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Have your kids ever attended school outside the home?

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My oldest son went to ps kindergarten. Three of out of 5 of my adopted children attended ps as well until I told the social worker that in order to know for sure if I could handle things, I had to be able to homeschool all of my children- even my potential children. :001_smile: So they let us use a ps charter school where we only had to meet with a teacher 2 times a month. Otherwise, that is it- and unless something very serious happens that I can not foresee, that is the way it will stay. :001_smile:

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I just realized as I was reading everyone's responses that DD had some PS instruction. She received speech services, 30 min/week for about 5 months when she was in K. I suppose it was pretty uneventful to have slipped my mind like that!

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My older son was in pre-school from age 2. He was in private schools for K and first grades. He returned to a private school for his sophomore year and graduated from there.


My younger son was in pre-school at age 2, then switched to a Montessori school at age 3 and remained there through K, when he came home. I'm looking at a Montessori high school that is starting here in connection with our local university, but I don't think he wants to go there for ninth and I'm not sure I could put him in for tenth if he doesn't do ninth there....

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Yes, oldest DS went to 2 years of private school for pre-k (age 3 - 2 mornings a week, age 4, 3 mornings a week), followed by K and 1st in our local PS.

Younger DS went to a little over half a year of private pre-k - job changed and so did the $$ ;) (age 3 - 2 mornings a week), followed by 1 year of pre-k in our local PS.

This is our first year homeschooling. :) And I don't know if I've mentioned it, but so far we LOVE it!!!! :D

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My oldest is just starting her 4th year of college and my 2nd oldest is in her 6th month of a Cosmetology program so they've both now been in school outside the home. Other than 2 yrs of pre-school for my oldest while we were starting out in grad school they've all been at home, all the way through.

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I was a "successful" public schooler, then became a public school teacher (for 10 years, then stopped to try being a stay at home mom!!) after 1 year I began taking my kids out of ps one at a time...that's just the way it happened, not planned, at all. I've homeschooled now for 1 1/2 years to 1 and 1/2 of my kids; but will be starting our first year homeschooling all of my kids very soon !!!


So my oldest went through most of 4th grade; 2nd went thru half of 1st; 3rd finished kdg; and last may never know ps, btw my 1st-3rd were in daycare from birth to preschool also, while I taught ps, so really we've been lifers til now...and are undergoing a huge transformation :)

Edited by rocketgirl
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My son went to a 2-day a week preschool for a year. It was a Montesori school, and I loved it.


I had planned to send my daughter there, too, but they changed the rules to require 4 days per week and I wasn't cool with that. So we did Montessori style stuff at home for a fraction of the price, and she just played with the kids who went there LOL. We live in a small town, and this is THE preschool to belong to; lots of her peers and my friends' kids attend there.


Other than that, nope. They're 10 and 5.

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Ds17 has never been homeschooled and will be graduate from ps next May.

Ds14 attended ps from pre-k to 5th grade when he requested to come home.

Dd10 attended ps from pre-k to 1st grade (actually only 3 months of 1st grade).


This was definitely not a path I thought our family would ever venture on, but now I honestly don't see either of my youngest returning to ps unless there were major changes in our family.

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Ds attended a private school from age 3-6 (preschool all the way through kindergarten.) He began homeschooling for first grade.


We are sending our 3 year old dd to the same school this year. I anticipate that she'll be there for the next three years, then come home in first grade just as her older brother.


I doubt we'll homeschool all the way through and imagine that at some point (middle school? high school?) that both children will eventually go to public school as well.

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k-3 public

4 Christian private

5-9 home/public school hybrid

10 public magnet within large public school

11-12th college




k-Christian private

1-5th homeschool/public school hybrid

6th private school (non-religious)

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