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Anyone started back yet?

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We are starting back Aug 1st, that way bible camps etc will be over. The kids aren't too happy with me but in order take all of December off we need too. For the month of August it will be school lite just to get back into routine and still give them lots of time to play with their friends in the afternoons as they will have very little time once I head back to work and extra currics start

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Ours is going to be lite for July. I think we'll start out with some art and foreign language for the olders and work on get the little one in a good routine. The girls have a thing to go to week after next, so I'll work with all of them this week, getting them oriented with their new materials and what's expected of them. Then the next week it'll just be me and ds, so I can spend a lot of time working with him. Then the next week really getting them on track so we can start full swing in August.

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I planned on started August 8th, but we cut the year off in the middle of May due to alot of housing things that had to be done to prep the house for sale. So once I get the rest of our books purchased we will start back to school I'm hoping July 25th to start back full force since we'll need to already allot to be off of school for a couple days to pack and an additional 4 days for a drive across the u.s. and then atleast a week to get things somewhat in order in the new home.


WOW all this talk I'm thinking that starting back to school July 18th would be better for us. The kids are squirrely and I need something else to do now that I'm not engulfed in painting, small house repairs and packing boxes.

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July is Reading, Math and a little writing.


Aug. 1st will start in full force.


I need the rest of July to get my thoughts together and organized. I also need to do testing in July.....:D


Thanks for the reminder so I can remind the boys!



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Yup! We started at the end of May, though we have taken a day off here and there, and still have a couple of family weeks coming up. This is our second school year/ first calendar year at it, so it took some explaining to their friends, but since we have either had thunderstorms or 90's weather all summer, my DS's have been okay with it.


They know they'll have time off in fall and spring when other kids are in school and it's more pleasant to be outdoors.


We've stll ended up with time for the swimming pool and slip and slide.

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I wanted to school through June 30 and take the summer off, then start up again September 1, but our life circumstances are such that we started July 1. Sigh. So much for that nice break I was looking forward to, a clean house, and completely prepared schedule with bins full of all the materials we'll need for the year.


On the bright side, we're enjoying our 2011-2012 picks so far.

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We have been keeping up with math and reading as much as we can (in between daily trips to the town pool, camp, etc).


My plan is to start back August 1st, then we are gone for one week at the end of August, then at beginning of September I have to drive daughter to school and then we will officially officially start with all subjects.

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In 2 weeks we start.


School holidays just started where we are and DH is a PS teacher so the kids spend time hanging out with him and I don't bother with schoolwork because Dad interupts all the time with things he wants to go do ;)

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Well, the summer got away from me. :tongue_smilie:


We stopped on the last day of June, had a crazy month, and planned on starting back last week. Except we didn't. My school room is not set up, and lesson plans are not done. I guess I'm going to have to accept that it isn't going to be perfectly planned, and at least start up Math, Reading, and Spelling again.


I just feel so unready to start again. :glare:

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August 1st is our start date too. I'm finding myself resisting it already, so I've made a mental decision to start off with something fun and light. I have a program that studies cultures around the world and includes recipes and games. I think I'll start with that to get back into the swing of things. I just can't bear the thought of opening the workbooks and being down in our school room quite yet!

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We start August 15th. We stay busy in the summer with beach days, lazying around the pool, taking extra field trips, road trips, etc. My kids definitely don't get stir crazy in the summer! We have to start back mid-August to try and cut their skin cancer risk a little bit. :lol:

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Time off during the other parts of the year includes a week in October, "Christmas-themed Homeschooling" during most of the month of December, two weeks off as a Christmas break, a week off in February, and a week off in April.



We do something similar too. One reason we're starting so early in the summer is that we take off some in the fall (sept or oct) when it's nice. Then we take off from thanksgiving till new years. During this time we've been doing xmas school for the last couple years. It's a lot of fun. Then we work all thru the spring and finish around mid-april.

It's nice being able to take off chunks of time when the weather is nice or there is a big holiday

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Not yet, but the natives are getting restless (well, the younger ones, anyway). We are trying to finish up our remodeling/building project before we start back (we have added 3 bedrooms and a school room to our house, so we would like for it to be useable before we start back, but we'll see...). My highschoolers will be starting back August 1st, and everyone else will start back the following week. I decided since we are switching curriculum this year it would be good to get my older girls going before jumping in with the younger kids.

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We are starting on Monday. It is just too hot to do anything else. And as a previous poster said, we would be able to take time off when it is cooler in the fall and spring.


I'm doing all the subjects that we enjoy but that we don't have time for during the main year. Oh, and FLL, because dd7 sees that as a "fun" subject, lol.

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We have taken 3 weeks off for family visiting, then will be back at it for 2 1/2 weeks wrapping up math and reviewing in other areas, then more time off for family visiting, then even more review.

I think our official new year start date will be the first week of Sept. We live in Mass. and our local district runs Sept. - June. We started in Aug. last year because we knew we'd be out a month in Feb. when DS was having surgery. With all of our missed days, etc. we started before the district but will finish long after. One of the beauties of HS'ing I guess? :)

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Oh I suppose I should get around to figuring out when we're going to start back and which weeks we want to take off during the year. I've been so happy that I actually figured out which curriculum we're going to use this year, I suppose I should think about when to start it. LOL

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