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Casey Anthony Trial -- a Verdict has been reached...

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For those following the trial, a verdict has been reached.


Will be shown live on CNN / HLN and who knows how many other channels -- at 2:15pm EST (so within the next 30-45 minutes)


That was quicker than I expected.

Will you post the verdict please? I do not have cable and my phone does not show all videos.


What does everyone think the verdict is?

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Good. She gives me the creeps and the stories did not wash for me. I had wondered if they had found a loop hole to get her off on as I have not been following it super close (just here or there).

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I am hoping that them being done so early means justice will be served for that sweet baby!! Even if the evidence is mostly circumstantial, there's NO reason that duct tape should EVER be on a baby - she killed her, end of story...she needs to be put away for life.

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Reminds me of the OJ Simpson trial.


She'll wind up in jail eventually. She's a proven liar and a thief and this verdict will make her think she can get away with anything. She'll wind up just like OJ.


I pretty much figured her defense team was throwing things to see if they could make reasonable doubt. They did. Hope they can sleep at night.

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She's only guilty for providing false information?!


Shocked too!


So what is she looking at for providing false information?


I heard up to four years. That's UP TO, she could get away with time served. :glare:


She should be neutered. (just my personal .02)

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My husband just called me . The only thing she was convicted of is lying to the police. I am ashamed and I apologize for the judicial system that I am a part of. I have never been ashamed to be a lawyer until today. That poor sweet child . And when this woman becomes pregnant again and neglects, abuses , or otherwise harms another of her offspring, may those jurors hang their heads in shame for what they have done today. Baez confused them effectively as to what the meaning of reasonable doubt actually refers to . It doesn't mean beyond all doubt. If she were fat, ugly or dark-skinned , she would be on death row . Trust me ,this is one area where I do unequivocally know of what I speak. Her parents should enjoy reaping what they have sown. Shame on them. I am disgusted. I am angry. But most of all, I cannot imagine what that child went through.

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