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Which Subject/Curriculum/Thing are you most excited about this school year?

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For older dd, I'm looking forward to our Shakespeare study. We are doing it in a similar way to our Jane Austen study last year. Now if only I could just get it all together :glare:


For younger dd, I'm looking forward to our history study through the ancients. She is so excited about everything that it makes it fun to teach.

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I am excited about getting back to Drawing with Children. We made it through chp. 2 last year, and all of our drawing improved. I can't wait to learn more. We are going to start with one more chp. 2 project to get us all drawing again, and then move into 3 which will teach us some more.


I am excited about the state fair coming up. We always pick a couple of arts and craft categories for the girls to enter. They really enjoy that.


I am excited about the classes I am teaching at co-op: a preschool Bible class and Latina Christiana I. I am anxious to see how it goes.


At home, we aren't really doing anything new. Although we are almost done with SOTW3, so I am curious to see how different SOTW4 is going to be with no coloring pages, more maps, and starting the outlining as opposed to narrations for my oldest. For my youngest, she is still going to narrate to me. I will actually be working more with her on this skill. So I don't know if I am excited. But we are moving on to new skills. It will be a challenging year for all of us.

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I've owned SOTW for four years now, and haven't done it (ds already knew the history - it was old news and he wanted something meatier :001_huh:) and dd1 wasn't really interested. Dd2 will surely like it, but if I'm wrong...well, I'll just sell it, I guess.


I'm looking forward to starting The Logic of English, a beta spelling/reading program for dyslexic dd1.


And I'm really looking forward to doing MCT LA. :001_smile:

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As of right now, we're not doing anything new, so I'm not overly excited about anything. If anything, I'm looking forward to trying to be more organized this year.


That sounds great actually! I can't wait for a year when I'm familiar and just digging deeper into routine and organization...


Graduating :001_smile:


I'm also pretty excited about Calculus and can't wait for my books to arrive


Yay, go you! ;) Can I just say that it's awesome that your excited for Calculus, lol!


I am excited about getting back to Drawing with Children. We made it through chp. 2 last year, and all of our drawing improved. I can't wait to learn more. We are going to start with one more chp. 2 project to get us all drawing again, and then move into 3 which will teach us some more.


I am excited about the state fair coming up. We always pick a couple of arts and craft categories for the girls to enter. They really enjoy that.


I am excited about the classes I am teaching at co-op: a preschool Bible class and Latina Christiana I. I am anxious to see how it goes.


At home, we aren't really doing anything new. Although we are almost done with SOTW3, so I am curious to see how different SOTW4 is going to be with no coloring pages, more maps, and starting the outlining as opposed to narrations for my oldest. For my youngest, she is still going to narrate to me. I will actually be working more with her on this skill. So I don't know if I am excited. But we are moving on to new skills. It will be a challenging year for all of us.


We are starting Drawing with Children this year and I hope I'm consistent enough to get through it because my kids LOVE to draw.


We would totally love to take the classes you are teaching too. Where's your co op? :)



I think I'm going to spend the big bucks and do the fischertechnik robotics with the kids.


You should definitely update with pictures and thoughts later!

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We're trying something new (for us) for four subjects this coming year. Instead of having me choose materials and make weekly lesson plans, we're designing a framework and letting my son do his own thing.


So, for science, history, geography and world religions, I'm working with him to select a spine or organizing principle (book, videos, etc.) to give him an overview of the subject. Once that is in place, he may choose to study in more depth, using whatever materials he chooses, any aspect of that subject that intrigues him.


We're planning on weekly library trips so he can check out books and DVDs for each subject. And we're putting in place guidelines for how often he needs to produce some kind of output.


I'm crossing my fingers that this will help him get more excited about learning.

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I'm excited about homeschooling "University Model" style. Instruction will be on M/W, independent work (with me around for assistance) on T/Th, and a wrap up with museum trips, etc, on Fridays.


Were working on getting dd-almost-11 working more independently, and this will give me time to myself to work on a few things I've got going on. Dd4 goes to preschool on T/Th.

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I'm excited to start Prepared Dictation with my kiddos. Not sure if we will use Spelling Wisdom or Simply Spelling but leaning toward Simply Spelling because it gives more direction.


Another thing I'm excited about is using WinterPromise Hideaways in History. Not exactly sure if I can fit it in but I'm excited anyway ;) and using two of WP's Language Arts programs (1st and 6th).

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This will be our first official year so I'm pretty much excited about it all! I've tinkered around with preschool stuff for my son over the past year but my daughter will be coming home for 1st grade this year so we'll get a little more official about it all. I'm excited to see how our relationships will evolve through the process. I'm looking forward to learning right along with her.



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This is going to be a strange year for me. I only have two kids left to school, none doing high school. My most recent graduate will need dh's car, dh will drive my van to work, and we will be home alone without transportation. I haven't done that in ages. I think I might need a hobby or I will gain weight from all the extra baking I will be tempted to do. :-)

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The main thing I am excited about is that for the first time since I started homeschooling, I no longer work nights. I moved to a job that is weekends only and no more late nights.


For curriculum, oddly enough the thing I am most excited about is Ellen McHenry's The Elements. I have never liked science particularly chemistry but I am looking forward to this one.

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Science! We have a very heavy schedule full of hands on learning that I think the kids will really enjoy.


We'll be learning meteorology using the National Weather Service's Jetstream (reading online and doing their labs).


We're covering geology using some library books and TOPScience Rocks and Minerals.


We're covering Astronomy with DS using Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide and DD using Apologia Astronomy. We'll be doing the TOPScience Earth, Sun and Moon and TOPScience Planets and Stars units too.

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Curricula-wise I'm looking forward to year 2 for Tapestry. This is always my favorite part.


In general, I'm looking forward to being more organized, and adding in a few handy tips here and there that I've learned over the last few weeks, reading this forum!

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As of right now, we're not doing anything new, so I'm not overly excited about anything. If anything, I'm looking forward to trying to be more organized this year.


Amen to that.


Actually I am a little excited about using the Bob books with DS6. I'm pretty sure I've found just what he needs - lots of repetition of the same words. At last.

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We are starting Drawing with Children this year and I hope I'm consistent enough to get through it because my kids LOVE to draw.


We would totally love to take the classes you are teaching too. Where's your co op? :)


Unfortunately, not in PA. I hope my classes go well. I am doing the same curric I use in children's church so I know how it goes, and I like it. It is going to be fun. I am a little more nervous about the bigger kids. Besides my own, I really have no experience w/4th graders and up. Plus I am like a little kid wondering if anyone will actually sign up for my Latin. Wouldn't I be such a nerd if dd and I were the only ones interested?

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