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Who will be there at midnight?

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Not us. We're going to have to tag-team it on Saturday because we can't find a sitter for our 8yo (who hasn't been introduced, yet). DH & DS1 are just all a-twitter over it. I can take it or leave it. I didn't like 7.1 much, and I'd be happy not to see it end..just live with the little fantasy in my head that more will come, sometime. :lol:

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My husband is taking our oldest and one of her friends to the midnight showing. It's their first experience at a midnight opening! They are uber-excited! My son is away at camp until Saturday and was so bummed to be missing it!! My husband has promised to take him one night next week to see it at an IMAX theater.

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When the fourth movie came out my friend and I took our kids to the earliest day time showing. Then, she and I went to the movie at 11 pm that night. It was amazing how much more we heard/noticed the second time without so many kids in there. So, I don't blame the people who are waiting.

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You know, we were at the bookstore the nights the books were released from the time they were little.... we're going to wrap the thing up right. My kids have re-read all the books... re-watched all the movies... read every book written even tangentially related to HP... (you know, Finding God in Harry Potter, If Harry Potter Ran General Electric, The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles, Repotting Harry Potter: A Professor's Book-by-Book Guide for the Serious Re-reader, Harry Potter's Bookshelf: The Great Books behind the Hogwarts Adventures, etc., etc. ... I told her my oldest if she writes a couple of papers I can probably give her some kind of Modern Brit Lit Credit.... only half jokingly).


Anyway, I feel a little bit misty, knowing that the end is here. We've had so many great family moments with Harry.... we'll miss him!

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We're going to the 10pm show tomorrow. DH can't take Friday off. I did the midnight showings in college (movies 1-4, maybe 5?), went out at 2:00am to get the 7th book, and played straight through the Halo 3 campaign until 6:30am on the release date. That was all pre-parenthood. The kids won't let us sleep it off the next day. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm waiting a bit...hate crowds. I was certainly right there to get the books on day 1 and really sad to finish the last one, but the movies just don't seem to hold the same weight.... My DD10 is working to finish reading book 7 before she hears anyone spoil anything, so we'll be lying low for a few more days. Due to her age, I just let her read books 6 & 7 this summer.

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I was tempted, but we're going tomorrow afternoon instead.


DS14 had to be at football practice this morning at 7am, which means we were up at 6am.... If we had been able to sleep in, it probably would be fine, but I know we'd be miserable and probably not enjoy the movie as much :tongue_smilie:

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We don't really like crowds, so not us. We'll try the first early showing on Sunday (probably still busy) or wait a week.


We will be there first showing on Sunday when the rest of the "good folk" are in church. We are planning to watch 6 and 7.1 on Saturday after my boys go to my MIL's house (my DD had us watch 1-5 last week but she is at camp this week so no Harry for her, yet). For those going to the early showings are you doing 3D or no 3D? I was surprised to see that the majority of the showings at our theater are not 3D.

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We will be there! I debated it for a long time. But, it's the last one, and the kids haven't been to a midnight showing before. So, I gave in and bought the tickets. :D


We'll be there. And this is why we're going. I'm sure ds will go to more midnight openings in his lifetime, but I can't imagine another one we'll all want to see.


We plan to nap soon, then head to the theater to get in line at 9. We're meeting hs friends there.

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I'm so glad I already bought the tickets!!!! I'm going with one of my sisters, her friend, and two of my brothers. My other brother just called to talk to me about something else, and I'd asked him before if he wanted to go, and he kind of did, but never made up his mind. So, as I was talking to him, I asked if he wanted to go, and he said yes, so I tried to buy him a ticket. THEY ARE SOLD OUT! You snooze, you lose! I actually already bought tickets for dh and me for tomorrow night, too. Thursday is dh's poker night, so he didn't want to go. I'll be seeing it again with dh tomorrow for a date night.

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Dd12 was supposed to go. She was invited to a party of 8+ girls all going together. Instead, she went on a road trip with my husband. She hasn't really been into HP, neither has my son. We have a few books, and all the movies, but they never connected with them.

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Dh and ds will be there. The rest of us will be sleeping ;). Personally, I really didn't see the point, especially since ds has soccer camp at 9am the next AM :tongue_smilie:, but ds has always wanted to see a midnight premiere, and it's the last one, and dh was (delusionally, in my opinion) willing to go, so there you have it.


BTW, dd and grandma will go to the Sat. matinee, so she doesn't miss the movie or a good night's sleep. Smart girl.

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I was going to be there, but now I'll be sitting in the parking lot.


I was supposed to be taking my son and two friends at midnight, while my daughter got to go to an early showing in conjunction with a convention. I bought four tickets for myself and the three kids.


Then, my daughter's plans fell through, and we couldn't get another ticket for tonight. (Everything at that theatre is sold out except for the 3:10 am showing.) So, I'm giving her my ticket and letting her "babysit" her brother and friends while I wait for them in the car.




We're busy from now right on through the weekend, so I probably won't be able to see it until Monday evening.


The sacrifices we make for our children, right?

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No, but I'm taking my DS to see it in 3D at an IMAX theater on Saturday. I wasn't going to take him, but they're having live owls in the theater lobby all afternoon, and my DS adores owls. He's promised to tell me if he gets scared, in which case we're leaving.

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