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So is my foul mood due to my low carb diet or not?

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I've been low(er) carbing it for the past 3 weeks - ever since I discovered that I am insulin resistant. I say low(er) carb because I'm eating between 100 and 150g of carbs a day. I think Atkins is much lower at least in the beginning phases.


Anyway - I have been in the most foul mood the last couple of days. A good example of this is when my dh asked me yesterday how my day went. I told him that life was full of too many idiots.:tongue_smilie: Fortunately he laughed and then left me alone.


There is no reason in my life to be in this bad a mood. I'm not sick either. I read this article http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3522903.stm and some people say that a low carb diet leads to low serotonin and thus a bad mood and some say that is hogwash. What do you say?

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I think a change in diet can effect a lot of things, whether it's been officially "proven" or not.


I was diagnosed as being glucose intolerant a little over a month ago....it's really just pre-gestational diabetes. So I started watching my carbs. I try to stick with about 20 carbs for breakfast, 30 for lunch, and 40 for dinner, plus 2 15 carb snacks. That's basically what I found the "gestational diabetic diet" to be. For the first few weeks, my gastrointestinal tract didn't know what the heck to make of that change. TMI, but it went from constipation to the complete opposite several times. It happened right about the time that I made the diet change, so it can't be a coincidence.


So yes, I believe diet can effect mood as well.

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I've been low(er) carbing it for the past 3 weeks - ever since I discovered that I am insulin resistant. I say low(er) carb because I'm eating between 100 and 150g of carbs a day. I think Atkins is much lower at least in the beginning phases.


Anyway - I have been in the most foul mood the last couple of days. A good example of this is when my dh asked me yesterday how my day went. I told him that life was full of too many idiots.:tongue_smilie: Fortunately he laughed and then left me alone.


There is no reason in my life to be in this bad a mood. I'm not sick either. I read this article http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3522903.stm and some people say that a low carb diet leads to low serotonin and thus a bad mood and some say that is hogwash. What do you say?


I don't know yet. I should probably do an experiment and find out for myself.


But I don't want to!!! <lays self down, kicking and screaming>

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Low-carb definitely does not make *me* grouchy. I actually feel great once I have cut out all the sugar and flour. Trying to eat low-fat or cutting calories too much makes me very, very grouchy. Fat (in my food) makes me happy, bring on the cheese, avocado, pesto, nuts, hummus, etc.


Are you eating enough calories? If I ate that many carbs, I would have to cut calories too and then I would be grouchy.:tongue_smilie:

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From personal observation I would say yes, cutting carbs can affect mood. It does mine. I tend to get grumpy and tired. And I had a college professor who turned into a raging @#%# when she went on Atkins. She was on and off the diet several times during the 3 years I knew her and I could tell every time. Some of the students and even a few professors joked about it.


Back to the point - yep, it could be the change in diet. On the plus side, you'll probably adjust if you stick with it.

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My sis went low-carb before her wedding (to drop some pounds). After about a week, her fiance (now dh) was *begging* her to eat bread because she had become "so mean". :lol: (We all think it's pretty hilarious now.)


Anyway, she did start eating a few carbs & the guy is now her dh, so she didn't kill him in a fit of fury or anything.... ;)


So, to answer your question, yes, I think going low-carb could affect your mood (esp. until your body adjusts to the changes).

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Low carb made me very grumpy to the point of being depressed and miserable, which I am not normally. Carbs make you happy- thats why they are addictive, why sugar is addictive. I need a certain amount or life doesn't feel worth living, and I am not normally depressive.

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There is no reason in my life to be in this bad a mood. I'm not sick either. I read this article http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3522903.stm and some people say that a low carb diet leads to low serotonin and thus a bad mood and some say that is hogwash. What do you say?


I say it is not hogwash. Low carb is good. Too low has me thinking I hate the world and everyone in it, and leaves me an insomniac (since melatonin is made from left over serotonin) so I have extra hours to not enjoy the feeling.



Edited by Rosie_0801
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I think it's very possible. I have a friend who is the sweetest soul on earth and has a sunny disposition. She went low carb to lose weight and was very grumpy. She has since repeated this experiment about 4 times in the last few years with the same result (she was losing weight, which is why she kept trying it again).

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I am supposed to be eating low carb to combat yeast overgrowth, and it definitely makes me feel moody, grumpy, and sick. I've been told this is due to yeast die off, though. The yucky feeling is supposed to improve after a couple of weeks, but in my case I don't think I witnessed that change after months. I'm currently eating "lower carb", rather than very low carb, as a consequence. I don't feel like I have the support system in place to go years and years feeling that bad. I don't know if that was the right choice or not, though. I am dealing with fibromyalgia and hoping that reducing yeast will be part of the solution, but some say that that can't happen unless I go extreme low carb and take antifungals religiously for an indefinite period of time.



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I say it is not hogwash. Low carb is good. Too low has me thinking I hate the world and everyone in it, and leaves me an insomniac (since melatonin is made from left over serotonin) so I have extra hours to not enjoy the feeling.




I take melatonin and 5-HTP at night. You would think that would give me enough seratonin. I did have insomnia for about a week but recently started to sleep again. But then I got grumpy during the day - go figure.

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Is your thyroid okay? I am low carbing and feeling great, but I am also on thyroid meds. I am sorry you aren't feeling well. Are you taking plenty of vitamins and fish oil?


My thyroid is fine but I'm on a low dose of thyroid meds. I'm not taking fish oil at the moment because the Dr. told me to stop because of fatty liver disease.

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My thyroid is fine but I'm on a low dose of thyroid meds. I'm not taking fish oil at the moment because the Dr. told me to stop because of fatty liver disease.


Have you had any blood tests for your thyroid to make sure you are taking the right dose? I have to get a blood test in a month or so to check mine.


Since you aren't going too low carb it could be a delayed affect of Ketosis. I felt really bad on day 4, and then great ever after. I wonder if you are having your bad day 3 weeks late.

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I take melatonin and 5-HTP at night. You would think that would give me enough seratonin. I did have insomnia for about a week but recently started to sleep again. But then I got grumpy during the day - go figure.


That's what happens if I'm low in serotonin. Tired and grumpy all day, then I wake up at about 9pm. It sucks. :(


I don't much about 5-HTP, but maybe you should take it in the morning, and the melatonin at night? I don't think it would create serotonin if you take it at night, because that's not when you need it. But like I said, I wouldn't know. I'm just hypothesising.



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Have you had any blood tests for your thyroid to make sure you are taking the right dose? I have to get a blood test in a month or so to check mine.


Since you aren't going too low carb it could be a delayed affect of Ketosis. I felt really bad on day 4, and then great ever after. I wonder if you are having your bad day 3 weeks late.


Yeah - I just had my thyroid levels checked last month.


It could be ketosis. I hadn't thought of that.

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It is certainly possible.


I admittedly haven't read through the thread, so this may be a repeat. Are you eating enough healthy fats? That can help with the transition, IME.


My DD is insulin resistant so we have her on an eating plan that is similar to yours, lower carb. Adding some healthy fats, greek yogurt, avocados and salmon have helped her mood.


Also, supplement with B vitamins if you can.

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I am on Atkins day 12 and I feel a bit off at times to the point of needing carbs. I have relied on the Atkins bars, mostly because they are convenient. I think it helps because I get the carbs, but I also get fiber; the net carb value is still very low (3-4g), but I feel satisfied by the carb bump.


I assume you could accomplish the same thing by eating some very dense wheat bread, as long as you know it doesnt contain a boat load of sugar, too.

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Yes, I did the South Beach diet years ago and I was incredibly irritable. I gave it 3 weeks, thinking that it would pass, but it didn't and I couldn't take it any more.


In my daily life, I just make sure to have protein at each meal along with some whole grains or veggies and I avoid sweets. This works really well for me as far as keeping my moods even and maintaining my weight. I hardly ever even think about food if I get protein at each meal and avoid sweets. I suspect South Beach was just too low carb for me.



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It could be ketosis. I hadn't thought of that.

If you are eating 100+ grams of carbs a day, I seriously doubt you are in ketosis. It's simple to check, however, with Keto-stix from the pharmacy.

I notice mood changes (and not for the better) if I lower my carbs drastically. But it usually stabilizes after a week or so.


What kind of food makes up your carbs?

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But you are nowhere near that. Not to mention those amounts aren't particularly low in my mind.

:iagree: I really wouldn't consider that amount of carbs to be low-carb and I would be shocked if you're in ketosis.


Yes, I did the South Beach diet years ago and I was incredibly irritable.

I was a bear when I was on South Beach (I seriously felt anxious all the time, I didn't know what to do with myself) but I know for me, it was from the lack of fat, not the lower carbs.

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I think 100-150 is a good amount, and shouldn't leave you grumpy, that's about what I eat. Maybe it is the type of carbs you are eating? Are they mostly from fruit? Sweet potatoes? Veggies? Nuts? Also, how much fat are you getting? If I don't get enough fat, saturated fat no less, it effects my mood as much or more than low carb. If you cut the carbs you need more fat in your diet.

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Well, I don't know about low carb, specifically.


I do know that going no wheat/gluten has made me vicious at times.


Wolf puts it down to pregnancy hormones, and while I don't doubt that can make things a bit worse, I really do believe its the dietary restriction.


No doubt some of it is body chemistry, but a chunk of it is emotional too. I never fail to want what I can't have, and watching my family scarf down pasta, cookies, etc while I sit there and can't have any makes me just a wee bit unhappy :lol:

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If you are eating 100+ grams of carbs a day, I seriously doubt you are in ketosis. It's simple to check, however, with Keto-stix from the pharmacy.

I notice mood changes (and not for the better) if I lower my carbs drastically. But it usually stabilizes after a week or so.


What kind of food makes up your carbs?



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A general reply to a whole bunch of posts!:


I have to choose carbs that do not spike my sugar and have a lower glycemic index. So very little fruit (though I do add a bit to a salad at times). Lots of veggies. Nuts too. No potatoes or if I do, no more than 1/4 c. I've figured out that I can handle 1/3 c. of brown rice and that's it. (This is very important since we eat an Asian diet at least half the time). I do eat whole grain low carb breads maybe once a day - usually for breakfast because that's when I can handle it best. I was getting some flack from a diet buddy on my fat intake and cut it down some - that may be the problem.


Actually I want to avoid ketosis if possible. That's why I chose to do low(er) carb and not what would be technically called low carb. And while I've lost 7 pounds since starting this, my main reason has been to avoid diabetes and not weight loss by itself.


Oh well, I'll just see if I get over it. So far I have had enough self control not to let my foul mood go beyond my mind.


For the most part I don't crave carbs - except for a gooey fudge brownie. That, I crave!

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Low carb diets most certainly CAN trigger or exasperate mental health issues. I have seen it.

However, I also have seen the opposite. A close family member who was having extreme

mental health issues evened out when he started Atkins.


Of course, if it is a few days, it could be something else. But I do think it is something people should be mindful of.

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You posted before about very low calories *and* low carb. For me, I could eat very few carbs and be fine, but I can't *also* consume very low calories for long without suffering...


You're right. I panic though because I have been trying to lose weight for 50 weeks. 50 weeks! I lost a bit initially and then despite daily exercise and counting calories ended up gaining. Now since making my goal to have normal blood sugars (and thus not triggering fat storage from the extra insulin) I've lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. Last night I slept lousy but I am in a good mood today!

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...I lost a bit initially and then despite daily exercise and counting calories ended up gaining. Now since making my goal to have normal blood sugars (and thus not triggering fat storage from the extra insulin) I've lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks...


I think that's a common situation for many, many people. I'm so glad you're finally making progress and feeling better!

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