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Homeschool names?


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So on a few things I've been asked my homeschool name, we've just completed kindergarten. So I just jotted down our last name with homeschool after it... boring right? But it worked. However, now I feel like it would be better to have something a bit more fun. What do you go by?

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We call ourselves Fox Mountain Academy. I don't really publicize it anywhere, but that's what's on our homeschool IDs to look more official. :)


Cute! I am trying to think of something to fit us as a family. We live on a farm and are outside all the time so I need something that relates to that. I knew you would have something fun! I was just reading your newest blog post, lol. Love it!

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Now that our oldest is a rising first grader, we are getting serious about turning our basement into a dedicated home school space. Thus it is now officially:


The Home School Dungeon


This would amuse us under any circumstances, but the fact that we have so many friends who are horrified that we are home schooling puts extra awesomesauce on top.

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We will most likely be Tarbiyah Academy when we file with the state next year. Right now, I just call it Work of Childhood if I put it on anything since that's what I named my HS blog. I love the idea of Tarbiyah Academy though :)


The word "Tarbiyah" is an Arabic word that linguistically means increase, growth, and loftiness. Conventionally, Tarbiyah means the development and training of people in various aspects. The word is commonly used to describe the upbringing of children as the parents provide them with the physical, educational, moral, and spiritual needs to help them grow and become useful parties in the society.
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I (naturally) wanted to use something Penn State related, but since it will eventually appear on their official transcripts when applying to colleges, I didn't want to get into any trouble there <grin>.


So I used the name of our family farm. We don't live there any more-- my Mom and cousins all do-- but we visit often and celebrate our holidays and family gatherings there, and the kids live for the next time we are heading there; it is a place of freedom from schedules and pressure and expectations, just as it was for me when I was growing up (yes, there is a LOT of work (and pressure) in farming, but somehow, with your whole extended family present to support you, and pitching in on all of the work, even when you're working your hardest, it never feels like "work." It feels like what you do because you love it.


So, we are the Hillandale Farm School.




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We've talked about this a lot for the past 3 years. The kids jokingly called us Big Brain Academy after the game, but I told them that couldn't be our official name. We were just thinking about it this week. I wish I could be creative. The best I can come up with so far is Olympic View Academy, although the boys want to go with Stormwind Academy for the Exceptionally Talented (it's a WoW reference, lol).

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Etz Chayim Jewish Academy.


In Alabama, you have to register with a "church school" to home school without a licensed tutor.


BUT, there are no laws about how a "church school" is established or run, so I went to the board of my synagogue (which is called Etz Chayim) and said "I would like to establish a church school through the synagogue, please".


After some of the older board members satisfied themselves that we'd be in accordance with the law by doing so, Etz Chayim Jewish Academy was born. We're the only members. :D

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We're not required, here, to have a name.. but, considering when I was homeschooled we named it due to being in the US I figured we'd name the kids homeschool to.


Thus we are Solid Rock College, discipling children, building faith, & satisfying curiosity.


I'll admit we even have a logo which is Mt Uluru/Ayer's Rock with a semi dotted font {think Aboriginal dot painting} written on the rock. We've also written a Bible reference on the rock in regards to our school name. :D


It makes for fun putting logos on t-shirts for when we go on "school excursions".. you know, like on July 1st when even dh is taking off work so we can go to the movies. Unfortunately, now my mil thinks my children were uniforms "to school" in order to "be in the right frame of mind". Seriously.. she tells her friends this and my kids eyebrows go sky high and they shrug. ;)

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We've talked about this a lot for the past 3 years. The kids jokingly called us Big Brain Academy after the game, but I told them that couldn't be our official name. We were just thinking about it this week. I wish I could be creative. The best I can come up with so far is Olympic View Academy, although the boys want to go with Stormwind Academy for the Exceptionally Talented (it's a WoW reference, lol).


I love it! I'd go with it. :D

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For awhile I called our school Wildwood Mountain Academy. We live next to a hill, but on the map it is called a mountain. :lol: I swear it's just a big hill, but I like the idea of living on a mountain. The name isn't really used at all, and ds didn't like the word academy in there. I think he thought it sounded more serious and maybe he'd have to work harder. I came up with Plumtree Cottage School later, inspired by a sweet story we read. Truth is...we really don't have a name and nowhere to use it anyway. Only when I print up some schedule or some such.

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Right now we are Cornerstone Classical Academy. We have a huge number of oaks in the yard so I wanted to be Shady Oaks Academy (or Classical Academy) but that seems like a better name for a retirement home than a school. I'm still undecided but I would like to pick something official.

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We went through many names. We don't have to name the school but the kids like to have a name so when people ask where they go they can say something. I've found that having a school name for them helps us because then we don't have to deal with the homeschool nay-sayers.


At first we were Evanlu Academy, I used the first two letters of each kids name. They hated it. Then my dh came up with Voyager Academy (after the StarTrek show) and it was ok, but turns out there is a real Voyager Academy and in a state we could end up being stationed in, so we changed it to Voyager Learning Center. Again the kids hated it, my oldest said it sounded like a pre-school which wouldn't be good for a middle or high school student. I asked them to come up with something then.


They decided on Fawkes Academy, after the Phoenix in Harry Potter. They love that bird and thought a phoenix would make a great mascot. They came up with the motto "Soaring, through home education" and we've stuck with that for the last 5 years. My kids love telling people they go to Fawkes Academy.

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Meriwether Homeschool. At the time we started homeschooling, all of my children had been born along the Lewis and Clark trail.


We have colors and a mascot (The Explorers of course), but we haven't actually done anything with all of that. I mostly like it because Dh sat and made a list of goals with me one day, and he hates that kind of thing. That was the day we chose our name.

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We don't use a name anywhere, because my daughter is very proud that we homeschool, but when we started I called it Excelsior Preparatory School, partially due to the overabundance of homeschools with the name Academy in the title. Apparently I MUST be different, even in a minority group. :tongue_smilie:

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We're officially part of a cover school, but our unofficial name is "Our Lady of Song School". Lady of Song is what my first/middle names translated into, and it just SOUNDS like a Catholic school. Except that we're Lutheran.


My daughter would probably love to go to "Dragon Academy" or something like that :)

Edited by dmmetler
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I guess I am one of those boring people - we are {Last name} Academy. One of our friends uses {Name of street} Academy. Hmmm that previous poster might be right about the over-use of the word Academy. Great! Now I feel the need to break out of the "norm" and do something unexpected!!!


Serendipity School?

Eclectic Scholars R Us?

Yellow Jacket Training Academy? (a shout out to my alma-mater!)

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Now that our oldest is a rising first grader, we are getting serious about turning our basement into a dedicated home school space. Thus it is now officially:


The Home School Dungeon


This would amuse us under any circumstances, but the fact that we have so many friends who are horrified that we are home schooling puts extra awesomesauce on top.


Where's the "like" button, lol?!

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You could do like me and name it after the road that you live on....and then move :confused: Thankfully it wasn't a bad sounding name :)


:iagree: except for the moving part. That's what I did.


They decided on Fawkes Academy, after the Phoenix in Harry Potter. They love that bird and thought a phoenix would make a great mascot. They came up with the motto "Soaring, through home education" and we've stuck with that for the last 5 years. My kids love telling people they go to Fawkes Academy.


One of my friends named hers (officially on state paperwork) Hogwarts. Her kids love telling adults who asked that they go to Hogwarts. My friend nods her head sagely and they glide past the unbelieving adults . . . :tongue_smilie:

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we just started homeschooling last year. my son is going in 9th grade. we are developing a coat of arts, mascot, motto, and colors--all with meaning for our homeschool. we are developing now. you could probably add to your concept as your child gets older. its alot of fun. we started with our family coat of arms and crest for inspiration. we have a picture of a "boar" on our family crest which means "hospitality." we will probably incorporate this animal in some how and use the colors etc... from our coat of arms and crest too. its a fun project and if you go with this angle, you could do a whole bunch of family ancestry too and research your child's name meaning. the possibilities are endless. ancestry.com has a free trial that i think is 14 days. you could probably get all the info you need within that time frame. anyway, have fun with it!!


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We are Marley Academy, after Bob Marley, because I love the lyrics from Redemption Song that are in my sig. They completely fit with my ideas on education.


My dd9 wants to change it to something nature-related. I told her she can call it anything she likes. We don't have to provide a name here, so I just use Marley Academy when ordering from Scholastic or the like. I'll still call it Marley Academy regardless of what dd decides on.



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I guess I am one of those boring people - we are {Last name} Academy. One of our friends uses {Name of street} Academy. Hmmm that previous poster might be right about the over-use of the word Academy. Great! Now I feel the need to break out of the "norm" and do something unexpected!!!


Serendipity School?

Eclectic Scholars R Us?

Yellow Jacket Training Academy? (a shout out to my alma-mater!)[/QUOTE]


Not a good idea if you are around Athens!:lol:

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We are the Olive Tree Academy, taken from Psalm 128:3b. We want our olive shoots to grow up in the faith!


We don't need the name where we live, but may in the future. The only time I use the name is when I take beginning-of-the-school-year pics of the kids. Each kid has to hold up a sign that has the school name and their grade on it. I post them on FB. :) I already designed T-shirts but was too cheap at the time to actually buy them! I thought they'd be fun to wear on "field trips".


ETA: Here are some questions one of the posters asked me when I was trying to figure out our school name. Maybe these can get your creative juices flowing!


What are the specific goals/ideals which drive your homeschool?


Do you want your name to have religious connotations?


What are your family likes/favorites? (wide-open question!)


A thought I'd add: Do any of the answers to the above questions sound loads better in another language?

Edited by LivingOutLove
adding questions
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