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Would you take a pg test if...

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UPDATE: I tested and it was ++++++! Guess that'll teach DH not ask for special birthday TEA after I tell him the timing's not good. And the circumstances aren't ideal, but we're still thrilled. We've got 8 more months to get used to the idea (and buy a bigger car!). Thanks for all the advice.




You had only had 1 cycle, since the birth of your 14mo that was still bfing every 3-4 hours, but were now ~10 days overdue, crampy and starting to get really nauseous? I don't see how it's possible and we don't want it to be. DH is really worried though. So, would you waste the money to test or just wait it out?


Ugg... I guess majority wins. It's not the money. I just didn't want to lug all the kids on an hour round trip on my Sunday. :P Oh well, I don't think it's possible, but it will make DH happy to know, so... off to the store we go!

Edited by littlewigglebutts
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It would depend on if I had typical fertility signs with the one cycle (cervical mucous and breast tenderness, among others) and where in the cycle those symptoms occurred (later or earlier than usual). It is possible to have anovulatory cycles, especially when breastfeeding, and breastfeeding can keep the cycle length irregular too.

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If dh is "worried" and it would ease his mind (or allow him to process this), then I would do it.


You *could* be pregnant, but your symptoms *could* also be just the hormonal fluctuations of a body trying to get back to cycling after pregnancy / nursing for many months.


But if it would ease your mind, I think you should do it. If the cost is a serious concern, you can call a local crisis pregnancy center and they'll let you come in for a free test. You don't have to be an unmarried teenager. :)

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I'm laughing here...I just went through this! I'm still bf'ing my 19mo son, finally had my first cycle at 16 or 17mo, had 2nd right on time from pre-preggo time, and then I was almost 2 weeks late this last time! I'm not pregnant :) I'm having fertility signs right on time this month though so looks like I'm back on track already. Also happy to see another mom still bf'ing this much with an older baby! (guess mine is actually a toddler now...and showing no signs of letting me wean him though I have recently trying...before he's two is my goal!) I'll be POAS in a week and a half from now b/c I won't be able to wait any longer than that to see if I'm actually late... we'll just say we forgot to put the lid on the teA kettle. :lol:


POAS and let us all know!!! :)

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I would test, but then I am a HPT addict. I buy cheap ones in bulk on line.


It's a long story, but in spite of longstanding fertility issues, I conceived a surprise baby when her nearest older sibling was only five months old. I never had a period in between. At 41 y.o.


In the future, if you don't want to conceive, I would not rely on bfing as contraception.


good luck with the test :D

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I'm laughing here...I just went through this! I'm still bf'ing my 19mo son, finally had my first cycle at 16 or 17mo, had 2nd right on time from pre-preggo time, and then I was almost 2 weeks late this last time! I'm not pregnant :)


Hope if a couple days I can say the same!:D


Of course we firmly believe all babies are a blessing, so in the end we'll be happy either way!

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I would test as well. Tests are cheap. hck, buy three or four, then if it's negative, you can wait a week and test again.


I bf'ed 5yd dd until she was 2.5, little dd until she was 19 mos (she wanted to stop not me). With older dd, cycles came back at 14mos, with little dd, they came back at 10 mos.


Just to be sure!

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Ditto on Dollar Store Tests. I was in similar situation myself a few months ago, got a period at 15.5 months and then not again until 17.5-18 months- I tested a few times in between there. Now my period is back again for good and seems to be regular, which is nice(in its own way!).

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Snicker, snicker...that was me for about five years after dh's "v". I had health problems and really, really needed to not get pregnant and if I did, make a beeline for a high risk practitioner and a hematologist mighty quick! So, I was nervous, always suspecting that somehow, someway, some little swimmer was heading towards me even if dh did nothing more than breathe in my ear!


As for bf.ing...that did not stop me from being fertile at all. Always got my monthly back within 8 weeks of birth even though my kids were exclusively nursing at the time. I have a wicked, fertile body and I think it's out to get my mental health!!! LOL


Test, test, test, ....it's the only thing that keeps your sanity alive and kicking.



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You had only had 1 cycle, since the birth of your 14mo that was still bfing every 3-4 hours, but were now ~10 days overdue, crampy and starting to get really nauseous? I don't see how it's possible and we don't want it to be. DH is really worried though. So, would you waste the money to test or just wait it out?



Well, *I* would, but look at my track record. :P :D

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I would take my basal temp. If it's low, then I wouldn't bother testing and would expect AF soon. If it's high, then I would definitely test.


That's what I would do, too, though it's also possible if your temp is low that you haven't even ovulated yet. My longest cycle after having a baby would have been 60 days had I not gotten pregnant! We chart so I knew when to expect af.

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UPDATE: I tested and it was ++++++! Guess that'll teach DH not ask for special birthday TEA after I tell him the timing's not good. And the circumstances aren't ideal, but we're still thrilled. We've got 8 more months to get used to the idea (and buy a bigger car!). Thanks for all the advice.




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UPDATE: I tested and it was ++++++! Guess that'll teach DH not ask for special birthday TEA after I tell him the timing's not good. And the circumstances aren't ideal, but we're still thrilled. We've got 8 more months to get used to the idea (and buy a bigger car!). Thanks for all the advice.



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Congrats! And a little jealous--my baby turns 4 next month:(


Thanks everybody! We're still in a little bit a shock but in the good way. Now we just need recommendations for cars that seat 9.:lol:


12 passenger van? Not much else out there I don't think.

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