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? for twin mamas

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My OB convinced me today to not have a Level II u/s unless the standard u/s in her office next week shows something irregular. Is this standard or should I push for a Level II? The only reason we would get the Level II is so we can be prepared if I need to deliver in Phoenix 1.5 hours away (finding childcare/lodging, etc.). I usually decline most testing but this twin thing is a whole new experience for me so I am not sure what I should be getting done and what is OK to pass on.


Also, I'm not sharing this with anyone else IRL (including dh as he can't keep a secret) but I found out we'll be adding a little boy and a little girl to the mix! I am over the moon excited except that I don't have a boy name (again)! Our last boy wasn't named for 6 days and his was my last truly favorite name left on the list so I may need help! Dh suggested we name the babies Ele and Ven, lol. :D


I may have many more twin questions so if there is anyone who would be willing to field those would you indicate that I can PM you? Thanks!

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OK, I need more coffee... seriously. I just almost posted this asking if your twins are identical. :blushing: A nap might do me better...


Anyway, I only had a Level II b/c my twins were identical, so there was a chance of TTTS. Since yours are fraternal, there isn't that risk. I wouldn't bother My OB at the time, since it was twins, gave me an u/s at every visit, and I might've pushed for one, if that hadn't been the case.



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Congrats!! I have fraternal twin girls. I did not have a level 2 ultrasound until around 26 weeks when possible disconcordant growth was noted. I think it is pretty standard practice to wait and see if there is a reason to do it.


Feel free to PM me anytime. I love to discuss twin stuff - they are my "onlies". :D

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Normally I would say don't worry about it. With your history of miscarriages though, I think I would feel better getting it done if I were you. I had one w/ my twins (fraternal), even though there weren't any risks, and I got a level one at every visit besides.

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The Level 2 ultrasound was when my one twin's hydronephrosis was discovered. He went on to have surgery at about 8 months old to fix it (he had an obstruction). If it weren't for the level 2 ultrasound, we would not have known about the defect until he was older and showed symptoms (which are notoriously vague), in which case kidney tissue would likely have been permanently damaged.


But aside from that rare situation (and a host of other rare possible situations), I would be concerned about growth issues as the pregnancy progresses.


I don't see a reason not to do it. Based on my own anecdotal experience generally, IMO twin pregnancies are not low-risk, and if I had to do it over again, I would see a peri in addition to my OB, for a number of reasons.


Congrats and good luck!!

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First of all- Congratulations!:party: I also have b/g twins. They're 29. With every pg, we checked out baby name books from the library...there were more possibilities there than I would have imagined. I hope the rest of your pg goes well and everyone is as excited to meet them as you are.

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I have boy/girl twins that are 2 1/2. I had MANY level 2 ultrasounds during my twins pregnancy. I do feel that they are important, and I would rather be thorough and know they are both okay. It is much harder to see everything when there are two babies in there. You can PM me anytime with questions! Congratulations on your twins...they truly are a blessing! :)






ETA-I was seeing a peri also, which is who did all of my level 2 ultrasounds, and would highly recommend seeing one. Things are different with twins, even if they are fraternal.

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Congrats! I have twin boys who are probably fraternal... maybe... ah, who knows. We'll get around to testing one of these days, I'm sure. Anyway, I had a really low intervention pregnancy with a planned homebirth (though I ended up a transport to the hospital - but no emergency... long story...). Basically, I think the medical establishment often tries to super over-medicalize twin births, which are obviously more dangerous, but not necessarily that much more dangerous. Especially if your OB isn't pushing for it, I absolutely wouldn't bother. But that's just my personal take.


Twins is great. :)

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I saw a perinatologist throughout my pregnancy because of cervical funneling and the concern they would be very premature due to that. (they were full term, 6 1/2 lbs each)


I wouldn't decline any ultrasound with multiples. It's a whole different ballgame than with one. (and just so you don't end up feeling crazy or incompetent, parenting twins is different than one at a time, too, which can be a shock when you think you've got it down through having other kiddos)


My fraternal boys (who look identical) are Holden and Quinn.

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I have 4.5 year old "identical" twin girls, and what strikes me about this thread is that the other mothers have such clear recollections of what tests they did or didn't have. I don't doubt that you all really do remember this stuff, I am simply in awe. :001_huh:


Personally, I have no memory of that three or four year period of life, from the twins' conception to about their third birthday. I certainly do not remember the specifics of a Level II anything, but we did end up with two beautiful, healthy, full-term baby girls. Twins are great!

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I had so many LVL II ultrasounds with my twins it was ridiculous. BUT I had a history of miscarriage, they were identical, and sharing a placenta and outer membrane. Lots of risk factors there. I would probably go ahead and have a LVL II even with no other risk factors other than a twin pregnancy. There are just more things that can go wrong that are easily detected with that.


Also, feel free to add me to your PM list :)

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Personally, I have no memory of that three or four year period of life, from the twins' conception to about their third birthday. I certainly do not remember the specifics of a Level II anything, but we did end up with two beautiful, healthy, full-term baby girls. Twins are great!



Lol! I have almost zero memory from the time of birth until about the age of 3....I feel your pain! Before and after....not too bad.

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I had a "special" ultrasound in the "city" an hour an a half away twice this pregnancy.


I am not sure if it was level 2 or not... it was more involved and detailed than the ones I have at my OB's office.


We were given the choice and encouraged to do it because of the twins and because I turned 35 partway through the pregnancy.


Our twins are fraternal girls (as far as we know). They only share the womb.


At the second one they did the cervix check for pre-term labor. The drive was exhausting for me... jfyi.


I would feel comfortable going with the suggestions of your OB.

We were given the choice and we choose conservatively- but that is who we are! ;)


Rebecca 36 weeks and 3 days.

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I have 4.5 year old "identical" twin girls, and what strikes me about this thread is that the other mothers have such clear recollections of what tests they did or didn't have. I don't doubt that you all really do remember this stuff, I am simply in awe. :001_huh:


Personally, I have no memory of that three or four year period of life, from the twins' conception to about their third birthday. I certainly do not remember the specifics of a Level II anything, but we did end up with two beautiful, healthy, full-term baby girls. Twins are great!


No, you're not alone. Sleep deprivation and crazy seem to interfere with recall.


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I think it's way past time you changed your name!


IN all honesty, I don't remember the ultrasounds I had with mine. Just, oh, there's a heartbeat--and another! That's the one I remember. And I'm the same as a PP, where from that moment to about when they were 3/4 I remember nothing. :D

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Oh, I feel so much better that I'm not alone in my memory lapses! DH talks about events that happened in the past few years that I have no memory of, even when I am reminded that they did in fact happen.


That being said, I have b/g twins who are 4.5 now. I don't think I had a Level II U/S, and guess I didn't know that was an option or something I should've asked for. I don't remember it ever being mentioned.


Congrats on your new additions! :001_smile:

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I haven't read the other posts, so sorry if this has already been said.

Since you are having fraternal twins there are fewer things that could go wrong. They will be in their own placenta, so there won't be able to strangle each other with cords, and they won't have TTTS. Those were the two biggest concerns with my pregnancy. You can pm me if you want.

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We had preterm labor and a IUGR baby so we ended up with a lot of them in the end but I don't know if the ultrasounds I got were level II or not. They didn't tell me I guess.


Outside of issues which you're much less likely to have given the number of babies you've had and that they are fraternal, I don't know why it would be needed.

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My fraternal girl twinkies are 18 months. I had the higher level ultrasound but only because other reasons warranted a referral to a periontologist (sp?). I had trouble with cervix shortening (with a history of preterm labor) so I had ultrasounds to check cervix length and baby growth almost constantly. It was a long pregnancy but of course worth it in the end. I had 4 previous deliveries so my OB had no problem trying for a vaginal delivery (and we were successful with that). If you have any questions about that or want to chat about deliveries you can pm me. I'm sure all of us twin mamas have a soft spot in our hearts for twin mamas to be! :)

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Congrats!! I have boy/girl twins, too. You are welcome to pm me anytime you want and I'll do my best to remember ;). What's the difference between a level 1 and a level 2? I had ultrasounds all the time - most visits to be sure. One of them, at around 5 months, was a little different and we got pictures and a video tape (that we can't play in any of the dvd players now:tongue_smilie:) - maybe that was a level 2?

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I have frat. twin boys and I also cannot remember anything until age 3. There are also very few pictures or videos of this period .But, I also had a very high-need 18 month old at that time, though, so that might explain the lack of recollection.



Oh, my goodness! Elm! You had another boy? Oh, my goodness! Five!


God bless you.

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I have identical twin boys who are nearly six. I still haven't recovered my memory!


Anyway, I don't see any reason for a higher level ultrasound but then again I'm not your dr. And with your history of miscarriage you might feel better with one.


I had a million and one ultrasounds because my twins shared a placenta.

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(didn't read the other replies)


My fraternals (b/g) are now 14, so things may be different nowadays.


I had 5 regular ultrasounds throughout, the last at 35 weeks. Never had a Level II with that pregnancy. Since your babies are in separate sacs, it may not be necessary unless problems arise later in the pregnancy.


If you have had problems with the placenta in previous pregnancies, maybe a closer look is warranted? I dunno... I think getting one early without a real perceived need for it would depend a lot on whether or not it's covered by insurance.


Congrats on your multiples!

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I have boy/girl twins that are 2 1/2. I had MANY level 2 ultrasounds during my twins pregnancy. I do feel that they are important, and I would rather be thorough and know they are both okay. It is much harder to see everything when there are two babies in there. You can PM me anytime with questions! Congratulations on your twins...they truly are a blessing! :)


ETA-I was seeing a peri also, which is who did all of my level 2 ultrasounds, and would highly recommend seeing one. Things are different with twins, even if they are fraternal.


Same here. I had U/S every doctor visit and at 16 weeks I had a level 2. If all had gone well from there my OB said he would do another level 2 around 30 weeks.


But at 20 weeks I ended up preterm contractions and was in hospital for two weeks and then was sent home on full bedrest and a terbutaline pump. From then on I had stress tests and level 2 U/S every two weeks.


Also I had other health issues and my twins are IVF babies. So I was considered high risk from day one.


Even my singletons I had around four U/S and at least two level 2 U/S. Again, there were "concerns" that the doctors just wanted to keep an eye on. But also keep in mind the U/S are not totally accurate. Ds#2 was measured at 36 weeks that he would be around 6lbs at birth. Also there was concern about the amount of amniotic fluid so he was induced 9 days before due date. He weighed 7lbs 8oz!!!!!!

Edited by AnitaMcC
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We have 5 year old B/G twins. I'm not sure if I had a Level II. I'm not even sure what that means. I had the regular 20 wk u/s with a peri because she was the one with the opening in the woman's clinic. That is when we found out we were expecting twins!! After that I had regular ultrasounds and several non-stress tests to monitor the babies' heart rates.


ETA: I think the follow-up ultrasounds were with the peri so they may have been Level II all along.

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I don't have twins, but I was always prepared for them. Frat twins run in my family. I always said if I had boy/girl twins, I would name them Gabriel and Evangeline. Weird, I know, but I grew up in south Louisiana. The town in which I was born had the Evangeline Oak, the fabled landing of Emmeline in Longfellow's Evangeline. Just throwing that out there.:D


And can I say that I am just so happy your pregnancy has progressed in such a blessed manner? Enjoy those little bundles!

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I had a level 2 ultrasound at twenty weeks when I was pregnant with my twins. I developed pre-term labor at 23 weeks, and I had a level 2 ultrasound every two weeks until I delivered.


Congratulations, twins are wonderful!

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Just had to say that my mother-in-law had identical boy twins 60 years ago - and I'm pretty sure she didn't have any ultrasounds at all! :lol:


(I'm NOT saying you shouldn't have tests!!!)


Congratulations on your forthcoming blessings!!!


I'm hoping for twin grandbabies someday...



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I have identical twins, and I had upteen gajillion high-level ultrasounds, but that's because they were monoamniotic (sharing an amniotic sac and the placenta). I'm sorry, I don't know what advice to give to a mom of fraternal twins!


But having twins is wonderful. Crazy tiring, especially in the early days, but truly wonderful. Congratulations!

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Just had to say that my mother-in-law had identical boy twins 60 years ago - and I'm pretty sure she didn't have any ultrasounds at all! :lol:


(I'm NOT saying you shouldn't have tests!!!)


Congratulations on your forthcoming blessings!!!


I'm hoping for twin grandbabies someday...




My mother had twins 24 years ago. No ultrasounds for here either. The doctor wouldn't even believe she was having twins until the nurse pointed out that she was still pretty large after having one baby. Next one was born shortly after:001_smile:.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have fraternal twin girls who are almost 23 mos old. Feel free to PM me anytime! I had two level 2 u/s. The first was the 18 week one, because it was twins, because I had a history of m/c, because I'm old (36 when I had them) :) and because the wonderful u/s tech in my OB office recommended it to make sure she had missed nothing. (The level 2 was done at the hospital.) I had a 2nd level 2 u/s because there was some concern that one twin was getting quite a bit bigger. It turned out they weighed 6 lbs 2 oz and 6 lbs 8 oz, not much difference at all. PM me anytime, seriously! I love, love, love having twins and wish we would be blessed with another set. :)

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Just wanted to update: I didn't get a Level II but did have a fabulous u/s at my OB's office. Everything looks amazing for both babies which amazes me! 11 ultrasounds, 11 babies, 11 times being told good news?! I am in awe.


The only bad thing is that I almost passed out due to laying back and the pressure from the babies. I am so afraid of needing a c/s for this very reason and what happened during the u/s confirmed my fear.

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