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Ugh, when did it become ok

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for people to take pictures of your child and then post them on their blog w/o your permission?


We attended a little gathering the other day. We knew everyone, kids hanging out, playing etc. One of the women has a photography business. I happened by her blog and see a photo of one of my children. The child is not named and it is a lovely photo, but she did not ask permission to post this photo. Actually didn't even send the photo to me, it was just chance that I looked at her blog. She has our city listed since it is her work blog.


I am seriously ill, as in angry. I was taking photos, but it would never occur to me to put a photo of someone else's child on my business blog (I don't have one)w/o permission. I find this so incredibly thoughtless. It really crosses a boundary for me and I just don't understand why people think this ok.


Or maybe I am in the minority?

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I would find it a little thoughtless, but she probably wasn't meaning to be rude.


You could email her and say that while you love her photography, you have concerns about your child's privacy and would appreciate her taking the photograph down. That may clue her in to the fact that some people don't want their children's pictures out there and maybe she won't make the same mistake again.

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I would find it a little thoughtless, but she probably wasn't meaning to be rude.


You could email her and say that while you love her photography, you have concerns about your child's privacy and would appreciate her taking the photograph down. That may clue her in to the fact that some people don't want their children's pictures out there and maybe she won't make the same mistake again.



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I would find it a little thoughtless, but she probably wasn't meaning to be rude.


No, I am sure she wasn't intending to be rude, but I find it incredibly presumptuous of someone to take a photo of another person's child and then post it on their work blog w/o a parent's consent or even knowledge!


Ugg, this is just a hot button issue for me and the 2nd time in 6 months I've had to ask someone to do this.


I will say my children are quite photogenic and I am not at all biased. ;)

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If it was just someone taking photos and posting them on a personal site, it would be clueless and thoughtless but as a professional photographer, she should know better. Photo releases and model rights are big deals in the photography world, especially when dealing with children. I would absolutely ask her to remove all images of my children from her site immediately, not only for privacy reasons, but also because I would not want it to appear that my family was endorsing/recommending a person that would act so unprofessionally. I would probably even ask that she completely delete any images of my children in her possession so they didn't crop up again somewhere.

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When we visited my parents this summer we took the kids mini-golfing. There was a camera crew there and a man asked if he could film my kids. I shook my head no but his cameraman was filming the whole time. My mom told me this week that footage of my kids was on the local news this past weekend. My mom was happy to see them but I'm less so.

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If it was just someone taking photos and posting them on a personal site, it would be clueless and thoughtless but as a professional photographer, she should know better. Photo releases and model rights are big deals in the photography world, especially when dealing with children. I would absolutely ask her to remove all images of my children from her site immediately, not only for privacy reasons, but also because I would not want it to appear that my family was endorsing/recommending a person that would act so unprofessionally. I would probably even ask that she completely delete any images of my children in her possession so they didn't crop up again somewhere.



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In that case, I absolutely agree with you.


I will say that I have a personal homeschooling blog and I take pictures of my kids at homeschool group events and post them even if other kids happen to be showing in the picture, but the focus of the picture is my child/ren. I don't just post pictures solely of other peoples' children and can't imagine doing that, and especially not for business purposes without permission!

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Since it is a professional blog, she should have had a model release form signed before using the photo in a professional manner. If it were a personal blog, then as long as no information about the child was posted, then I wouldn't have a problem with it. (In fact I've done the same thing without really even thinking about it on my personal blog) When I had my photography business, however, I absolutly wouldn't use photos without explicit permission.

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I hate when people post pics on facebook that I am in. But I feel like I can't do much about that.


When I take pics for my blog I ask first (even the adults) if they are OK with me posting the pics before I post them.


Ask her to take them down. No big deal. A lot of times people don't realize how their behavior affects others until you bring it to their attention gracefully.

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for people to take pictures of your child and then post them on their blog w/o your permission?


We attended a little gathering the other day. We knew everyone, kids hanging out, playing etc. One of the women has a photography business. I happened by her blog and see a photo of one of my children. The child is not named and it is a lovely photo, but she did not ask permission to post this photo. Actually didn't even send the photo to me, it was just chance that I looked at her blog. She has our city listed since it is her work blog.


I am seriously ill, as in angry. I was taking photos, but it would never occur to me to put a photo of someone else's child on my business blog (I don't have one)w/o permission. I find this so incredibly thoughtless. It really crosses a boundary for me and I just don't understand why people think this ok.


Or maybe I am in the minority?


Does it bother you that she is using it for advertising or do you feel your child's safety and security is at risk?

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I guess I'm in the minority, as I really wouldn't mind at all as long as my dc's name wasn't mentioned. In fact, I was surprised one day while waiting in the lobby of a major tourist attraction (museum) in our area, that my daughter and her friend were featured on the cover of one of their brochures! (They offer homeschool classes; the photo was taking during one of them.) I thought it was pretty neat, but understand how others would feel differently.

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I guess I'm in the minority, as I really wouldn't mind at all as long as my dc's name wasn't mentioned. In fact, I was surprised one day while waiting in the lobby of a major tourist attraction (museum) in our area, that my daughter and her friend were featured on the cover of one of their brochures! (They offer homeschool classes; the photo was taking during one of them.) I thought it was pretty neat, but understand how others would feel differently.


I'm surprised there wasn't a statement that photos of your child may be used if you are in the class. I've seen that before and I believe we had to sign it.

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I'm surprised there wasn't a statement that photos of your child may be used if you are in the class. I've seen that before and I believe we had to sign it.



It's very possible there was, I'm just not remembering either way. When we originally signed them up several years ago there was a registration form which probably included such a statement, but since then we've been able to sign up by phone.

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It's never been "ok", but most people are very unthinking about internet safety issues. most people are pretty naive, and think only their friends will see the pics - clueless about just how "out there" they are.


I guess I am one of the naive ones because I don't see it as unsafe. If someone wants to snatch my very beautiful child they could very easily follow me home from the grocery store.

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I guess I am one of the naive ones because I don't see it as unsafe. If someone wants to snatch my very beautiful child they could very easily follow me home from the grocery store.


Exactly. In fact, one would have to struggle long and hard to find even one case where a child was abducted because of a random picture on a blog, especially when the child is not named.


When I am in public, I understand others can take my photograph and use it as they please.

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Just an FYI it is actually illegal to do take photos and put them on your business page without the persons in the photo consenting to it and signing a waiver.


This is the part that might slightly annoy me. That a photographer might be profiting off of my child's photo. But it wouldn't make me furious or anything. Unless it was a habitual thing (where I felt like her business was prospering due to my child's photo) I probably wouldn't even say anything. Especially if it was a friend.

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I guess I am one of the naive ones because I don't see it as unsafe. If someone wants to snatch my very beautiful child they could very easily follow me home from the grocery store.


Isn't it more about some sicko lifting the face from the web and altering it into some possibly p@rnogr@Fik image?


Or, in the OP's case, someone using your child's image for advertising purposes with neither permission nor compensation.

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Isn't it more about some sicko lifting the face from the web and altering it into some possibly p@rnogr@Fik image?


Well. I guess that is possible. Seems so far-fetched and then if it did happen who in my world would ever SEE it. I guess I just don't get too worked up over that kind of possibility.

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I agree with you.


My husband took the kids to an activity at some parks and they took pictures and then emailed him the pics. Later I found some (where my kids' faces were not visible, just the back of their heads) on this organization's blog! Did not make me upset enough to complain, bc you can't tell who they are, but I don't intend to seek out their events as I found it very odd.

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I agree with you, because it is a business blog.


My SIL made a snarky comment about "people posting pics of her kids on FB" and I was ticked off, because her son made a one time appearance in my FRIENDS ONLY photos as the co-star of my son's birthday party (they shared a party at HER request), and my mother has a shot of the whole family on her FB. I think it's asking too much for family members not to be allowed to post pics of themselves and their children if a member of your family happens to be in it.

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I find this rather disturbing and it is very common. Can you imagine the potential damage? I don't mean OP's children are in grave danger but rather the indiscriminate picture taking and posting in a public place with world wide access. I don't know much about personal blogs but Facebook is notoriously unsafe and is getting hacked constantly. I don't even want pics on FB, at least not pics that are very clear.

Some people just don't get it.

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I find this rather disturbing and it is very common. Can you imagine the potential damage? I don't mean OP's children are in grave danger but rather the indiscriminate picture taking and posting in a public place with world wide access. I don't know much about personal blogs but Facebook is notoriously unsafe and is getting hacked constantly. I don't even want pics on FB, at least not pics that are very clear.

Some people just don't get it.


Well, explain it to me. I DON'T get it.

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I try to ask if I've got a picture of other people's kids with mine that I might put on my blog and I generally avoid doing it. But I don't think it's some cruel, horrible thing to do. It's a bit thoughtless, I guess. But the idea that there's ANY danger to these kids that doesn't happen just by walking on the street is just untrue.

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I understand and felt the same way about not wanting pictures of my kids posted online. Maybe this lady just doesn't realize that not ALL of us post our pics online. (I don't even have a FB account and I never posted pics online).


I'd just let her know that you don't feel comfortable about her putting the pics online and maybe she'll take yours down and be more sensitive next time she posts pictures.


One time I was trying to be nice by taking pictures of different kids on a field trip that I arranged, but this was solely to give to the various parents who didn't have cameras. It was meant to be a nice gesture on my part (maybe I was just trying too hard, as these moms weren't very sociable). One mom gave me a look like I was doing something horrible, taking a picture of her child- like how dare I do that. It didn't occur to me until later that she must have thought the worst of me - I remember the horrified look on her face! It was very awkward and I realized that I should have asked if she would like pics taken. It was just plain stupid of me.


Well, maybe this is a chance for you to kindly give this lady a chance to realize her mistake and learn from it. But try to not be too mad, because I don't think she meant any harm by it.



Edited by ccmom
edited for clarification
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Well, explain it to me. I DON'T get it.


While I put pictures of my kids on facebook/my blog, here are some reasons why others may not:


1. The family or someone in the family is/has been the target of stalking or other potential harm. It would make sense to limit where your image can be accessed.


2. A highly valued sense of privacy or desire to be "off the grid".


3. A worry (however far fetched) of your child's image being used for terrible things.


4. A desire to allow children to have their own life, unexamined by the internet at large.


A good article that explains one view is this.




Regardless, while maybe not malicious, it is a little rude to do something with another persons image without permission especially when you may not know if they have serious reservations or not.

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Isn't it more about some sicko lifting the face from the web and altering it into some possibly p@rnogr@Fik image?



Well, for that matter someone could get a quick pic of my kids with a cell phone while we're out in public and do the exact same thing.


While I put pictures of my kids on facebook/my blog, here are some reasons why others may not:


1. The family or someone in the family is/has been the target of stalking or other potential harm. It would make sense to limit where your image can be accessed.


2. A highly valued sense of privacy or desire to be "off the grid".


3. A worry (however far fetched) of your child's image being used for terrible things.


4. A desire to allow children to have their own life, unexamined by the internet at large.


Regardless, while maybe not malicious, it is a little rude to do something with another persons image without permission especially when you may not know if they have serious reservations or not.


Very well stated. Thank you.

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I've never been overly worried about this sort of thing. My dd's pics are on Facebook and various blogs. As long as the picture doesn't include her name and address, the odds of anything happening are astronomical.


The fact that it's a business would irk me a little bit, but I would just send a quick email informing the woman of my dd's modeling fee and asking for payment. :001_smile:

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I've never been overly worried about this sort of thing. My dd's pics are on Facebook and various blogs. As long as the picture doesn't include her name and address, the odds of anything happening are astronomical.


The fact that it's a business would irk me a little bit, but I would just send a quick email informing the woman of my dd's modeling fee and asking for payment. :001_smile:





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While I put pictures of my kids on facebook/my blog, here are some reasons why others may not:


1. The family or someone in the family is/has been the target of stalking or other potential harm. It would make sense to limit where your image can be accessed.


2. A highly valued sense of privacy or desire to be "off the grid".


3. A worry (however far fetched) of your child's image being used for terrible things.


4. A desire to allow children to have their own life, unexamined by the internet at large.


A good article that explains one view is this.




Regardless, while maybe not malicious, it is a little rude to do something with another persons image without permission especially when you may not know if they have serious reservations or not.


Although I can certainly understand the above concerns I do not think it is possible to shield our kids in that manner. Kids are ALL OVER the net. I think if you want to be 'off the grid', then you better do something really drastic and avoid all people unless you check their electronics at your door.


I have started to be more thoughtful of what I post regarding my son. When a couple of his female friends commented on some of the 'cute' pics I had posted of him he was embarrased and so I took them down. But most people aren't going to capture those sort of pics of my child.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is a really old thread, but just wanted to update. I think I am supposed to do that in the original post, but I could not figure it out...sorry!


I sent an e-mail asking that it be removed ASAP and she sent me back a nice e-mail apologizing and took it down immediately. Pretty non eventful. :)


I know some people don't understand why people care about this. For me, the main issue is that these are my children and I feel like I should be the one deciding if pictures of them are posted or not. It's not really some one else's prerogative, even if there are children all over the 'net. I have no idea what the tech future holds, what type of software will be available or how this landscape will look. I don't want to assume that my children want their photos out in tech land. Once it is out there, it doesn't go away. If, as adults, they make that choice then it will be their choice and not mine.

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