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My 14 yo son had the meningitis vaccine Friday. He's really sick.

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He doesn't want to go to the hospital but I'm getting concerned.


He had the vaccine 1 p.m. Friday. He fainted 10 minutes later. An ambulance had been called for my first son who fainted within 5 minutes of the vaccine so they were there to catch my second son who was outside with my other kids. Sigh.


Since that time, 14 yo ds has had a sore arm (expected) and hasn't really moved it much or used it at all. Woke the next morning with a 102.5 fever, stiff upper body (mainly because of arm). He was nauseous for the first 48 hours and apparently that started within minutes of the vaccine. He's not as nauseous now but has completely lost his appetite. He only wants liquid food that is flavorful. His arm is stiff, but no real redness around the injection site. His neck is stiff. Mainly on the left side (which is the side of injection). The really stiff neck has only occurred today upon waking. We have given it 5 hours to see if it was from sleeping but it is still really sore. He can still move his head up and down. He had a really sore throat last night but it's better today. He has had a headache since the vaccine and upon going from a sitting to standing position his head throbs.


I'm typing this and feeling like I should take him in but he doesn't want to go. Is concerned what they will do. And, what can they really do? Even with 2 kids fainting after the shot, the nurses were trying to explain it away as a reaction to a needle. These same kids have had IV"s, blood draws, 2 other vaccines in the last 6 months, etc and they have never fainted in their lives.


This is only their 3rd vaccine as the oldest had a bad reaction when he was a baby so we have waited. The kids have extreme chemical sensitivities so we have waited. They had the Td a few months ago and one had a severe/piercing headache within minutes that lasted 24 hours, the other ended up on steroids. Sigh.


I'm not actually anti-vaccine, but am becoming so for my kiddos. We were going to try the worst diseases and see if we could get through them. Sigh.


Would you take him in if he were yours? What would you expect them to do? I know enough from experience over the years to know that no doctor is going to want this to be the vaccine and instead is going to try to explain all the symptoms away. Which, makes it silly to go in if they won't take it seriously.


Sigh. Again.


I was sure hoping to have some fun today. This isn't my idea of fun.





I took son in right after the first few responses came through. I"ll go read through all the posts now. The doctor did take it seriously even though he first tested for other things because he was hoping "it was a virus or something else." He spent some time researching (20 - 30 minutes) the vaccine and came back saying "I'm sure you're concerned he has meningitis because of the headache, fever and stiff neck. There is no way he can have meningitis from the vaccine. It is impossible. I was hoping that one of the other tests would come back positive and the vaccine would just be coincidence, however I'm going to say that I think this is a severe reaction to the vaccine."


I will continue to monitor him. He expects him to start showing marked improvement within the next 12 - 18 hours and if he has signs of (he listed them) bring him back or go see our regular doctor. I am well aware that once given a vaccine there is little that can be done to reverse any negative reactions which is why we have waited so long and why we will now wait a whole lot longer. I completely get that some people breeze right on through vaccines but my kids don't. I'm trying to help them accept it for what it is instead of wishing for something that isn't.


I'll go read the responses now. Thanks so much ladies. I could tell while the doctor was saying that there was NO WAY to get meningitis from the vaccine that he was hoping this wasn't the first time!!! I'm not thrilled that Son is sick but am comfortable knowing what would be an emergency at this point vs. seeing if his body will just heal.




Edited by Mom24bz1g
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:grouphug: How awful-I'm so sorry for your kids! I would personally be anti-vaccine after if I went through this :glare: It's amazing how much the regular Medical Community doesn't listen to the actual patients, but I certainly won't get into 'that' topic on your thread ;)

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It doesn't sound like anything too out of the ordinary unless you have the other symptoms as well.



Side Effects


Children who get the meningitis vaccine may have mild side effects, such as tenderness, redness, or a painful lump on the skin at the injection site; symptoms usually last one to two days. A small percentage of the patients who receive the vaccine develop a slight fever. The meningitis vaccine, like any other injection, may in rare cases lead to a serious allergic reaction. Symptoms of allergic reaction include swelling in the mouth or throat, trouble breathing, weakness, hoarseness or wheezing, a fast heart beat, hives, dizziness, paleness, and a high fever. If a serious allergic reaction occurs the symptoms will start within a few minutes to a few hours after the shot. The child should be seen immediately by a doctor. The doctor will need to know the date of the vaccination and when exactly the symptoms started. A health-care provider should file a report using the vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) form.




Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/meningococcal-meningitis-vaccine#ixzz1Rjq4Ybdq

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He doesn't want to go to the hospital but I'm getting concerned.


He had the vaccine 1 p.m. Friday. He fainted 10 minutes later. An ambulance had been called for my first son who fainted within 5 minutes of the vaccine so they were there to catch my second son who was outside with my other kids. Sigh.


Since that time, 14 yo ds has had a sore arm (expected) and hasn't really moved it much or used it at all. Woke the next morning with a 102.5 fever, stiff upper body (mainly because of arm). He was nauseous for the first 48 hours and apparently that started within minutes of the vaccine. He's not as nauseous now but has completely lost his appetite. He only wants liquid food that is flavorful. His arm is stiff, but no real redness around the injection site. His neck is stiff. Mainly on the left side (which is the side of injection). The really stiff neck has only occurred today upon waking. We have given it 5 hours to see if it was from sleeping but it is still really sore. He can still move his head up and down. He had a really sore throat last night but it's better today. He has had a headache since the vaccine and upon going from a sitting to standing position his head throbs.


I'm typing this and feeling like I should take him in but he doesn't want to go. Is concerned what they will do. And, what can they really do? Even with 2 kids fainting after the shot, the nurses were trying to explain it away as a reaction to a needle. These same kids have had IV"s, blood draws, 2 other vaccines in the last 6 months, etc and they have never fainted in their lives.


This is only their 3rd vaccine as the oldest had a bad reaction when he was a baby so we have waited. The kids have extreme chemical sensitivities so we have waited. They had the Td a few months ago and one had a severe/piercing headache within minutes that lasted 24 hours, the other ended up on steroids. Sigh.


I'm not actually anti-vaccine, but am becoming so for my kiddos. We were going to try the worst diseases and see if we could get through them. Sigh.


Would you take him in if he were yours? What would you expect them to do? I know enough from experience over the years to know that no doctor is going to want this to be the vaccine and instead is going to try to explain all the symptoms away. Which, makes it silly to go in if they won't take it seriously.


Sigh. Again.


I was sure hoping to have some fun today. This isn't my idea of fun.





:grouphug: I would take him to the ER or at least call my physician. I don't think his symptoms seem normal. I am not a nurse, but when your mommy instincts tell you to do something....:grouphug:

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Wow, for something medical like that, my child wouldn't have a choice. At the very least, call your doctor and ask. I don't care if the symptoms seem normal, I would still want to hear it from a person in the medical field. It's been 2 days. I would ask how long one can expect to feel such symptoms and when the red flag should be raised.

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Have you pages the kids' physcian? I know it's the weekend but I'd go straight to the source on this one and see what he/she says. Also, since an ambulance was called for the kids, the doctor is likely to know that there was an immediate reaction at the time of the injection AND the kids' previous history.


A fever of 102 isn't too bad but I'd want to talk to my doctor. :grouphug:

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If your gut is telling you to take him in, TRUST that! Don't let the logical brain, or the 14 year old, talk you out of what you feel is the right thing to do. I truly believe God gave women that instinct for a reason. We often get in the most trouble when we feel an instinct about something and then talk our way out of listening to it.

I'd take him in.

Please keep us up to date! I'm worried with you and praying! :grouphug:

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Please please please take him in! And do it right away! One of the symptoms of meningitis is a piercing headache, and the earlier it is treated the better. I am not a doctor, but they will most likely stick him on some serious antibiotics, via IV. And demand some pain meds for him.

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Take him in. The worst that can happen is that you could feel a bit silly in the end. The best that could happen is that you could keep him from becoming seriously ill.


I've been in the ER with my kids with life threatening genetic problems more than 20 times. I've felt silly for taking them in on many of those occasions but was only wrong once or twice.



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If your gut is telling you to take him in, TRUST that! Don't let the logical brain, or the 14 year old, talk you out of what you feel is the right thing to do. I truly believe God gave women that instinct for a reason. We often get in the most trouble when we feel an instinct about something and then talk our way out of listening to it.

I'd take him in.

Please keep us up to date! I'm worried with you and praying! :grouphug:




I know I already posted my opinion but I want to say I agree with llx3 wholeheartedly!


Listen to your mom voice!

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This post scares me. My daughter is going for her meningitis vaccine this month (she needs it for school).





Both my dds have had the vaccine with no problem. The OP said her dc have reactions to all vaccine. Read up on it and talk to your doc. I have a friend whose son nearly died from meningitis. So given the fact my dds never have more than a sore arm from vaccines we decided they should get it. Both have been in close living situations with others where it can spread easily, so it seemed prudent. If that weren't the case we wouldn't have done it. You have to weigh your dds own situation to make an informed choice.



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I would take him to the ER and explain to them that the doctor already knows he had an immediate reaction to the vaccine (even if he tries to explain it away as fear of needles). This is obviously not fear of a needle and this extreme reaction to the vaccine needs to be officially documented. They should at least be able to give your ds some relief from the pain, but they need to see it as it is now or they won't believe you. Sad, but that's the way it is.

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Can you call a pharmacy and ask? These same symptoms hit my ds when he had that vaccination and it had me in a panic. My dh called the pharmacist who said that nothing was out of the ordinary. We waited it out another 24 hours and all was fine. BUT, if YOU are concerned, make a call and see. So sorry for this anxiety.

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I'm not actually anti-vaccine, but am becoming so for my kiddos. We were going to try the worst diseases and see if we could get through them. Sigh.



I'm very pro-vaccine but gosh, it sure sounds like they're an iffy proposition for your kids.


You know your kids and their issues best. I know if it were my child I wouldn't be too worried. None of those symptoms sound outside the realm of a normal flu. An immune response to the shot? But my kids don't have any allergies or sensitivities so I'm not sure how helpful that is.


ETA: I think I'd go with the others on this. If you're on here asking about it then it's likely concerning you enough that you should take him in.

Edited by WishboneDawn
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This post scares me. My daughter is going for her meningitis vaccine this month (she needs it for school).


I would call your pediatrician and see what they say. Most likely I would also make a trip to the emergency room just to be on the safe side.


Every medical procedure, every medicine, has certain risks but keep in mind that the OP has children who've had reactions before and have sensitivities and this likely makes for an increased risk for them. If you're kids don't have issues and have had shots without trouble before then this anecdote shouldn't bea major factor in your decision for your children.

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I did call the original office and nurses line. I guess I take it with a grain of salt because they always say to take the kids to the ER.


After some research from me and the research the doctor did, fainting is not super uncommon (and has caused serious concerns) with this particular vaccine so he didn't try to say it was a needle phobia.:chillpill: Especially once he learned what Son has had done his life and hasn't fainted.:lol:


I'm comfortable with bringing Son home without the spinal tap but am certainly taking this seriously but praying that tomorrow at 1 (72 hours) he miraculously starts feeling better.


I'm going to do a little more research and let Son play Xbox for the rest of the day.


My husband is out of state for months (and seriously, I didn't expect the first ER visit to be the day after he left) and I couldn't find anyone home to take dd but decided that wasn't enough of a reason to not go!!!!


I'm glad I went. I did the vaccine with him knowing we could run into some stupid reaction. He's starting to understand that he may need to pick a different future than he has planned.


I have been getting back on the boards and getting myself psyched up for next school year. I haven't been on much for years and it has been neat to see what's new and get excited again.




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Every medical procedure, every medicine, has certain risks but keep in mind that the OP has children who've had reactions before and have sensitivities and this likely makes for an increased risk for them. If you're kids don't have issues and have had shots without trouble before then this anecdote shouldn't bea major factor in your decision for your children.



I would completely agree with you. I think whether one vaccinates or not is a personal choice but we didn't start out as anti-vaccine. Our children's health and reaction to the first one ever given started our research.


While we will probably continue the younger three with selective vaccines we will hold off on the older two kids. They are all from the same parents. The only reason I can think of that the 12, 10 and 7 are not reacting negatively to the same vaccines is because we knew with them that the way our genetics come together has created a weird chemical/environmental issue/sensitivity. We figured it out after two very, very sick kids (seizures, rages, sickness, barely able to function, couldn't even walk across the yard without getting tired) and made sure the other three kids were not exposed knowingly to pesticides, harsh chemicals, etc. Long story short about how we finally figured it out but oldest two are mostly healthy now so we thought we'd try for the most important vaccines. I liken the youngest three not reacting as negatively as when one knows there child could have an allergic reaction to strawberries so doesn't give it until the child is 2-4 years old or whatever and somehow that makes it to where the child doesn't have as allergic of a reaction.


I don't know if I'm even making sense, but the youngest three were protected from chemicals/things that would harm them, whereas we simply didn't know with the older two. We have found that as they have gotten older their reactions aren't as bad. They were unintentionally exposed once when younger and they all started stuttering (which is my first sign that we have major issues and I need to get them away from whatever). It turned out that the playground equipment (not the ground , which is what I thought) had been sprayed with a pesticide. We stopped going there, they stopped stuttering.


I don't feel that all vaccines are necessary but, to me, meningitis fit one of the important ones and we were willing to take what we knew could be a risk.




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Both my dds have had the vaccine with no problem. The OP said her dc have reactions to all vaccine. Read up on it and talk to your doc. I have a friend whose son nearly died from meningitis. So given the fact my dds never have more than a sore arm from vaccines we decided they should get it. Both have been in close living situations with others where it can spread easily, so it seemed prudent. If that weren't the case we wouldn't have done it. You have to weigh your dds own situation to make an informed choice.




Mine did fine. Other than a sore arm, there was no reaction.


When I was in college, a student down the hall from me in the dorm got it and died in a local hospital. I had lunch with her hours before she got really sick and still remember how alive and fun she was then. The entire floor was put on antibiotics, and it was a really scarey time.

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Hi Michelle,

What do you mean by this? :001_huh: What future do you think he won't be able to engage in? :grouphug:


Anything military where you receive every vaccine ever thought of. Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration.:tongue_smilie:


Hep B is one of the one's that first son had a really bad reaction to and both older sons want to go into law enforcement. To me, Hep B would be really, really important if one is in law enforcement.


I'm not saying they can't do law enforcement but military would be out.



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I'm so sorry that your family is going through this. I would self-report to VAERS unless you are absolutely your physician did this already. I would also report your other son's reaction.


VAERS does not require that you prove the vaccine caused the reaction. It serves as a collection of data for epidemiologists and researchers to examine. Reporting the reactions may be helpful to someone else in the future.



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Anything military where you receive every vaccine ever thought of. Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration.:tongue_smilie:


Hep B is one of the one's that first son had a really bad reaction to and both older sons want to go into law enforcement. To me, Hep B would be really, really important if one is in law enforcement.


I'm not saying they can't do law enforcement but military would be out.



That would be difficult. Could you maybe do a whole lot of brainstorming to find another avenue career-wise that might provide some of the same aspects?


Or maybe, does a reaction to one vaccine necessarily mean that there will be a reaction to all others? Maybe he could get through all of the others, but not the one he's specifically had a reaction to?


Just tossing thoughts around...:001_smile: I know I tend to be a Pollyanna personality. :D

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I'm so sorry that your family is going through this. I would self-report to VAERS unless you are absolutely your physician did this already. I would also report your other son's reaction.


VAERS does not require that you prove the vaccine caused the reaction. It serves as a collection of data for epidemiologists and researchers to examine. Reporting the reactions may be helpful to someone else in the future.




I was going to post this as well.


PLEASE report this to VAERS.

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Anything military where you receive every vaccine ever thought of. Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration.:tongue_smilie:


Hep B is one of the one's that first son had a really bad reaction to and both older sons want to go into law enforcement. To me, Hep B would be really, really important if one is in law enforcement.


I'm not saying they can't do law enforcement but military would be out.



This link says that there are medical exemptions available in the military:


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That would be difficult. Could you maybe do a whole lot of brainstorming to find another avenue career-wise that might provide some of the same aspects?


Or maybe, does a reaction to one vaccine necessarily mean that there will be a reaction to all others? Maybe he could get through all of the others, but not the one he's specifically had a reaction to?


Just tossing thoughts around...:001_smile: I know I tend to be a Pollyanna personality. :D



Well, so far we've had Hep B, Td and the meningitis. The older two have done poorly with all. I am going to do more research, but it's not looking real good for them. We've spread them out over months so as not to overwhelm the body. It's a dilemma, for sure.

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This link says that there are medical exemptions available in the military:



Even with an exemption, I personally feel that going into other countries without certain vaccines is not necessarily wise. When they have so many other options available to them I ask myself if it's really a fight worth having. I guarantee that trying to get a medical exemption from every. single. vaccine in the military would be a huge pain. If I could see into the future :001_smile: and know which vaccines would be fine and which wouldn't it would be wonderful indeed.


Thanks for the link.


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I was going to post this as well.


PLEASE report this to VAERS.


I am going to report this. I will ask my doctor if he did. I know the ER should've also, but will have to look at the paperwork they gave me and see what it says.


I appreciate that others report such info because when I was researching to find out about the vaccine I found that fainting with this particular vaccine is a reaction that many are not happy about.




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Well, so far we've had Hep B, Td and the meningitis. The older two have done poorly with all. I am going to do more research, but it's not looking real good for them. We've spread them out over months so as not to overwhelm the body. It's a dilemma, for sure.

So sorry about the situation. :grouphug:

I've never heard of anyone having an adverse reaction to *all* vaccines, without it being more of a psychosomatic reaction to injections overall.

(Or maybe an immune system problem?)


Both of your boys have this? Do either you or your dh?

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Actually, there are a few people who react to them all and it can also have to do with the developing of chemical allergies including latex. The nurse is wearing latex gloves, etc. I've seen children who went from vaccine reactions across the board (two former piano students of mine) to violent latex allergies. Since latex allergies are on the rise, it is something to think about. Many, many times medical facilities do not stop to consider how many chemicals, some of which are major known problems, are routinely used in the environment.


As for psychosomatic, you need to meet my daughter. Any vaccine causes shock and fevers of 106 sustained, not spiked. She is adamant about wanting to work in the medical profession and there are no waivers for paramedics to not being fully vaccinated. So, she gets them one at a time and we sit in the ER and wait. I don't know what all she reacts to but there are several vaccines that have formeldehyde as a preservative (some people are violently allergic to formeldehyde and chemical allergies are very, very rarely tested for) and I suspect it has much, much more to do with the chemical additives than the virus. Straight tetnus is the one that doesn't bother her and I found out lthat the tetnus booster (from the manufaturer her doctor uses) without pertussis does not have formeldehyde as a preservative. Her immune system is otherwise just fine and she is rarely sick with anything at all even a cold. She did once have a reaction inside an older, mobile home. I later found out that formeldehyde used to be a component in the wallboards often placed in these homes. So, I have my suspicions.


It's definitely not about the shots. When she assists the instructors with new paramedic classes, she allows them to practive IV starts on her. Seriously, someone with a psychosomatic reaction to injections is not going to be allowing medic students to poke her with 14, 16, 18 gauge needles!


My brother reacts to specific vaccines and they have to watch him carefully after allergy shots. So again, I really think it's not the biological element as much as the synthetic chemical sensitivity. I also think he may be developing a latex allergy. He developed a rash, nothing serious, but definitely an allergic rash around his last IV site. He was given a steroid cream to combat it but I was mad that nothing was notated in his chart about a possible reaction. GRRRRR..... He always, always, always, reacted violently (fevers of 105 and sustained for many hours plus occasional convulsions, screaming for hours on end as an infant, etc.) to vaccines. Three of his four children are just fine, but one reacts so badly (as in the first time he was given a lumbar puncture in order to rule out menengitis because his fever was 106.9 in the ER) that he can't be given any vaccines and he's getting to the place where he can't be given shots....gets a huge case of hives and has "itchy throat". Again, I think in this case there is a genetic propensity towards either a preservative or a chemical in the medical environment at the point of injection that causes this. But, doctors.do.not.listen.nor.do.they.report. because that goes against the status quo that barring a rare diagnosed immune disorder or cancer, vaccines are safe for everyone period.


So, I get what you are saying, but you've never met my dd or brother or nephew so you've never seen it first hand. But, it does exist.


Thankfully, dd is done getting all of her vaccines and the ER docs are absolutely wonderful to her for which I am eternally grateful because I think I'd be one ANGRY mamma if I had sit in an ER with her so she can be treated for the inevitable reaction and have everyone treat her like "it's all in her head". Exactly how does someone fake the fever and actual shock?


To the OP, follow your mommy instincts. It may not be worth the risks to continue immunizing the older two who have demonstrated chemical sensitivities.



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Even with an exemption, I personally feel that going into other countries without certain vaccines is not necessarily wise. When they have so many other options available to them I ask myself if it's really a fight worth having. I guarantee that trying to get a medical exemption from every. single. vaccine in the military would be a huge pain. If I could see into the future :001_smile: and know which vaccines would be fine and which wouldn't it would be wonderful indeed.


Thanks for the link.





How is your son doing today? I hope he is feeling better!



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I hope he is feeling better.


My youngest has had a terrible reaction to vaccines too. If your kids have chemical sensitivies, please read the ingredients lists on the vaccines before they get them. Your doctor should be able to provide this to you also. I've had to start checking the ingredients for everything, including inactive ingredients in medications.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest ashleyf213



I'm praying that you'll be able to help me here!! My son received this vaccine on Monday. He's 11. On Tuesday, he was complaining of his whole body hurting, severe sore throat, and his arm hurting. His arm has a red welp about 4in long and 2in wide and is severly hot to the touch. He ran 101.5 fever Tuesday night. I talked to the dr on call and was assured he was ok. Took Austin to the dr this morning. His test for strep throat was negative, and his chest, ears, nose, throat was clear. Throat wasn't even red but it's really bothering Austin. He's also extremely weak, his entire body hurts, even his feet when walking. The dr was trying to find something to diagnosis since reactions to this vaccine are rare. Austin has never had any reactions to any vaccines. But the dr concluded that he is having an adverse reaction to the shot. The dr said rest and tylenol. Well Austin's fever has gone up to 103, his throat is worse, he's still weak, back pain, slight stomach pain. It's like the vaccine is attacking austin's body. So I started reading online tonight and one rare side effect of this vaccine is to get Guillain-BarrĂƒÂ© syndrome - which is where your immune system attacks the nerves in the body, and the side effects include - back pain, tingling in hands and feet, unstable/inability/painful to walk, difficulty chewing or swallowing, muscle weakness, and fatiuge, along with a few others. It scares me that my son has a lot of these symptoms after getting this shot. Can you please provide me with any information you learned through this experience? 9am tomorrow morning will be 72hrs since he got this injection and I'm very nervous. I hope your son is doing well!!




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