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History poll question s/o #2

What year was the first major news event in your memory?  

  1. 1. What year was the first major news event in your memory?

    • before 1960
    • 1961-1965
    • 1966-1970
    • 1971-1975
    • 1976-1980
    • 1981-1985
    • 1986-1990
    • 1991-1995
    • 1996-2000
    • 2001 or later

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This is hard for me because, although I'm old enough to have remembered some early 70's news, we didn't have a television & didn't get the newspaper. My parents were definitely not the type to discuss current events at the dinner table. I vaguely remember the Carter vs Reagan election in 1980 but mostly because my parents were thrilled enough about the outcome to actually mention it.


I remember tons of stuff from 1986 on but that is because I was in high school by that point.

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This is hard for me because, although I'm old enough to have remembered some early 70's news, we didn't have a television & didn't get the newspaper. My parents were definitely not the type to discuss current events at the dinner table. I vaguely remember the Carter vs Reagan election in 1980 but mostly because my parents were thrilled enough about the outcome to actually mention it.


I remember tons of stuff from 1986 on but that is because I was in high school by that point.


Pretty much the same thing here. We had a TV, but my parents didn't discuss current events with us much. If I heard of things, it was in passing. We definitely didn't sit around the TV watching events unfold.

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I voted 1985 only because I was in 2nd grade and we had a tornado alarm, except it was a *real* one rather than all the drills we had. I thought we were being bombed by Libya. That could have been early 1986, though. I remember Reagan's reelection because we had a not-anonymous mock election in our 2nd grade class. I felt really bad for those 2 kids who voted for Mondale. I still remember their names. It took me a few years to realize what a horrible thing the teacher had done.


I do remember the Challenger (3rd grade) vividly.

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Weird - I was just thinking yesterday how the first big unsettling event I remember (which also happens to be a historical event) was my parents coming home from an election returns party for the Nixon-McGovern race. And they were SO depressed - I actually think maybe my dad might have been crying?! I was about 5 and I still remember the worried and confused feeling I had about this new guy that was to be our President (because I knew that was a big deal) that my parents were so upset about. It felt like someone died or something.

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1969 - the moon walk.


We didn't have a tv -- my dad was in grad school, so I don't think we could afford one -- so we went to a neighbor's. I remember being told that this was very important, so I should pay attention, and seeing a lot of blurry figures on the tv, and playing under the tv, which was up on legs!

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1968. We got our first black and white television for the 1968 Olympics. I also remember watching the 1969 moon landing too.


I might have remembered things from earlier if we had had a t.v. but back then we couldn't get an English newspaper so all our news pre t.v. came on the old FM radio. I wasn't interested in just listening to the news.;)

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1969--the moon landing. I was 5.


I also remember, from that era, THE DRAFT. I didn't know what it was exactly, but it haunts my earliest memories, because adults talked of it with such dread. "So-and-so got DRAFTED." I knew that a draft was cold air, and that men sometimes got DRAFTED, or taken away. So I imagined a cold, black wind that sucked men away forever. Ugh.

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I was born in 1963, and I remember the moon landing in 69, because my parents bought a color tv to watch it (of course it was in black and white...). I also remember hearing on the news that MLK was shot--I ran upstairs shouting Mom, a king has died! Indeed.

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The first thing I remember being aware of was the Reagan-Mondale re-election. We had an "election unit" in my third grade class, and I wrote a letter to President Reagan and got one of those White House form letters/ glossy books about the White House in return. Everyone was just in awe...a letter from the President! I remember that there was a woman running for Vice President too.

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Wow! Currently, most respondents have indicated that their earliest news memory was between 1976-1980, followed closely by 1981-1985. During that period, I graduated from high school (1978), got married (1980), graduated from college (1983). Boy, do I feel old! :ohmy:

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