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Dd had her baby!!! My grandson is HERE!! Short birth story.

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I got to Honolulu last Monday night. Dd was due on the 10th. Saturday night we were watching a movie and she felt a trickle. She went to potty and realized it was definitely amniotic fluid. She was GBS+ so we knew we had to get going because she would be on a time schedule and also needed antibiotics.


Of course her body was slow going with sporadic ctx. They wanted to start pit. she was planning to go natural so we were upset, but knew if we had time it could at least be gradual.


Dd did well on the pit. By the time she had been 5 for a while she got a little discouraged. She got in the tub and that helped her a bit. Once she was 8 and in full blown transition she did ask for meds, but she had so much encouragement and support and she got through it.


Once 10 came she was ready to push. She squatted for a bit, then sat back and used the squat bar for leverage with her legs. He was born in 42 minutes after a 20-hr labor. Dd never had a thing for pain! Yes, this momma is proud of her dd!!


Little Mac weighed 7 lbs 5 oz, 18 1/4 inches, 13 1/4 head circumference. Needless to say he is gorgeous!! I will post a pic once we get some on her computer.

Edited by StaceyinLA
Sorry for typos and caps issues. I had to type this on my phone.
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He's actually named after his paternal grandfather who passed not too long ago. Mac was baby's dad's nickname as a child so that's where it came from. Dd just liked it better than the other names.


I picked them up earlier today so we are home and loving it!

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