This is so me. Outside of my DH I have one real, good IRL friend. But I feel like I can't talk to her about a lot of things because she's at a very different stage in life than I am. I can't talk to my mother about many things because if I do she is suddenly trying to fix or micromanage my life. I am extremely introverted... it is really, really hard for me to open up and try to get to know people IRL. Online is easier for me. It is easier to organize my thoughts and I can easily pick and choose what conversations to be a part of. I also feel like in online communities you've already gotten over that first barrier of having something in common with the other members. For me, at least, it is easier to open up and try to get to know people once I find out that we have something like homeschooling, a favorite author, a way of life etc to fall back on in those initial "getting to know you" moments of awkwardness that are bound to happen.


In general, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume that they're telling the truth. I've been a part of several other online communities and have met enough of my online friends in person that generally everyone is more or less who they portrayed themselves to be.

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What do I care if even 99% of you all think I'm a troll? You won't answer my questions on house paint honestly but lead me on about faux woodgrains?


I like this forum too but I don't view it as a cozy corner of girl talk. Am I supposed to? I don't even have coffee talk girlfriends IRL. For me, its strength is quick response on a myriad of subjects. For fiery subjects, the response is often quick and deep. Kind of like a Type 1 allergic reaction. Instead of a massive histamine dump, you get troll hunter mast cells banging away at their keyboards furiously. Because having once been sensitized (burned by) trolls, the antibody IgT formed long ago and is always quietly circulating in the system. Don't let it latch onto you. The good news is there exists a troll allergy vaccine called a blog, even if the only traffic it gets is from troll detectors, that's ok. For minor reactions, the antihistamine of choice is a few "would you please clarify" type posts. Before the reaction cascades out of control, the Hive body provided us with the ability to activate very helpful T-supressor cells called the IGNORE button. All out systemic reactions cannot be ameliorated by IGNORE and result in total system shutdwn as the mod deletes the thread. There. The body of the Hive has a severe troll allergy. It's nothing personal.

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What do I care if even 99% of you all think I'm a troll? You won't answer my questions on house paint honestly but lead me on about faux woodgrains?


I like this forum too but I don't view it as a cozy corner of girl talk. Am I supposed to? I don't even have coffee talk girlfriends IRL. For me, its strength is quick response on a myriad of subjects. For fiery subjects, the response is often quick and deep. Kind of like a Type 1 allergic reaction. Instead of a massive histamine dump, you get troll hunter mast cells banging away at their keyboards furiously. Because having once been sensitized (burned by) trolls, the antibody IgT formed long ago and is always quietly circulating in the system. Don't let it latch onto you. The good news is there exists a troll allergy vaccine called a blog, even if the only traffic it gets is from troll detectors, that's ok. For minor reactions, the antihistamine of choice is a few "would you please clarify" type posts. Before the reaction cascades out of control, the Hive body provided us with the ability to activate very helpful T-supressor cells called the IGNORE button. All out systemic reactions cannot be ameliorated by IGNORE and result in total system shutdwn as the mod deletes the thread. There. The body of the Hive has a severe troll allergy. It's nothing personal.


Beautiful. Truly, this post is a work of art.

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LOL! No, really, we spent years on another board together and some of us boardies have met IRL and can verify each other's existence ;) Sue in PA has met me. Molly72 has met me (used to teach one of mine in AWANAS). Jessica in NY has met me (not sure if she is still here or not). A few more from that other board are on here and can verify for both of us :) The duck does exist ;)


You know, I wonder if we "knew" each other on that other board? Was it the SL board? I have a different screen name there.

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What do I care if even 99% of you all think I'm a troll? You won't answer my questions on house paint honestly but lead me on about faux woodgrains?


I like this forum too but I don't view it as a cozy corner of girl talk. Am I supposed to? I don't even have coffee talk girlfriends IRL. For me, its strength is quick response on a myriad of subjects. For fiery subjects, the response is often quick and deep. Kind of like a Type 1 allergic reaction. Instead of a massive histamine dump, you get troll hunter mast cells banging away at their keyboards furiously. Because having once been sensitized (burned by) trolls, the antibody IgT formed long ago and is always quietly circulating in the system. Don't let it latch onto you. The good news is there exists a troll allergy vaccine called a blog, even if the only traffic it gets is from troll detectors, that's ok. For minor reactions, the antihistamine of choice is a few "would you please clarify" type posts. Before the reaction cascades out of control, the Hive body provided us with the ability to activate very helpful T-supressor cells called the IGNORE button. All out systemic reactions cannot be ameliorated by IGNORE and result in total system shutdwn as the mod deletes the thread. There. The body of the Hive has a severe troll allergy. It's nothing personal.


So totally awesome!!!

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What do I care if even 99% of you all think I'm a troll? You won't answer my questions on house paint honestly but lead me on about faux woodgrains?


I like this forum too but I don't view it as a cozy corner of girl talk. Am I supposed to? I don't even have coffee talk girlfriends IRL. For me, its strength is quick response on a myriad of subjects. For fiery subjects, the response is often quick and deep. Kind of like a Type 1 allergic reaction. Instead of a massive histamine dump, you get troll hunter mast cells banging away at their keyboards furiously. Because having once been sensitized (burned by) trolls, the antibody IgT formed long ago and is always quietly circulating in the system. Don't let it latch onto you. The good news is there exists a troll allergy vaccine called a blog, even if the only traffic it gets is from troll detectors, that's ok. For minor reactions, the antihistamine of choice is a few "would you please clarify" type posts. Before the reaction cascades out of control, the Hive body provided us with the ability to activate very helpful T-supressor cells called the IGNORE button. All out systemic reactions cannot be ameliorated by IGNORE and result in total system shutdwn as the mod deletes the thread. There. The body of the Hive has a severe troll allergy. It's nothing personal.


This post is awesome.

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Being able to ask for prayers and support is huge for me. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through some of the stuff without it.

Alright sunshine. Since there's a hurricane acomin' and I can disappear for awhile and let it all die down, check on the sly, and don't have to respond to snark, I'm unloading. You've dragged it out of me, and golly day do I need to.


This is very interesting! I have one BFF in real life with whom I can talk about anything. Beyond that, I have a very hard time maintaining good friendships because I'm so easily overwhelmed by the responsibilities of friendship. I'm overwhelmed by the responsibilities of my own life :001_huh: I can barely keep up with my IRL friends on Facebook and email. That may very well explain why I'm so active here. The forum meets my needs in terms of advice, support, HSing info and advice, and friendship without a lot of the responsibility that I can't seem to handle. Huh...I never really thought that much about it! Thanks for the food for thought!

Sharing the burden is hard, and I carry burdens for some of my closer friends on here, but (dare I say it) for some people, I can be their friends here and walk away (which is why the friendship lives on). I get to the point where I need a break and irl friends have a hard time understanding that, whereas I can just not come into the hive :lol: I'll show you (at the bottom of my post) why it's so nice to unload here :p

I know this is true for me. I do not have anyone to talk to IRL. I could try talking to my mom or sister about some stuff but that often devolves because no matter what I say they always bring it back to why homeschooling is to blame for every possible thing that happens to us etc. It means the list of things I can not talk about with them is very long. Otherwise I have no one else to talk to irl so I come here to get my fill. I do post personal things, I am not trying to creep anyone out when I do, I am jsut trying to share, and talk and outline where I am coming from when I am posting.

That and... hey, hearing everyone's problems gets tiresome. I get that. Here, listening is much more optional. IOW, you can purge, walk away, come back and see support. For the most part, the people that aren't interested in supporting just don't comment, so it's like they don't even exist :lol:

In general, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume that they're telling the truth. I've been a part of several other online communities and have met enough of my online friends in person that generally everyone is more or less who they portrayed themselves to be.

Me too :D




If you want to see what crazy means to me highlight from here to the laughy face: Alright, so my mother's cancer is back with a vengeance and I just don't know what I feel. It's spread from her spine and rib to her face, shoulder blades, clavical and possibly her kidneys, although the doctors say that "never" happens, they aren't too sure that it hasn't. Mom's cancer started almost four years ago as breast cancer. Her super crappy doctors put off surgery until four months later. No treatment, no radiation, just sitting and waiting. Then, the craptastic doctor over booked herself (oops) and left my mom unconcious, but vomiting, laying in a gurney and even the nurses didn't realize she was there (instead of in surgery). Dr. Jerk LEFT and had to come back to explain that, oopsy, she didn't have time, family stuff ya know? By the time the surgery was done it had gone from a lumpectomy to a radical bilateral misectomy (so help me if you correct my spelling I'll scream, you may not hear it, but I will). Oh, yeah, I forgot, they gave my mom a rare infection and after they got positive test results for it, they chucked the results and didn't bother to retest until all the skin on her chest has sloughed off. Awesome.

Now, Earlier this year new tumors were found. Mom was cancer free for about or almost three years. I made her change doctors (finally). The new doctor explained that they didn't want to start chemo until they HAD to. Once Mom starts she has to stay on it until she dies. Mom just.didn't.get.it. All this year, appointment after appointment, the doctor has been so pleased to tell Mom it was not chemo worthy yet and Mom came away DISAPPOINTED. She's so happy to be dieing. Seriously. She's bragging about going bald. She's been looking forward to this, she has said, "I'm so glad it finally coming to a close."

How the h-e-double hocky sticks do you respond to that????

Now, I have this stupid mini drama at church over starting a new mission, I really feel like God has called me and I JUST DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH IT.

I have had a migraine for three days. This lasted a week a month or so ago and I'm only today discovering the Aleve wasn't helping because I wasn't suffering from a headache. Thank God. Seirously.

I feel like I need to qualify all this by saying, God has been AWESOME. My dear friend, whom I love like a sister, has found Christ. I'm not really worried about the new mission, I know it's in God's hands. I'm not scared for Mom, I know she's in God's hands. Even the hurricane (don't say Isabelle) is going to be alright, we're in God's hands. I just feel like I need to purge.

Trollish? Heck I could add more :lol:

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Alright sunshine. Since there's a hurricane acomin' and I can disappear for awhile and let it all die down, check on the sly, and don't have to respond to snark, I'm unloading. You've dragged it out of me, and golly day do I need to.:lol:




Sorry to hear about your troubles. You can be trollish if you want to be. I always wanted to be the one with the green hair.

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OK, now I'm wondering if I am, in fact, a troll ?!?!?!?


I don't share my photo, my name, my children's names, OR my blog. That's just baaaaaaad COM SEC. I don't know what my post count is OR what my bee 'rank' on the top of my posts means.


Actually, I was on these boards YEARS ago. I don't remember them being so technically elaborate. When I returned after some time away, I forgot my screen name/password combination (or the old one expired?) so I started a new account.


So, am I a troll? What about people who don't blog? Not everyone feels compelled to keep a diary, much less share it. I'm not sure how that makes them a troll.


On a funny note, when reading the Octomom thread, I couldn't help but think if she posted here we would out her as a troll :lol:

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Geezopeety. You all are the best. Is it wierd that this is the first time I've cried since it all sort of flopped over?


God bless you ladies. :grouphug: Really. I love you, thank you.


Lion, pming you.




Sorry to hear about your troubles. You can be trollish if you want to be. I always wanted to be the one with the green hair.


Holy Moly Lion you definitely needed to unload and I am glad that you could do it here. Be trollish anytime you want/need to be. We are all here for you. :grouphug:


Lion, :grouphug:. That s*cks.


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I know this is true for me. I do not have anyone to talk to IRL. I could try talking to my mom or sister about some stuff but that often devolves because no matter what I say they always bring it back to why homeschooling is to blame for every possible thing that happens to us etc. It means the list of things I can not talk about with them is very long. Otherwise I have no one else to talk to irl so I come here to get my fill. I do post personal things, I am not trying to creep anyone out when I do, I am jsut trying to share, and talk and outline where I am coming from when I am posting.


I was just lurking tonight. But I signed in just to give you a hug. :grouphug:


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I doubt I've posted anything interesting enough to even warrant suspicion of being a troll. :tongue_smilie: There is only one person here, maybe two, who might notice when I do or don't post.


I don't have a signature, and I don't have an avatar. I do have a blog, but I don't advertise it primarily because it isn't homeschool-related. It's mainly about my severe chemical sensitivities, which few people here would find interesting. Oh, but I did post a picture of me on it yesterday. It was a picture of me the day I went into the hospital with shingles and a severe bacterial infection (which caused cellulitis around both eyes); a friend of mine told me that the picture would scare small children, but maybe I should use it for my av here. ;)

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I'm sure people think that of me.I'm more of a lurker here than anything even though I have been here for a couple of years, I think....


I often post questions that get ignored and have to bump up just to get a simple answer or when I answer other threads they seem to die:lol:. I think that there are a lot of people here that have been here a long time and if you don't participate in the lighthearted nonsense threads you tend to get overlooked...


ETA: About the blog thing, I do have a blog but it is a business blog and since it basically spells out where I live and I have had trouble with a poster from here harassing me (and others I was on another board with) I am not comfortable posting the link...

I know who you are talking about as I watch her closely here. Have you noticed though how she has avoided this thread?

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